The underlying mechanism for BAPE, which is an inflammatory condition of the visceral pleura caused by asbestos fibers, has yet to be elucidated. However, it is a condition that must be differentiated for the early diagnosis of MPM. BAPE is an exudative pleural effusion, and diagnosis is based on a history of occupational exposure to asbestos, findings of pleural plaque on imaging, and elimination of other possible causes using pleural fluid markers, cytology, and pleural biopsy.
Early-stage lesions of MPM often present with pleural effusion only; however, as the disease progresses, imaging findings such as pleural rind patterns may suggest malignant tumors. In early-stage lesions, neoplastic pleural thickening is typically not presented, making it difficult to differentiate from other diseases, particularly mediastinitis. Treatments considered for MPM include the use of CDDP + pemetrexed combination therapy and nivolumab as second-line therapy; however, no treatment method greatly improves prognosis. Because diagnosis of early-stage lesions and surgical treatment can improve prognoses, when patients with a history of asbestos exposure present with pleural effusion, BAPE should be considered for a differential diagnosis of MPM.
By focusing on BAPE, and differentiating with other diseases, we found that SLPI in pleural fluid was a significant indicator.
Tests of the ability of each pleural fluid marker to differentiating BAPE from MPM revealed that in BAPE, the following are observed:
In differentiation from MPM, SLPI, galectin-3, CYFRA21-1, SMRP, and HA exhibited significantly lower level, whereas CCL2 exhibited significantly higher levels. Moreover, if the percentage of lymphocytes was at least at 80%, this is suggestive of BAPE.
In differentiation from LCa, SLPI, galectin-3, CYFRA21-1, and HA levels were significantly lower, whereas CCL2 levels were significantly higher, and the presence of abundant lymphocytes was suggestive of BAPE.
In differentiation from other diseases (IF, HF), SLPI and galectin-3 levels were significantly lower, whereas CCL2, CYFRA21-1, SMRP, and HA ware significantly higher, and if the percentage of lymphocytes was high, then BAPE should be considered.
SLPI exhibited significantly lower values for these three conditions.
Although HA and SMRP reportedly serve as differential markers for MPM and other diseases, upon drawing an ROC curve, SLPI had an AUC of 0.902, indicating higher reliability than HA, which had an AUC of 0.802, and SMRP, which had an AUC of 0.746. Furthermore, galectin-3 showed significantly lower values for the three conditions, whereas CCL2 showed significantly higher values for the three. CYFRA21-1 showed significantly lower values for MPM and LCa, and significantly lower values for other diseases.
Combining pleural effusion markers with pleural fluid cytology, chest CT, and positron emission tomography–CT images facilitates the differentiation of BAPE from MPM and LCa, which are malignant tumors. However, in early-stage MPM, many patients do not exhibit significant uptake on chest CT or PET-CT, and it has been reported that MPM is diagnosed by searching for the presence of p16 gene mutations using FISH in histopathology specimens, and cytology tools when more than a certain number of homozygous deletions are confirmed [2, 12]. However, in MPM patients, the rate of diagnosis by pleural effusion cytology is much lower than in malignant pleural effusion caused by malignant tumors such as lung cancer. Therefore, even if tumor cells are detected, markers that suggest MPM are needed. In the past, such markers included osteopontin [13] and fibulin-3 [14, 15], but at present, they are rarely evaluated.
As a marker for differentiating pleural effusion in MPM, SLPI only appears in a report by Blanquart et al. (2013) [16]; however, in their report, three types of markers (CCL2, galectin-3, and SMRP) were reportedly effective, and if they are used properly, MPM could be differentiated from other diseases that cause pleural effusion, with an AUC of 0.968. However, Blanquart et al. used three types of markers, rather than a single marker. For SLPI alone, the AUC was 0.706, which was the lowest among the markers examined, and its significance was not evaluated.
With regard to MPM, CCL2 levels in pleural fluid were high and reportedly increased as disease progressed [17]. We have reported that high levels were found in serum in advanced-stage MPM [18]. In the present study, we examined CCL2 in pleural fluid, and found significantly higher levels in BAPE patients compared with patients with LCa and other diseases. However, with respect to MPM, which should be associated with high levels, we found significantly lower levels compared with BAPE (p < 0.016), in contradiction to Blanquart et al., [16] who reported that the levels differed according to histological type, with 2.82 ng/mL in epithelial mesothelioma, and 16.73 ng/mL in sarcomatoid mesothelioma. Our patients included 31 with epithelial mesothelioma and six with sarcomatoid mesothelioma (indicating overwhelmingly more patients with epithelial mesothelioma), and the mean level was therefore low at 2.15 pg/mL. Of the 37 MPM patients included in the study, three had sarcomatoid mesothelioma, and while some patients had a high level, the level in epithelial cases was 0.4 to 3.0 pg/mL, indicating significant individual variation. We therefore intend to conduct another study with a larger subject sample.
Galectin-3 not only showed high levels in MPM patients but in those with LCa as well, and we therefore suspect that it can be used to rule out malignancy because low levels are found in BAPE patients [19]. Similarly for CYFRA21-1, high levels are common in pleural effusions, even in early-stage MPM, and therefore, even if there was no malignant pleural thickening on imaging, early-stage MPM should be considered because CYFRA21-1 appears to be a marker that can serve to warrant a thoracoscopic biopsy [20].
When comparing HA, which is a biomarker of mesothelioma, and SMRP by focusing not on MPM but BAPE, we found a significantly high AUC at 0.902 for SLPI, and significantly low values compared to 0.802 for HA and 0.746 for SMRP. Even on its own, SLPI was deemed a superior marker for differentiating BAPE and MPM compared with HA and SMRP. We also found that it was useful for differentiating LCa, and HF, or IF. Differential diagnosis of LCa can be based on cytology or tumor markers such as carcinoembryonic antigens and CYFRA21-1; for tuberculosis pleurisy among IF, it can be based on adenosine deaminase; and for inflammatory pleurisy, differential diagnosis can be achieved based on neutrophilia in pleural fluid.
Because SLPI levels were significantly lower in BAPE patients compared to patients with pleurisy caused by other diseases such as MPM, it may be an effective a screening marker for the diagnosis of BAPE, which is important in a differential diagnosis of early-stage MPM.