Making the extent of managed land more comparable for flux estimates in Brazil (Adjustments 1, 2a, 2b)
Assuming all forest gross emissions and removals within the country boundary of Brazil were considered as managed (No adjustment), the Global EO net flux would be -0.2 GtCO2yr-1, a small sink from 2001 to 2020 (Figure 2: 1st bar). Over the same period, the other flux datasets, the NGHGI, SEEG and FAOSTAT, report a net source of 0.8 GtCO2yr-1, 0.6 GtCO2yr-1, 0.7 GtCO2yr-1, respectively (Figure 2: bars 5 to 7). The extent of the managed land definition in the Global EO dataset was adjusted to make it more comparable with the NGHGI and other flux datasets, and the forest flux was recalculated (Figure 2). When considering gross emissions on all lands in the country boundary and only removals occurring in non-primary forest lands in the Global EO dataset (Adjustment 1) (Figure 3a), the forests become a net source of 0.5 GtCO2yr-1 (Figure 2: 2nd bar). While the Global EO net flux is only about a third lower than the NGHGI, the gross emissions and removals remain higher. The differences likely arise because the spatial extent of these forest types is not similar in Brazil (Figure 3a and c). Spatially, the non-primary forest lands only overlap with 11% of managed forests in the NGHGI (Supplementary Table 3). When aggregated the total “non-primary forest” area (507Mha) is very similar to the NGHGI “managed forest” area (397 to 484 Mha), emphasising the importance of spatial analysis when considering proxies for managed forests (Supplementary Figure 1).
Applying the NGHGI spatial mask of all managed land (Figure 3b) to the Global EO flux dataset yielded a net forest flux of 0.1 GtCO2 yr-1, making it a small source (Figure 2: 3rd bar) (Adjustment 2a). Gross emissions are very similar to other datasets, with the estimate from the Global EO being 0.13 GtCO2yr-1 smaller compared to the NGHGI. Gross removals remain ~0.6 GtCO2yr-1 higher than the NGHGI. This suggests that deforestation areas and emissions factors are similar in Brazil’s NGHGI and the Global EO, and that most of the difference is due to differences in forest classification and removal factors applied in managed forests.
With an additional Global EO data adjustment to consider removals occurring only within “managed forest” as defined by the NGHGI but still include emissions from all managed land (Figure 3c), the net flux was a source of 0.4 GtCO2 yr-1 (Figure 2: 4th bar) (Adjustment 2b). Despite the same definition of managed forest, the gross removals flux of the Global EO data is two fifths larger than the NGHGI.
Dissaggregating Adjustment 2b at the biome scale, differences between the flux datasets become more apparent (Figure 2 and Figure 4). In Amazonia, the biome with the biggest contribution to the net flux (69% to 78%), the gross emissions in the Global EO (0.8 GtCO2yr-1) are very similar to the NGHGI (0.9 GtCO2yr-1). However, gross removals are 1.5 times lower in the NGHGI. In the Cerrado and Atlantic Forest, which combined make up approximately 15.7% to 34% of the net flux, gross removals are up to two and three times higher, respectively, in the Global EO compared to the NGHGI (Figure 4). Given that these comparisons only included gross removals in managed forests for the Global EO data, the remaining differences observed at the biome and country scale cannot be reconciled by only considering the extent of forest cover and whether it is managed forest or not (Figure 2 and Figure 4).
We found considerable spatial differences when comparing the extent of forest cover in the Global EO and NGHGI datasets (Figure 5a and Figure 5b). The largest differences are outside of the humid forest-dominated Amazon biome. In the Atlantic Forest, the other key humid forest biome, only 35% of the total potential forest area (the areas considered as forest in either or both datasets) was classified as forest cover in both datasets. Across the other four biomes, which are not dominated by humid-forest cover, the area considered to be forest is higher in the NGHGI. These regions were not considered forest in the Global EO study as their tree canopy cover per pixel was less than 30%. The NGHGI does not define such a threshold and considers the FAO classification [27,28].
Relative contribution of different forest types to gross removals in Brazil
We found that most of the discrepancy was in the gross removals component of the forest flux. To explore potential reasons for this discrepancy, we disaggregated the removals flux according to forest types included in each flux dataset and the area occupied by each forest type in 2020 (Table 4). The difference in area occupied versus relative gross removals of respective forest types also varies across the six biomes (Supplementary Figure 3 and Supplementary Figure 4). The reasons for differences in both area and gross removals are interconnected and difficult to untangle.
