Ethical considerations
The study protocol followed the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the local ethics committee. All participants provided written and informed consent and were debriefed at the end of data collection.
In total, 188 female participants (mean age = 34.9, sem = 1.02 years, SI Table 15) were recruited for the study via public advertisement in the Paris area.
Participants were screened for right-handedness, normal to corrected-to-normal vision, no history of substance abuse or any neurological or psychiatric disorder, and no medication. Participants of the fMRI experiment were additionally screened for the absence of metallic devices. All participants were tested in the morning between 8 am and 12 pm after overnight fasting. Participants were asked to fast overnight and to not drink tea or coffee at least 2 h before arriving for the experiment. Inclusion was restricted to female participants to minimize gender influences on dietary self-restraint44. Participants were paid 15 euros for their participation in the behavioral experiment and 60 euros for their participation in the fMRI experiment.
Exclusion criteria were a baseline hunger rating < 2 (no hunger), pregnancy, claustrophobia, permanent make-up or metallic implants that were not reported at time of recruitment, and technical problems with the fMRI scanner. Based on these exclusion criteria, 16 participants were excluded from the data analysis due to problems with the fMRI scanner (n = 1), not being hungry after overnight fasting at baseline (n = 5 in the decreased-hunger suggestion group and n = 10 in the increased-hunger suggestion group).
After these exclusions, data from 88 participants in the decreased-hunger suggestion group were compared to data from 84 participants in the increased-hunger suggestion group.
Hunger ratings
Hunger was assessed by three factors: (1) overall experienced hunger (i.e., How hungry do you feel?), (2) homeostatic hunger (i.e., How much food could you eat right now?), and (3) hedonic hunger (i.e., How pleasant would it be to eat, now?). Responses were given on a 7-point Lickert scale from “1” (“not at all”) to “7” (“very much”) and averaged to a common score across the three questions. Hunger ratings were collected at two times during the behavioral study: (1) at baseline, before the placebo intervention and (2) at the end of the experiment, and three times during the fMRI experiment: (1) at baseline, (2) after the placebo intervention but before starting the fMRI session, and (3) at the end of the experiment.
The probability of being assigned to one of the two suggestion arms was fixed to p = 0.5 and constant for the entire duration of the study. Randomization was performed before participants were enrolled using standard permutation algorithms implemented in MATLAB. The algorithm drew 2 integers of 1 and 2. If the integer was ‘1’, the participant was assigned to the suggestion group 1 (decrease hunger suggestion). If it was ‘2’, the participant was assigned to suggestion group 2 (increased hunger suggestion). To ensure an equal number of participants in each suggestion group the permutation was repeated 63 times for the behavioral pilots and 31 times for the fMRI participants.
Placebo intervention
All participants were administered a glass of mineral water at the beginning of the experiment (®Eau minérale Evian Naturelle). However, the label on the water bottle was specifically designed to provide information about the water’s ingredients to either decrease or increase hunger (Figure 5). In addition, the experimenter explained the labels and all participants read an information booklet about the water’s ingredients and their respective effects on hunger (for further details on the placebo intervention see supplementary information section 6).
Briefly, after rating their baseline hunger, the participants were assigned to the decreased- or increased-hunger suggestion group according to the randomization.
Participants in the increased-hunger suggestion group were told that the drink (water) was enriched with zinc, iron, and plant-based supplements, such as St. John’s Wort, because these ingredients are known for their powerful stimulating effect on appetite through the potentiation of hunger-stimulating hormones, such as ghrelin. By contrast, participants in the decreased-hunger suggestion group were told that the water was enriched with vitamin B12, iron, and riboflavin, because these ingredients had a powerful effect on appetite to curb food cravings through the potentiation of hunger hormones such as leptin.
The experimenter made sure that the participants understood the information about the drink before pouring it into a glass (8.45 oz).
Expectancy ratings
After drinking the glass of water and before performing the dietary decision-making task, participants rated their expectancy about how efficiently they believed the water drink would decrease or increase their hunger on a 10-point Lickert scale (starting at 1).
