To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first to evaluate a large systematic delayed FP strategy after fertility-impairing treatment for both cancer and benign diseases.
By taking the number of oocytes collected as the main objective, regardless of their subsequent use or the subsequent origin of the disease, we have chosen to place ourselves from the woman's perspective. Comparing all types of women and all types of disease allows us to refocus on the initial goal of fertility preservation and assisted reproductive technology (ART): to give women a real chance of pregnancy.
In our study, no difference was found between the groups concerning the number of metaphase II oocytes retrieved, either per women who started COS cycle or per started COS cycle, irrespective of the initial indication of FP. The number of oocytes retrieved per woman is in agreement with Chan et al., who recovered an overall average of 8 (CI 2–19) metaphase II oocytes per woman after chemotherapy exposure for cancer in 130 women [12]. Legrand et al. reported an average of 6.4 ± 3.4 retrieved oocytes in 70 women with benign ovarian tumors with a history of previous surgery and multiple or large cyst indications [13]. These results are also in agreement with Volodarsky-Perel et al., who found an average of 10 cryopreserved oocytes per woman before gonadotoxic treatments for cancer, regardless of the cancer grade [14]. The fertilization rate after fertility-impairing treatment found in our study is also encouraging and in agreement with that found by Kato et al. [15]. With an overall vitrified-warmed oocyte to live born child efficiency of 6.4%, the mean of 10 cryopreserved oocytes per woman gives these women real opportunities for live birth [16]. In a large study by Cobo et al., when FP was performed before the age of 35 and for malignant disease, the CLBR was 9.1% (-0.7-19) for 5 oocytes, 35.8% (14.3–57.2) for 8 oocytes and 42.9% (19.7–66.1) for 10 oocytes. They concluded that with ~ 25 oocytes, the cumulative probability rises to ~ 95%.
The total of 8 pregnancies achieved in our study led to a 20% live birth rate per stimulation cycle with oocyte fertilization, either vitrified-warmed or fresh.
As the CLBR per oocyte decreases with age, rapid referral after every fertility-impairing treatment should be supported as soon as possible and before the age of 35 years [16]. In a retrospective observational study including 485 women with endometriosis, Cobo et al. reported that the CLBR increased with the number of oocytes per woman, reaching 89.5% (95% CI = 80.0-99.1) for 22 thawed oocytes. In the group aged ≤ 35 years, the CLBR was 95.4% (95% CI = 87.2-103.6) using ~ 20 oocytes compared with that of 79.6% (95% CI = 58.1-101.1) for women aged > 35 years (P < 0.05) [17].
In the long-term after cancer, distress about interrupted childbearing persists, particularly in women without children [18]. Among cancer survivors, the negative impact on quality of life due to reproductive concerns and unmet information needs when making fertility decisions about creating a future family has been reported [19]. Deshpande et al. reported that pretreatment fertility counseling leads to lower levels of posttherapy regret and better quality of life, suggesting that posttreatment counseling may be similarly beneficial [20]. Routinely offering FP counseling to all women after fertility-impairing treatment could improve their overall quality of life, regardless of whether the consultation leads to delayed oocyte cryopreservation.
Offering a systematic delayed FP strategy after chemotherapy and before the occurrence of POI is easy to plan. The arrangement of oncofertility networks and platforms allows for systematic phone calls to women 12 months after their last treatment [21].
An increasing number of authors are focusing their research on FP for nonmalignant diseases [2]. Legrand et al. reported that oocyte banking in women treated for benign ovarian tumors is an efficient strategy, with a mean of 7.0 (± 5.23 SD) cryopreserved oocytes per woman, irrespective of the histological type of tumor [13]. Concerning endometriosis, Cobo et al. reported a mean number of cryopreserved oocytes of 8.5 (± 4.8 SD) per woman for those with a history of unilateral surgery and 8.0 (± 5.7 SD) per woman for those with a history of bilateral surgery. The CLBRs were 40.4% and 49.3%, respectively, with a total of 101 babies born [22]. When focused on age and history of surgery, they observed a CLBR of 52.8% for women under 35 years old and 29.3% for women over 35 years old.
No study has evaluated the benefit of FP on quality of life in women with benign diseases or on the cost-effectiveness balance. Further studies are required to explore these aspects, but given the data on oncofertility, we hypothesize that delayed FP could be beneficial for improving the quality of life of women with decreased ovarian reserve after fertility-impairing treatment.
Some limitations of our study must be discussed. First, the retrospective nature of our study and the low oocyte use rates (16.5%) make it difficult to interpret the results of the CLBR. The large number of women who did not wish to undergo oocyte cryopreservation despite an obvious indication must also be considered. The French insurance coverage for fertility preservation also raises the problem of extrapolation to countries where patients have to pay for their fertility preservation.
The main result of our study is the feasibility of oocyte banking in women with DOR after fertility-impairing treatment with a cumulative number of cryopreserved oocytes between 10.1 (± 7.6 SD) and 12.3 (± 9.1 SD) regardless of the initial disease. The CLBR of 20% per cycle is also important data to provide when counseling referred women.
Regardless of the initial disease that led to DOR after fertility-impairing treatment, oocyte banking should be offered to all reproductive-age women under 35 years of age after every fertility-impairing treatment. The overall improvement in access to FP prior to and after fertility-impairing treatment must be continued through the education of practitioners and throughout the setup of fertility networks [8].