Table 4 | The 2020 area of different forest types and associated carbon removal flux according to different datasets in Brazil. The carbon removal component is for the average annual removal flux for the period 2001 to 2020. For an explanation of different data sources see methods. For the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory (NGHGI) [28] only pixels in the managed forest area outlined in NC4 were used (green regions in Figure 3c). *As the NGHGI is only available up to 2016, numbers for the NGHGI have been adjusted by multiplying by the fractional difference in the area/gross removals of each forest type in 2016 and 2020 according to SEEG (MapBiomas) SEEG-Brazil [30]. **This value also includes selective logging areas and gross removals from Amazonia. *** These values are based on the Adjustment 2b – i.e., using the NGHGI managed forest lands to extract area and removals in the Global Earth Observation (EO) [11].
Global EO***
Forest type
Area (2020)
(1000 ha)
Gross removals
(GtCO2 yr-1)
Area (~2020)*
(1000 ha)
Gross removals*
Area (2020)
(1000 Mha)
Gross removals
Managed old-growth
Secondary forest
Other land
According to the NGHGI, plantations occupy an area of approximately 11Mha and have a gross removals flux of -0.08GtCO2 yr-1. According to the Global EO estimate, plantations occupy about two-thirds of this area (6.8Mha) but estimated removals in plantations are more than double compared to the NGHGI estimate (-0.19 GtCO2 yr-1) (Table 4). This can partly be explained by the fact that the NGHGI and SEEG do not consider removals in “plantations remaining plantations” (Table 2). Furthermore, tree plantations such as rubber, acacia and oil palm are considered tree plantations in the Global EO dataset, whereas, in the NGHGI and SEEG, they are considered as cropland and are, therefore, not included in forest-related removals (Table 2). Given that we adjusted the Global EO gross removals to only consider “managed forest” areas according to the NGHGI (Adjustment 2b), the relative contribution to both the area and gross removals of tree crops to the final adjusted Global EO is small (Supplementary Figure 2).
The Secondary Forest area in the SEEG estimate (8,547Mha) is two-thirds smaller than the NGHGI (21,877Mha), yet gross removals are three times higher in SEEG (-0.16 Gt CO2yr-1), compared to the NGHGI (-0.05 Gt CO2yr-1). Secondary forest removals in the Global EO are also three times higher than in the NGHGI, despite occupying a similar total area (Table 4). The difference can partly be explained by the fact that the SEEG considers removals in “secondary forest remaining secondary forest” but the NGHGI does not (Table 2). Across the three datasets, the area of old-growth forest is approximately the same (~20Mha), and the gross removals are a third larger in the Global EO (-0.4 GtCO2 yr-1) compared to the NGHGI and SEEG (~0.3 GtCO2 yr-1) (Table 4), but within the realms of uncertainty of the NGHGI dataset (32% - see Methods).
Reconciling the difference in gross removals between flux datasets in Brazil (Adjustment 2c)
We made a final adjustment (Adjustment 2c) by excluding older areas of plantations and secondary forests from the Global EO flux data (Figure 6). This adjustment accounted for the fact that the NGHGI treats fluxes within these categories as net zero (see Methods, Table 2). Considering this final adjustment, the difference between the NGHGI and Global EO/SEEG is halved compared to Adjustment 2b. The NGHGI net flux remains higher (0.81 Gt CO2yr-1) but only by 25% and 10% for the Global EO (0.61 Gt CO2yr-1) and SEEG (0.72 Gt CO2yr-1), respectively (Figure 6).
Explaining the remaining discrepancy: removal factors and forest type
There are a few reasons why a gap between the Global EO and other flux datasets remains after Adjustment 2c despite considering the same areas of managed forests and associated fluxes; these may be linked to the fact that each flux dataset used different (i) removal factors and (ii) spatial extents of forest type. By comparing the removals factors and forest types used in the various datasets, we can explore the remaining discrepancies without changing the methodology used by the flux datasets, which would go beyond the scope of this study.
Looking at the differences in removal factors used for old-growth forests across the Brazilian biomes, which make up 55-70% of the gross removals flux (Table 4), we see that IPCC Tier 1 removal factors used by Global EO dataset are larger compared to the NGHGI (Table 5). In Amazonia, the removal factor used by the Global EO is a fifth higher than the NGHGI removal factor (Table 5). This helps to explain the higher gross removals in this forest type across the country (Table 4) and regionally, e.g., in Amazonia (Supplementary Figure 4). In the other biomes, the removal factors are higher, by between 20-850% (Table 5). However, the relative contribution of old-growth forest carbon removal to the total gross removals is considerably less than Amazonia (Supplementary Figure 4).
