Check dams are main structure to soil and water protection and source of data to calculated erosion and sediment trapping rates at a sub-basin. Because they retain the main part of the sediment product in their reservoirs. Aim of this research was compare three topographic methods to assess how the measures total sediment at location in southeastern Iran. For this aim, we measured the volume of sediment deposited by 25 check dams built during the two years back. We print out data of topographical survey applying a file work technical, with a nicety to calculate the dimensions of the sediment deposited behind of each check dam. The results were also compared with three streamlined methods that regard to the volume of trapped sediment as a unmixed geometric shape. Results shows that the total volume of sediment deposited behind the check dams are 10299.2, 8211.2 and 6903 m3 according to the method A, B and C, respectively. Correlation between method A and other is well and signification at the 0.0l level. There was no significantly influenced between contain sediment deposited volumes behind of check dam, TE, SY, TSY by two methods, at a assurance level of 95%, but there was significantly influenced between amounts of ES.