Study design:
This is a clinical trial, controlled, randomized, double-blind and with analysis by intention to treat, which will follow the guidelines of the CONSORT (Consolidated Reporting Standards) and its guide for non-pharmacological interventions. Thirty women with FM will be part of the research, diagnosed by physicians from the rheumatology sector of Cassiano Antônio Moraes Hospital (HUCAM) with experience and trained to make differential diagnosis in FM. Participants will be randomly allocated to the intervention group (tDCS 2mA for 20 minutes + MT) or to the control group (tDCS 2mA for 20 minutes + MT SHAM). The treatment will be carried out in five sessions, which will take place on five consecutive days and, at each visit, the patients will receive both treatment protocols. Initially, they will be submitted to the tDCS protocol and then they will receive MT. Outcome measures will be collected by trained researchers before treatment, after the first visit, at the end of treatment and one month after the end. The analysis of the inclusion criteria, obtaining free and informed consent, data collection and statistical analysis will be carried out by researchers, who will not be aware of the allocation of groups. The study has received ethical approval from the Institution's Research Ethics Committee (CAAE: 34812120.9.0000.5060) of the Federal University of Espírito Santo, Vitória, Brazil. The trial was prospectively registered at (Record: RBR-3xy4rxf).
Participants and therapists: inclusion and exclusion criteria
Participants will be women with FM, who will be eligible if they have a diagnosis of FM, according to the criteria of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) − 2010, complaint of pain for more than three months and are between 21 and 65 years old.
However, they will be excluded if they present neurological diseases, rheumatic diseases in the acute phase, cancer, epilepsy, fractures of the skull, cervical or rib cage, severe osteoporosis, if they have a pacemaker or implantable cardioverter, patients who have undergone surgery in less than one year, and are pregnant or breastfeeding women.
Therapists who will perform the interventions will receive training from the research leaders. Those who are going to apply the MT will not be blinded due to the characteristics inherent to the intervention. However, the other participants will be blinded.
Research participants will be recruited at the Rheumatology Outpatient Clinic of HUCAM, in Vitória – ES, Brazil. Those who meet the eligibility criteria and sign the Free and Informed Consent Term, accepting to participate in the study, will be evaluated and will receive interventions on the premises of the Clinical School Interprofessional in Health of the Federal University of Espírito Santo - UFES in Vitória -ES, Brazil.
For the tDCS protocol, participants will be seated and will receive stimulation for twenty minutes, with an intensity of 2mA, according to the safety protocol31. The stimulator (DC stimulator – Plus. Neuroccon, Ilmenau, Germany) will supply a direct current through a pair of surface sponge electrodes, measuring 35 cm², soaked in saline substance, which will be placed on the patient's scalp. This is going to be the electrode placement: the anode, placed over the left primary motor area (C3) and the cathode, over the right supraorbital region20.
For the MT protocol, a sequence of techniques will follow the path of the VN from the skull to the upper abdomen. The maneuvers will be applied bilaterally according to the following order33:
1. Patient in lateral decubitus (LD), the physiotherapist, will make contact with temporal and occipital bones, and will perform, with her hands, three consecutive impulses in opposite directions.
2. Patient in supine and physiotherapist seated. At first, the physiotherapist will rest her left thumb on the sternocleidomastoid muscle. The remaining fingers will be in contact with the patient’s back of the neck. The maneuver will consist of exerting a force in a posterior direction along the muscle. Then the physiotherapist's right hand will rest on the right side of the patient's head. The left hand, with the distal phalanges of the last four fingers flexed, will make contact with the left temporalis. The maneuver will consist of passively mobilizing the cervical spine, in lateral tilt and left rotation. Upon encountering restriction, the physiotherapist will ask the patient to take deep breaths. Finally, maintaining the final range of motion, the physiotherapist will perform rhythmic movements of cervical traction.
3. The physiotherapist, seated, will stabilize the patient's head, who will be in supine, with one hand and with the third finger of the opposite hand will locate, in the posterior part of the carotid artery, the point where the pulse will be weaker or absent. At this location, tension in an anterior direction must be imposed and maintained on the tissue. The technique will be completed when the artery pulse normalizes.
4. The physiotherapist, seated, will stabilize the patient's head, who will be in supine, and, with the second finger of the opposite hand flexed, will make contact through the middle phalanx over the costal insertion of the anterior and middle scalenes. The technique will consist of friction movements in the upper and lower directions until the tissue gets heated.
5. Patient in supine, head tilted, and the physiotherapist seated, with her cranial hand in supination will take a contact through the distal phalanges of the last four fingers on the side of the neck, between the trachea and esophagus and, with her caudal hand, will keep the sternum fixed. The technique will consist of performing friction movements in the upper and lower directions.
6. Patient in supine while the physiotherapist will be seated with caudal hand over sternum. Using her cranial hand, the physiotherapist will assess the direction of tissue restriction over the trachea. The technique will consist of keeping the caudal hand fixed and performing a high-speed, low-amplitude movement in the direction of restriction. The maneuver is going to be repeated three times.
7. Patient will be seated with trunk and head flexed, hands placed on thighs and shoulders relaxed. The physiotherapist, behind the patient, with one of her legs bent and resting on the stretcher, will make contact with the patient's trunk. Her arms will pass between the patient's arms and torso and, gently, using the digital pulp of her fingers, will make contact over the region of the cardia. During the patient's exhalation, the physiotherapist will slide her fingers in cranial direction and, at the same time, will passively extend the patient's torso. The maneuver will be repeated for ten respiratory cycles 32.