Table 5 | Old-growth Forest removal factors used by different flux datasets and disaggregated by biomes in Brazil. For all datasets, values include above and below ground carbon. The National Greenhouse Gas Inventory (NGHGI) and SEEG) [30] applied a single, biome-specific, removal factor for each biome. The calculated modal removal factor in each biome for the Global Earth Observation (EO) dataset [11] (see Methods) is shown. Values in brackets indicate old-growth removal factors also used but where the associated ecozone did not account for a large area within the biome. In the Pampa biome the Global EO did not detect any old-growth (primary forest) areas and only old secondary forest (Old SF) regions were identified.
(Mg C ha-1yr-1 )
Global EO
(Mg C ha-1yr-1)
Percentage Difference (Global EO/NGHGI)
0.59 (0.24)
+ 23%
Atlantic Forest
0.59 (0.24)
+ 34%
0.24 (0.59)
+ 20%
+ 20%
NA (0.59 = Old SF)
+ 34%
+ 850%
The removal factors in forest plantations are generally larger in the Global EO method, compared to the NGHGI, with a range of 9.5% to 59% (Table 6). In young secondary forests, those regrowing for less than 20 years, the Global EO average removal factors are also generally larger, between 29% and 543% (Table 6).
The NGHGI does not include removals in ‘secondary forest remaining secondary forest’, and only considers removals in ‘other land converted to forest land’, thus it only uses removal factors applicable for younger (<20 years) secondary forest. The distinction between old and young secondary forest regrowth factors is, however, made by the Global EO product. All forested regions not identified as primary forests, having tree cover gain, plantations, or mangroves in 2000 are classified as ‘old secondary forests’ (>20 years). The appropriate removal factors are then used according to the updated IPCC guidelines [42]. The average removal factors of old secondary forest in the Global EO are lower than the NGHGI young secondary forests removal factors, but higher than old-growth forests ones (Table 6).
Table 6 | Plantation and Secondary Forest removal factors used by different flux datasets and disaggregated by Brazilian biomes. For all datasets, values include above and below ground carbon. Secondary forests are further disaggregated by forest-age classes. This shows the average removal value for each biome, which in the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory (NGHGI) varies according to the type of land use transition taking place, and in the Global Earth Observation (EO) [11] varies depending on the type of forest plantation. Values in brackets denote the range of possible removal factors applied by each method in the respective biomes. The calculated modal removal factor in each biome for the Global EO dataset (see methods) is shown. Values in brackets indicate removal factors also used but where the associated ecozone did not account for a large area within the biome. Note the NGHGI does not distinguish between old and young secondary forest and only applies a single removal factor.
(Mg C ha-1yr-1)
Global EO
(Mg C ha-1yr-1)
Percentage Difference
(Global EO/NGHGI)
12.5 (8.3 to 12.66)
11.2 (4.72 to 20.3)
- 10.4%
Atlantic Forest
11.6 (10.5 to 12.6)
12.7 (4.72 to 20.3)
+ 9.5%
12.6 (11.1 to: 12.6)
16.6 (4.72 to 20.3)
+ 31.7%
12.7 (12.7 to 12.7)
20.2 (4.72 to 20.3)
+ 59.1%
11.0 (11.0 to 11.0)
12.9 (4.72 to 20.3)
12.6 (12.1 to 12.7)
17.0 (4.72 to 20.3)
+ 34.9%
Young secondary forests (<20 years)
3.1 (0.6 to 5.2)
6.4 (3.9 to 8.0)
+ 106%
Atlantic Forest
1.7 (1.7 to 1.7)
4.5 (2.0 to 7.6)
+ 165%
2.7 (0.6 to 4.7)
4.3 (2.5 to 7.3)
+ 59%
2.8 (0.6 to 4.7)
3.6 (2.3 to 5.5)
+ 29%
3.2 (0.6 to 4.7)
2.8 (1.6 to 5.1)
- 13%
0.7 (0.6 to 1.0)
4.5 (2.5 to 7.2)
+ 543%
Old secondary forests (> 20 years)
1.36 (1.60)
Atlantic Forest
1.36 (1.60)
1.60 (1.36)
The other remaining discrepancy, related to the spatial extent of forest types assigned to specific pixels across the three flux datasets, will also dictate the type of removal factors applied. At the country-scale, we quantified differences in the classification of forest type between the datasets (Figure 7). The most noticeable difference is in the classification of managed old-growth forests in the NGHGI and SEEG and ‘secondary forest remaining secondary forest’ in the Global EO. Here, 65% and 85% of the pixels classified as Secondary Forest (Forest land remaining forest land, FL -> FL) by the Global EO method were classified as managed old-growth forest by the NGHGI and the SEEG, respectively (Figure 7). Of the forest-cover types, the classification of managed old-growth (FL -> FL), plantations remaining plantations (FL -> FL) and other land converted to forest land (OL -> FL) were the most consistent across the three datasets, with up to 98% consistency between the Global EO and the NGHGI.
