3.1 Effect of powder characteristics on the green density
Binder jet additive manufacturing of Ti-6Al-4V powders with different size distributions was performed to fabricate green parts with the highest possible green density. High-density green parts are favorable because they have higher strength (ease of handling) and result in denser parts after sintering with improved mechanical properties and reduced non-uniform sintering shrinkage. We have printed several parts at different processing parameters, including used powder particle sizes, the layer thickness, binder saturation, and bed temperature (as mentioned in Experimental Section 2.2), and measured the green density. The density of the printed parts varies between 56 to 64 percent of PFD with a standard deviation of 0.5–1.1%. For instance, the effect of mean particle size on the green density at the layer thickness of 30 µm and bed temperature of 40°C is shown in Fig. 2a. In agreement with other studies, for example, Ref. [5], a direct relationship between the green density and the mean particle size cannot be figured out. Interestingly, powders with higher apparent and tap densities do not render a higher green density because 1) powder spreading on the platform may be non-uniform and accompanied by the formation of pores due to the particle agglomeration, sticking to the roller, and jamming [24], (2) particle ejection from the powder bed induced by the impact of binder droplets [2], and (3) rearrangement of particles and formation of aggregates by the drag force of the binder (this will be explained in the following sections).
The presented results reveal that the densification of the powder bed during binder jetting is a complex process and cannot be described by a single parameter such as the mean particle size. We propose that other parameters including particle size distribution should be taken into account. As the powder packing depends on the size distribution profile, we have examined the effect of span (the degree of distribution width) and skewness (the degree of distortion from symmetric distribution) on the green density (Figs. 2c and 2d). The span of size distribution is defined as [25]:
This parameter indicates how far D10 (10 pct) and D90 (90 pct) points are apart, normalized with D50 (the midpoint). The relative magnitude and direction of a distribution's deviation from the normal distribution are explained by [25]:
$$the Skewness=\frac{{\sum }_{i}^{N}{({X}_{i}-{X}_{m})}^{3}}{(N-1)\times {\sigma }^{3}}$$
Where Xi is the volume fraction at the i percentile, Xm is the mean, N is the number of data points, and σ is the standard deviation. Except for the coarse powder of AP&C (Powder D), the size distribution of other powder exhibits a positive (right hand) skewness. We have found that the higher span and skewness are, the denser the green parts become. Despite the risk of particles’ segregation, a broad size distribution provides high packing because fine particles fill the interstitial spaces between the coarse ones. With a right-hand (positive) skewness, the presence of coarse particles restricts particle movement, ejection, and aggregation during spreading and binder jetting. Therefore, we propose that a mixture of fine and coarse powders with broad size distribution is used, as described in the next section.
3.2 Design and selection of powder size distribution
In light of the results obtained, we propose that metal powders with a broad particle size distribution, large span, and right-hand skewness would be suitable to attain higher green density after binder jetting. For this aim, we have prepared different powder mixtures at various fine to coarse particle ratios. For instance, Fig. 3a shows the particle size distribution of the blends made of powders B (D50⁓19 µm) and D (D50⁓27 µm). The average particle size, skewness, and span of the blended powders as a function of the fraction of the fine powder are shown in Fig. 3b. As seen, the span reaches a maximum value of ⁓1.8 for the blend containing 50% of the fine fraction. The maximum positive skewness of ⁓0.6 is attained at 70% of the fine fraction. In this range of powder fraction (50–70%), the average particle size ranges between 21–23 µm. Cumulative size distribution plots for the blends made of the coarse powder (D) mixed with the finer ones (A and B) are shown in Fig. 3c. Employing powder B results in a broad powder size distribution with hump distribution. In Table 2, the characteristics of powder blends with different size distributions are compared. The results indicate that the powder blend with a hump distribution has a high packing density (64% PFD), large span (1.86), and sizeable right-hand skewness (0.87). After 3D printing, the green density exceeds 65% PFD. Despite the high green density, the powder spreading is not enough to fabricate large and complex-shaped parts unless the deposition speed is reduced or the layer thickness is increased. The bimodal powder mixture yields a lower green density (about 3%), but the powder has better spreadability. These findings reveal the importance of particle size tailoring for successful 3DBJ of complex parts with a high density. The results also affirm the rational design of particle distribution based on the span and skewness of the particles.
Table 2
Characteristics of blended powders. The values of density are relative to PFD.
