2.1 Study design and sample
In this cross-sectional study, 18 female subjects with TMD chronic pain of myofascial origin and 18 age-matched female healthy controls were recruited. Two TMD with chronic pain subjects and two HC were excluded after the EEG artifact rejection protocol. Thus, we had a final sample of 16 TMD with chronic pain subjects (mean age = 40.19 ±10.68 years) and 16 healthy controls (mean age = 32.94 ±11.68 years). Data collection occurred between January 2014 and March 2016 at the Functional Electrostimulation Laboratory of the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. The study was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Maternity Climério de Oliveira, Salvador-Bahia, Brazil (# 1234340).
A multidisciplinary team of dentists and speech-language therapists with more than 10 years of clinical experience in orofacial pain established the diagnosis of our participants. The Fonseca Anamnestic Questionnaire (Berni et al. 2015) was used during the screening of symptomatic participants. To confirm the diagnosis, we used the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) questionnaire axis I. Only those with myofascial TMD were included in the study. Psychosocial aspects were assessed with RDC/TMD axis II, culturally adapted for the Brazilian population (Lucena et al. 2006). The healthy group was also assessed through the Fonseca Anamnestic Questionnaire to screen and confirm the absence of TMD symptoms.
As inclusion criteria, subjects with TMD should also present daily or near-daily pain of myofascial origin for at least six months. Pain in the last six months should have an intensity equal to or greater than 3 in the Visual Numerical Scale (VNS), ranging from 0 to 10. Subjects with inflammatory connective tissue disease (e.g. ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis), fibromyalgia, neurological disorders, dental pain, ongoing orthognathic surgery, or using dental splints were excluded. All subjects signed and received a copy of the informed consent form.
2.2 Evaluation procedure
All subjects were assessed in the same environment, by the same evaluator (author CHI), who is a physiotherapist with 20 years of professional experience and knowledge in TMD. She was trained for electroencephalographic data acquisition by a clinical neurophysiologist and an EEG technician.
Clinical Assessment
For the initial evaluation, the Brazilian version of the RDC/TMD questionnaire (axis I and II) was used. Axis I is used for confirming the diagnosis and to classify the type of TMD, which may be myogenic, arthrogenic, or mixed. Axis II was used to assess the quality of life and to obtain sociodemographic data (Lucena et al. 2006).
Clinical assessment questionnaires were used immediately before the electroencephalographic evaluation. For both groups, we used an anxiety/depression assessment scale. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD) is composed of 14 items for the screening of anxiety and depression symptoms (Bjelland et al. 2002). The total score of the two subscales is 21, with a cutoff point of 8 for anxiety and 9 for depression (Castro et al. 2006).
Pain quality was assessed through a culturally adapted McGill pain questionnaire for the Brazilian population (Pimenta et al. 1996; Santos et al. 2006). This questionnaire evaluates pain experience in a subjective and multidimensional way, providing qualitative measures of clinical pain. The McGill pain questionnaire is composed of four categories of pain descriptors: sensory-discriminative, affective-motivational, cognitive-evaluative, and miscellaneous (Melzack 1975). The maximum score of "number of pain descriptors" for this Brazilian version is 20. The "total pain level", defined as the sum of pain intensity values, has a maximum score of 68 (Santos et al. 2006).
EEG data recording
The cortical activity was recorded by an EEG cap with 20 gold-plated electrodes, positioned on the scalp according to the 10/20 International System and using a BrainNet device (EMSA, Brazil). We used Nuprep abrasive gel (Weaver and Company, Aurora, CO, USA) to prepare the scalp and electroconductive paste to place EEG electrodes over the scalp. Subjects were seated comfortably in a Faraday cage and were instructed to be relaxed, with eyes closed, while monitored to stay awake. The EEG sampling rate was 200 Hz, with impedance lower than 5 kΩ, reference in Cz, and a notch filter of 60 Hz. The electrodes used were: Fp1, Fp2, F3, F4, F7, F8, Fz, T3, T4, T5, T6, C3, C4, P3, P4, Pz, O1, O2, Oz and a ground electrode, positioned on the left shoulder. Electromyography electrodes were placed on the flexor muscles of the dominant hand and at the masseter muscle of the dominant side to ensure participants were not making actual voluntary movements while attempting to perform imagery tasks.
