3.1 Structure and morphology
Shown in Fig. 1b, the structures of samples were described by XRD patterns. g-C3N4 has two broad peaks located at 13.2° and 27.4°, which corresponds to the (100) and (002) crystal plane of g-C3N4, respectively. (110) crystal plane is ascribed to the in-plane repetitive unit of tri-s-triazine and the (002) crystal plane is ascribing to the interplanar stacking peak of conjugated aromatic rings (JCPDS CARD 87-1526) [37]. The diffraction peaks of anatase TiO2 are exhibited at 25.4°, 37.1°, 37.9°, 38.7°, 48.2°, 54.1°, 55.2°, 62.9°, 69.0°, 70.5° and 75.3°, assigning to the crystal indices of (101), (103), (004), (112), (200), (105), (211), (204), (116), (220) and (215), respectively, which indicated that aTiO2 was the tetragonal system structure (JCPDS CARD 73-1746) [55]. The diffraction peaks of N-rTiO2 are observed at 27.4°, 36.1°, 39.2°, 41.1°, 44.0°, 54.4°, 56.6°, 62.7°, 64.1°, 69.0° and 69.7°, assigning to the crystal indices of (110), (101), (200), (111), (210), (211), (220), (002), (310), (301) and (112), respectively, which is a typical rutile TiO2 structure, indicated that N-doped does not change the tetragonal crystal structure of rTiO2 (JCPDS CARD 21-1276)[56]. the diffraction peaks of NTU-4 are similar with N-rTiO2, the (100) peak of g-C3N4 cannot be observed because of too weak, and the (002) broad peak of g-C3N4 and the (110) narrow peak of N-rTiO2 are duplicated, it is obvious that the bottom part of the peak at 27.4° is widen. Seen from Fig. S2a, NTU-x has similar crystal structure patterns, with the increase of g-C3N4 content, the bottom part of the peak at 27.4° gradually widens, indicating that NTU-x is composed of N-rTiO2 and g-C3N4.
In the FTIR spectra of samples (Fig. 1c and Fig. S2b), the structure properties and chemical groups was exhibited. The typical fingerprint peak of g-C3N4 is at 808 cm− 1, deriving from the bending vibration of the heterocyclic structure. The peaks at ~ 1240, 1323, 1407, 1463, 1565 and 1638 cm− 1 are ascribed to the stretching vibration of C = N or C-N in heterocycle of g-C3N4. And the broad peak between 3000–3500 cm− 1 attributes to the stressing vibration of the terminal groups. The board bands at 400–700 cm− 1 are due to Ti–O stretching vibrations and Ti–O–Ti bridging stretching vibrations of N-rTiO2. It is worth noting that the peaks of g-C3N4 and N-rTiO2 can be observed in the FTIR spectrum of NTU-4 and the NTU-x has similar FTIR spectra, suggesting that NTU-x is formed by the physical combination of g-C3N4 and N-rTiO2.
RAMAN spectrum is an important tool used to study material structure and groups. Although aTiO2 and rTiO2 are tetragonal phase structures, they have different space groups and their RAMAN spectral characteristics are obviously different. As shown in Fig. 1d, anatase TiO2 consists of four obvious peaks located at 143, 397, 518 and 639cm-1, respectively. The peak located at 143cm-1 is stronger, which is attributed to the symmetric O-Ti-O vibration peak and corresponds to Eg vibration mode, while the peak located at 397 cm-1 corresponds to B1g vibration mode, the peak located at 518cm-1 corresponds to A1g + B1g vibration mode, and the peaks located at 639cm-1 corresponds to Eg vibration mode. RAMAN peaks of N-rTiO2 are obviously different from aTiO2 peaks. Peaks located at 137, 230, 445 and 610cm-1 belong to B1g, the multi-photon process, Eg and A1g vibration mode, respectively, which is consistent with the literature[57], indicating that TiO2 with rutile structure is synthesized.
