2.1. Study area
The Luoyugou catchment (Fig. 1) is a sub-catchment of the Yellow River which is the second-longest river in China. That catchment covers an area of approximately 73 km2 with a main stream channel length of 21.8 km and a width of approx. 3.4 km (Fig. 1). It is a headwater catchment of the Ji river that is a primary tributary of the Wei river, the largest tributary of the Yellow River. Mountains with an average slope of 18° dominate the catchment. The elevation ranges from 1194 m a.s.l. to 1897 m a.s.l. (mean: 1532 m a.s.l.). The Luoyugou catchment is situated at the border of the Longxi Loess Plateau hill-ravine region and the Longnan Mountains.
The climate is categorized as a continental monsoon climate. The multiannual average precipitation was 553 mm during the period 1986–2010, of which > 80% fell during the wet season from June until September (Rui Jie Qin, Li, Xiao, & An, 2015; R. J. Qin, Lu, & An, 2019). The annual average temperature was 10.7°C during the same period (Hui, Yongbo, Junzhi, & A-Xing, 2014). Dominant soil types are Calcaric Cambisols (for more than 90% of the catchment area), followed by Haplic Greyzems and Calceric Fluvisols (S. Liu & Li, 1989). Intensive agricultural activities in the mixed land use catchment with a focus on dryland agriculture have led to severe soil erosion in the area (R. Wang et al., 2008). In 2020, about half of the catchment area is cultivated by terraces (Fig. 2) which were mainly created in the 1990s as a soil conservation measure. For an impression of the study area, see a drone video (A1) of the catchment captured by DJI Mavic Pro 2 flight in the Appendix.
2.2. Datasets and Software
Climate data is represented by a total of 25 automated gauging stations operated by the Yellow River Conservancy Commission (see Fig. 1). Six stations at or just outside the border of the catchment area are considered to better regionalize the catchment and avoid edging effects. Daily records of precipitation cover the period from 1985 to 2010 with some data gaps due to instrument failure. We used the long-term annual mean precipitation values of each station to calculate the R factor. Higher resolution data from, e.g., national gauging stations (maintained by China Meteorological Administration) are rare (n = 1) in the catchment or its near surroundings.
Soil texture and soil organic matter to calculate the K factor originate from the ISRIC SoilGrids (Hengl et al., 2017; Poggio & Sousa, 2020). Although local qualitative soil data exists for the Luoyugou catchment (acquired by the Yellow River Conservancy Commission Tian Shui Experimental Station of Soil and Water Conservation), it does not provide the required physical and quantitative soil parameters. A digital elevation model (DEM, spatial resolution of 10 m) that was digitized from a 1:10000 elevation map by F. C. Qin (2006) was used for terrain analysis (LS factor). The 10m resolution is an appropriate compromise for our approach as higher spatial resolutions of DEMs do not necessarily result in better results (Bircher, Liniger, & Prasuhn, 2019).
The land use information is available for the years 1986, 1995, 2001, 2008, 2015, and 2020. The six years from 1986 to 2020 enable focus on temporal soil erosion dynamics under the objective of land use change in the study area. The land use information was manually interpreted with expert knowledge of the study area by different satellite images (Landsat, Sentinel-2, and SPOT) partly processed in Google Earth Engine (for 2015 and 2020). Randomly ground validation was conducted during various field visits over the last decades. Daily flow discharge and annual sediment loads have been measured at the main outlet of the catchment (Zuojiachang hydrometric station, N 34°35’29 E105°43’6, Fig. 1) for the same period as precipitation data was recorded. All used datasets are listed in Table 1. Background data of the map figures are from various resources like ESRI, FAO, NOAA, USGS, Earthstar Geographics, and Maxar Technology.
The modeling was realized in RStudio v.2022.02.3 (“RStudio: Integrated Development for R,” 2020) with R version 4.2.0 (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, 2022) and the integrated RSAGA (Brenning, Bangs, Becker, Schratz, & Polakowski, 2018) package based on SAGA-GIS v2.2.2 (Conrad et al., 2015). Outcomes were visualized in ESRI ArcGIS Pro 2.9 (ESRI Environmental Systems Research Institute, 2020).
