6. Ahmad Fauzan, Norlezah Hashim, Fakrulradzi EIdris, Siti Suhaila Jaapar ”Automatic traffic light for ambulatory services using peripheral interface controller”
A peripheral interface controller-programmed traffic light controller with a priority system for ambulatory services. In emergency scenarios, ambulatory services like ambulances can cause traffic light signals will immediately morph from red to green. Radio Frequency (RF) technology will enable the traffic signal function to resume after the ambulance has finished crossing the road. The findings show that the design has a response range of 55 metres. Problem with RF: 1. The range of the proposed system is too short for real-life situations.
2. Prepubescent children, expectant mothers, elderly people, pacemaker patients, tiny birds, and people with pacemakers are all affected by the uncontrolled radiation of RF.
7. Divya K, Anuradha Bandage, Divij N ”IOT-based Au- tomated Traffic Light System for ambulatory services using Lo-Ra” ISSN (online): 2349-784X July 2019
A technique that may be used to find ambulatory services using sirens. The recommended approach may be used to detect an ambulatory services siren by placing smart devices utilising long-range, low-power Lo-Ra near the intersection. The eventual resetting of traffic lights after ambulatory services have left the site is made possible by the deployment of sound detecting sensors. The system can’t manage deadlock situations, which is a drawback.
8. Maram Fahhad, Mamoona Humayun, Noor Zaman Jhanjhi ”Automatic Traffic System for ambulatory services” Electronics 11040510.
It gathers and transmits information from EVs to the road- side units using cutting-edge technology, GPS, including IOT’s Sensors, 5G, and Cloud Computing (RSU). The suggested strategy was assessed using mathematical modelling. The findings demonstrate that the EVMS can drastically shorten EV travel times while preserving regular automobiles’ perfor- mance. Cons: The suggested system is not financially viable since it incorporates 5G technology, cloud computing, and IOT’s sensors.
9. Kapileswar and Gerhard P ”A Urban Traffic Manage- ment System Using WSN”
Traffic congestion, a static control system could hinder ambulatory services. Because they can monitor traffic and ease congestion on the roads, WSN have attracted increasing interest. For moving vehicles, the typical wait times (AWTs) at crossings. To track real-time traffic, researchers are increas- ingly deploying WSN, Infrared signals, VANETs, Bluetooth devices, RF-IDs, Cameras, and ZigBee. Utilizing WSN and several fuzzy logic controllers, priority-based signalling ap- proaches are used in traffic management to reduce the amount of vehicles and traffic to identify ambulatory services. Analysis of the drawbacks: It could be interesting to investigate the use of PLCs and SCADA systems in intelligent transportation systems for smooth traffic flow.
10. Deepika Bhandari, Ayush Kr ”A novel approach to im- plementing the green system and detection of stolen vehicles” DOI 10.1109/IAdCC.2013.6514372 Date of Conference 22-23 February 2013
Technology that ”provides a green way path” and changes every red light into a green one to provide access to any ambulatory services. Along with the green wave path, this will also follow a stolen automobile through a traffic light.
This tracking system runs without a battery, unlike previ- ous tracking devices. This is accomplished using the GSM, quick microcontrollers, RF-ID technology. Backdraw: The suggested system’s range is insufficient for use in practical applications.
11. G. Padmavathi, M. Kalaivani, D. Shanmugapriya, ”A Study on Detection and Tracking Using Wireless Sensor Net- works”.
The system uses three parts to find and follow moving things. The first part comprises low-cost, off-the-shelf wireless sensor gadgets, such as MicaZ motes, that can detect magnetic and auditory signals produced by moving objects. The data ag- gregation is carried out by the second component. Data fusion methods are handled by the system’s third element. Real-time tests are necessary to determine whether a particle filtering method based on the Bayesian TBD estimator method is a promising candidate for target recognition and tracking with WSNs. Despite being resource-efficient, it has a significant propagation latency.
12. Bilal Ghazal; Khaled Chahine; Khaled ElKhatib; Mo- hamad Kherfan; ”Smart traffic light system”.
In this research, a PIC microcontroller-based system is suggested that generates dynamic time slots with different levels and detects traffic density using IR sensors. The issue of ambulatory services becoming trapped on congested highways is also addressed by the development of a portable controller device. Back there: 1. Limited range and support for shorter ranges are two IR-based systems. 2. Be impeded by everyday objects. 3. The rate of data transfer is poor. 4. Can be affected by external conditions like sunshine, pollution, rain, fog, dust, and so forth.