SEM exhibit the morphological characteristics of the samples. Shown in Fig. 1e and Fig. S3, g-C3N4 has a two-dimensional crimped nanosheet structure with large gaps between the nanosheet structures. aTiO2 is an irregular block formed by the aggregation of small nano-spherical particles. Different from aTiO2, the surface of N-rTiO2 is relatively smooth, which is distributed some obvious pits on the surface, which should be the traces left on the surface when urea is decomposed and N-doped. NTU-4 is a composite material composed of g-C3N4 and N-rTiO2, but N-rTiO2 can be seen hardly, which may be caused by the high content of g-C3N4 and N-rTiO2 coated by g-C3N4 in the synthesis process. The EDS plots of NTU-4 showed that g-C3N4 and N-rTiO2 are composited successfully (Fig. 1f), which was consistent with the XRD and FTIR results.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is an important surface analysis technique. It can not only provide information about molecular structure and valence state, but also provide information about elemental composition and chemical state of various compounds. Fig. S4a shows the Survey spectra of the samples. It is obvious that N-rTiO2 has strong Ti2p, O1s peaks and a weak N1s peak, the weak N1s peak indicates that a small amount of N is doped into the rutile TiO2. While g-C3N4 is mainly composed of C and N, and adsorbed oxygen (Oa) exists on the surface. The peaks of N1s, C1s, O1s and Ti2p can be observed in the survey spectrum of XPS of NTU-4, indicating that g-C3N4 and N-rTiO2 are successfully composited.
To obtain more insight into the molecular structure and chemical bonding between the atoms in the composite, the high-resolution spectra and corresponding fits of N1s, O1s, Ti2p and C1s of samples were shown in Fig. 2a-c and Fig. S4b. From N1s spectrum of NTU-4 (Fig. 2a), Five fitting peaks are observed at 398.60, 399.23, 400.77, 401.45 and 404.53eV, corresponding to the C-N = C structure of the heterocyclic ring in g-C3N4, the N-Ti-O structure caused by the N-doping in N-rTiO2, the N-C3 structure of the heterocyclic ring in g-C3N4, the -NH/NH2 group adsorbed on the surface of g- C3N4, and the π-π* structure of g-C3N4 heterocyclic structure, respectively. Interestingly, compared with g-C3N4, the C-N = C, N-C3, -NH/NH2 and π-π* fitting peaks of NTU-4 is positively shifted from 398.57 to 398.60eV, from 400.10 to 400.77eV, from 401.25 to 401.45eV and from 404.53 to 404.53eV, respectively. On the contrary, compared with N-rTiO2, the N-Ti-O fitting peak of NTU-4 is negatively shifted from 399.66 to 398.60eV. The O1s XPS spectrum of NTU-4 has three fitting peaks at 529.68, 531.59 and 532.97eV. which correspond to the Ti-O structure of N-rTiO2, oxygen vacancy (Ov) of N-rTiO2 and the surface adsorbed oxygen (Oa) of g-C3N4. Similarly, in NTU-4, the binding energy of adsorbed oxygen from g-C3N4 shifts positively from 532.30 to 532.97eV, while the lattice oxygen Ti-O and oxygen vacancy from N-rTiO2 shift negatively from 529.83 and 531.65eV to 529.68 and 531.59eV, respectively. The Ti2p3/2 and Ti2p1/2 bipeaks of NTU-4 located at 458.40 and 464.06eV are shown in the Ti2p fitting peaks (Fig. 2c). The bipeaks have an energy interval of 5.66eV, which belongs to a typical Ti4+ species with Ti-O structure. And compared with N-rTiO2, the Ti2p3/2 and Ti2p1/2 binding energies shift negatively from 458.52, 464.21eV to 458.40 and 464.06eV, respectively. C1s XPS spectrum of NTU-4 is composed of three fitting peaks at 284.80, 286.43 and 288.26eV, respectively (Fig. S4b). The fitting peak located at 284.80eV corresponds to the C-C/C = C structure of contaminated carbon, the fitting peak located at 286.43eV corresponds to the C-O-C structure of adsorbed oxygen on the g-C3N4 surface, and the fitting peak located at 288.26eV corresponds to the N-C = N structure of the heterocyclic ring in g-C3N4.
