Late gestational CIH induced sex- and age-specific differences on social and cognitive function in offspring, in which social dysfunctions were observed in female offspring while cognitive dysfunction was observed in male offspring. Late gestational CIH effects on social and cognitive behaviors were mostly transient and present only during puberty, except in females that showed sustained social disengagement and suppressed corticosterone levels during young adulthood. In pubertal female offspring, late gestational CIH transiently impacted social function associated behaviors: 1) impaired social behaviors (sniffing, following, climbing over/under another rat); 2) increased social withdrawal (absence of nose-to-nose interactions with conspecifics); and 3) increased repetitive behaviors (marble burying). In addition, circulating corticosterone levels were increased by late gestational CIH in pubertal female offspring. In contrast, late gestational CIH in pubertal male offspring transiently induced cognitive dysfunction (increased pathlength). We also observed no effects of late gestational CIH on anxiolytic, aggressive, or exploratory behaviors. Long-term effects of late gestational CIH were only observed in females, in which increased social disengagement, decreased marble burying, and decreased circulating corticosterone levels were observed in young adulthood. Interestingly, the effects on marble burying and corticosterone in young adulthood were opposite to the effects observed in puberty, while increased social disengagement was sustained.
The current study is the first to examine the effects of late gestational CIH on social function, anxiety, and cognitive function in rat offspring. Further, this is the only study to use Long-Evans rats, as prior studies used either Sprague Dawley or Wistar rats (Supplemental Table 4). We chose to use Long-Evans rats in our studies, as this rat strain exhibits increased behavior (activity, cognitive function, exploration), greater stress reactivity, and increased sensitivity to hypoxia compared to other rat strains [92, 97, 98]. Additionally, Long-Evans rats are commonly used to study prenatal brain development [99–101]. Brain development during pregnancy occurs in three stages (Supplemental Table 4): 1) stage 1 (GD 1–10) in which the neural tube is formed and is comparable to the first three weeks of human gestation [102, 103]; 2) stage 2 (GD 10–15) in which the establishment of cortical and subcortical brain regions occurs and is comparable to the first two months of human gestation [104–106]; and 3) stage 3 (GD 15–22) in which cortical and subcortical brain maturation occurs and is comparable to the last 7–8 months of human gestation [103, 106, 107]. We have previously shown that short-term, late gestational CIH (GD 15–19) had sex- and age-specific effects on nigrostriatal pathway maturation in pubertal female and young adult male offspring [9]. Impairment of the nigrostriatal pathway is associated with multiple neuropsychiatric disorders, such as cognitive dysfunction [108], ASD [39, 108], and mood disorders [39, 108]. Therefore, here we examined the impact of late gestational CIH on social function, anxiety, and cognitive function in offspring.
Prior studies investigating the impact of gestational hypoxia in rodent offspring (Supplemental Table 4) have found equivocal findings that range from social impairments in male offspring with no effects in female offspring [109, 110] to social impairments in female offspring with no effects in male offspring [76, 111] or social impairments in both sexes [112]. Reports of sex differences in cognition due to gestational hypoxia have been observed, with impairment observed in male offspring [109, 113], female offspring [114], or neither sex [76, 112, 115]. These behavioral differences in offspring exposed to gestational hypoxia may be due to the timing or the type of hypoxic insult, as they ranged in hypoxia exposure duration (1–21 days), hypoxia cycles (intermittent, sustained hypoxia), and intensity of lowered oxygen concentration (13%-5%). Our study utilized CIH (10 hypoxia cycles/hour/for 8 hours each day at 10% O2) during late gestation (GD 15–19). Although no other study has used gestational intermittent hypoxia exposure targeting brain development stage 3, prior studies using a sustained hypoxia protocol during this time have been conducted (Supplemental Table 4). Specifically, sustained hypoxia during this time period (GD 15–22) impaired social behaviors displayed by young adult female offspring and not young adult male offspring [76, 111], had no impact on anxiety-like behaviors in young adult male and female offspring [76, 116], and decreased repetitive behaviors in young adult female offspring [111]. However, there were differences between these prior studies and our current study, in which sustained hypoxia impaired cognitive function in young adult female offspring [114], decreased repetitive behaviors in young adult male offspring [76, 111], and increased anxiety-like behaviors in young adult male offspring [76, 111], indicating that the type of hypoxic exposure during this critical period of brain development is important.
The current study is the first to examine the impact of sex as a biological variable in behavior displayed by pubertal offspring exposed to late gestation hypoxic stress. A recent study examined the effects of acute gestational hypoxia (sustained, 6 hours) on GD 17 on pubertal male and female Sprague Dawley rat offspring, in which impaired cognitive function, impaired social function, and increased repetitive behaviors were observed [112]. However, the role of sex is unknown as sex differences were not assessed in this study [112]. These studies highlight that gestational brain development stage 3 is a vulnerable period important for social and cognitive function in both pubertal and young adult offspring.