13. Chen-Wei Yang, and Wei-Chun Chiang, Chyi-Ren Dow, Kuang-Ho Chen, Da-Jie Lin, ”An NTC-IP-based Semantic ITS Middleware for ambulatory services Preemption”
Such an automated system cannot be provided since inter- operability and performance are not currently being signifi- cantly explored in ITS middleware research. The Bevor ITS middleware for ambulatory services preemption based on ITS is suggested. NTC-IP protocols are used for communication layer of Bevor to achieve communicating information and data consistency across the majority of equipment and devices. Transmission efficiency was greatly improved by the use of NTC-IP. Web 3.0 architecture and XML interchange used in the development of Bevor’s Service Layer make it simple to access semantic data and carry out operations like event detection, policy matching, and other related activities. Com- pared to the modern technologies supplied by languages, the technology and procedures utilised in this study are outdated, which results in low accuracy and efficiency.
14. Michael Weber Institute, Florian Schaub, Frank Kargl, Andreas Buchenscheit, Ulm University, Germany “A VANET- based ambulatory services Warning System ”
The video analysis and the rationale show that travels in re- action to emergencies might seriously jeopardize traffic safety. With the use of VANET technology, such operations may be safer and faster, possibly even saving lives. Additional data
about ambulatory services locations, routes and speeds may be transmitted via VANET technology to infrastructure and other road users. Field testing and To evaluate the efficiency and security using similar technologies as larger bandwidth, simulations are necessary. Typically, a 10% of the cost of equipment regarded the absolute min required. If governmental agencies equipped all traffic signals and ambulatory care in a region with onboard units, the uses detailed in this article would be immediately beneficial to every motorist who purchased an on-board device for their car with receivers and relays. Limitation: Prior to that, a few technical problems required to be fixed; these problems will be the subject of our continuous work. The system’s scalability, security, and privacy are further concerns that must be resolved.
15. Djamel Djenouria, Messaoud Doudouab, Abdelmad- jid Bouabdallahc Nadjib Badacheab, Mohamed AmineKafiab, Yacine Challalc “A Survey on Urban Traffic Management System Using WSN”
A detailed analysis of current urban traffic control strategies has been conducted. To understand the objectives of urban traffic management, it is necessary to analyze the key difficul- ties with congestion control, average waiting time reduction, providing ambulatory services priority, and the design needs of intelligent traffic systems. Despite several research initiatives and notable advancements in traffic management systems over the past few years, there are still problems that need to be tackled.
16. Swarup, “Intelligent Traffic Control System Imple- mentation for Traffic Violation Control and Stolen Vehicle Detection”
Fewer contacts with humans are required because the entire system is automated. A message notification is sent and a sign rings when a stolen automobile is discovered, alerting any nearby intersections. ambulatory services such as ambulances must finish their tasks as soon as feasible. If they concen- trate a lot of their efforts on congested roads. As soon as the crisis vehicle is freed, the activity becomes green, and the ambulatory vehicle is still standing in the intersection. Immediately following the emergency vehicle, the signal turns red. The framework is currently implemented by using street one as the activity intersection’s street. Given how valuable ZIGBEE modules are for organising remote sensors, they may eventually incorporate them into framework revisions.
17. Juhi R Srivastava, 2016, “Intelligent Traffic Manage- ment with Wireless Sensor Networks”
The work that is being presented aims to make a junction more flexible to the existing traffic congestion at the junction by reducing the average width between automobiles at a junc- tion. The AWT at a junction can be decreased by employing the techniques suggested and assessed in this study using the Green Light District Simulator (GLD). They come to the conclusion that our system is much more flexible and efficient than the conventional approach. The simulation results may already be used to a real-time WSN architecture. They believe that this strategy can help save on fuel. A traffic control system may also be provided by the Intelligent Traffic System and other technologies like RF-ID, GPRS, and GPS.
18. Sai Surya Prakash Moka1 “Real Time Density Traf- fic Surveillance System Integrated with Acoustic ambulatory services Detection”
The traffic density is calculated using digital image pro- cessing techniques, and ambulatory services are located using signal processing methods. The entire proposed model is represented with the proper schematics, and hardware im- plementation verifies the results. The process starts with the gathering of images and audio, continues with skillful edge identification and sound reduction using a LMS filter, and then assigns green signals to the lanes based on the outcome results.