At the beginning of the experimental session, participants were instructed about the two motor imagery tasks to be used and had a small period of training (described next). The trial period was finished after two or three attempts when the participants declared that the task was clear. Next, the participants had their eyes closed and four conditions were applied sequentially: a) initial rest; b) non-painful motor imagery task of hand movement; c) painful motor imagery of clenching the teeth; d) final rest, after the motor imagery tasks The latter condition was included in an attempt to clarify if possible changes during motor imagery would persist after the end of the motor imagery tasks. For the imagery tasks, subjects were instructed to perform kinesthetic motor imagery, which consisted in performing the imagery of clenching the dominant hand, representing a non-painful motor imagery task, and in the next condition clenching the teeth, representing a painful motor imagery task. Both resting-state conditions had a four minutes duration each, whereas each motor imagery condition lasted two minutes. The time interval between conditions was three minutes. An audio recording of the word ''clenching'' and “relaxing” was played to cue participants to perform the two motor imagery tasks. The “relaxing” cue was played five seconds after the “clenching” and the next “relaxing” cue was emitted after three seconds. In total, participants performed 16 “clenching” trials in each MI condition. See figure 1 for an illustration of the experimental procedure.
Before EEG data collection, subjects were asked to make clenching movements of hands and teeth in order to assure that EMG activity was recorded properly. During data collection, EMG data was evaluated only qualitatively by visual inspection. In the event of an increased signal, data collection was stopped and reinitiated.
2.3 EEG data processing and analysis
EEG data were analyzed using the EEGLab (ver. 13) toolbox in MATLAB environment (ver. 8.3). Data were filtered with a 0.5-45 Hz band-pass filter. To follow the same parameters used by our previous studies (Meneses et al. 2016; Santana et al. 2021), electrodes were re-referenced to the mean of all channels. Continuous recordings were segmented in epochs of 1,280 milliseconds, resulting in 186 epochs for the baseline conditions (nearly four minutes) and 93 epochs for the imagery tasks (nearly two minutes). This epoch size allowed a consistent evaluation of power densities in the frequency range of 1.5–30 Hz. All epochs were corrected by subtracting each data point from the mean amplitude of the first 100 ms. In addition, a semi-automatic protocol was used to remove amplitude artifacts using an upper limit of +750 µV, a lower limit of -750 µV, and ±2 global standard deviations as rejection criteria. In addition, epochs were visually assessed by two of the authors (CHI and FQC) to decide which epochs should be removed. The inter-rater reliability was high (approximately 95%). The individual’s highest rejection rate was approximately 60% (resulting in 77 epochs) during the resting-state conditions, whereas the individual’s highest rejection rate was around 50% (resulting in 29 epochs) during the imagery conditions. On the basis of these data, we decided to use the same number of epochs for all conditions and subjects. Therefore, only 29 epochs were selected for all participants in each of the four conditions.
The absolute power density was calculated for each electrode separately by applying and averaging the Fast Fourier Transform of each epoch. Then, we computed relative PD for each frequency band by dividing the absolute value of each electrode by their values in the total power spectrum. In addition, we computed regions of interest by grouping electrodes and averaging their relative power densities as follows: frontal (Fp1, Fp2, F3, Fz, F4), temporal (T3, T5, T4, T6), central (C3, C4), parietal (P3, Pz, P4) and occipital (O1, Oz, O2). The power densities of the following frequency bands were analyzed: delta [1.5-3.5 Hz], theta [4-7 Hz], alpha [8-12 Hz], and beta [13-30 Hz].
2.4 Statistical analyses
We used the Shapiro-Wilk test to analyze the normality of the data distribution. Differences in sociodemographic and clinical data between groups were assessed by Student's t-test or Mann-Whitney U test (continuous variables) and Fisher's exact test (categorical variables). We used the Bonferroni method to correct for multiple comparisons when analyzing sociodemographic, clinical data, and post hoc analysis for ANOVAs described below.