It is noted that the XPS spectra shifts of binding energy indicate the strong interaction and the heterojunctions formed between N-rTiO2 and g-C3N4 in NTU-4. Furthermore, with the contact of N-rTiO2 and g-C3N4, the positive shifts of binding energy from g-C3N4 imply the g-C3N4 is the donor of surface N-rTiO2 and g-C3N4 in NTU-4, and the negative shifts of binding energy from N-rTiO2 suggest the N-rTiO2 is the acceptor of surface between N-rTiO2 and g-C3N4 in NTU-4. The strong donor–acceptor coupling at their interface must build an internal electric field (IEF) on the interface between N-rTiO2 and g-C3N4 in NTU-4. When light is irradiated into the composite material, IEF will effectively separate the photogenerated carriers to promote the improvement of photocatalytic efficiency.
In order to further confirm the composition of NTU-4, TEM and HRTEM were measured through a micro-grid copper network. Figure 2d-g shows TEM, HRTEM, FFT pattern and EDS of N-rTiO2, respectively. It can be seen from the figure that N-rTiO2 is a three-dimensional block structure. High resolution crystal lattice images were captured and the N-rTiO2 structure was determined by calibration of its fast Fourier transform (FFT) pattern. Crystal images belonged to the [1–11] crystal band axis, crystal planes were (110) and (10 − 1) crystal planes, and the lattice spacing of 0.32nm corresponded to the direction of (110) crystal plane of N-rTiO2. Obviously, N-doping did not change the rutile lattice structure, which was consistent with XRD results. As can be seen from EDS, N was successfully doped into rutile TiO2. Fig. S5 shows the TEM and EDS images of g-C3N4, from which it can be seen that g-C3N4 has a typical amorphous two-dimensional layered structure composed of C and N with evenly distributed voids. TEM, HRTEM, and EDS of NTU-4 are shown in Fig. 2h-j, indicating that N-rTiO2 and g-C3N4 is well composited.
3.2 photo and photoelectrochemical performance
The band gap Eg of the samples can be characterized by UV-vis DRS. From Fig. 3a, in the visible region, the absorption of N-rTiO2 is significantly higher than that of g-C3N4 and aTiO2. N-doping also makes the light absorption obviously redshift to the visible region. In order to further study the change of band gap, the band gaps of g-C3N4, aTiO2 and N-rTiO2 are obtained by using the Kubelka-Munk formula, The band gap Eg can deduce by the extending line of line part of [F(R)hν]n to the photon energy (hν) curve. Where n = 1/2 for indirect semiconductors aTiO2 and g-C3N4 and n = 2 for direct semiconductor N-rTiO2. Figure 3b shows that the Eg of g-C3N4, aTiO2 and N-rTiO2 are 2.92, 3.06 and 3.17 eV, respectively. The results show that both N-rTiO2 and g-C3N4 can respond to part of visible light, which is beneficial to make full use of sunlight. Further separation of photogenerated carriers through constructing heterojunction will further promote the improvement of photocatalytic performance.
From Fig. 3c and 3d, the PL peak of g-C3N4 and N-rTiO2 decreases significantly after composite, indicating that photogenerated carriers of NTU-x are further separated near the interface than g-C3N4, which reduces the probability of recombination and promotes the improvement of photocatalytic performance. Among the PL peaks of NTU-x, NTU-4 has the weakest peak, implying NTU-4 inhibits the photoluminescence better, indicating that the probability of photogenerated carriers migrating to the surface is the greatest. This will be more conducive to the improvement of photocatalytic performance.
Table 1
Short lifetime, long lifetime and average lifetime of samples.
Sample | A1 | τ1 /ns | A2 | τ2 /ns | τavg /ns |
g-C3N4 | 0.75 | 2.47 | 0.25 | 11.65 | 8.08 |
NTU-3 | 0.89 | 1.97 | 0.11 | 9.87 | 5.07 |
NTU-4 | 0.86 | 1.74 | 0.14 | 8.36 | 4.59 |
NTU-5 | 0.78 | 2.00 | 0.22 | 9.45 | 6.25 |
To obtain an insight on more information photogenerated carriers, the TRPL fluorescence attenuation curve of the sample was fitted by the following equation (Eq. 1).
$${y={{y}_{0}+A}_{1}e}^{{-t}_{1}/{\tau }_{1}}+{{A}_{2}e}^{{-t}_{2}/{\tau }_{2}}$$
Where τ1 and τ 2 corresponding to the short lifetime and long lifetime, respectively. A1 and A2 represent the proportions of τ1 and τ2, respectively.