Dietary decision-making task
All participants performed a dietary decision-making task19,20,29,38 and a sub-group of 61 participants performed the task during fMRI. The task consisted of the participants choosing whether they wanted to eat snack foods of varying tastiness and healthiness on a trial-by-trial basis. The task counted 200 trials (behavioral pilot) or 152 trials (fMRI sub-group) for a total duration of 20 to 30 min (Figure 5). Each trial started with the display of a food item on a computer screen and participants indicated on a 4-point-Lickert scale, from a strong no to a strong yes, whether they wanted to eat the food item. All food stimuli were selected from a database of 600 food images validated for tastiness and healthiness ratings by 300 participants from a prior Mturk study conducted in-house. The food images were presented on a computer screen in the form of high-resolution images (72 dpi). MATLAB and Psychophysics Toolbox extensions45 were used for presentation of the stimulus and recording of the responses. Participants of the fMRI experiment saw the stimuli via a head-coil–based mirror and indicated their responses using a fMRI compatible response box system. The task was incentive compatible, because one food was chosen by chance for consumption at the end of the experiment19,20. Participants also rated each food on its tastiness and healthiness using the same 4-point Lickert scale at the end of the experiment.
MRI data acquisition
T2*-weighted multi-echoplanar images (mEPI) were acquired using a Siemens 3.0 Tesla VERIO MRI scanner with a thirty-two-channel phased array coil. Three echos were acquired for the best compromise between spatial resolution and signal quantity in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC)46,47. To further reduce signal drop out in the OFC, we used an oblique acquisition orientation of 30° above the anterior–posterior commissure line48. Each volume comprised 48 axial slices collected in an interleaved manner. To cover the entire brain, the acquisition sequence involved the following parameters: echo times of 14.8 ms, 33.4 ms, and 52 ms; FOV = 192 mm; voxel size = 3 x 3 mm; slice thickness = 3 mm; flip angle = 68°; and TR = 1.25s. Whole-brain high-resolution T1-weighted structural scans (1 x 1 x 1 mm) were acquired for all 61 subjects and co-registered with their mean mEPI images and averaged together to permit anatomical localization of the functional activation at the group level.
fMRI preprocessing
Image analysis was performed using SPM12 (Welcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience, Institute of Neurology, London, UK). Preprocessing involved the following steps: segmentation of the anatomical image into gray matter, white matter, and cerebrospinal fluid tissue using the SPM12 segmentation tool. The three echo images of each fMRI volume were summed into one EPI volume using the SPM12 Image Calculator49–51. Then, the summed EPIs were spatially realigned and motion corrected, co-registered to the mean image, and normalized to the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) space using the same transformation as for the anatomical image. All normalized images were spatially smoothed using a Gaussian kernel with a full-width-at-half-maximum of 8 mm.
Behavioral analyses
Statistical tests were conducted using the MATLAB Statistical Toolbox (MATLAB 2018b, MathWorks), R (3.3.2 GUI 1.68) within RStudio (RStudio 2022.02.3+492) and JASP (JASP 0.16.4).
Placebo effects on hunger ratings
For each session (baseline, before MRI, end of experiment) hunger ratings were averaged for the three hunger questions to form one hunger score for each participant. Hunger scores for the baseline and end of the experiment were then analyzed using factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) with two factors: hunger suggestion group (i.e., decreased hunger coded -1, increased hunger coded 1) and measurement time (i.e., baseline coded -1, end of experiment coded 1). Post-hoc paired and two-sample t-tests were conducted to characterize the main effects (of group, time) and interaction (group by time). Pearson correlations were conducted for both suggestion groups to assess how the hunger ratings were associated with expectancy ratings.
Placebo effects on dietary decision-making
Two sample, two-tailed t-tests, along with Bayesian independent sample t-tests, were conducted to compare average stimulus value ratings (SV) between the increased- and decreased-hunger suggestion groups. To further test how the hunger suggestions affected the computation of food preferences at the valuation stage, a multilevel general linear model (GLM) was fitted to stimulus value ratings (SV) following equation (1):
At the individual level, the GLM assumed that food SV was determined by the linear integration of tastiness (TR) and healthiness (HR) attributes of the food, with the rate of integration (beta weights, 𝛽) varying idiosyncratically between participants. This assumption is consistent with many other decision-making problems and at the core of the valuation phase proposed by models of economic choices. The GLM also included a trial number (trial) regressor to control for fatigue effects and three interactions (TR*HR, TR*trial, HR*trial) to assess how much change occurred in the weights given to the tastiness and healthiness attributes across trials and relative to each other. SV, TR, and HR regressors were mean centered (i.e., coded –2 (strong no), –1 (no), 1 (yes), or 2 (strong yes)). Individual beta weights for each regressor (i.e., ) were then fitted into a second level random effects analysis using two-tailed, two-sample t-tests to compare the two suggestion groups. More fine-grained analyses on dietary decision-making are reported in the Supplement (SI table 6).