Table 1
Datasets for WaTEM/SEDEM modeling of the Luoyugou in northwestern China.
Dataset Name | Information | Scale/Resolution | Source |
Precipitation data | Daily precipitation data, aggregated to monthly and annual precipitation means | 25 gauging stations Daily, monthly, annual | Yellow River Conservancy Commission Tian Shui Experimental Station of Soil and Water Conservation |
Qualitative soil data | Chinese description of soil types | / | Yellow River Conservancy Commission Tian Shui Experimental Station of Soil and Water Conservation |
Quantitative soil data | Textural data of soils | 250 m | Hengl et al., 2017; Poggio & Sousa, 2020 |
Digital Elevation Model | Terrain information | 10 m | F. C. Qin, 2006 |
Land Use | Land use information | 1986, 1995, 2001, 2008, 2015, 2020 | Manual interpretation from Landsat, Sentinel2, and SPOT images |
Flow discharge | Daily flow discharge measurements at the catchment outlet | Daily, monthly, annual | Yellow River Conservancy Commission Tian Shui Experimental Station of Soil and Water Conservation |
Road network | Road network of the catchment | / | OpenStreetMap, 2022 |
2.3. Model structure of WaTEM/SEDEM
The WaTEM/SEDEM, developed by Van Oost, Govers, and Desmet; van Rompaey, Verstraeten, Van Oost, Govers, and Poesen; Verstraeten, Oost, Rompaey, Poesen, and Govers (2000; 2001; 2002) is a spatially distributed sediment delivery model that models the detachment of soil by water (rill and inter-rill erosion) and describes the sediment routing and deposition as long-term annual averages. Thus, WaTEM/SEDEM enables the modeling of sediment production, transport, and deposition within the catchment on a grid cell scale. The model is also able to simulate tillage erosion, however, this form of soil erosion is not part of the present study as the required data was not available.
The first step of WaTEM/SEDEM, namely the estimation of sediment production or the total amount of gross soil loss (SL), is based on the empirical soil erosion model RUSLE (Renard, Foster, Weesies, McCool, & Yoder, 1997) by including the factors rainfall erosivity (R in MJ mm ha-1 h-1 yr-1), soil erodibility (K in t h MJ-1 mm-1), two-dimensional slope length and steepness (LS2D, dimensionless) according to Desmet and Govers (1996), cover and management (C, dimensionless) and support practices (P, dimensionless). The here used basic equation of RUSLE is the following:
Each factor of RUSLE was exploited individually based on the listed datasets in Table 1 and explained in detail in section 2.4.
Secondly, the modeled soil loss is routed downslope of the relief and is either redeposited in the landscape or finally transported to the riverine systems. Sediments that leave the catchment by the outlet through the river systems are called total river export or sediment yield of rill and inter-rill erosion. Sediments are routed downslope as long as the transport capacity overpass the sediment supply or when sediments leave the catchments in the river (van Rompaey et al., 2001). Thus, transport capacity (TC in Mg yr-1) per unit width needs to be estimated (Notebaert et al., 2006) (Eq. 2). TC is controlled by a transport capacity coefficient (ktc in m) and the RUSLE factors R, K, and LS2D. Additionally, an inter-rill slope gradient (SIR in m m-1) is added. That gradient can be substituted by a slope gradient (Sg in m m-1) that can be derived from the digital elevation model (van Rompaey et al., 2001).
