Pygoscelis penguins primarily consume krill during the austral summer66,74,75. Krill distributions along the WAP are spatially and temporally heterogeneous1–6, 26 and, therefore, could play a role in penguin biogeography around the Adélie gap. This area is a 400 km long region along the coast of the WAP where no Adélie penguin colonies are present, despite foraging and migration behaviors that do not inhabit these penguins from inhabiting the region40,41. Here, we used an ocean circulation model to determine how simulated krill are connected across coastal regions along the WAP. We specifically focused on how krill populations are connected north and south of the Adélie gap to determine if connectivity, or lack thereof, plays a role in penguin population dynamics in the region.
Simulated krill generally moved from south to north along the WAP. Simulated krill populations originating from points south of the Adélie gap generally remained within the region with a small fraction advected north to the South Shetland Islands via the ACC. For simulated krill originating just south of the Adélie gap in the South WAP, the BGS and LILC also moved simulated krill north to the South Shetland Islands. North of the gap, simulated krill were advected from the Weddell Sea to the Adélie gap via the CC. From here, simulated krill were advected north to the South Shetland Islands via the LILC. Occasionally, simulated krill returned to the Adélie gap via the BCS.
Here, we found that simulated krill south and north of the Adélie gap are, for the most part, isolated from each other. Connectivity between these regions is limited by a northward current around Low Island within the Adélie gap. This current, like many along the WAP, appears to be bathymetrically driven, following the contours of Boyd Strait between Low Island and the South Shetland Islands (Fig. 1)32. This current likely acts as a boundary between the Bransfield Strait and the rest of the peninsula, which have very different water column structures and water mass properties76.
Rare exceptions to these patterns were observed across all four seasons simulated. These outlying events generally occurred in either the 2008–2009 seasons or 2018–2019 seasons. The coupling of these patterns in adjacent seasons suggests that changes in forcing dynamics may play a role. Possible forcing changes include wind, stratification, or eddying dynamics. Changes in the spatial resolution of atmospheric forcing may have also played a role. Further work is necessary to examine how changes in these forcing mechanisms may affect future connectivity north and south of the Adélie gap.
Despite these outlying events, overall patterns of connectivity between the regions studied here are remarkably consistent, with low variability, across four different austral summers. The current features highlighted here are persistent mechanisms for this connectivity and most are associated with bathymetric features. The CSC, for example, are driven by troughs and canyons crossing the continental shelf and the BCS follows bathymetric contours in the region. Persistent features were not found in areas on the continental shelf without strong bathymetry changes, illustrating the importance of bathymetry, and the resulting bathymetric steering of ocean currents in this region77–79.
A majority of the persistent current features described here that drive krill connectivity along the WAP, including the ACC32,80, CSC77–79, BGS32,81, BCS33,34, 81–83, and LILC80–82, have been observed along the WAP. Both the LILC and BCS have their components described in detail but are not often considered closed loop systems as we have described them here (Fig. 5). Entrainment of simulated krill by both these features is present, albeit not persistently in our observations. Therefore, more observations of these systems are necessary to determine if these features persist as closed loop systems or are simply connecting different current systems.
While the northward component of the NWLC associated with the CC has been observed previously (Fig. 1)34,80,84, observations suggest that flow between the D’Urville and Joinville Islands and the tip of the WAP is northward, rather than southward as model simulations suggest83,84. Animations of daily simulated krill locations illustrate that occasional northward transport of simulated krill is possible through this region despite mean southward flows (Fig. 4a, Movies S1, 4). Local water mass properties suggest that northward currents through this region is unlikely85. Therefore, additional observations are necessary to determine if the southward component of the NWLC is present and persistent feature during the austral summer.