Size distribution
Apparent density
Tap density
Green density
42.4 ± 1.0
63.9 ± 0.4
61.8 ± 0.6
44.6 ± 1.0
64.2 ± 0.6
65.2 ± 0.9
3.3. Pore structure
Besides the green density, microstructural features of printed parts concerning the size and distribution of pores are of high importance. Sintering of parts with fine and uniformly distributed pores can be performed at lower temperatures or shorter times without severe microstructural coarsening and heterogeneous shrinkage. Therefore, observation of the pore structure in green parts provides valuable information on the powder rearrangement and local densification during binder jetting. Since green parts after de-powdering and curing do not have enough strength, we employed low-temperature sintering to form sintered contacts without shrinking to keep the pore structure unchanged. Figure 4a shows the dilatometric curves of the printed parts (the inset) at 1350°C for 4 h under reduced pressure of argon (0.1 bar). The results determine that at around 800°C, the amount of sintering strain (\(\epsilon\)) is about 1%. Therefore, the sintered contacts should be formed without affecting the pore structure. To confirm this hypothesis, a green tensile sample was broken from the middle of the gage length (Fig. 4b). SEM studies of the fracture surface determine a porous structure consisting of the individual powder particles (Fig. 4c). After sintering at 800°C for 30 min, no changes in the individual powder particles are visible but the sintered contacts are formed (Fig. 4d). Therefore, the low-sintering practice can be employed to remove the binder, form particle-particle contacts, and render enough strength for cutting the samples for metallography. Figure 5 shows representative cross-sectional metallographic images of a printed part utilizing powder D (Table 1). The sections were prepared in the X-Z direction (perpendicular to the moving print head) and Y-Z direction (perpendicular to the building direction). The images determine that the pore structure is not homogenous throughout the green part and is notably different in 2-different directions. More pores are visible in the Y-Z direction.
3.4. Large pore networks
To further study the pore formation during binder jetting, a single layer was printed on a ceramic plate, cured and the upper surface was studied by SEM (Fig. 6). Aggregation of fine particles indicates that during binder jetting, the binder droplets rearrange the particles. At the same time, its capillary force (driven by viscosity and surface tension) drags the fine portion to form aggregates with inter-aggregate pores. To study the effect of binder jetting on the surface quality, roughness measurements were carried out on printed parts with different numbers of layers. Figure 7 shows the results of the measurements for powder D. The arithmetic mean height (Sa) and maximum height (Sz) indicate a gradually decreasing trend that levels off after a few layers. The rough and porous surface of the previous layer prevents uniform and dense deposition of the fresh layer; hence, a non-uniform pore structure is built up. Chains or networks of inter-aggregate pores are thus formed during layer-by-layer deposition. The size of the aggregates is independent of the powder particle size. However, the size of pores in inter-aggregates and intra-aggregates increases with the particle diameter. It is also pertinent to point out that the impact of binder droplets on the surface of the powder bed can also induce movement and ejection of particles within the interaction depth [2]. Therefore, three types of pores can be realized in the printed parts, including (1) intra-aggregate pores that are due to the particle packing and influenced by the capillary effect of the binder, (2) inter-agglomerate pores created by the coalescence of particles and their movement by the drag force of the binder, and (3) interlayer pores that are formed during powder spreading (the particles cannot fill up the pores in the underlying layer because of size, sticking, and jamming effects). It is easier to remove the intra-aggregate pores because of their size. The inter-aggregates can form chain-like structures, and their size depends on the mean particle diameter (Fig. 6). Therefore, high-temperature sintering is required to break down the pore networks. However, interlayer pores or inter-aggregate pores that maybe form columns of pores in the building direction are hard to be removed even during high-temperature sintering.
To affirm this hypothesis, the Ti-6Al-4V powder with the hump particle distribution (Table 2) was used to print cuboidal samples. We chose this powder because the high fine portion promotes aggregation and ejection phenomena. Sintering was carried out at different temperatures (850°C, 1100°C, and 1250°C) for 3 h. Figure 8 shows representative micrographs of the pore structure. Based on the phase diagram of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy [26], the low sintering temperature in the α-phase region preserves the pore structure of the green part. Chains of vertically aligned pores are noticeable in line with the building direction (X-Z). Sintering at the intermediate temperature (above the α + β tarsus) results in pore closure but large pores mostly remain intact. Although the high-temperature sintering proceeds to high densification and breakdown of the network of inter-aggregate pores, discontinuous pores (10–20 µm) are visible.
