Membrane lipid composition significantly differed among Amphiprion percula, A. clarkii and Chromis viridis in the three analysed tissues but the direction and magnitude of the observed differences did not explain the existing divergence in the estimated maximum lifespan potential (MLSP) among the species. Membranes from each tissue had distinctive phospholipid (PL) proportions and PL fatty acid compositions, which is in alignment with previous data in fish (Almaida-Pagán et al. 2012a, b) and rats (Paradies et al. 1992; Modi et al. 2008) and is very likely related to differential properties of membranes in each tissue, so as to different susceptibilities to lipid peroxidation. While liver membranes were richer in sphingomyelin (SM) and cardiolipin (CL), those from brain had a higher content in phophatidylserine (PS) than the other tissues. Regarding membrane PL fatty acid composition, clownfish brain had the most unsaturated membranes compared to liver and skeletal muscle within each species, which is correlated with faster turnover rates of individual membrane proteins and higher cellular metabolism (Hulbert et al. 2006).
Tissue membranes showed significant differences in PL proportions among the three species. PS content was statistically higher in skeletal muscle and brain from the shorter-lived C. viridis (estimated MLSP = 1–2 years) compared to the two anemonefish (estimated MLSP of 30 and 9–16 for A. percula and A. clarkii, respectively). This is in accordance with that observed in a previous study where three fish species of the short-lived annual genus Nothobranchius with different MLSP and the longer-lived outgroup species Aphyosemion australe were studied to test whether they conform to the predictions of the LHA theory of ageing (de Costa et al. 2020). A negative correlation between fish MLSP and PS content from cell membranes was also found in the Nothobranchius study and suggested to be linked to PS decarboxylation. PS descarboxylation leads to an increase in phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) intracellular levels, which was also found in the longer-lived Nothobranchius species and in A. australe. Since the abundance of PE positively regulates autophagy, regarded as one of the major cytoprotective mechanisms during aging (Feng et al. 2014), both a lower content of PS and higher of PE in cell membranes could be indicating that this mechanism is operating to protect cells and tissues from the aging-associated damage caused by ROS (de Costa et al. 2020). Nevertheless, no statistical differences among Amphiprion species and C. viridis in PE levels were found in any tissue´s membranes.
Regarding membrane PL fatty acid composition of fish tissues from the two anemonefish, A. percula had less unsaturated membranes and thus, lower peroxidation levels in liver and skeletal muscle (not statistical differences were found for brain) than A. clarkii, which has an estimated MLSP of half that of A. percula (9–16 vs. 30 years). This occurred at the level of the main PL classes from the two tissues, as it was shown in whole body of the Nothobranchius species previously studied (de Costa et al. 2020) and supports the longevity-homeovicous adaptation (LHA) theory of aging (Pamplona et al. 1998, 2000, 2002; Naudí et al. 2013). Besides, similar to what has been found in the Nothobranchius study, the magnitude of the observed differences in these fishes was much smaller than that of the inter-species differences in longevity. This suggests that the LHA theory of aging alone is not sufficient to explain those differences and other aging effectors, such as increased mitochondrial ROS production, increased mtDNA fragments insertion inside nuclear DNA induced by mtROSp or decreased autophagy, among others, may be operating in an integrated way inside cells to determine longevity, as it has recently been proposed by Barja (2019).
When membrane PL fatty acid composition from tissues of the two Amphiprion species was compared with that of C. viridis, we found that the damselfish membranes had generally a lower PIn value than that from one (in skeletal muscle) or the two clownfish species (in liver), this being in contradiction with the LHA theory of aging. This is not the first time that we obtain data that apparently contradict the theory. Previous to the Nothobranchius study (de Costa et al. 2020), we compared data belonging to mitochondrial membrane lipids from whole Nothobranchius rachovii (MLSP = 14 months) and N. furzeri (MLSP = 7 months), which resulted from two separate experiments (Lucas-Sánchez et al. 2014b; Almaida-Pagán et al. 2019), and found that the shorter-lived species had the lowest PIn values. The Nothobranchius study, performed in fish raised in exactly the same conditions, resulted in a negative correlation between membrane total PIn and fish MLSP, meaning that the longer-lived Nothobranchius species have more saturated membranes and, therefore, a lower susceptibility to oxidative damage, as the LHA theory posits.
In conclusion, the present study showed differences in membrane composition (phospholipid class and fatty acid compositions) among fish tissues that point to the importance of particular PLs for tissue-specific functions. Significant changes in liver, skeletal muscle and brain membranes among A. percula, A. clarkii and C. viridis were found. When only the two anemonefish were compared, results pointed to the existence of a negative correlation between membrane PIn value and life expectancy, as it has previously been shown in mammals, birds and fish species of genus Nothobranchius. Nevertheless, when the two clownfish were compared to the shorter-lived C. viridis, data contradicted what the LHA theory of aging posits. Although new studies including a wider number of anemonefish and other phylogenetically-related species with different MLSP should be carried out to reinforce what was found in the present work, this data along with those obtained in previous studies on fish denote that the magnitude (and sometimes the direction) of the differences observed in membrane lipid composition and peroxidation index with maximum life expectancy cannot explain alone the diversity in longevity found among fishes.