The addition of DVM to simulated krill, in addition to the persistence of current features across seasons, also likely helped drive the persistence of krill transport mechanisms. Ocean currents are highly variable in the surface due to the influences of wind on the surface mixed layer while the influence of wind is less prevalent in deeper waters which results in more consistent currents (see Movie S9-10 for examples within the Adélie gap). The addition of DVM to our simulated krill likely helped keep krill in these persistent current features and helped them avoid the variability associated with near-surface flows. The persistence of currents at depth may explain why simulated krill were well entrained within the BCS and LILC along the outside of the bathymetric features associated with each current system. This may be why these current features appeared as the closed loop systems observed and interactions with the mesoscale eddies associated with features like the BCS32,34 were not as common.
It is critical to note that in modeling krill behavior, we made three assumptions that may impact our results. The first and foremost is that krill are only actively swimming in the vertical and are passive drifters in the horizontal. Krill form massive swarms and have been observed swimming in the horizontal on small scales63,65. However, the directionality of this horizontal movement is unknown on the same horizontal scales of the model (1.5 km). While random walks have net zero displacement in the horizontal, previous krill movement modeling studies using monthly 1 km climatologies of surface currents have illustrated that random walks can impact krill distributions86. Furthermore, individual based, small scale krill models have shown that horizontal movement can help krill move towards food (phytoplankton) and avoid predation86–88. Therefore, future work should construct and incorporate a realistic krill horizontal movement model into simulations and determine its impact on krill transport and connectivity.
The second assumption made in this analysis is that krill regularly perform DVM to the depths simulated (25, 50, 75, 100, and 150 m). DVM is highly variable in krill throughout the WAP (Table 1). While we averaged krill accumulation metrics over our DVM behaviors to account for a portion of this variability, we did not simulate deeper DVM which has been shown to increase transport and/or retention by deep current features53 to make sure that simulated krill were available to penguins within their vertical foraging ranges (Table 2). In addition, the krill have been shown to reduce or completely stop DVM over the austral summer in response to changing photoperiod89,90. We also did not consider simulated krill without DVM behaviors, or reverse DVM. Reverse DVM, where simulated krill spend days in the surface feeding and migration downwards at night89, may reduce the impact during the summer of the persistent current features identified as influencing population connectivity, since near-surface currents are heavily influenced by winds.
Our third assumption was that krill are homogeneously distributed throughout the WAP. As discussed previously, krill have high spatial and temporal variability along the WAP2–6, 26,30. Therefore, it is important to interpret these results, not as absolute connectivity, but potential connectivity between the regions studied here. Future simulations should consider krill distribution and catch data from sources such as KRILLBASE to determine how the heterogenous distribution of krill along the WAP impacts these results. Areas previously defined as regions of high recruitment along the WAP29 should also be considered. We hypothesize that the relative importance of the current features defined here will be directly correlated to krill spawning success in both the Weddell and Bellingshausen Seas.
One further limitation of our analysis is the modeling of the coastal buoyancy forces in ROMS. This iteration of the WAP circulation model is known to underestimate water column stratification, resulting in ocean currents with greater barotropic (depth-driven) and smaller baroclinic (density-driven) components than in situ observations suggest44,76. This impacts the modeled CC around the tip of the WAP and along the coast, which is driven primarily by buoyancy due to coastal ice melt and coastal precipitation91. Improved modeling of the CC, especially down the coast of the WAP, may increase connectivity between regions north and south of the Adélie gap91.
Our results illustrate that adult krill populations in the Bellingshausen and Weddell Seas are only weakly connected to the rest of the Antarctic Peninsula waters. Penguin populations north of the Adélie gap have been doing well in recent years42,43. The NWLC supports a number of Adélie penguins an order of magnitude greater than anywhere else in our study region (Table 3)43. Colony sizes along the peninsula decrease as they become farther away from the Weddell Sea and the persistent features (NWLC and BCS) that transport krill out of this region. Therefore, the Weddell Sea may provide ample resources for the penguin colonies north of the gap via the NWLC, providing a compelling explanation for the aggregation of many large Adélie penguin colonies in this region.