Computational modeling
To test how and when suggestions about appetite influenced latent variables of the action selection stage of the decision-making process, SVs were collapsed into binary yes/no choices and fitted together with reaction times by a time-varying drift diffusion model (tDDM). This version of a standard sequential sampling model of action selection has recently been validated by two independent studies for dietary decision-making30,52.
The model assumed, similar to traditional sequential sampling frameworks53–55, that committing to a choice results from a noisy accumulation of evidence up to a certain threshold in favor of one outcome option (for example, “yes”) over an alternative (for example, “no”). Importantly, the time-varying version of the DDM further assumed that the two sources of evidence, the tastiness (TD) and healthiness (HD) of the food, linearly scaled (ωtastecp, ωhealthcp) the drift rate (Ecpt(t)) of evidence accumulation at different times (Timecp) within the interval between the reaction time and the non-decision time (DT = RT - nDT). For example, if taste entered the evidence accumulation first, the drift rate (δcpt=Ecpt(t)) at each timestep (t with dt = 8 ms) was determined by equation 2a30:
The differences in the tastiness and healthiness ratings for choosing a food item (yes response) versus not (zero response) for a given trial were denoted by TD and HD and respectively scaled the updating of the evidence (the drift rate) by ωtastecp and ωhealthcp. During the decision time, the time at which the healthiness weighed on the drift rate relative to the time tastiness factored in was expressed by the Timecp parameter. If t > Timecp /dt was false, it equaled 0, whereas if true, it equaled 1. Multiplying one of the two weighted attributes by zero until t > Timecp /dt became true meant that this attribute did not factor in determining the drift rate until a specific time step t. The relative starting time (Timecp) parameter was defined by the difference in the time at which healthiness started to scale the drift rate minus the time at which tastiness factored in. A negative Timecp indicated that healthiness influenced the drift rate earlier than tastiness. A positive Timecp indicated that tastiness weighed on the drift rate before healthiness. Note, a Timecp = 0 corresponded to a standard DDM.
Overall, fitting choices and reaction times with a tDDM allowed us to break down the action selection phase into the following hidden latent variables that were then compared between suggestion groups to test how they were influenced by the contextual hunger suggestion: (1) the strength of evidence for a “yes” over a “no” choice (e.g. drift rate), (2) the temporal dynamics of evidence accumulation, assessed by the relative starting time (Timecp), (3) how carefully participants made their choices, which was approximated by the decision threshold boundaries, (4) the initial choice bias toward a yes or no food choice, and (5) the non-decision time, which approximated the time taken to initiate a choice and corresponding motor response.
Model specification
The model was specified using the RWiener package via the run.jags function of the JAGS package in RStudio. More specifically, the tDDM was implemented by a one-dimensional Wiener process, where the state of evidence (dEt) at each timestep (dt) evolved stochastically following differential equation (3):
Where Et is the evidence accumulation defined by equations 2a and 2b above. In practice, a stochastic node (y) reflected a certain state of evidence at a specific timestep (dt) (or the predicted choice data and reaction times) and was distributed according to a univariate Wiener distribution:
Choice and reaction time (RT) data were coded in a way that “no” food choices were given negative RT values and “yes” food choices positive RT values.
The evidence accumulation started with an initial value of evidence equal to the value of the starting bias parameter (ßcpt), which was allowed to vary between participants as a random effect (more details about the priors for ß are provided in SI section 5.1.). The boundary separation parameter (αt) was fixed to a maximum value of 2 on a trial-by-trial basis but varied between participants as a random effect. Since each participant was allowed to still have their own boundary separation parameter, the prior for the participant specific alpha (αcp) was drawn from a joint normal distribution: αcp = N(μαcp, σ2αcp), with a mean μαcp, that was itself drawn from a continuous uniform distribution between 0.001 and 2 and a variance σ2αp drawn from a gamma distribution with a shape of 1 and a rate of 0.1.
