This study provided genetic support for a causal relationship between LTL and MI, with a 17% reduction in MI risk for each 1-SD increase in LTL. When considering the roles of metabolic factors in the pathway from LTL to MI within a mediation MR framework, we identified three factors (SBP, DBP, and FI) that significantly mediated the effect of LTL on MI. Furthermore, the causality between LTL and MI remained robust and consistent in all sensitivity analyses and MVMR analyses, suggesting the relationship was independent of preformed mediators.
Consistent with our findings, previous studies convinced that LTL has a protective causal effect on MI 9,40. A meta-analysis including 32 studies, with a total of 144 610 participants, showed that the shortest LTL was associated with a 39% higher risk of incident MI after adjusting by traditional covariates of chronical age, and sex 13,41. MR studies have also supported that longer telomeres reduce the risk for CVD, whereby per 1-SD increase in change in genetically increased LTL was responsible for a 12% lower risk of coronary heart disease 42. Moreover, a network MR analysis identified a mediating role of insulin on the causal pathway of short telomeres and coronary heart disease pathogenesis 26. However, the association between LTL and MI has not been studied exhaustively until our two-sample bidirectional MR analysis revealed the causal relationships and oriented the causal direction. Several mechanisms have been proposed to account for the independent role of LTL in MI. First, telomere attrition and dysfunction may contribute to increased chromosomal instability, causing senescence and destruction of some cells 43. Accumulation of senescent cells leads to vascular changes and dysregulation of blood flow, triggering atherosclerosis and forthcoming cardiovascular disease 44. Second, experimental evidence suggested that telomere attrition provokes pro-inflammatory cytokines secretion 45, while inflammation has long been regarded as a key contributor to MI. Finally, short LTL has been associated with other aging-associated disorders in humans, which could be a general reflection of vascular aging 46.
Furthermore, we also explored the causal mechanism underlying the pathway from LTL to MI with an emphasis on a wide range of metabolic factors. In the MR mediation analysis, we observed that genetically predicted increased LTL was associated with higher SBP, higher DBP, and lower FI, respectively. Then, as expected, the genetically predicted SBP, DBP and FI all showed a positive association with MI. It suggests that LTL disparities may produce additional burden of MI partly by increasing SBP, DBP or decreasing FI. The positive association of LTL with SBP and DBP seemed paradoxical, since several prior studies showed that measured LTL was inversely associated with BP traits, and that the number of LTL shortening alleles was inversely associated with SBP 47,48. Conversely, two studies reported an increasing trend in SBP with genetically increased telomere length, despite the observational associations of TL with SBP and DBP being minimal 14,49. Besides, a study has also shown inconsistent results that mean telomere length was related to SBP and DBP in a non-linear manner 50. Thus, no definite conclusions can be drawn from these results. By contrast, a recent MR study provided causal evidence that longer LTL increased lung function and blood pressure traits among middle-aged U.K. Biobank participants, which was in accordance with our mediation analysis 23. Unexceptionally, another MR study including 78 592 Europeans suggested that genetically instrumented longer LTL was associated with raised SBP and DBP, while no unbalanced horizontal pleiotropy was detected 51. A possible explanation for this stems from an epidemiological study in the Framingham Offspring Cohort that longer LTL was associated with increased aldosterone-to-renin ratio and eventually causes hypertension 52. With respect to FI, our results were consistent with previous observational and MR studies, which found associations between shorter telomeres and higher fasting insulin levels 53,54. A possible explanation for the mediating role of blood pressure stems from an epidemiological study in the Framingham Offspring Cohort, showing that longer LTL was associated with an increased aldosterone-to-renin ratio, which directly causes increased blood pressure and thus increasing the risk of MI 52. Another general perception for LTL and FI is that oxidative stress and inflammation are unifying factors for the associations of a relatively short LTL with atherosclerosis and with insulin resistance 55,56. And then pancreatic islets respond to the increased insulin demand due to insulin resistance, maintaining homeostasis by increasing insulin output and expanding beta cell mass 57. Ultimately, both the insulin-resistant state and the resulting metabolic disturbances increase the risk of developing MI 58.
To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first to use two-sample MR analysis to investigate the causal role of metabolic traits in explaining the effect of telomere length on the risk of myocardial infarction. Our study has several strengths. First, we assess the causal role of mediators by using a two-step two-sample MR method with large-scale GWAS summary-level data, which suffered less bias from reverse causation, confounders, and measurement error than observational mediation analysis 36. Second, we perform MVMR to estimate the direct effect of LTL on MI by adjusting for all significant mediators together and emphasize the effect of LTL on MI is independent of blood pressure and fasting insulin. These findings established that telomeres length might serve as a promising biomarker in predicting the risk of MI. Third, multiple sensitivity analyses were performed for enhancing the robustness of the results, testing the validity of the assumptions, and accounting for sample overlap, thus minimizing the possibility of biased results. Nevertheless, several potential limitations should also be considered. First, unknown causal mediated pathways in the association between LTL and MI may affect the results, despite the lack of evidence for pleiotropy in the analyses and twelve metabolic traits were considered in the study. Second, there was sample overlap in the GWAS of LTL, SBP, DBP and outcome of MI, which might increase false positive error and lead to bias 59. Whereas, the analysis of MI GWAS summary-level data from only CARDIoGRAMplusC4D consortium generated similar results and large F-statistics (> 10) ensure the bias was minimal. Third, MR is not equivalent to a randomized trial and MR simulates life-course exposure due to genetic variants are randomly assigned to the offspring and remain constant after conception. Therefore, causal mediated effects derived from MR analyses may differ in magnitude of random trial, and should be explained as life-course effects. Fourth, measurement error and interaction between telomere length and potential mediators may bias the results. However, the size of the biases in mediation MR study was smaller than mediation observational analyses 36. Fifth, weak instrument bias could attenuate the causal estimate towards the null. However, we only used genetic variants with F-statistic > 10 to minimize the weak instruments bias 60. Finally, we cannot exclude the possibility of metabolic traits playing sex-, age- and ethnicity-specific roles in the pathway from telomere length to MI due to current summary-level genetic data cannot capture these effects. These limitations reiterate the need to interpret our MR results as evidence of the causal relationship between telomeres and MI and exploration of mediating metabolic risk factors, rather than precise estimates of telomere effects. In the future, we hope that data from specific strata by age, sex, and ethnicity in individual-level data will be available to address these unresolved issues.
In conclusion, we identified causal roles of LTL on MI is independent of blood pressure and fasting insulin. The LTL may influence the risk of MI via blood pressure and fasting insulin, which implies new mechanisms of the pathway from telomere length to MI. The findings provide novel insights into the mechanisms of LTL in reducing the risk of MI and evidence to support future clinical trials of LTL and MI.