While photogenerated charges return to equilibrium from the unstable excited state, energy will release by radiative and non-radioactive decay process, corresponding to short lifetime τ1 and long lifetime τ2. By the following equation (Eq. 2) can deduce carrier's average lifetime τavg of fluorescent light.
$${\tau }_{avg}=\frac{{A}_{1}{\tau }_{1}^{2}{+A}_{2}{\tau }_{2}^{2}}{{A}_{1}{\tau }_{1}{+A}_{2}{\tau }_{2}}$$
As shown in the Fig. 3e, the τ1, τ2 and τavg of NTU-4 are 1.74, 8.38 and 4.59ns respectively, which are 30%, 28% and 43% less than the 2.47, 11.65 and 8.08ns of g-C3N4, respectively. The reduced carrier lifetime of NTU-4 is attributed to the fact that g-C3N4 and N-rTiO2 recombination provides non-radiative decay channels for rapid carrier migration, which causes fluorescence quenching. It can be seen from Table 1 and Fig. 3f that the short life, long life and average life of NTU-x are all smaller than g-C3N4, indicating that the composite of g-C3N4 and N-rTiO2 promotes carrier migration and separation. It is note that, among NTU-x, NTU-4 has the smallest lifetime, indicating that NTU-4 is the easiest to separate carriers than other composites. This is consistent with the representation of PL.
The same results were also reflected in the transient photocurrent (I-t) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) tests. In the three-electrode electrochemical system, when light was irradiated to the working electrode, the photocurrent of NTU-4 was significantly stronger than that of g-C3N4 and N-rTiO2 (Fig. 4a), which indicated that the heterojunction composed of g-C3N4 and N-rTiO2 effectively promoted the carrier separation. From Fig. 4b, the EIS also shows that the Nyquist curve radius of NTU-4 is the smallest, which means the photogenerated carriers’ migration resistance is smallest, that makes it easier for carriers to migrate to the surface of the material and thus improve the photocatalytic performance more effectively. The Mott-Schottky plot is shown in Fig. 4c and 4d, the positive slope indicates that both g-C3N4 and N-rTiO2 are n-type semiconductors. The flat-band potential of g-C3N4 and N-rTiO2 are deduced by the intercept of the extrapolated straight-line part of Mott-Schottky plots. The flat-band potential of g-C3N4 and N-rTiO2 are − 1.29 and − 0.24V vs SCE at PH = 7, respectively. It is note that although the conduction band potential (Ecb) of n-type semiconductor is more negative about − 0.1 to -0.3 V than Efb, the Ecb of N-rTiO2 is not more negative than − 0.3V vs NHE at PH = 7, which means that N-rTiO2 cannot meet the thermodynamic conditions for photocatalytic hydrogen production (more negative than − 0.41V at PH = 7). While the conduction potential of g-C3N4 reaches − 1.05V vs NHE at PH = 7 without considering the difference with Efb, which is sufficient to satisfy the thermodynamic conditions of photocatalytic hydrogen production. If the difference between Ecb and Efb don't be take into account, based on the formula Evb = Ecb + Eg, the valence band potential of g-C3N4 and N-rTiO2 are be deduced 1.63 and 2.82V vs SCE at PH = 7 (1.87 and 3.06V vs NHE), respectively.