The model estimated the noise in the drift rate (δcpt), which differed on a trial-by-trial basis and between participants. The prior for the drift rate was drawn from each trial (t) from a normal distribution: δcpt = N( Ecpt , e.p. Ƭcp), with a trial-specific mean that corresponded to the evidence (Ecpt) accumulated up to this trial following equations 2a and 2b and a variance (e.p. Ƭcp) drawn from a gamma distribution with a shape and rate determined by the error terms of the regression function (see SI section 5.1) that was truncated between 0.001 and 2. The priors for the tastiness (wtastecpt) and healthiness drift weights (whealthcpt) were defined by uniform distributions between –5 and 5. Both drift weight-free parameters were allowed to vary between participants as random effects.
The non-decision time (τcpt) was also allowed to differ between participants as a random effect, with a mean drawn from a uniform distribution between 0 and 10 and a variance drawn from a gamma distribution with a shape of 1 and a rate of 0.1. Finally, the relative starting time parameter varied between participants as a random effect and was drawn from a joint normal distribution with a mean that itself was drawn from a uniform distribution between -5 and 5 and a variance drawn from a gamma distribution with a shape of 1 and a rate of 0.01.
Model estimation
Suggestion groups and behavioral and fMRI participant samples were estimated separately. The six free parameters (αp, ß, ωtaste, ωhealth, τ, and RST) were estimated by Gibbs sampling via the Markov Chain Monte-Carlo method (MCMC) in JAGS56 to generate posterior inferences for each parameter. We drew a total of 5000 samples from an initial burn-in step and then ran three chains of 10,000 samples. Each chain was derived from three different random number generators with different seeds (see SI table 10). We applied a thinning of 10 to the final sample, which resulted in a final set of 5000 samples for each parameter. Gelman-Rubin tests were conducted for each parameter to test for the convergence of chains. The potential scale reduction factor (psrf) did not exceed 1.02 for any parameter at the participant or population level, and the deviance (the log posterior) had a prsf ~ 1.
Model selection criteria
Choice and reaction time data were fitted using a tDDM and compared to a standard DDM (sDDM) without the relative starting time parameter. Deviance information criteria were used to compare the model fits. The DIC was defined following Gelman et al.57 as DIC = 0.5*var/mean(deviance) and was smaller for the tDDM (DIC = 22.873) than sDDM (DIC = 23.054). Parameter recovery, reported in supplementary information, provided estimates that were identifiable (SI table 11). Moreover, posterior checks of predicted and observed choices and reaction time distributions are shown in the supplement (SI figure S9).
Comparison of free parameters between appetite suggestion groups
To determine whether latent, hidden parameters of the tDDM were different between suggestion groups, the posterior probability of such difference was calculated following equation 4.
(4) PP = mean((dincreased – ddecreased) > 0)
In more detail, a total of 3 posterior parameter distribution chains, counting each 10000 samples, were concatenated for behavioral pilots and fMRI groups for a total posterior distribution over 60000 samples per group-level parameter and suggestion group (e.g., dincreased, ddecreased). Then, for each value in each sample a difference was calculated leading to a binary vector of the length 60000. The values in this vector were coded 0 if the difference was smaller then zero (i.e., dincreased < ddecreased) and 1 if the difference was greater then zero (i.e., dincreased > ddecreased). The mean of those 60000 binary outcomes for each parameter corresponds to the posterior probability that the population parameter distributions (i.e., decreased versus increased suggestion group) differed. Note, except for the healthiness drift weight, all comparisons were made with the prior prediction (H1) that the difference in the posterior parameter distributions between increased and decreased suggestion groups would be greater than zero (SI Table 12 and 12a for group-level mean posterior distributions, and posterior distributions of parameters in each group). In addition, as a sanity check, the individual parameters estimated by a stepwise approximation of the tDDM drift rates and implemented by the deoptim package in R were compared between suggestion groups using Bayesian independent sample t-tests (SI section 5.4 and Table 13).