19. Deepthi R , Sarath Sasidharan, ”Real Time Smart Traffic Control System Using Dynamic Background”
An image processing was proposed in this study to give all ambulatory services high priority and allow them to safely navigate the traffic signal. This helps them to go to the emergency spot swiftly and so save the lives of others nearby. This is performed using Image processing techniques for pre- processing. In an later effort, they intend to include more ambulatory services qualities to enhance the detection.
20. Jitin Tan, Dheeraj and Sarfaraz Masod, “A Smart Traffic Solution for High Priority Ambulatory Vehicles”
Simulating traffic for high priority autos was done in this study through TRA-CI’s TCP based design, SUMO is reach- able. As a server, SUMO is in charge of putting the simulation together. The simulation is subsequently taken over by an external component. The client must initiate and terminate connections with SUMO. The model continually aids at every intersections while switching to green for it when requested. Simulation results show that the recommended strategy can drastically shorten the distance an ambulance must drive, allowing it to arrive sooner. In this study, ambulance was emphasised as an HPV.
21. Rui Zhang and Kotagiri Ramamohanarao, Hairuo Xie, Shanika Karunasekera, Egemen Tanin, Lars Kulik,,” A Simula- tion Study of ambulatory services Prioritization in Intelligent Systems ”
They replicate an intelligent transportation system at the microscopic level in this study, in which ambulatory services broadcast particular info about the itineraries to passing au- tomobiles and lights. According to the analysis, broadcasting the route information can significantly cut down on how long it takes ambulatory services to arrive. The difference in travel time between ambulatory services and non-priority cars may only be 37.1% in some cases.
22. Mohammad Reza Binesh Marvasti, Parviz Ghor- banzade, Pouran Soleimani ”A Hybrid Traffic Management Method on Combination of IOV and VANET Network in Urban Routing for ambulatory services”
They provide a solution to get beyond VANETs’ technology limitations and handle larger ecosystems for emergencies. In order to overcome communication impediments and pro- vide ambulatory services with a safe and secure route to their destination, the hybrid model—which combines IOV and VANET—combines IOV and VANET. They assessed the efficiency of the V2V approach and suggested an approach utilising a hybrid IOV and VANET architecture that makes use of the AODV and DSDV protocols. Based on the findings from the four assessment criteria, it was concluded that the suggested technique was superior to the V2V method and had given outcomes that were acceptable.The findings show that in terms of throughput, End-to-End latency, PDR, and bandwidth, the AO-DV protocol-based method performs at its peak.
23. Syeda Shabnam, K.M.A Salam4, Shajnush Amir1, Mirza Sarwar Kamal2, ”PLC-based traffic control system with ambulatory services detection and management”
The ambulatory services Detection and Management Sys- tem. Firstly simulating, then testing a prototype. The prototype achieved the desired outcomes since the simulated outcomes exactly matched the idea. The results showed that the emer- gency algorithm is capable of maintaining the system’s state before the beginning of an protocol. Technology may be put to use in actual life situations. When the system is further developed, adaptive control may be incorporated into the timing sequence, enabling it to adjust each route’s time sequence based on how much traffic is travelling along it, so offering congestion control.
24. Edmund Lai Prakash Ranjitkar, Subash Humagain, Roopak Sinha, ”A Methods For Ambulatory Services Route Optimization And Preemption: Systematic Reviews”
The strategies utilized to shorten EV reaction times have been outlined and contrasted in this paper. Although they still require significant improvements, optimization and preemp- tion can help shorten response times. Researchers studying emergency management services are advised to concentrate on using real time dynamic traffic information to make opti- mization more dynamic and taking time into account as a key optimization factor. Furthermore, they need to make preemp- tion intelligent and use advanced technologies like VANET.. Such preventative measures must guarantee that they have the least possible impact on other traffic. The most sophisticated optimization and pre-emption should be combined in future studies. Thus, the difficult task of lowering response time will be accomplished.
