Passage of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972 and subsequent federal and state programs within the United States have increased understanding of the ecosystem services provided by forested wetlands (Dahl and Allord 1996; Schilling et al. 2019). Globally, Mitsch et al. (2015) identified over 25 ecosystem services provided by wetlands that could be grouped as provisioning immediate needs (e.g., food, water), regulating ecosystem services such as water purification, providing cultural ecosystem services such as recreation, and supporting ecosystem services that maintain nutrient cycling and productivity. Recognition of the importance of ecosystem services and policy shifts were fortuitous as wetland areas across the United States are estimated to have declined by approximately 50% since European settlement (Dahl 2006), while global losses have been estimated to be between 33% (Hu et al. 2017) and 87% (Davidson 2014). Multiple anthropogenic disturbances are credited with wetland losses, including agricultural conversion, drainage, urbanization, stream damming and channelization efforts, and transportation infrastructure projects (Dahl and Allord 1996). During the five decades since enactment of the Clean Water Act, both federal and state programs and legislation have shifted wetland policy from exploitative to sustainable management practices (Dahl and Allord 1996; Schilling et al. 2019).
Forested wetlands are diverse and can be classified as alluvial or nonalluvial (e.g., bogs, fens, wet mineral flats, pocosins, Carolina bays). Alluvial forested wetlands are known by a variety of names including riparian forests, floodplain forests, and bottomland hardwoods. Ecosystem services provided by these alluvial forests are diverse and include nutrient cycling, fiber production, sediment trapping, streambank stabilization, thermal protection, and provision of diverse wildlife habitat (Kellison and Young 1997; Mitsch et al. 2015). Society benefits tremendously from the flood attenuation, water quality protection, and wildlife habitat services provided by alluvial forests, and income-producing activities, such as timber harvesting.
There is a considerable body of knowledge regarding harvesting effects on forest soils and recovery, particularly in upland forests. McEachran et al. (2021) reviewed the direct and indirect effects of forest harvesting on both erosion and sediment yield and concluded that increases in erosion and sediment yield and hydrologic shifts in surface and subsurface flow are commonly associated with harvesting, particularly in the absence of appropriate best management practices (BMPs). Picchio et al. (2021) reviewed nearly 200 studies that evaluated forest harvesting disturbances on water and sediment and concluded that the effects and duration of harvest disturbances can be reduced by application of currently recommended forestry BMPs. The majority of forest harvest disturbances across all sites in the southeastern United States involve ground-based disturbances, usually skidding and skid trails. DeArmond et al. (2021) reviewed 121 studies evaluating harvest skid trail disturbances and recovery in boreal, temperate, and tropical regions and concluded that most skid trails recovered slowly and had disturbance effects that persisted for two to five decades.
Conversely, several authors have reviewed the ecological impact of timber harvesting within riparian forested wetlands and generally concluded that harvesting is compatible with maintaining ecosystem services and has relatively minor and short-term impacts (Wigley and Roberts 1997; Hutchens et al. 2004). Minimizing harvesting impacts, however, requires that the hydrology remain relatively intact (Sun et al. 2001; Slye et al. 2020), sites have sufficient regeneration sources to facilitate rapid recovery (Lockaby et al. 1997), appropriate BMPs are implemented (Aust et al. 2017), and suitable harvesting technology is utilized (Stokes and Schilling 1997).
During forest harvesting operations, maintenance of hydroperiods is crucial. Hydroperiods profoundly influence ecological functions within bottomland hardwoods through multiple mechanisms (Hupp 2000; Busbee et al. 2003; Hunter et al. 2008). Hydroperiods affect periodicity and depths of flooding, thus controlling sediment inputs from upland sources as well as sediment transport from streams during overbank flooding. Sediment inputs are important for protecting water quality, adding nutrients, and potentially offsetting subsidence or sea level rise effects. Hydroperiods influence the soil reduction-oxidation process and subsequently affect nutrient and chemical cycling, including soil nitrogen and carbon. Hydroperiods also affect the vegetation capable of regenerating on sites due to influences on seed dispersal, germination, and survival. Thus, bottomland hardwoods with long hydroperiods tend to favor species tolerant of flooding. Furthermore, within an individual floodplain, microtopographic features are created by hydroperiod patterns and differential sediment deposition (e.g., natural levees, old stream channels, sloughs, oxbows), or disturbance-created features (e.g., windthrow pits and mounds) can influence species composition and forest structure (Hodges 1997).