2.4.1 EEG relative power density
Repeated measures ANOVAs were used to evaluate differences between “group” (TMD patients with chronic pain vs. healthy controls), “brain region” (frontal vs. central vs. temporal vs. parietal vs. occipital), and “condition” (initial resting-state vs. nonpainful imagery vs. painful imagery vs. final resting-state). Basically, three sets of ANOVAs were performed. The first set was used to test our main hypothesis comparing the two groups during the four experimental conditions. The second set of statistical analyses was applied to test effects of group and experimental conditions separately at the different brain regions. The third set of ANOVAs was specifically performed to test differences between the initial and the final resting-state condition. All ANOVAs were repeated controlling for symptoms of anxiety and/or depression, in case of significant effects due to the main factor “group'' or the interaction “group*condition”. Post-hoc mean comparisons were reported by using corrected t-tests only when the interaction "condition x group" was significant.
Violations of the sphericity assumption were corrected by the Greenhouse-Geisser epsilon. We tested statistical significance at the .05 level. The SPSS 20.0 software package was used for these analyses.
2.4.2 Brain connectivity
The effective or functional connectivity can be assessed using interconnection and clustering parameters over nodes and edges, distinguishing regular from randomized networks generating the global measures (Ioannides 2007) and (Park and Friston 2013). A global measure of the graph interconnectedness can be defined as the average path length L, which is the average number of steps from one node to another, taking the shortest path. A global measure of the graph density can be defined as the clustering coefficient C, which represents the proportion of neighbor nodes that are connected to each other, forming triangles. Ordered graphs exhibit long L and high C, while random ones have short L and low C. There are ordered graphs that show some efficiency in the sense of information diffusion when new long-distance connections arise causing the drop of the average path length while the average cluster coefficient remains practically unchanged. This phenomenon is called ‘small-world’, and here is referring to the idea of connecting any two different EEG channels with a few steps (Bassett and Bullmore 2006). Small-world networks are identified by short L and high C and have been detected in neural contexts being considered an optimal architecture for synchronizing neural activity between brain regions (Smit et al. 2008; Bullmore and Sporns 2009).
We inferred brain connectivity using a nonlinear causality measure called convergent cross-mapping (CCM) (Sugihara et al. 2012) which captures nonstationary coupling effects between brain areas. Given an EEG signal X={x1,..., xn}, CCM is based on embedding vectors Xev(i)=(xi,xi+τ, xi+2τ, xi+(m-1) τ) , i=1,…,n-(m-1) τ, where m is the spatial dimension and τ is the time delay. For each Xev(i) we calculate wj , j=1,…,n-1 , a normalized distance-related weight to the other embedding vectors (Mønster et al. 2016). Considering a second EEG signal Y={y1,..., yn}, we can estimate predicted information from X, calculating ỹi= Σwjxj . Considering the prediction vector Ỹ={ỹ1,..., ỹn}, CCM is defined as the correlation between Y and Ỹ. If X and Y are coupled, in the sense of complex systems, CCM shows values close to -1 or 1.
After a narrowband decomposition and considering the connectivity strength between channels, for each subject, condition, and epoch, CCM was evaluated resulting in a 20x20 matrix, where the diagonal values were ignored and the absolute values were taken into account. For each subject and condition, the medians of the CCM values (from pairs of channels) were used as a threshold to turn matrices into a binary representation (adjacency matrices) and to define the graphs. See Figure 2 for an illustration of the process.
Following Humphries et al (2006) and Smit et al (2008), the graph analysis was performed for the adjacency matrices calculating first the average path length (L) and the average clustering coefficient (C), and then the small-world parameter (S), defined as a ratio of standardized C and L values. All these parameters were computed separately for each EEG dataset filtered within the four band frequencies (delta, theta, alpha and beta). To attenuate inter-, and intra-subject variability, for each condition, we considered only the S-values in the interquartile interval, between the 25th and 75th percentiles.
These statistical analyses were carried out by the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U-test for inter-groups comparisons, with a significance level of 0.05. The MATLAB (ver. 8.3) environment was used for these analyses.