The differences in removal factors and forest types used by each flux dataset highlights the individual approaches, boundary conditions and methodological priorities. It is therefore not possible to reconcile the flux further, without entirely re-doing the work of each separate flux dataset. The remaining differences in the flux between the Global EO (0.61 Gt CO2yr-1), NGHGI (0.81 Gt CO2yr-1) and SEEG (0.72 Gt CO2yr-1) (Figure 6) give a measure of the uncertainty of gross and net flux estimates for forests in Brazil.
Differences in the key carbon pools with implications for gross emissions in Brazil
Differences in the major carbon pools and how the various datasets handle deforestation and degradation will influence the emission factors and help to explain some of the observed differences in gross emissions.
The Brazilian NGHGI, SEEG and Global EO consider all five carbon pools: aboveground carbon, belowground carbon, dead wood, litter, and soil organic carbon, but apply different assumptions. The Global EO applies IPCC default ratios to estimate belowground carbon from aboveground carbon, default values for deadwood and litter, and a global map of soil organic carbon in mineral soils. Where available, the NGHGI uses biome specific conversion ratios for the belowground carbon and specific values for deadwood and litter and otherwise uses IPCC default values.
For estimating Aboveground Carbon (AGC), the Global EO uses a pixel-based, remote sensing approach [16] and hence the spatial variability of AGC estimates is greater compared to the NGHGI (Figure 8). The NGHGI prioritises using structural field-derived data from various in-country inventories across the six biomes and literature derived estimates [28]. In both Amazonia and the Atlantic Forest, the mean old-growth forest AGC values for the Global EO are similar to the NGHGI (Figure 8), which may partly be because both flux datasets rely on field-based calibrations applying similar allometric equations. The estimates diverge more in the other biomes; however, the interquartile ranges (IQR) generally overlap.
There are differences in AGC between the Global EO classification of old-growth forests and old secondary forests. In Amazonia and Cerrado, the IQR of the old-growth and old secondary forests do not overlap, suggesting differences in the forest aboveground carbon dynamics between these two classifications. The NGHGI does not distinguish between old-growth forests and old secondary forests. It is therefore not clear if the NGHGI forest land AGC estimates are derived from old-growth forests or old secondary forests (Figure 8).
The method to determine deforestation and degradation varies across the flux datasets and influences the gross emissions. The Global EO uses a remotely sensed dataset to identify forest cover loss and includes losses associated with stand-replacing disturbances such as fire and logging. Smaller scale degradation events (< 30m) may go undetected and, therefore, unquantified by the medium resolution satellite observations [11]. The representation of degradation in the Global EO dataset is, therefore, incomplete. The NGHGI only considered degradation via selective logging, and only in Amazonia, thus potentially explaining why the Global EO estimate for gross emissions is lower than the NGHGI. The SEEG does provide an estimate of emissions by fire unrelated to deforestation in all biomes, however these are currently an additional dataset, and are not included in this analysis [32].
Comparing flux estimates of different datasets in South-East Asia
The net flux and associated gross emissions and removals for Indonesia are remarkably similar in the Global EO (0.55 GtCO2e yr-1) and the NGHGI (0.57 GtCO2e yr-1) dataset (Figure 9) [11]. Like the NGHGI, the Global EO study also includes emissions from peat fires and peat decomposition, key emission sources in Indonesia. The relative contribution of different sources to the gross emissions estimates is, however, different for the two datasets. Both the Global EO and the Indonesian NGHGI applied IPCC Tier 1-style methodology, giving some confidence to the observed similarity in the gross removals component. Further understanding the reasons for the similarity was difficult to attribute, given the lack of transparency and detail in the methodology and reporting of the NGHGI. For example, there needed to be more information on the removal factors applied to the natural forests (old-growth or secondary forests). Comparing the area of land type shows there are some discrepancies between the two datasets; for example, the area of natural forest cover in 2020 (old-growth and secondary forests) in the Global EO dataset is a third larger than the Indonesian NGHGI natural forest area in 2019 (Table 7).
