The first step in the identification of multiple anomalies is correct case classification. The EUROCAT multiple congenital anomaly algorithm has been developed in collaboration between EUROCAT Central Registry and the Coding and Classification Committee and continuously improved since 2004 [6]. The members of the Coding and Classification Committee are geneticists and paediatricians. The algorithm classifies cases into different groups based on ICD-10/British Paediatric Association (BPA) codes. The aim of the algorithm is to classify congenital anomaly cases into:
(a) Chromosomal syndromes: All cases where an unbalanced chromosomal anomaly has been diagnosed, irrespective of types of anatomically defined anomalies.
(b) Genetic and environmental syndromes: All cases due to a single gene defect or a known environmental teratogen, irrespective of types of anatomically defined anomalies. This includes skeletal dysplasias and hereditary skin disorders.
(c) Isolated anomalies: All cases with one congenital anomaly/ anomalies occurring in only one organ subgroup or with a known sequence where multiple congenital anomalies cascade as a consequence of a single primary anomaly.
(d) Multiple congenital anomalies: Cases with two or more major congenital anomalies in different organ systems, where the pattern of anomalies has not previously been recognised as part of a syndrome or sequence.
Papers published in 2011 and 2014 describe the methodology and results of the first 2 years of data(6, 7). The computer algorithm allocates 90% of all EUROCAT cases into classification groups (a), (b) or (c). Approximately 10% of cases are classified by the computer as potential multiple cases and these cases were reviewed by three EUROCAT geneticists to reach agreement for classification as true multiple congenital anomaly cases (d) or allocation to another group. A web-based system for review of cases has been developed, which allows easy and fast review of many cases and transfer of the final decision back to the central database. If two geneticists agreed on a case classification, this was considered the final decision. If all three geneticists disagreed or one of them classified the case for query, the moderator made the final decision.
Thirty-two full member registries covering 6,599,765 births provided 154,154 cases with one or more major congenital anomalies born between 2008 to 2016. Cases with chromosomal and genetic syndromes, skeletal dysplasias or hereditary skin disorders were excluded resulting in 123,566 cases for inclusion in this analysis.
Statistical Methods
Sixty EUROCAT congenital anomaly subgroups were used in the analysis (Table A, Annex); 57 specific congenital anomaly subgroups and three more general congenital anomaly subgroups (neural tube defects (NTDs), congenital heart defects (CHD) and Severe CHD(8)).
Analysis Of Multiple Congenital Anomaly Cases Only
All cases classified above as multiple congenital anomaly cases were analysed as follows. For each pair of anomalies (say A and B) the odds of a case having anomaly B given that it had anomaly A relative to the odds of a case having anomaly B given that it did not have anomaly A was calculated and the associated p-value estimated using a two-sided Fisher’s exact test. (Note that the odds ratio for anomaly A given anomaly B is identical to the odds ratio for anomaly B given anomaly A – so only one test was performed for each anomaly pair). The relative odds were not calculated for pairs of anomalies included in the same organ or system (for instance ventricular septal defect (VSD) and any other cardiac anomaly). They were also not calculated for clubfoot with spina bifida or renal dysplasia as clubfoot is considered to arise as a result of the occurrence of spina bifida or renal dysplasia. Finally, they were not calculated for situs inversus and any cardiac anomaly as this association is part of the heterotaxy spectrum.
Multiple testing procedures were carried out using the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure to control the false discovery rate. This gave a corrected overall p-value to determine statistical significance and thus adjusted p-values were calculated. Pairs of anomalies with adjusted p-values < 0.05 were examined further. The analysis was repeated for males and females separately as hypospadias is only present in males (33 cases of indeterminate sex and 489 cases with missing sex were excluded).
Logistic regression models were used to examine associations between three anomalies. Each anomaly in turn was regressed on two other anomalies and the interaction term provided an estimate of the odds ratio for all three anomalies given any of the other two anomalies. As before, sets of anomalies known to be related were excluded, and the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure to control the false discovery rate was applied to obtain adjusted p-values.
Analysis Of All Cases With An Anomaly
The above analysis was repeated on the population of all anomaly cases (n = 123,566), not just those with multiple anomalies. The number of cases with both anomalies remains the same, but the number of cases with each individual anomaly increases due to the inclusion of cases with only one anomaly. The estimated relative odds were therefore inflated, and the p-values reduced. We therefore only examined pairs of anomalies with adjusted p-values < 0.01, rather than the < 0.05 cut-off used above.