$$TC= {k}_{TC}\text{*}R\text{*}K\text{*}\left({LS}_{2D}-0.6\text{*}{S}_{IR}\right)={k}_{TC}\text{*}R\text{*}K\text{*}({LS}_{2D}-0.6\text{*}6.86\text{*}{S}_{g}^{0.8})$$
The transport capacity coefficient (ktc) is a calibrated constant that describes the “theoretical upslope distance that is needed to produce enough sediment to reach the transport capacity at the grid cell, assuming a uniform slope and discharge” (Van Rompaey et al., 2001). As it is difficult to obtain data for ktc, we used multiple random combinations of constants in a set of 1000 Monte Carlo simulations. The range of constants values is oriented by studies of Batista, Fiener, Scheper, and Alewell (2022) and Borrelli et al. (2018). Furthermore, parcel connectivities (Pcon) were simulated. Pcon is a reduction parameter that describes reductions of flows at parcel borders if land use changes from forest or grassland to arable land (Notebaert et al., 2006). If a forest or grassland grid cell touches an arable grid cell it receives a specific Pcon. A Pcon of e.g., 0.75 matters a reduction of the contributing area of the forest or grassland parcel by 75% at the border pixel. Bordering pixels of forests and grasslands are identified in ArcGIS Pro 2.9. (ESRI Environmental Systems Research Institute, 2020) by defining features containing all arable parcels separated from those containing forest and grassland parcels. In the next step, the forest and grassland polygon features are converted into lines and split into line segments in between vertices subsequently. All line segments that are intersected with arable parcels are selected and transformed into raster cells (in alignment with the DEM). Furthermore, parcel trap efficiencies (PTEF) that are relevant for defining the contribution of an upstream cell to the next downstream cell are also simulated. They describe the detention of sediments, e.g., PTEF of 0.75 to a detention of sediments by 75%, e.g. a grid cell of 10 m x 10 m (100 m²) will only contribute 25 m² to the downstream pixel. Following long-term observations in the study catchment and the approach described by Batista et al. (2022), we assumed, that roads serve as pathways for runoff and sediments to follow the road or reach the next field by crossing the infrastructure. According to this assumption, roads have a very high transport capacity, and no deposition can occur on the road surfaces.
An executable software version of WaTEM/SEDEM is provided by the developers and can be downloaded at https://ees.kuleuven.be/eng/geography/modelling/watemsedem/index.html. However, we decided to run WaTEM/SEDEM in R to be more flexible in adjusting the factors and integrating the Monte Carlo simulation. We adopted the R code of WaTEM/SEDEM that is published by Batista et al. (2022). Unlike Batista et al. (2022) we did not simulate the whole parameter space but used defined R, K, C, and P factors. Only Pcon, PTEF, and thus LS2D, and ktc randomly change during the simulation runs. Pcon and PTEF parameters were derived from a uniform distribution between 0 (equals to 0%, no reduction of sediments at border transition resp. no retention of sediments) and 1 (equal to 100%, complete reduction of sediments at border transition resp. complete detention of sediments); uniformly distributed ktc values were separated in a high ktc value (ktc high) between 1 and 200 in steps by 1 for land use classes with a C greater than 0.01 and a low ktc value (ktc low) between 1 and 100 in steps by 1 for all other classes.
In the final step, we aggregated the simulations by overlaying the 1000 simulated maps cell-wise. A mean value out of the 1000 simulations is subsequently calculated per cell. This final, aggregated, and averaged simulation is used for interpreting the results regarding spatial clusters and general statistics. It represents the mean catchment's soil loss and sedimentation rates over all simulations. This process was repeated for each of the six years (1986, 1995, 2001, 2008, 2015, and 2020) where land use data were available. As the land use data for 2020 is the most recent data, this year serves as the baseline year to describe the dimension and spatial clusters of soil erosion and deposition. The results of the 2020 modeling are presented and discussed in Chap. 3.1. Besides that baseline modeling, long-term temporal patterns, and trends of the erosion and erosion-deposition rates are the subject of a comparison of the six different land use situations (see Chap. 3.3). As we specifically focus on the temporal soil erosion and sediment dynamics under changing land uses, only the C and P factors changed in the model. We’ve decided to assume stable R, K, and LS factors and a stable road network to avoid the simultaneous variation of multiple variables. That assumption enables a better evaluation of the effects of land use and terrain changes on soil erosion. As terraces were implemented in the 1990s to reduce soil erosion, the aim is to assess the effects of that planned erosion control measure. Terraces are known as an effective measure to protect soils that are cultivated in hilly environments (Chen, Wei, & Chen, 2017; Xiaoyu Liu, Xin, & Lu, 2021) and these effects are captured by the P factor that reduces the overall soil erosion rates.