For Malaysia, the estimated net fluxes from the NGHGI (-0.2 GtCO2e yr-1) and Global EO (0.2 GtCO2e yr-1) are not only different in the magnitude (size) but also the sign (source or sink), despite a similar area of ‘forest land remaining forest land’ identified by both datasets (Table 7). As with the NGHGI of Indonesia, the NGHGI of Malaysia lacked detail to determine the cause of the difference.
One potential reason for the difference between the gross removal estimates in Malaysia may be linked to the high removal factor that is being applied according to the NGHGI to all forest lands remaining forest lands. For example, a removal factor of 4.37 MgC ha-1 yr-1 is applied to inland forests, and no distinction between secondary and old-growth forests is made [41]. The intact forest removal factor is about twelve and three times higher than the IPCC default values for old-growth and old secondary Asian tropical rainforests, respectively [42]. IPCC default values are estimated at 0.35 MgC ha-1 yr-1 (95% confidence interval: 0.05 to 0.65 MgC ha-1 yr-1) for old-growth forests and 1.35 MgC ha-1 yr-1 (95% confidence interval: -0.8 to 3.5 MgC ha-1 yr-1) for old secondary forests [42], and are used by the Global EO-based dataset (Table 1). The value used by the NGHGI is more representative of young secondary forest regrowth rates in this region [26,42]. The estimated gross removals flux of the NGHGI is, therefore, implausible [6].
Table 7 | Area of forested and non-forest lands in Indonesia and Malaysia estimated by different flux datasets. The datasets are the Global Earth Observation (EO) dataset and the National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (NGHGI). The data for the Global EO are for the year 2020 [11], for the Indonesian NGHGI for 2019 [40], and for the Malaysian NGHGI for 2016 [41]. The years for the NGHGI are the most up to data values as submitted to the UNFCCC. Units are in 1000 ha. Mangroves have been excluded from all flux datasets. The Indonesian NGHGI data includes data on the so-called “Area Penggunaan Lain” – APL areas which are largely considered non-forested but include some forested lands. * For the purpose of this study all croplands are assumed to be tree plantations.
Land type
Global EO (1000 ha)
NGHGI (1000 ha)
Forested lands
Old-growth forest: 81,126.7
Old secondary forest (>20 years): 38,388.4
Young secondary forest: 1,970.3
“Forest land remaining forest land” (old-growth + old secondary) subtotal: 119,515.1
Natural forest subtotal: 121,485.5
Primary forest (including swamp): 45,267.3
Secondary forest (including swamp): 40,825.2
Natural forest subtotal: 86,092.5
Forest plantation: 358.7
Tree plantation: 26,127.6
Subtotal: 26,486.3
Forest plantation: 5109.4
Tree plantation: 18,007.9
Subtotal: 23,117.3
Non-forested land
Other land: 40,890.0
Other land: 75,629.9
Forested lands
Old-growth forest: 12,4483.4
Old secondary forest (>20 years): 4,595.9
Young secondary forest: 361.9
“Forest land remaining forest land” (old-growth + old secondary) subtotal: 17,079.3
Natural forest subtotal: 17,441.2
Forest land remaining forest land:
Forest plantation: 0.0
Tree plantation: 10,613.8
*Cropland remaining cropland: 7,892.9
*Land converted to cropland: 0.0
Non-forested land
Other land: 4,922.5
Settlement remaining settlement: 4,262.8
Forest land converted to settlement:
Settlement total: 4,410.8
Grassland remaining grassland: 1,000.0
The large difference between the gross emissions in Malaysia may be linked to the fact that only emissions associated with “forest land converted to settlement” are reported in the Malaysian NGHGI (Supplementary Table 4). The Global EO finds emissions associated with other transitions, including “forest land converted to cropland”, and commodity driven agriculture made up 90% of gross emissions between 2001-2020 [43]. The fact that the Malaysian NGHGI suggests no emissions from other land transitions, especially to commodity croplands, such as oil palm is therefore surprising. There may be assumptions made by the NGHGI such as not reporting gross fluxes in the harvest in tree crop areas, as these may be assumed to regrow later, such that the net flux could be assumed to be near zero.