Gestational hypoxia increases the risk for ASD by 35% [15–18]. Female offspring exposed to late gestational hypoxia exhibited increased social dysfunction and repetitive behaviors, which are associated with ASD [19, 33, 35]. We did observe sex differences in the display of ASD-associated behaviors, in which increased social dysfunction and repetitive behaviors were observed only in female offspring. Recently, reports have shown that girls are underdiagnosed and/or diagnosed with ASD later in life compared to boys [22, 23]. One of the reasons for underdiagnosis of ASD in females could be that the diagnostic tools are based on ASD presentation by boys [22, 117], but the behavioral presentations of ASD are different for boys and girls [19, 118]. Similar to our findings showing increased social dysfunction in female offspring, social dysfunction is present in girls diagnosed with ASD [28, 29, 118]. However, it is difficult to diagnose social dysfunction in girls with ASD due to their increased ability to camouflage or display socially ‘appropriate’ behaviors compared to boys with ASD [28, 29, 31]. Therefore, the current ASD prevalence rates of 1 in 44 children in the USA [20] may be higher due to the underdiagnosis in girls, as well as the 24.4% annual increase in prevalence rates for gestational sleep apnea hypoxia [119].
In addition to behavioral effects of late gestational hypoxia, we examined glutamatergic (NR2A), dopaminergic (DAT), and serotonergic (MAO-A) associated proteins in the CA1 region of the dorsal hippocampus, as these have been associated with social and cognitive impairments in ASD [39–43]. Similar to our prior publication that found no effects of late gestational CIH on protein expression within the substantia nigra (calpain enzymatic activity, caspase-3 enzymatic activity, tyrosine hydroxylase) [9], we observed no gestational CIH-associated changes in proteins associated with glutamatergic, dopaminergic, and serotonergic functions, regardless of sex or age of the offspring. We also examined markers for cellular activity (EGR-1) and neurogenesis (doublecortin) within the dentate gyrus region of the dorsal hippocampus, as cellular activity and neurogenesis within the dentate gyrus is important in mediating spatial memory [120, 121] and social function [67–70], as well as being associated with ASD [122, 123]. We found no effects of late gestational CIH on EGR-1 or doublecortin protein expression in the dentate gyrus, regardless of sex or age. Future studies need to be conducted to examine the electrophysiological properties (long-term potentiation and long-term depression) of dorsal hippocampal neurons and neurogenesis (bromodeoxyuridine, BrdU), as dysfunction in these cellular properties have been linked with ASD [122, 123].
ASD has been associated with altered circulating steroid hormones levels (e.g., testosterone, cortisol, estradiol) [27, 44–52]. We did not observe any effects on circulating testosterone levels or testosterone-associated behaviors (e.g., aggression) in offspring exposed to gestational CIH. Although increased testosterone levels in children with ASD has been associated with social dysfunction and aggressive behavior [44, 46, 51], other reports found no association between testosterone and pubertal ASD behaviors [47, 124–126]. Recently, the focus has been shifting to examining associations between ASD behaviors and other sex hormones, such as estrogens and cortisol [47, 127]. We found no effect of gestational CIH on circulating estradiol levels. We did find that gestational CIH impacted corticosterone levels. The association between cortisol and ASD is equivocal, in which some studies show an association between elevated cortisol associated with ASD [52, 126, 132] and other studies do not [47, 133]. Our findings that gestational CIH increased circulating corticosterone levels in pubertal females, coincides with findings that increased corticosterone levels have been observed in ASD-associated behaviors [52, 126, 132], such as social impairment and repetitive behavior. The decreased corticosterone levels observed in the young adult females indicates that the effect of gestational CIH on corticosterone may be transient, though social impairments remain.
We also observed several sex- and age-associated developmental effects on brain and behavior. Gestational CIH exposed pubertal female offspring had shorter pathlengths in the Morris water maze than gestational CIH exposed pubertal male offspring, an effect which was not sustained into young adulthood. Other groups using adult rats found no sex differences in Morris water maze performance [134–137], and found that females may have shorter pathlength and latency depending on experimental conditions like training duration and room lighting [137]. Male rats displayed a higher frequency of repetitive (marbles buried) and anxiolytic (open field center duration) behaviors compared to female rats during puberty and young adulthood. Further, aging increased anxiolytic and exploratory behaviors in both males and females. Exploratory behavior has been associated with increased center activity in open field assays [78, 79]. The testosterone [140, 141] and corticosterone levels [138, 139] observed in this study are consistent with the literature. Prior reports have shown similar levels of estradiol in males and females [142–145], and increased corticosterone levels in females compared to males [146, 147]. Since corticosterone has been linked with anxiety [148, 149], it is possible that these behavioral sex- and age differences may be related to the decreased plasma corticosterone in young adult males compared to young adult females.