Major sources of regeneration include seed from residual stems, adjacent stands, soil seed bank, and seeds transported by floodwaters, stump sprouts, seedling sprouts, advance regeneration, and root sprouts (Meadows and Stanturf 1997). Problems with regeneration in bottomland hardwoods can occur where hydroperiods have been altered so that the site no longer suits the hydrologic requirement of the regeneration, where animal predation and plant competition are severe (Slye et al. 2020), or on sites that have experienced exploitative harvesting practices, leaving few desirable species on the site (Kellison and Young 1997).
Best management practices for bottomland hardwoods are similar to those for upland sites (Aust and Blinn 2004), but the BMPs for bottomlands also recognize the lower soil strengths for supporting wheeled traffic and associated harvesting challenges (Stokes and Schilling 1997). Commonly used BMPs include provision of streamside management zones to filter waters leaving the site, minimizing rutting effects by utilizing appropriate forest operations, such as lower ground pressure equipment (e.g., wide-tired skidders), avoiding ground skidding (e.g., helicopter harvesting), or utilizing temporary access corridors reinforced with logs or panels (e.g., shovel or mat logging) (Aust 1994; Anderson and Lockaby 2011; Aust et al. 2017).
Additionally, concerns exist that harvest disturbances may negatively affect soil physical and chemical properties due to compaction, churning, or puddling of soils during wet site conditions, which have been reported following harvesting on saturated soils (Greacen and Sands 1980). Compaction can negatively affect soil bulk density and soil mechanical resistance, limiting root growth (Goutal et al. 2013). Churning can reduce soil macroporosity, further reducing soil, air, and water movement in already reduced soil conditions. Puddling can result in crusting of soil surfaces, adding an additional impediment for gas exchange (Horn et al. 2004; Aust et al. 1995, 1998). Harvest traffic has been found to negatively alter soil physical properties and subsequently influence the survival and productivity of wetland forests (Neaves et al. 2017). Aerial systems have been used in an attempt to reduce ground traffic disturbances (e.g., helicopter removal) as compared to the high levels of disturbance associated with tracked and wheeled skidding (Stokes and Schilling 1997).
Bottomland hardwoods have been altered in species composition and biomass due to repeated, exploitative harvests (i.e., high grades); however, research has shown that wetland forests’ ecological functions and timber harvesting can coexist when the harvesting is done sustainably (Kellison and Young 1997; Schilling et al. 2019). Many studies document positive regeneration responses in the initial years following harvests. (Meadows and Stanturf 1997; Hutchens et al. 2004) However, there are few long-term studies of forested wetland regeneration (Schilling et al. 2019).
Clearcutting silvicultural systems, due to advantages associated with increased light available for species intolerant or intermediately tolerant of shade and logistical operations, are commonly applied to bottomland hardwoods and have been used to successfully regenerate species of oak, baldcypress, and water tupelo (Kellison and Young 1997; Aust et al. 2020). Successful regeneration generally requires the presence of advance regeneration and adequate stump sprouting potential (Kellison and Young 1997, Meadows and Stanturf 1997; Perison et al. 1997). Baldcypress and water tupelo stands are often dense and flooded and may be lacking in advance regeneration (Meadows and Stanturf 1997). Furthermore, surface water conditions are often high following harvesting due to reduced transpiration demands, anthropogenic alteration to the hydroperiod, or beaver impoundments (Slye et al. 2020; King and Keim 2019).
The literature clearly recognizes that poorly executed harvests in bottomland hardwoods can negatively affect future species composition and productivity. However, there are few long-term studies that evaluate long-term disturbances within bottomland hardwoods. The goal of this study, conducted 35 years post-harvest, is to provide a long-term investigation of a range of disturbances on species composition and aboveground biomass in wetland ecosystems in a Nyssa-Taxodium (tupelo-cypress) wetland.