Brain imaging analyses:
fMRI data were analyzed using Statistical Parametrical Mapping (SPM12, Welcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience, Institute of Neurology, London, UK)58. Analogous to behavioral analyses, we searched for suggestion effects on brain responses related to the valuation and action selection phases of dietary decision-making.
fMRI timeseries were fitted using multilevel general linear models (GLM). A first GLM (GLM1) included the following regressors at the first level: an onset regressor at the time of food image display (boxcar duration: reaction time) that was parametrically moderated by the stimulus value, and an onset regressor for missed trials (boxcar duration: 3s). Regressors of non-interest included six realignment parameters (x, y, z, roll, pitch, and yaw) to correct for head movement. Boxcar functions for each trial were convolved with the canonical hemodynamic response function. Individual contrast images for onset choice and the parametric modulator, the stimulus value, were then fitted into a second-level random effects analysis that used two-sample t-tests to localize brain voxels that were activated differently at the time of choice formation and in response to the stimulus value in the decreased-hunger suggestion group (N = 28) relative to the increased-hunger suggestion group (N = 29). Moreover, to test whether brain responses at the time of choice were moderated by expectancies about hunger outcomes, expectancy ratings were added as second-level covariates of the choice onset regressor in a separate GLM (GLM2). GLM2 included the onset regressor at time of choice, with a duration corresponding to the reaction time, and a missed trials onset regressor of a boxcar duration of 3s at the first level. At the second level, one-sample t-tests were used to test how much expected hunger modulated brain responses at the time of choice onset in each suggestion group.
Time courses
We extracted the activation time courses at the maxima of interest for all reported time course analyses. The response time courses were estimated using a flexible basis set of finite impulse responses separated by one TR of 1.25 seconds.
Psycho-Physiological-Interaction (PPI) analysis
PPI analysis aimed to localize the brain regions that exhibited choice formation-related functional connectivity within the brain and how such connectivity was linked to free parameters of the tDDM model in each suggestion group. We chose the vmPFC as a seed ROI because it is one of the central hubs of the brain’s valuation system (BVS) that encodes both expected and experienced rewards. Moreover, the vmPFC has been reported to implement action selection in connection with other fronto-parietal brain regions, such as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex19,20,27,32.
Functional timeseries were fitted by a third GLM (GLM3), with three onset regressors at the first level: the time of fixation (duration = 0.5s), choice (duration = reaction time), and missed trials (duration = 3s). Realignment parameters were included as regressors of non-interest to control for head movement. We then extracted average BOLD activity timeseries from a 5-mm sphere centered around the vmPFC ROI (MNI coordinates = [0, 52, -12]) for the contrast choice versus fixation and estimated a fourth GLM (PPI-GLM4), which included a psychological regressor that modeled the choice formation as : reaction time - long boxcars at the time of food choice onset, the physiological regressor of the BOLD activity timeseries of the vmPFC seed region, and the interaction of the psychological and physiological regressors, which was the PPI regressor of interest. Individual betas for this PPI regressor were fitted into a second-level random effects analysis using one sample-t-tests (See whole brain PPI activations in SI table 14).
Linking tDDM drift weights to vmPFC-dlPFC implementation of evidence accumulation
Beta coefficients from the dlPFC reflected the interaction (in terms of covariance) at the time of choice formation with the vmPFC seed ROI. Beta coefficients from this dlPFC ROI were correlated across participants to the difference between the healthiness and tastiness drift weights from the tDDM (whealthiness – wtastiness) using Pearson’s correlations in the both hunger suggestion groups, respectively.
dlPFC ROI definition
The PPI with the vmPFC seed at the time of choice formation was small-volume corrected (SVC) using a dlPFC ROI defined by MNI = [40, 42, 26], which was significantly activated during interference resolution measured by the MSIT task (see SI section 1 and SI Table 3). Average beta coefficients reflecting the vmPFC–dlPFC interaction strength at the time of food choice were extracted from a 5-mm radius sphere that was centered around the dlPFC MNI coordinate [44, 38, 32], which survived SVC (pFWE < 0.05, peak height and cluster level).