To visualize the effect of binder jetting on the formation of inter-aggregate pores, cuboidal specimens with an internal bore (2 mm wide) were designed and printed (Fig. 9a). The powder that remained in the bore was not removed during de-powdering, and the composite structure (printed shell and the filled bore with particles) was sintered at a low temperature (850°C, 30 min). Microstructural studies of the binder jetting area determine a porous structure consisting of small and large pores (the left-hand side image of Fig. 9a). In contrast, the microstructure of the bore, which is composed of particles collected during powder spreading, is relatively dense with fewer and smaller pores (the right-hand side image of Fig. 9a). This observation affirms that the binder droplets significantly interact with the particles and induce porosity either by particle movement and ejection, formation of large aggregates by the surface tension and viscosity effect, or impairing the layer deposition. For quantification, we designed an experiment to directly measure the density of the powder bed after layer spreading. Arrays of thin-wall cups were designed and fabricated by binder jetting at different locations of the building box (Fig. 9b). The cups had a 5 mm wall thickness. Without removing the particles inside the cups during de-powdering and curing, the weight of filled cups was measured by a balance. The cups were then fully de-powdered, and the weight difference divided by the internal volume yielded the powder bed density. Figure 9c shows the difference between the green density of the printed parts and the powder bed density at different platform locations for layer thicknesses of 40 and 90 µm. Besides slight differences in the density at different positions of the platform, the difference in the local density ranges between 15 to 0 %. The difference is more pronounced when a thicker layer thickness is utilized. The difference in the density at different platform locations is attributed to nonuniform powder spreading on the surface by ultrasonic shaking of the hopper (systematic instrumental error).
3.5. Sintering and microstructural development
The sintering response of the green (3D printed) parts was evaluated by dilatometry. The main sintering features are summarized in Table 3. The results indicate that sintering starts at around 800°C ( % strain) and the maximum strain rate occurs at a temperature (TMax) between 990 and 1068 °C, depending on the particle size. The maximum linear strain during non-isothermal sintering is in the range of 14.4–164 %. During isothermal sintering at 1350°C, slight linear strain (up to 19 %) occurs. Sintering starts at lower temperatures (Ts) and proceeds faster for fine particles with higher sintering activity.
Table 3
Sintering parameters for 3D printed Ti-6Al-4V parts. Non-isothermal sintering was carried out at a rate of 10°C/min. Isothermal sintering at 1350°C was carried out for 4 h.
Ts, °C
Tmax, °C
\(\epsilon\)at Tmax, %
\({\epsilon }_{non-isothermal},\)%
\({\epsilon }_{isothermal},\)%
The densification of green parts after batch sintering at different temperatures was also studied. Figure 10a shows the apparent density of 3D printed parts (surface/open pores were not considered) after sintering at different temperatures for 3 h. It is seen that the density increases almost linearly with the inverse of mean particle size independent of the green density. Solid-state sintering is controlled by the migration of atoms via surface, grain boundaries, and volume diffusion. At the initial and medium stages of sintering, the driving force for solid-state sintering is highly influenced by the surface energy and surface curvature [27]; hence, the sintering thermodynamics is inversely proportional to the radius. At the final sintering stage, the sintering temperature has a significant influence on the densification to speed up the volume diffusion. Therefore, increasing the temperature above 1250°C further improves the densification. The densification becomes marginal above 1300°C because the total solid/vapor surface energy at the final stage is reduced, while grains overgrow [27]. Therefore, the sintering of Ti alloys at temperatures above 1300°C is not favorable because of grain growth and impurity pickup.
The effect of sintering temperature on the densification of green parts prepared from coarse (D) and fine (A) powders and their mixture (bimodal powder with normal size distribution) is shown in Fig. 10b. The higher density at the low temperature (1000 °C) for the bimodal powder is attributed to the higher green density. The fine powder exhibits faster densification at elevated temperatures (≥1200°C) due to higher sintering activity. The final density of the mixed powder is the same as the fine powder at ≥1280°C. This finding is important because powder spreading for fine powder particles is more complicated than the mixed powder with an average size of 20 µm.
We also studied the volume of pores (open or closed) that remained after sintering the bimodal powder at 1300°C for 3 h. The type of pores is not only crucial for the mechanical property assessment, but also determines the applicability of hot isostatic pressing (HIP) to reachFigure 10. Sintering of 3D printed Ti-6Al-4V alloy. (a) Apparent sintered density is an inverse function of the mean particle size. The individual solid red dots show the density of powders with bimodal and hump size distribution sintered at 1300°C. The green parts were fabricated at the layer thickness of 30 µm, binder saturation o 65 %, and bed temperature of 40°C. (b) Effect of sintering temperature on the density for the coarse powder (D), fine powder (A), and their mixture (60:40 coarse to fine). The layer thickness was 50 µm. The binder saturation as 50 %. (c) The type of pores in the sintered sample for the bimodal powder mixture. (d) Effect of layer thickness on the porosity in the sintering samples. In all experiments, the sintering time was 3 hisotropic microstructure for the fabrication of high-performance titanium alloys [28, 29]. A layer thickness of 30 µm was used, and the samples were printed at the bed temperature of 40 and 60 °C. The difference in the green density of the printed parts was±1 %. Figure 10c determines that 1.5-2% of the pores are closed, and the large/inter-aggregate pores (about 3%) cannot be removed even after high-temperature sintering. Employing a higher layer thickness increases the total porosity with a gradual increase in the closed pores up to around 3% (Fig. 10d). The percentage of open pores remains almost constant above 50 µm layer thickness. A representative microstructure of the sintered parts ⁓96 % PFD) is shown in Fig. 11a. The pores are closed and have near-circular shapes. The size of most pores is less than 20 µm. The matrix has a lamellar structure with a distinct region of α and β phases. The α colony size is about 100 µm. These characteristics are almost the same as the MIM Ti-6Al-4V alloy reported in the literature, for example, Ref. [30].
