The main purpose of the experiment is to check and determine the strength characteristics of bamboo. The study is divided into the following stages:
determining the breaking strength limit of segments of bamboo slats: clear internodes and with nodes, the amount of tension was determined by experimental methods;
determination of compressive strength;
bamboo bending test done by experimental methods;
research of glued bamboo lamellas;
comparison of glued bamboo beams with other materials used in aviation.
The basic objects of the study are bamboo slats, which are usually used as wallpaper elements (Table 1, Fig. 1).
Table 1. Geometrical characteristics of bamboo slats
Overall length
900 - 2800 mm
1.9 - 2.1 mm
5 - 24 mm
2.1. Typical Defects Of Bamboo Planks
The most widespread defects of bamboo lamellas are mechanical damage during processing: splits and checks (Fig. 2). Most of them are found near bamboo junctions. Scales occur less often and are most often observed at the ends of bamboo slats or in segments of internodes (Fig. 3).
Scales occur less often and most of them are observed on the ends of bamboo planks or segments with interconnections (Fig. 3).
The burnt wood is also very easily spotted during mechanical processing as well as the mold that penetrated the inner layers of bamboo (Fig. 4).
2.2. Experimental Methods
In tensile trials, the force applied to the sample at a given time and the corresponding elongation of the object are measured. For this purpose, breaking machines are equipped with special force-measuring devices — dynamometers — and deformation measuring devices. Methods of measuring deformations depend on the required accuracy of the results. It is easiest to determine the elongation of the sample by the movement of the movable grip, but the accuracy of measuring the deformation in this way is low, because the movement of the movable grip, in addition to the elongation of the working part of the sample with the initial length. related to the choice of gaps in the joints, etc. To measure deformations with maximum accuracy, special devices - strain gauges or extensometers - are used, which allow determining the elongation of only the working part of the sample.
2.3. Numerical Data Of Critical Stretching Strength Experiments On Bamboo Slats
A couple of light segments of bamboo which had no visible defects were chosen, the difference in length between these planks was also a millimetre or less. Herewith the structure of fibres for almost every sample was close to straight. The experiments for stretching were conducted for bamboo planks with δ = 2,1 mm: clear flat zone of internodes and of the nodes (Fig. 5).
Data received during the experiment for definitive stretching, demonstrated in Table 2 and on the graph 1.
Results of experiments show that most samples of bamboo without nodes have tensile strength between 100 and 110 MPa. Approximately 20% of all samples have reached tensile strength that is greater than 130 MPa and in less than 7% of objects the values of over 150MPa can be observed. The fibres of bamboo segments are directed straight, also the strips themselves lack even the slightest curvature. That is why it would be reasonable to avoid using planks that have nodes in their structure.
Most of the samples with nodes share the tensile strength close to 80MPa. Average deviation for samples without the nodes is -37,11%. For the greater strength of bamboo bars, they should be distributed in a way to prevent the overlapping of nodes along the full length or at least minimize the number of such overlaps.
2.4. Numerical Data For Compression Strength
Experiments on bamboo slats
Data received as the result of the experiment for compression strength are presented in the table number 3 and on the graph number 2.
During the compression trials, segments with nodes demonstrated better results, internodal samples on average withstood only − 26.45% lower stresses. Samples with clean voids are in the range from 50 to 70 MPa and have a more uniform distribution. Samples with nodes have an unstable distribution from 55 to 100 MPa. On average, the difference in samples was smaller during the compression experiments. The samples behaved more stably according to the parameter, only 20% with low values stand out from the others, and with high values less than 5% only the nodes of the samples.
Cross-cutting fibre strength structures for compression is much lower than it`s tensile strength. However, both parameters are important in aviation. All elements of the aircraft experience several forces at the same time. With many of the aforementioned forces varying depending on the current phase of the flight.
2.5.1 Numerical data from bamboo-plank bending trials.
Data received during the experiment for bending strength demonstrated in the Table 4 and graph 3.
The amount of stress bending bamboo slats can withstand equals 140 MPa on average. The distribution of internodal samples is more stable and is in the range from 115 to 150 MPa. Only 25% of the samples have a bending strength below 130 MPa. For the bamboo samples with nodes, a large instability in the distribution of values can be observed once again, with 10% of the samples having strengths above 155 MPa, while more than 25 percent of the samples have flexural strengths below 115 MPa.
2.5.2 Comparing The Ratios Of Results Of Tables 1–3
2.6. Glued Bamboo-rails
For most structures permanently durable elements such as spars are required. The production of such parts would be impossible without gluing the lamella together. In addition, gluing allows for the use of more bamboo samples and reduces production waste. In addition, it greatly simplifies the sorting of hearty bamboo.
At the next stage, samples were tested for tensile strength using a simple scarf connection (Fig. 6). At the same time, the most optimal angle at which the halves were glued was applied in the experiments. Mainly, the areas without knots were selected for gluing. The results are demonstrated in Table 5 and Graph 5.
For samples No. 3, 9, and 11, the failure occurred in the area of where the sample was attached. This indicates that the forces that exceed the normal threshold for tensile forces (perpendicular to the fibres) are present in the fastening of the sample. Samples No. 3, 9 and 11 are not connected by an adhesive seam.
Samples No. 1, 2 and 4 failed along the line of attachment of the clamp slips of the experimental machine. Which indicates the previous failure of fibres from mechanical damage to the structure. The samples were first tested and fixed directly in the machines. After several tests, the rest of the samples were fixed using duralumin spacers with glued sandpaper
Trials demonstrate that only glue joints with an angle tangent greater than 1/3 are applicable for use in aircraft bamboo structures. To a greater extent, the strength of the seam is also largely dependent on the glue used. “IZOL 3100 Mono” glue in particular has proven itself better than others.
Each time the results were unsatisfactory, there was either an additional stress or damage to the sample attachment or a defect in the adhesive bond.
Each bamboo sample is different and dispersion of them increases with the addition of different quality glues. Creating a notch before gluing and the processing of the seam also has an effect on the overall strength. Therefore, during production, it is necessary to clean the places of the adhesive seam with great diligence. Due to absorption properties of the bamboo, the amount of glue should be excessive on the seam. Seam quality control must also be conducted after the gluing of the strips.
2.7. Research Of Bamboo Girders
Before the creation of the girders themselves, bamboo should be checked for warping of the wood, especially for bending. It is much less common to encounter a twisted cup during the preliminary sorting of bamboo (Fig. 7).
When gluing bamboo beams, it is necessary to sort it so that the nodes and glue seams do not converge in one cut, because these places have a tendency to significantly weaken the structure.
Tests of bamboo girders made using the manufacturing technology have shown that their strength characteristics approach that of the small monolithic internodal segments of bamboo. And for large segments, it even shows a significant advantage due to the pre-processing and interleaving of internodes and segment nodes.
The breaking strength of bamboo girders lies between 80 and 90 MPa, 65–70 MPa in compression, and within 120–135 MPa in bending.
The loss of strength characteristics for glued bamboo girders over time and in adverse conditions is also higher than for wood, even without protective coatings. Typical sizes of glued bamboo bars (Fig. 8,9, Table 6).
Table 6. Geometrical characteristics of bamboo glued beam from slats.
Overall length
10–5000 + mm
4–80 + mm
5–60 + mm