3.4 DFT calculation and possible mechanism analysis
To further study the photocatalytic mechanism of g-C3N4, N-rTiO2 and NTU-x, it was carried out by the first-principles calculations of band structure, total density of state (TDOS) and projected density of state (PDOS), work function (WF), differential charge density and Bader charge of g-C3N4, N-rTiO2 and their composite. Fig. S6a is the band structure plots of g-C3N4 and N-rTiO2 nanostructures. It can be seen that the nanostructures are an indirect band-gap semiconductor structure, the valence band top is located at point Γ, while the conduction band bottom is located at point B. In order to quantitatively study the electronic structure of the interface and identify the distribution of electron orbitals, the TDOS and PDOS of g-C3N4 (001)/N-rTiO2 (110) nanostructures were calculated. According to the TDOS and PDOS plots (Fig. S6b), it can be seen that the valence band top of g-C3N4/N-rTiO2 nanostructure is mainly occupied by O1s, N2p and Ti3d orbitals, and the conduction band bottom is mainly occupied by C2p and N2p orbitals. It can be seen that the conduction band base and valence band top of g-C3N4/N-rTiO2 nanostructure belong to different components respectively, that is, they are occupied by the electron orbital of g-C3N4 and N-rTiO2 respectively. According to the above analysis, it can be seen that g-C3N4/N-rTiO2 nanostructure is a band staggered energy level.
The g-C3N4/N-rTiO2 nano-heterostructure can also be described by work function. The WF of g-C3N4 (001) surface, N-rTiO2 (110) surface and g-C3N4/N-rTiO2 heterostructure surface can be calculated according to the following formula:
WF = Evac − EF (3)
To further explore the charge transfer and separation between the interface of g-C3N4/N-rTiO2, differential charge density and were calculated (Fig. 6a-f). The electron accumulation zone is shown in yellow, while the electron loss zone is shown in cyan. The redistribution of charge density mainly appears near the g-C3N4/TiO2 interface, while the charge density deep inside N-rTiO2 hardly changes. which is mainly attributed to the weak vdW forces between g-C3N4 and N-rTiO2 interfaces. Figure 6c and 6f show the calculated surface average differential charge density along the z-axis, electrons at the interface are mainly transferred from g-C3N4 surface to N-rTiO2 surface, while holes remain on g-C3N4 surface. Furthermore, Bader charge analysis was calculated the charge transfer and separation between the interfaces of g-C3N4(001)/N-rTiO2(110). The results show that approximately 0.2925e electrons are transferred from g-C3N4 (001) surface to N-rTiO2 (110) surface. When the electron transfer reaches an equilibrium state, the accumulation of net charge on the surface results in the formation of an IEF at the g-C3N4 (001) /N-rTiO2 (110) interface, and the IEF direction is from the g-C3N4 (001) surface to the N-rTiO2 (110) surface. The presence of IEF is conducive to the effective separation of photogenerated h+-e− pairs, which further promotes the improvement of photocatalytic activity of g-C3N4/N-rTiO2.
The mechanism of photocatalysis is analyzed in Fig. 6. Although type II and Z-scheme are both staggered level structures, For Type-II heterojunctions (Fig. 6g), the photogenerated electrons migrate from the conduction band of g-C3N4 to the conduction band of N-rTiO2, if the traditional type II heterojunction is formed, the conduction potential is too low to meet the thermodynamic conditions of photocatalytic hydrogen production. However, experiments have proved that the composite material can improve the effect of photocatalytic hydrogen production. Therefore, it is impossible for g-C3N4/N-rTiO2 to form type II heterojunction. Similarly, XPS, work function, IEF, differential charge density and Bader analysis show that the g-C3N4/N-rTiO2 interface forms not traditional type II heterojunction, but Z-scheme. For the Z-scheme (Fig. 6h), the electrons in the N-rTiO2 conduction band will be recombined through the holes in the valence band of g-C3N4, the photogenerated electrons accumulate at the Ecb of g-C3N4 and the photogenerated holes accumulate at the Evb of N-rTiO2, the direct Z-scheme photocatalyzed heterostructures exhibit stronger redox capabilities due to the more negative Ecb and the more positive Evb. Specifically (Fig. 6i), the edge potential of the conduction band of g-C3N4 is − 1.05V vs NHE, which is more negative than the potential of H + /H2 (-0.41V) to product H2. Therefore, the direct Z-scheme of g-C3N4/N-rTiO2 exhibit higher photocatalytic hydrogen production performance than pristine N-rTiO2 and g-C3N4.