Penguin populations south of the Adélie gap, however, do not receive krill from the Weddell, instead receiving krill from the Bellingshausen Sea and points south on the peninsula. Previous modeling studies show that the Bellingshausen Sea serves as a source of larval and juvenile krill27. Pygoscelis penguin colonies, including the new gentoo colonies that have formed in this region in the 21st century36, are generally smaller south of the Adélie gap than those to the north.
Penguins on both sides of the Adélie gap are adjacent to persistent current features that could potentially bring krill within their foraging ranges. Therefore, we hypothesize that the volume of resources available within each of these current features is likely highly heterogeneous and may be differentially impacted by changes to the environment observed over the last several decades. The Weddell Sea may serve as a krill sanctuary due to the extent and persistence of sea ice in the region, whereas sea ice – a critical overwintering habitat for krill9–12 – is declining in the Bellingshausen42,92,93. Significantly higher resource availability north of the Adélie gap from the Weddell Sea may be the cause of the significantly larger colonies there. Changing krill stocks and distributions as a result of climate change1,2,94, albeit debated95,96, have been linked to penguin population declines16,97, changes in diet compositions in gentoos98, and reproductive success of other krill predators such as the Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella)99 throughout the WAP, suggesting that krill availability may be declining to predators. However, recent modeling work and observations suggest that prey resources are not currently limiting for penguins south of the Adélie gap66,100. Therefore, more studies are needed to determine if resource availability north and south of the Adélie gap is truly different and driving penguin population trends in these regions.
The larger penguin colonies north of the Adélie gap could persist due to transport of other prey species. Antarctic silverfish (Pleuragramma antarcticum) are considered another important prey species to Pygoscelis penguins101–104. All life stages of the silverfish are strongly dependent on sea-ice extent105. Therefore, the Weddell Sea may also serve as an important refuge for silverfish, in addition to overwintering krill. Previous modeling studies have illustrated that larval silverfish can be transported from the Weddell Sea to the North WAP and Adélie gap, likely through the NWLC and BE described here106. In addition, the LILC may continue to act as a barrier to transport south of the Adélie gap106. Increased availability of silverfish via the persistent current features described here, therefore, may be an additional driver of penguin population dynamics north of the Adélie gap. Silverfish are noticeably absent from penguin diets south of the WAP. However, the presence of smaller persistent current features may retain enough krill near penguin colonies to allow them to persist54,101,107.
While our results illustrate that krill populations are not connected north and south of the Adélie gap and provide a plausible hypothesis for distinct penguin population dynamics on either side of this feature, they do not immediately discern why this biogeographic feature is present. Previous analysis of the US Antarctic Marine Living Resources long term monitoring program suggests that the Bransfield Strait between the South Shetland Islands and the coast of the WAP is a hotspot for krill recruitment29. This suggests that prey resources should be plentiful enough to facilitate successful penguin foraging and colony establishment in the Adélie gap. Our results indicate that simulated krill released within the Adélie gap spent, on average, less than half of their time (40%) in the gap. If this region is a krill recruitment hotspot, recruits are presumably spawned in the Weddell Sea and subsequently transported into the Adélie gap region through the CC. Our results suggest that these krill recruits may be quickly advected out of the Adélie gap and into the South Shetland Islands and Elephant Island regions via the BCS. In addition, simulated krill released in other regions did not spend much time (< 17%) in the Adélie gap, if they entered this region at all. Therefore, we hypothesize that rapid currents in this region impede local recruit retention. Future work should test these hypotheses to determine if resource limitation via a lack of recruit retention is driving the Pygoscelis penguin population dynamics observed in the Adélie gap.
Not only do these results provide a testable hypothesis on driving mechanisms behind the Adélie gap but also are valuable for understanding the implications of krill fishery closures in different regions along the WAP. Our results suggest that closures north and south of the Adélie gap may only impact local krill stocks and have little influence elsewhere, with the exception of the South Shetland Islands. Therefore, proposed closures should take the connectivity of populations in account in order to have the desired effects on krill stocks.