Potato tubers comprise around 80 % of the total plant biomass (Fasan and Haverkort, 1991), accumulate soluble sugars under drought stress (Faradonbeh et al., 2022), and therefore play an integral part in understanding whole plant water relations and drought responses. However, tubers are difficult to study in vivo and previous studies could only measure water potential of different tubers at the beginning and the end of the night period (Gandar and Tanner, 1976) or continuously measure the same tuber growing in an artificial (non-soil) environment (Baker and Moorby, 1969). More recent studies employed MRI technology to measure stem xylem fluxes (Aliche et al., 2020a) or investigated the impact of drought on root and stolon formation and tuber yield (Lahlou and Ledent, 2005) or on tuber dry matter content and soluble sugar content (Faradonbeh et al., 2022), but surprisingly do not consider tuber water relations. In this study, we used MRI to frequently (every 4 hours) measure all tubers of multiple plants per treatment in intact soil columns, to understand how soil drying affects diurnal tuber volume growth and water relations. Total and average TWC decreased during the day, when the plant transpired, and increased at night, leading to nocturnal tuber volume growth in well-watered plants (Figure 4). Soil drying dampened these diurnal fluctuations in total and average TWC, and paused tuber volume growth (Figure 4), thus confirming previous hypotheses of tuber water flux based on tuber weight (Baker & Moorby, 1969). At night, when transpiration is minimal, total and average TWC of drought stressed tubers slightly increased. In addition, unsprouted tubers in dry soil hardly lost any water over 12 hours (Supplementary Figure 3). Since water loss through the periderm into the drying soil is minimal, tuber water loss during the daytime must therefore be transported within the plant to the organ with the lowest water potential, the leaves.
Soil drying induced typical physiological responses in the shoot, by decreasing leaf gas exchange and increasing foliar ABA concentration from 23 HAS (Figure 2), with re-watering restoring these variables to well-watered values. Since the roots were distributed throughout the soil column (Figure 3D), all soil layers dried. However, basal re-watering of the drought stressed plants increased soil moisture at the top and the bottom of the pot (Figure 3A, C), but not in the middle (Figure 3B, 47 HAS). Water from the soil at the bottom of the pot is most likely redistributed into the tubers. If capillary rise of water in the soil was responsible for increased moisture values at the top of the pot, the values in the middle of the pot would necessarily increase as well. Hence, the soil dries out evenly, but soil moisture distribution in the pot after basal re-watering suggests water is relocated via the roots to the top of the pot, probably into the tubers. The SWaP measures total moisture in the pot at a given height and does not distinguish between water in the soil and water in tubers. Hence, measurements at the top of the pot reflect a combined moisture value of tubers and surrounding soil. After re-watering the drought stressed plants, average TWC and tuber volume increase significantly (Figure 4, Table 1). For the SWaP measurements, the increase in tuber volume magnifies the effect of water influx into the tubers so that the total moisture measured in the top of the pot after re-watering accounts for bigger tubers with a higher water content per volume unit (average TWC) compared to pre-re-watering. Compared to well-watered plants, the significantly higher moisture values in the top of the pots of drought stressed plants after re-watering can be explained by water influx into the tubers. In addition, potato tubers accumulate soluble sugars even under mild drought stress (Faradonbeh et al., 2022), which increases their osmotic potential and thus water is likely to be distributed to the tubers.
Mild drought stress impaired tuber volume growth, but subsequent re-watering substantially increased tuber growth rate such that both treatments had similar tuber volumes at the end of the experiment (Figure 4B). Potato plants being exposed to combined drought and heat stress for 15 days and then re-watered recovered to well-watered levels of weight gain (as measured via CT scan) within 15 days after re-watering (van Harsselaar et al., 2021). While increased cell division would lead to an accumulation of dry matter, cell expansion is needed for tuber volume growth. Dry matter content of tubers did not differ between deficit irrigation treatments and controls in the field (Huntenburg et al., 2021). Ultimately, cell and plant organ growth are a function of turgor:
with G = cell elongation rate, m = yielding coefficient, P = cell turgor, Y = yield threshold turgor (turgor over which irreversible cell extension occurs) (Lockhart, 1965; Passioura and Fry, 1992). Thus, tuber growth directly depends on water influx to increase turgor to P > Y to allow growth. Overnight, average TWC increases in well-watered plants, while tuber volume shows positive growth rates (Figure 4). Hence, we can assume that the water influx in tubers of well-watered plants after re-watering and overnight was high enough to increase the turgor to levels that facilitate growth (P > Y). In drying soil, less water is available to increase cell turgor and therefore, cell growth is reduced. In drought stressed plants, the water efflux from the tuber in the day exceeded the influx into the tuber at night (Figure 4). This means even though average TWC increased from the lowest value in the day to the highest value in the next night, nocturnal turgor levels did not reach the yield threshold turgor (0 < P < Y) required for cell growth (Figure 4, Table 1, (Hohl & Schopfer, 1992)). Thus, tuber volume growth in drought stressed plants paused in drying soil. However, re-watering drought stressed plants initially substantially increased tuber growth rates, which later returned to similar growth rates as in well-watered plants (Figure 4). This behaviour reflects the underlying interdependence of P, m and Y (Hohl and Schopfer, 1992; Passioura and Fry, 1992) shows that short-term drought stress (water being withheld for 120h, then re-watered) may not impair cell wall extensibility (Durand et al., 1995), but that turgor is indeed the main driving force for tuber growth.
