Phytoplankton and Zooplankton Diversity and Water Quality Assessment of Three Ponds in Hooghly District (West Bengal, India)



The present study focuses on the Phytoplankton and Zooplankton Diversity and Water quality assessment of three ponds in Hooghly District using the physiochemical and biological parameters, with due consideration to the Planktonic species. The study was carried out during the Spring and Summer season for a period of two months from 28th March to 28th July, 2020. The pollution levels of the ponds were determined with the help of Palmer’s Indices and were further supported by the physicochemical parameters. The Plankton assessment (qualitative) was associated with the physicochemical parameters like pH, TDS, EC, Calcium, Chlorides, Dissolved Oxygen, Phosphates, Nitrates, Bromides and Nitrites. Each pond are a well-managed fishpond, showed and Highest Shannon-Wiener Index diversity value 1.917, contaminated with organic waste matter, from adjacent cattle sheds, show higher Zooplankton abundance.

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I am thankful to Swami Kamalasthananda Maharaj, Swami Vedanuragananda Maharaj of RKMVC College and Suparna Maity of Shyampur High School for giving me some ardent help and suggestions during the preparation of this manuscript.

Competing interests:

The authors declare no competing interests.