We used the JM approach to evaluate the association between a set of biomarkers and COVID-19 mortality including some baseline patients’ characteristics. Patients were admitted to a hospital in Milan during the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. In the multivariable JM, increasing levels of some of the investigated biomarkers (i.e. neutrophils, C-reactive protein, glucose, and LDH) were significantly associated with a higher mortality. In addition, men were at higher risk of dying than women and the strongest association was observed for increasing age.
Previous findings on biomarkers showed their association with the severity and mortality of COVID-19 (2, 3, 25, 27). In particular, there was a wide evidence of lymphopenia among COVID-19 patients (17, 33–39). Furthermore, some studies also reported a lower absolute number of lymphocytes in patients with more severe illness, compared with patients with mild illness (37, 40, 41). Accordingly, we found a lower mortality risk for increasing the number of lymphocytes. A higher neutrophils count at hospital admission was reported in patients with severe or critical disease stage compared with patients with mild or moderate stage of COVID-19 (35, 38). Progressive increase in the number of neutrophils was associated with death (38). Our predicted means of neutrophils count for patients died followed a similar trend during the follow-up. In particular, the predicted means were 8.02 (95% CI: 6.59, 9.76) at baseline, 9.39 (95% CI: 7.72, 11.43) at 7-day, and 10.07 (95% CI: 8.27, 12.25) at 15-day follow-up; no further increase in predicted means was observed for subsequent follow-up times. Elevated D-dimer levels were frequently reported in COVID-19 patients (40, 42–44). Several meta-analyses showed the prognostic value of D-dimer for disease severity and mortality (1, 45–54). In addition, two studies reported that a baseline level of > 2 µg/mL was associated with a higher mortality (55, 56). Among patients died in the present study, the predicted mean of D-dimer at 7-days follow-up was 1.75 µg/mL and increasing the levels resulted in a higher mortality risk. Elevated levels of ferritin were associated with the progression to severe stages of COVID-19, as well as mortality (54, 57–59). A meta-analysis investigated the prognostic value of different biomarkers of anaemia and iron metabolism (including ferritin) in COVID-19 patients (60). Based on findings of 18 observational studies, comprising more than 7,000 patients, the authors showed approximately 2-fold higher pooled mean of ferritin levels in non-survivors (1303.08 ng/mL; 95% CI: 1072.26, 1533.90 ng/mL) than survivors (650.67; 95% CI: 541.84, 759.51 ng/mL). Likewise, our predicted mean levels of ferritin at 7-days follow-up were nearly 2 times higher in patients died (1058.22; 95% CI: 740.25, 1512.77 ng/mL) than in patients survived (556.90; 95% CI: 481.32, 644.35 ng/mL). In the multivariable JM, however, there was no evidence of association between ferritin and the risk of COVID-19 mortality. High levels of C-reactive protein were associated with developing of severe COVID-19 and higher mortality (1, 46, 49, 51, 53, 54, 57). A level of > 10 mg/L have been shown to be a predictor of poor outcome (54). In our analysis, the predicted mean levels of C-reactive protein were 10.71 mg/L (95% CI: 6.60, 17.38 mg/L) for non-survivors and 2.22 mg/L (95% CI: 1.66, 2.98 mg/L) for survivors. Furthermore, a meta-analysis showed a 4-fold higher risk of severe disease for levels of C-reactive protein > 10 mg/L (61). We estimated a mortality risk of approximately 2.5 times (univariable JM) and 1.5 times (multivariable JM) higher per doubling of C-reactive protein levels. Higher levels of glucose were observed in the severe and critical groups of COVID-19 patients (25, 51). Among the biomarkers considered in the present analysis, glucose showed the strongest association with COVID-19 mortality taking into account the effect of other biomarkers (HR from multivariable JM = 2.66; 95% CI: 1.45–4.95 per an increase of 100 mg/dL). Lastly, elevated LDH levels have been reported in COVID-19 patients with the highest levels for patients with severe disease (1, 46, 51, 62). A meta-analysis included more than 3,000 COVID-19 patients showed a pooled mean level of LDH 1.54 times higher for severe illness compared to mild severity (63). Similarly, our predicted LDH mean level at 7-day follow-up were approximately 2 times higher in patients died (478.68 U/L; 95% CI: 397.50, 559.87 U/L) than survivors (259.24; 95% CI: 244.49, 273.98 UI/l). Additionally, elevated baseline LDH levels were associated with higher mortality risk with a HR of 1.30 (95% CI: 1.11, 1.52) per an increase of 100 U/L (64) which is almost the same found in the present study (HR from multivariable JM = 1.31; 95% CI: 1.12–1.55 per an increase of 100 U/L).
To sum up, decreased lymphocytes count, increased neutrophils count, D-dimer, ferritin, C-reactive protein, glucose, and LDH levels were shown to be associated with the severity of the disease. It has been well assessed that high level of inflammation is characteristic of COVID-19 pneumonia and the observed biomarker trends might be the manifestation of this inflammatory reaction and the subsequent cell damages (65). In particular, significantly lower lymphocytes and higher neutrophils counts have been widely observed in patients with severe than in those with mild COVID-19: the lymphopenia might be caused both by the inflammatory mediators which directly damage the immune system cells, and by the migration of the circulating lymphocytes into inflammatory lung tissues (66, 67). Along with these, persistent stimulation by SARS-CoV-2 might lead to lymphocytes exhaustion. High levels of ferritin might reflect the macrophage activation, since the synthesis of ferritin is responsive to alteration in cytokine status (68), whereas the increase of LDH in serum is the manifestation of the cell necrosis, strongly increased in severe pneumonia (69).
The traditional time-to-event analysis using Cox regression can be extended to encompass time-varying covariates (i.e. covariates that are repeatedly measured over the follow-up and their values can change across time), as long as time-varying covariates are exogenous. In this study, the time-varying covariates appear endogenous. The main features of such covariates are that: (i) their existence (and/or future measurements) is directly related to the occurrence (or non-occurrence) of the event of interest, and (ii) they are measured intermittently (i.e. incomplete information occur at random points during the follow-up because, for instance, individuals may skip schedule visits and dropout from the study) (28). In order to properly incorporate endogenous time-varying covariates, the JM framework for the simultaneously analysis of the survival data of the event and the longitudinal data of the time-varying covariates was proposed. All biomarkers considered in the present study were typical examples of endogenous time-varying covariates and it was desirable to use the JM approach. In such case, using the time-dependent Cox model could lead to underestimated effect size (i.e. shrink HRs).
The lack of information on patients’ treatment should be counted as a limitation of the present study. Different treatments may have differently modified biomarkers levels and consequently their association with the risk of COVID-19 mortality. However, a standard treatment protocol for COVID-19 did not yet implemented at the time of data collection, minimaxing the variability due to different drugs administration deriving from tailored care management. In addition, information on other baseline characteristics such as body mass index, smoking habits, and pre-existing comorbidities were not available. The inclusion of these variable in the model could modify the HR estimates introducing further limit of the present analysis. Nevertheless, this is the first work using the JM approach to analyse jointly several biomarkers measured longitudinally during the follow-up for predicting survival time of COVID-19 patients.