Watering the plants in the evening could have reinforced the effect of nocturnal tuber growth. Tubers of well-watered plants and of drought stressed plants after re-watering started growing as soon as sufficient water was available (Figure 4). However, normalised total TWC increased over night and declined throughout the day in drought stressed plants without any irrigation events in the first two days. While we are confident that diurnal rhythms (rather than when watering occurred) regulate tuber growth, further research is needed to understand whether the timing of irrigation might affect tuber volume growth at a defined soil water content.
To maximise tuber yield, water influx into the tuber overnight should not be restricted and daytime water efflux should be minimal. In the absence of other considerations, irrigation in the late afternoon or evening may be a practical solution to adjust soil moisture dynamics to the periodicity of tuber growth. During times of low transpirational losses (evening, night), water is directed into the tubers allowing cell extension (Figure 4). This process is irreversible and tuber shrinkage due to the subsequent loss of water in the daytime is unlikely assuming mild to moderate drought stress and re-watering of the plants after a short stress period (Green et al., 1971; Passioura and Fry, 1992). Prolonged and/or more severe drought stress may irreversibly constrain tuber volume growth or cause tuber shrinkage (Płodowska et al., 1989), such that re-watering would not allow full recovery of tuber volume. Further research is needed to assess the effects of severe or prolonged drought stress on tuber cell wall properties and tuber growth in vivo.
While the timing of irrigation may affect the influx of water into tubers, restricting daytime water efflux from the tuber is more difficult because it is not fully understood where the water is lost to. Direct water loss to surrounding soil is unlikely, as the tuber periderm is an effective water barrier under drying conditions (Vogt et al., 1983) and unsprouted tubers in dry soil only lost minimal amounts of water over a 12h period (Supplementary Figure 3). However, xylem and phloem vessels within the stolons may act as conduits for water exchanges between the tuber and the rest of the plant, driven by water potential or osmotic gradients. Diurnal fluctuations in total and average TWC may thus be determined by processes in other plant organs, rather than local soil moisture availability. In the phloem, soluble sugars are transported from the leaves (source) to the tubers (sink) (Aliche et al., 2020b), while xylem flow is mainly driven by differences in water potential (Holbrook and Zwienicki, 2005). The water potential gradient between tubers and leaves suggests daytime water flow from the tuber to the leaves, while the water potential difference is close to zero during the night Gandar and Tanner, 1976), which is reflected in xylem flow rates in potato stems under well-watered conditions (Aliche et al., 2020a). However, acropetal xylem flow in the lower stem of potato under drought stress decreased significantly in a cultivar that hardly produced any tubers under drought stress, while xylem flow rates were maintained in a cultivar that did produce tubers under drought stress (Aliche et al., 2020a,b). This means the tuber could supply water to the shoot during the daytime, when the roots cannot extract sufficient water from the soil to support shoot demands. During the night, with a minimal water potential gradient between tuber and leaf, water extracted by the roots is transported to the tuber. Under water limiting conditions, the water flow to the leaves may be reduced because the water would be shared between tubers and leaves at night. Studying these hypotheses requires the use of deuterium labelled water (Hafner et al., 2017) to understand the pathway of water through a potato plant under restricted soil water availability. Screening different genotypes could give insights into whether tuber number, stolon size or osmotic potential affect daytime water efflux and possibly discriminate future markers for drought tolerance breeding.
To conclude, magnetic resonance imaging allowed repeated measurements of water content and volume of all tubers of a potato plant. Tuber water content shows similar diurnal fluctuations to the shoot (Gandar and Tanner, 1976), but in contrast to the root or shoot they do not directly exchange water with their environment (Vogt et al., 1983; Taiz and Zeiger, 2010). Since tubers form a large percentage of the total plant biomass and contain around 83 % water at harvest, they may influence other plant physiological responses to drying soil. While further experiments with dyes or tracer molecules are desirable, we suggest that tubers are not just sink organs, but might provide water to the shoot as the soil dries out.