For the application of the MT SHAM protocol, the order of execution of the techniques, the positioning of both the patient and the physiotherapist will follow the established for the active MT treatment, however, the physiotherapist will remain with her hands placed in the described places for two minutes without applying any force on the structures.
Primary result:
The primary result will be about intensity of pain, measured through a numerical scale, containing eleven points, where zero will represent no pain and ten will represent the worst possible pain. Patients will be instructed to indicate the intensity of pain felt at the time of all assessments34.
Secondary results:
Secondary results will be about: feeling of fatigue, QL, QS and HRV.
The feeling of fatigue will be evaluated through the application of the Short Form-36 (SF-36) questionnaire, which presents at its 9th item, four sub-items (“a”, “e”, “g” and “i”) related to vitality. The score will range from zero to one hundred and the lower the score achieved, the higher the level of fatigue35.
QL will be assessed by applying the FM Revised Impact Questionnaire (FRIQ) which contains twenty-one questions, divided into three domains, related to function, overall FM impact and symptom intensity. The questions will be answered based on the last seven days and through eleven numerical points, from zero to ten, being ten the worst evaluation. The sum of the three domains can reach a maximum score of one hundred points36.
The QS will be assessed by applying the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire, which will assess the sleep of patients in the past thirty days through nineteen items grouped into seven components: subjective sleep quality, subjective sleep latency, duration of sleep, habitual sleep efficiency, sleep disturbances, use of sleep medication and daytime dysfunction. The grading of scores will range from zero, no difficulty, to three, severe difficulty. The total score will be the sum of the seven components, where we will have the following indication: zero to four points, good sleep quality, five to ten points, poor sleep quality and ten to twenty-one points, presence of sleep disorder37 .
The evaluation of the HRV will be carried out using the RS800CX device (Polar Electro Oy Inc., Finland). Participants will be informed in advance neither to practice physical activity nor to ingest caffeine in the 24 hours prior to the evaluation. Data collection will be carried out in a room with a temperature between 21 and 23°C and humidity between 40 and 60%. The evaluator will place the chest strap around the patients’ chest and the HR receiver on the patients' wrist, who will be positioned in supine and should remain at rest for ten minutes. After collection, participants must stand. The HRV reading will be performed in supine and standing for five minutes.
The behavior pattern of variability will be recorded beat-to-beat, throughout the experimental protocol, with a sampling rate of 1000 Hz. For data analysis, a thousand consecutive RR intervals will be used and automatic low filtering will be performed through the software HRV Kubios HRV Standard version 3.1.0 (HRV analysis, University of Eastern Finland) and complemented by a manual for the elimination of premature ectopic beats and artifacts, and only series with over 95% of sinus beats will be included in the study.
Time and frequency domain variables will be analyzed. In the variability time domain, we will evaluate the SDNN = standard deviation indices of all RR intervals, expressed in m/s; rMSSD = square root of the avarage of the sums of squares of the frequencies between the RR intervals greater than 50m/s, expressed in m/s; pNN50 = percentage of successive cycles that present differences in duration above 50m/s, expressed as a percentage and the SD1 geometric indices - instantaneous recording index of the beat-to-beat variability and will represent the parasympathetic activity, while the SD2 index will represent the HRV, in long-term records, and will reflect global variability. The frequency domain will be evaluated according to the indices LF = low frequency; HF = high frequency; WF = strength of variability; VLF = very low frequency; LF/HF = low frequency/high frequency ratio38.
The clinical evaluation will be carried out in four moments: before treatment, after the first visit, at the end of the treatment and one month after the end.
Sample size:
Thirty women with FM will be recruited at the Rheumatology Outpatient Clinic of HUCAM, in Vitória – ES, Brazil. For the sample calculation, an effect size of 0.25 was used for the F test, and a value below than or equal to 0.10 is considered as low power, lower than or equal to 0.30, medium effect, and lower than or equal to 0.50, large effect.
Eligible participants who agree to participate in the study will be randomized into two groups: Experimental group: tDCS plus MT and Control group: tDCS plus MT SHAM. An independent researcher, who is not involved in the recruitment, intervention or data collection process, will randomize into two blocks. Another independent investigator will allocate participants through software and will notify the supervising investigator by email to ensure all information will be hidden from reviewers and participants. The randomization process is going to be conducted through the website To avoid bias, the evaluation of participants will be conducted by blind evaluators. In addition, participants will be instructed not to disclose details of their treatment.
Data analysis:
The results will be analyzed in the following aspects:
Comparison of the evaluation before and after the execution of the protocols in the two groups and between them.
Analysis of results after the first visit, at the end of treatment and one month after the end.
Correlation between all the variables described in the two groups, in the evaluations before and after treatment in the three moments: acute, at the end of treatment and one month later.
Data monitoring:
An independent researcher, who will not know the group allocations, will monitor any adverse effects and perform database management and statistical analyses. The therapists in charge for the treatment will be responsible for monitoring the doses and adherence of the participants.
Study organization and funding:
This study will be conducted in accordance with relevant ethical structure, it has received institutional ethics board approval and will be self-funded. The results will be submitted for publication in journals related to the field of rehabilitation, and access to the final trial dataset may be the object of the authors based on a reasonable request.