Flexible bronchoscopy is the gold standard procedure in pulmonary medicine used to assist in diagnosis, staging and treatment of lung cancer, management of variety of pulmonary diseases. It provides a visual access to air passage and take biopsy of tissue or fluid if necessary. Flexible bronchoscopy is performed under local anesthesia or sedation. This study was conducted to state the indications and outcome of flexible bronchoscopy at bronchoscopy unit, Muhimbili National Hospital in the period of March 2021 and February 2022. Flexible bronchoscopy procedure related complication being the primary outcome.
In the present study, there was no significant difference in sex with male to female ratio 1:1, 76(50.3%) and 75(49.7%) respectively. The median age of patients was 58 years with interquartile range of 43–65. The majority of the patients were presented in the fifth decade of life, which reflect the higher morbidity in the elderly age group. This study found that the most flexible bronchoscopy was done for diagnostic purpose by 94.7% and the therapeutic purpose was only 5.3%. The two common indication for flexible bronchoscopy were cough and hemoptysis by 82.1% and 25.2% respectively. These data were accordance with studies done in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Greece USA and Tanzania (3, 8, 9)
In this study it was found that the most two common finding during the flexible bronchoscopy were hyperemic mucosa and endobronchial mass by 31.1% and 21.2% respectively. This data partially match the study done in Egypt and Nigeria (8). This variation could be attributed by a large sample size included in this study compare to the previous studies.
In present study it was found that the most indication for flexible bronchoscopy was mainly to diagnose respiratory malignancy. The overall diagnostic yield was 34.8%, with the highest yield in patients with endobronchial mass. The respiratory infection, MTB was diagnosed by 4.7% while the non-specific inflammatory was reported by 67.5%. In contrast, the above mentioned results did not agree with those of Qanash at al.(10), who found that the most common indication was to diagnose respiratory infections, mainly the MTB. The overall diagnostic yield was 46% with highest yield in HIV patients with pulmonary infiltrates. This disagreement might be attributed by difference in sample size of each study, as well as the efficiency of the bronchoscopic specimen handling, such as use of appropriate transport media and efficiency of cytological and microbiological evaluation. In our study 30 cases were diagnosed to have adenocarcinoma by 71.43% followed by 11 cases of squamous cell carcinoma by 26.19% and 1 case of lymphoma by 2.38%. The predominance of adenocarcinoma in this study is similar to previous studies, such as Ndilanha et al, Alamoudi et all, and Eman et al (11).
Regarding the therapeutic value of flexible bronchoscopy we found that overall therapeutic value was 8(5.3%), the most patients underwent mucous clearance 7(4.6%) and 1(12.5%) underwent foreign body removal, whereby the procedure such as stenting and tumor debulking were not performed at all. This data differs with the study done in Egypt where it was found that 50% of cases underwent foreign body remove and interventional procedure such as stent placement, debulking by shaft of bronchoscope were performed by 1% and 5% respectively. This mismatch might be attributed by the lack of proper infrastructure to perform such an interventional flexible bronchoscopy.
In the present study, there were no mortality or procedure aborted due to complications. The complication of flexible bronchoscopy were uncommon, the study found that 81.5% of cases had no procedure related complications. 14(9.3%) case suffered desaturation during the procedure, though were not hypoxic before the beginning of the procedure and 12(7.9%) cases had hemorrhage during biopsy, which was controlled by local hemostatic measures. This result resembles to the study by Alamoudi et al(9, 11) who found that 74% of the cases had no complications during the procedure. Similarly, Qanash et al(10), in their study had found minimal complications and concluded that the flexible bronchoscopy is the safe procedure. This results also is similar to those of Mona et al(8), who found that 85% of cases had no complications, and the complications were as follows; bleeding was 4%, desaturation was 8% and surgical emphysema was 1%. In this study we found among the indications of bronchoscopy, the hemoptysis was associated with procedure related complications. Patients presenting with hemoptysis had four times higher risk of developing complications during flexible bronchoscopy. We also found that among the sampling technique, the endobronchial biopsy and BAL were associated with procedure related complications while expertise level of education was not associated with procedure related complications.