The dopamine system has been associated with anxiolytic behaviors [150, 151] and repetitive behaviors [152]. We observed decreased hippocampal DAT in young adult females compared to young adult males. Along with this sex difference, we observed that young adult female rats had decreased hippocampal DAT, NR2A, and EGR-1 compared to pubertal female rats. There is not much information available on hippocampal DAT, as prior studies using Wistar, F344, and Sprague Dawley rats showed low DAT expression in the hippocampus [153–155]. Similarly, the data on sex differences in marble burying behavior is unclear. These marble burying studies were conducting using C57BL/6 mice, Wistar rats, and Sprague Dawley rats [156–159], in which there were no sex differences in mice and Wistar rats [156, 157] as compared to increased marble burying by Sprague Dawley female rats [158] and male mice [159]. Few studies on marble burying behavior incorporate both males and females [160], much less the impact of strain differences. Similarly, strain differences may mediate the equivocal findings on sex differences in center duration in an open field [78, 161, 162]. Prior studies that examined behaviors within the center of an open field range from no differences in center duration in Sprague Dawley rats [78] to increased center duration by Wistar female rats [161] and Long-Evans male rats [162]. Our study using Long-Evans rats is consistent with previous studies that showed increased center duration in Long-Evans rats that increased with age [162]. However, regardless of age, offspring in this study spent little time in the center of the open field, which could be an effect of arena size [161, 163].These strain differences may also affect the current “gold standard” valproate/valproic acid (VPA) animal model to study ASD in rodents [164]. VPA may have greater efficacy inducing an ASD phenotype in males [165, 166]. Behavioral phenotypes modelling ASD are typically observed only in male Wistar and Sprague Dawley rats [167–169]. However, the VPA phenotypes induced in Long-Evans are comparable between sexes [170, 171].
Limitations to using the late gestation CIH model to examine ASD include the inability to examine all behavioral phenotypes observed in ASD, such as interpersonal relationship formation. Although we did not assess environmental sensory responses and cognitive flexibility, these behaviors can be measured using behavior tests, such as acoustic startle response to detect dysfunctional fear generation following auditory stimuli [172] and cognitive function tests that include reversal learning, inhibitory learning, or set-shifting [173]. Vaginal smears for estrous cycles in female rats were not examined, so estradiol levels could not be compared to estrous status [174, 175]. Even so, high variability in estradiol levels was observed in both males and females, despite steroid hormone extraction. Although we found spatial memory dysfunction in response to late gestational CIH, future experiments on other memory domains (e.g., recollective memory) need to be conducted to determine the presence of memory impairments [176, 177]. Overall, the late gestational CIH model could be utilized as a novel preclinical model to explore the mechanisms underlying hypoxia-associated pregnancy complications on ASD risk, especially examining ASD-associated social function impairment in females.
Perspectives and significance
The diagnostic criteria for ASD requires deficits in social-emotional reciprocity, nonverbal communication/social interactions, interpersonal relationships, and the presence of restricted or repetitive patterns in behavior (e.g., stereotyped or repetitive movements/speech, inflexibility to routine, restricted/fixated interests, or abnormal sensory responses) [19]. In addition, ASD is associated with delays in speech production, cognitive impairments, hormonal dysregulation, and neurotransmitter dysfunctions [19, 20]. Behaviors associated with ASD diagnostic criteria were observed in our novel, late gestational CIH model (Supplemental Fig. 8). In response to late gestational CIH, we observed in this study and the associated study [9] fine motor dysfunction in male offspring, social function impairments in female offspring, repetitive behaviors or object fixation in female offspring, dysregulated circulating corticosterone levels in female offspring, and cognitive dysfunction in male offspring. Most social effects were only present in females exposed to gestational CIH, especially during the period of puberty. This is of concern as puberty is a critical period for social, endocrine, and cognitive maturation [24, 25], and girls are underdiagnosed for ASD [20–23]. Current American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations support ASD screening for all children up to their 24-month checkup [178]. Based on our findings, children from hypoxia-associated pregnancies should be screened for ASD throughout puberty. Importantly, the results from this study and the associated study [9] indicate that late pregnancy complications associated with hypoxia can have long-term effects on offspring that impact social, endocrine, and cognitive maturation.