2.4. Specific calculation of the RUSLE parameters
Rainfall erosivity and soil erodibility were calculated as a long-term mean and are used for all considered years as a stable factor. Rainfall erosivity (R in MJ mm ha-1 h-1 yr-1) is calculated based on 1986–2010 annual means of precipitation as 10-minute precipitation data was not available for the study region. Thus, we choose the equation of Renard and Freimund (1994) (Eq. 3) that is suitable for such a resolution:
whereas Prec is the long-term mean annual precipitation (mm). In the second step, the rainfall erosivities of the 25 gauging stations within and outside of the catchment are regionalized by Empirical Bayesian Kriging (EBK, Krivoruchko & Gribov, 2019) by including topography as a covariate. 100 simulations were used for log-transformed data for an exponential semivariogram.
The K factor (t ha h ha-1 MJ-1 mm-1) is based on Eq. 4 by Römkens et al. (1997) as it is suggested to use if “(1) data are limited (for instance, no information about the very-fine-sand fraction or organic-matter content) and (2) the textural composition is given in a different classification system.” (Römkens et al., 1997). As we use the ISRIC SoilGrids250m, no information about very fine-sand fractions nor organic-matter contents is available. The geometric mean diameter (Dg in mm) can be derived as proposed by Shirazi and Boersma (1984) in Eq. 5. Fi corresponds to the weight percentage of the particle size fraction (%) and mi is the arithmetic mean of the particle size limits (mm). n is the number of particle size fractions.
$${D}_{g}=exp\left(0.01\text{*}\sum _{i=1}^{n}{f}_{i}\text{*}ln\text{*}{m}_{i}\right)$$
LS2D is calculated with the package RSAGA in R according to Eq. 6 (Desmet & Govers, 1996; McCool, Brown, Foster, Mutchler, & Meyer, 1987).
$${L}_{i,j}=\frac{{\left({A}_{i,j-in }+{D}^{2}\right)}^{m+1}-{A}_{i,j-in}^{m+1}}{{D}^{m+2} \text{*} {X}_{i,j }^{m}\text{*} {22.13}^{m}}$$
where Ai,j-in is the flow accumulation in m² at the inlet of a grid cell (i,j). D is the grid cell size in m and \({X}_{i,j}\) equals to \(sin{a}_{i,j}+cos{a}_{i,j}\) where ai,j is the aspect of the grid cell (i,j). The coefficient m (Eq. 7) can be calculated using the β-value (Eq. 8) and represents the ratio of rill and inter-rill erosion where θ is the slope angle in degrees. M ranges between 0 (ratio of rill to inter-rill erosion close to 0) and 1.
$$m=\frac{\beta }{\beta +1}$$
$$\beta =\frac{\frac{sin\theta }{0.0896}}{\left[0.56+3\text{*}{\left(sin\theta \right)}^{0.8}\right]}$$
Two different S factor equations related to a slope steepness threshold of 9% are used (McCool et al., 1987). Eq. 9 is used for slopes < 9% and Eq. 10 is used for slopes > 9%. Radians are used for slope steepness (s).
As the LS factor is influenced by the catchment area, which is influenced itself by the simulated PTEF, the LS is recalculated for each model simulation.
The C and P factors are calculated for the years (1986, 1995, 2001, 2008, 2015, and 2020) based on the specific land use information for each year. The factors rely on literature values for comparable and adjacent catchments (Al-Quraishi, 2003; Fu et al., 2005). P factors for terraces, which are the only soil erosion mitigation measure present in the study area follow global means presented in Ebabu et al. (2022). Table 2 shows a list of used C and P factors in the present study.
Table 2
List of RUSLE C and P factors by literature used in the study catchment.
Land use type | C factor according to Al-Quraishi; Fu et al. (2003; 2005) | P factor according to Ebabu et al. (2022) |
Highway | 0 | 1 |
Construction land | 0 | 1 |
River | 0 | 1 |
Forest | 0.09 | 1 |
Grassland | 0.12 | 1 |
Young plantations | 0.15 | 1 |
Orchard | 0.3 | 1 |
Terrace | 0.3 | 0.3 |
Slope farmland | 0.3 | 1 |
Bare land | 1 | 1 |