3.6 Mechanical properties and interstitial impurities
The effect of mean particle size on the tensile strength and elongation of sintered parts is shown in Figs. 11b and 11c. The tensile strength varies between 830 to 930 MPa. The change in the tensile strength partly arises from differences in porosity, and the sintering temperature (1250 and 1300 ºC) shows a minor influence on the results. The highest strength is attained for the powder with a mean particle size of ⁓20 µm (Powder B). The ductility of the sintered parts exhibits a pronounced relationship with the sintering temperature and mean particle size. The effect of sintering temperature can be ascribed to the pore shapes, i.e., round pores are formed at higher temperatures with a less undesirable effect on the ductility []. The lower tensile elongation of finer particles can be attributed to the higher interstitial content (C, O, and N) (Fig. 11d). Compared with the as-received powders (C < 800 ppm, N < 300 ppm), the results indicate that 600–800 ppm carbon should be picked up during processing. The amount of nitrogen pickup is about 100 to 200 ppm. Carbon and nitrogen contamination should be fetched from the binder and varies slightly with the mean particle size. However, the amount of oxygen in the sintered part is significantly higher than the as-received powders (about 1600 ppm). The high oxygen concentration indicates that the sintering atmosphere has not been pure enough for the sintering of titanium (although titanium foams have been used as a getter for protection).
Titanium and oxygen have a high chemical attraction (activity), providing substantial oxygen solubility in both the hexagonal closed-packed (~ 12 wt.%) and body-centered cubic phases [31]. Upon sintering, oxygen penetrates through the surface scale into the titanium (> 550°C) and readily absorbs atmospheric oxygen above 700°C [32]. Therefore, for the additive manufacturing of titanium, environmental control at different processing stages (powder handling, storage, 3D printing, de-binding, and sintering) is of critical requirement. Here, it is essential to mention that the amount of oxygen content in the specimens prepared by binder jetting is comparable with those made by selective laser melting (about 3000 ppm) [33]. Kazantseva et al. [34] have shown that on the laser printed surface, the amount of oxygen and nitrogen can reach 3 wt.% and 0.05 wt.%, respectively. Based on the oxygen equivalent (OE) determined by [35]:
the results indicate that OE decreases from 0.56–0.46% using coarser particles. The interstitials entrapped in the metal are responsible for increased tensile strength and reduced elongation. In contrast to annealed specimens after selective laser melting with a tensile strength of 1210 ± 50 MPa and tensile elongation of 3.9% [33], the mechanical properties of parts manufactured by binder jetting are closer to the commercial titanium alloy.
3.7 Binder jet additive manufacturing of the titanium alloy
In light of the results, we designed a powder mixture and optimized the binder jetting processing parameters to fabricate high-density parts. We selected the normal powder mixture (Table 2) for 3D printing because it had a better flowability at the expense of lower green density (compared with the hump powder mixture). A series of cuboidal parts at different processing parameters was fabricated. Finally, a layer thickness of 40 µm, binder saturation of 50%, and bed temperature of 40ºC were selected. The transverse printhead speed was set at 150 mm/s, and the binder volume was about 30 pL. Under these conditions, green parts with 62 ± 1% PFD were attained. After binder curing at 160ºC for 4 h, de-binding was carried out at 350°C for 30 min with a heating rate of 2°C/min. The sintering cycle includes heating with a rate of 5°C/min to 1280°C and holding for 3 h, followed by cooling at a rate of 5°C/min. The sintering atmosphere was argon (99.999%). The properties of the manufactured parts are summarized in Table 4. For comparison, the properties of Ti-6Al-4V MIM parts (ASTM F2885 standard) are presented. The results determine the potential of binder jet additive manufacturing of Ti-6Al-4V alloy for custom-made biomedical implants and devices. Although there is extensive literature available on the bio-performance of powder metallurgy processed Ti6Al4V which is analogous to the materials reported here [], it is required to evaluate in vitro and in vivo responses of the manufactured parts to ensure the biocompatibility and osteogenesis response. This is the continuation of this work that will be presented in near future.