25. Dearborn, Student Member, IEEE, Froogh Sadry, Stu- dent Member ” Traffic System Using IOT’s Technology”
The various intelligent traffic management technologies were looked at in this article. These included connecting wirelessly to big data centers and employing cellphones, Green Wave Systems, RF-ID readers, and tags. Each method’s applications, benefits, and drawbacks were covered in concise summaries. IOT’s technology has been used to more efficiently and precisely collect data relating to traffic. Additionally, a mo- bile app was suggested an ”User Interface” to identify traffic congestion in various locations and offer user’s detours. These techniques aim to better inform drivers of moving vehicles about traffic information and road conditions. Furthermore, smart traffic systems could be used to assign ambulatory services a priority.
26. Weiqi Y, Weichen B And Liang Q, ”State-of-the-Art Review on Traffic Control Strategies for ambulatory services”
According to this poll, emergency management service researchers should concentrate on using real-time traffic data to make optimum response times more dynamic. Furthermore, only one of the three strategies—which have only been evaluated in simulations and are challenging to implement commercially—is taken into account in the majority of recent research. To tackle the difficult task of reducing response time, future research should combine a variety of approaches. Future research should take other factors into account, such as the overhead of all vehicles, together with the objective statistic emphasising EVs’ reaction times. As a result, there is a big opportunity and need for more thorough study to reduce the negative effects of EVs and conventional cars while still making a substantial contribution to emergency services. This study examines the most recent traffic management techniques to speed up reaction times when EVs are moving. It divides traffic management tactics into four categories: routes that are optimised, signals that are preempted, lanes that are reserved, and multimodal traffic control techniques The literature on traffic control techniques utilising different algorithms is then thoroughly reviewed.
27. Farheena S, M. B. Chandak, ”Traffic Management System using Density Calculation and ambulatory services Alert”
The assessment of traffic density and the detection of ambu- latory services using IR and GPS-based methods are described. Here, the two goals—first, determining the vehicle density on the road to ensure smooth traffic flow Second, developing priority-based signalling to help provide ambulatory services while avoiding congestion priority—are effectively examined. When correctly planned, implemented, and maintained, this traffic signal management strategy offers a number of advan- tages, including reduced congestion and reduced fuel usage. The suggested method will take into account the GPS has higher accuracy than a camera, so it will be able to govern traffic light sequence more efficiently and accurately while also controlling vehicle density and priority on the road. By preventing traffic congestion and accidents, this system hopes to avoid wasting a lot of Human intervention hours that might be utilized to protect people and property. It can control priority emergencies. Flaw: Since the density of the vehicles varies from vehicle to vehicle, the information provided by the system could not be correct. This might not work in some scenarios.
28. Rajeshwari S, Varaprasad Golla, Santhoshs Hebbar, ” Implementing an Intelligent Traffic System for Congestion Control, Ambulance Clearance, and Stolen Vehicle”
In order to pass ambulatory services without incident, this study provides an intelligent traffic controlling system. To scan the RF-ID tags affixed to the car, they employed an RF- ID reader, and a system on chip. Additionally, it establishes network congestion and, consequently, the length of time that path has a green signal. For wireless communication between the ambulance and traffic controller, this module employs ZigBee modules on this system. [29] Nasser Al- Ostath, ”Implementation of an ambulatory services to Traffic Lights Communication System”
Using an Arduino-based gadget that sends and receives radio frequency (RF) signals, they put the ETL Control System into practice. It addresses some of the issues with comparable technologies (such as strobe lights and MIRT) and will give ambulatory services faster response times and more secure access to traffic signals. The ETL system could undergo a variety of improvements. Like entails incorporating a part into the system that will assist in gathering statistics.
30. Shams Ur Rahman3, Hafeez Anwar , And You-ze Cho, Ajmal Khan1, Farman Ullah1, Zeeshan Kaleem ” ambulatory services Priority and Self-Organising Traffic Control at Inter- sections Using Internet-of-Things Platform”
explains the brand-new protocol and platform known as EVP STC, which has three primary systems. The intersection controller, which was the first system, is installed at traffic signals and collects information on the number of vehicles and the placement of ambulatory care facilities along each road segment that leads to a junction. The junction controller then adjusts the timing of the traffic lights based on the detected real time traffic. The second system is installed at each road segment and uses force-resistive sensors to identify cars. The detected data is sent to the intersection controller through ZigBee. A third system is deployed in intersections to avoid ambulatory services from having to wait there. This system provides GPS coordinates to the intersection controller. Lim- itations: This approach is unable to resolve urgent problems like deadlock.