Upwelling (downwelling) in the SEAS can cause increases (decreases) in surface chlorophyll concentrations (Shankar et al. 2019). The mean (6oN-15oN) vertical current shows that the weak downwelling anomaly (less than 0.15m·day− 1) occurs over the area of 72oE-74oE during 2015 summer, with intensity weaker in the upper layer (Fig. 3a). No downwelling anomalies can be found in coastal region (74oE-76oE). Moreover, the thermocline depth (i.e., 23°C isotherm line depth, D23) in the SEAS had weak subsidence (less than 10 m) in 2015 summer, which gradually deepens from west to east (Fig. 3a). However, a strong downwelling anomaly (reach 0.3m·day− 1) is observed in the SEAS during 2019 summer (Fig. 3b). The regions of strong downwelling anomaly can be found in upper 100m layer along 73oE-76oE and lower layer (50m-150m) over 76oE-77oE. The thermocline depth sinks significantly (20m-30m) in the SEAS during 2019 summer. It is clear that the upwelling in 2019 summer is much weaker than in 2015, especially in the upper 50m.
The weakening upwelling during the 2015 and 2019 summers are accompanied by the increasing SST in the SEAS (Fig. 4a). Surface chlorophyll concentrations in the SEAS during summer showed a significant negative correlation with SSTA (-0.64). It is noteworthy that sea temperature in upper 30m is warmer in 2015 is stronger than in 2019, even though the upwelling intensity is stronger in 2015 (Fig. 4). In other words, the intensity of upwelling in the SEAS during 2015 summer does not match the upper ocean temperature and surface chlorophyll concentrations (Figs. 2, 3 and 4). To disentangle the differences in the physical processes that led to the reduction of chlorophyll concentration in 2015 and 2019 summer, it is necessary to analyze the causes of the upwelling intensity changes and to examine the physical processes affecting seawater temperature variability.
Wind is the main contributor to drive the upwelling in the SEAS during summer, including both local and remote forcing. The wind anomaly patterns in Arabian Sea show significant differences between in 2015 and 2019 summers, while the wind anomaly patterns in other parts of Indian Ocean do not differ much between both years (Fig. 5). In 2015, the Arabian Sea is predominated by a northeasterly anomaly, with the positive (negative) wind stress curl anomaly in the south (north). In contrast to 2015 summer, the wind stress curl anomaly is positive (negative) at the north (south) side of the Arabian Sea in 2019 summer. Meanwhile, wind anomaly in the Arabian Sea is weak in 2019 summer, but there is significant poleward anomaly in the SEAS. The inconsistent wind pattern in 2015 and 2019 summers will contribute differently to the upwelling intensity in SEAS.
Upwelling indexes over the SEAS during 2018–2020 are shown in Fig. 6. Both the SST (UIsst) and Ekman pumping (UIek) induced upwelling peaks in summer and have strong interannual variability, with the weakest in 2019 summer (Figs. 6a and 6b). UIsst is calculated based on the SST differences between the coastal and offshore regions, which is a direct reflection of the upwelling intensity. UIek is an upwelling index calculated from the local wind stress, which is an important factor for upwelling intensity changes. The two indexes exhibit large differences comparing to the climatology (average over the period of 1998–2020). UIek in 2015 exceeds the climatology monsoon season, but UIsst is below the average; UIek in 2019 reaches the lowest during summer for 1998–2020, but UIsst does not reach the lowest. The poleward coastal wind and negative wind curl anomaly in the SEAS during 2019 summer inhibits the offshore Ekman transport and pumping, weakening the upwelling (Figs. 5 and 6) and deepens the thermocline depth (Fig. 3b). Compared to that during 2019 summer, the UIsst and UIek in 2015 are stronger and closer to the climatology, showing stronger upwelling strength. Despite the occurrence of positive IOD events in both 2015 and 2019, and poleward coastal wind anomalies were observed in SEAS, the wind stress rotational anomalies are opposite (Fig. 5). Correspondingly, the wind-driven vertical velocity anomaly (Wek) in the SEAS in 2015 (2019) is stronger (weaker) than the 23-year (1998–2020) average (Fig. 6c). The UIsst and UIek for 2015 and 2019 do not correspond well, suggesting that local wind field anomalies are not the only factor controlling upwelling strength.
In addition to the local wind forcing, non-local wave processes derived by remote winds can also affect the strength of coastal upwelling. These wave processes affect upwelling by modulating sea surface height and thermocline depth, with positive (negative) sea surface height anomalies (SLA) representing enhanced (weakened) upwelling. Easterly anomalies in equatorial eastern Indian Ocean induced by positive IOD events (Saji et al. 1999; Fig. 5) can force the equatorial upwelling Kelvin waves and propagate into the SEAS to affect SLA. The upwelling Kelvin waves can enhance the upwelling, so the equatorial upwelling Kelvin waves driven by equatorial eastern Indian Ocean do not contribute to weaken the upwelling in SEAS during the summer monsoon. Recent studies have shown that the IOD events induce wind anomalies in eastern Sri Lanka, driving westward coastal Kelvin waves that can quickly affect the SEAS (Suresh et al. 2016, 2018). The easterly and negative wind stress curl anomalies occurred in eastern Sri Lanka (5°N) starts in May, driving the downwelling Kelvin waves (positive SLA) and propagating westward into the SEAS, which can suppress upwelling and deepen the thermocline depth (Figs. 3, 5 and 7). No significant westward propagation process can be seen in 2015 summer (Fig. 7a), which may be due to the local wind field favoring upwelling and suppressing positive SLA in SEAS. As shown in Figure. 7b, during the 2019 summer, the SLA positive anomaly extend from the southern Bay of Bengal (especially around Sri Lanka) to the SEAS and seems to have a westward propagation process. The strong easterly winds and negative wind stress curl anomalies from eastern Sri Lanka during 2019 summer (Fig. 5b) drive downwelling Kelvin waves to propagate westward into the SEAS, suppressing upwelling and deepening thermocline (Figs. 3b).
Extreme low surface chlorophyll in 2019 can be well demonstrated by weak upwelling (strong downwelling), which is related by both local wind and remote wave response. However, the strong upwelling in 2015 due to local wind cannot be offset by the weak downwelling induced by remote wave response (Fig. 7a), therefore the upwelling by the combined local and remote wind forcing also cannot explain the extreme low surface chlorophyll concentration in 2015 summer.