Air in India’s urban areas is heavily polluted. 10 of our cities are on the list of 15 most polluted cities in the world (World Air Quality Report, IQAir, 2022). Plants have been widely recognized as effective means of entrapping airborne pollutants. Thus, vegetation is an indicator of air pollution and is used to monitor air quality. Trees have tougher physiognomy and survive better in urban areas compared to lower plants (Rai, 2016). Hence it is imperative to understand how they react to pollutants in the atmosphere and develop adaptive strategies. In the present study, four common trees of Delhi were chosen to evaluate their tolerance to air pollution and consequently their suitability for plantation in the NCR region.
APTI is the most common indicator to measure stress tolerance and is calculated using four criteria namely, relative water content, ascorbic acid content, total protein, and pH of leaf extract (Singh et al., 1991). The suitability of the tree species to be used for urban greening is established by considering their APTI values along with other characteristics like habit, canopy structure, type of plant, laminar structure, and economic value (Rai and Panda, 2014). Higher APTI values indicate higher tolerance of the tree species to airborne pollutants. Trees have been recommended for plantation in big and small cities in India and abroad, based on APTI values (see review by Das et al., 2018). Identification of suitable plants as biomonitors and bioindicators has also been done in many areas of India and the world (reviewed by Rai, 2016).
It is interesting to note that the same species is suitable for plantation in one area while it may not be recommended for another area. P. guajava is suggested for green belts in Varanasi due to its high APTI value which does not differ much in control and polluted areas (Singh et al., 1991), while Agbaire and Esiefarienrhe (2009) found the tree unsuitable for planting near a gas plant in Nigeria, based on the considerable change in its APTI value in polluted areas compared to unpolluted conditions. It seems that interpretation of the evaluation criteria is important in recommending trees for planting. Some other reasons for the differential behavior of plants that affect their APTI scores are geographic location, environmental, and edaphic factors (Raza et al., 1985). Similarly, though trees with acicular leaves are more efficient in capturing PM2.5 (Chen et al., 2017) and have more APTI (Bui, H-T, 2021), trees with broad leaves only can be evaluated in plains due to the scarcity of the former. Also, the needle-like leaves of conifers differ in their ability to entrap PM2.5 and PM10 and are also damaged by excessive capture of pollution after a short time (Chen et al., 2017), making it difficult to judge their suitability.
Among the APTI criteria, chlorophyll and ascorbic acid are the most significant and determining factors on which tolerance depends (Rai and Panda, 2014). Reduction in the amounts of chloroplast pigments is due to their extreme sensitivity to even small alterations resulting in several irreversible photochemical reactions like oxidation and reduction (Puckett, 1973), chloroplast damage (Pandey et al., 1991), and inhibition of chlorophyll biosynthesis (Ali, 1993). There is an overall degradation of chlorophylls, carotenoids, and ascorbic acid due to pollution (Chauhan and Joshi, 2008). Though a few studies have reported an increase in chlorophyll content under stress (Agbaire and Esiefarienrhe, 2009, see Rai, 2016), loss of chlorophyll seems to be a more likely effect of stress, especially in plants of the same age (Das et al., 2018). As high values of AQI are the immediate cause of chlorophyll degradation, chlorophyll estimation is an important tool for analyzing the effect of air pollution on plants (Rai, 2016). The results from the current study show that an increase in gases in the atmosphere of Delhi lowers the concentrations of chlorophylls in the leaves of all the species investigated.
Ascorbic acid levels are high under conditions of stress as they favor stress tolerance due to the active defense mechanism of plants while low levels indicate that it is consumed in the course of removal of cytotoxic free radicals (Vazquez-Leon et al., 2017). In M. oleifera leaves, ascorbic acid and PSMs were influenced by atmospheric humidity and radiation. Interestingly, while ascorbic acid content decreased with tree age, PSM levels remained unchanged (Vazquez-Leon et al., 2017). It was reported recently that foliar spray with ascorbic acid actually causes an increase in the levels of PSMs in common bean plants under stress (Gaafar et al., 2020), thus making the antioxidant system of the plants more effective. Stress plays a crucial role in the activation of genes and signal transduction systems in the production of PSMs elevating their levels as a defense mechanism (Isah, 2019). Antioxidant protection against stress requires high amounts of carotenoids, ascorbic acid, alpha-tocopherol, glutathione, phenolics, and flavonoids that increase in quantity under stressful conditions, thus inhibiting the formation of reactive oxygen species and suppressing them (Krishnaveni, 2013). Since there are nearly 100,000 PSMs (Li et al., 2020), they provide a varied choice for accumulation under different stresses. Hence, the increase in their level has been used as a biomarker in the present investigation. Biochemical parameters are recommended as early indicators of pollution before visible symptoms set in (Tripathi and Gautam, 2007).
In the present study, P. guajava showed the highest level of increase as well as the highest values of three of the metabolites investigated, namely, phenols, tannins, and flavonoids, and hence appears to be most tolerant to ambient pollution. A. scholaris showed increased levels of phenols and flavonoids, apart from having the highest amount of alkaloids of the four species studied. This might confer higher resistance to pollution over M. konegii, which also showed an increase in phenols and alkaloids but the overall content and degree of increase were much lower. M. oleifera had appreciable levels of flavonoids and tannins, but their levels declined along with those of phenols. Though there was a small elevation in alkaloids over the initially low amount, the overall status of PSMs in relation to pollution makes M. oleifera a sensitive species.
Thus, P. guajava and A. scholaris appear to be suitable for planting in the sprawling urban conurbation of Delhi. Their habit, canopy, laminar structure, and economic value make them highly desirable for heavily populated and traffic-dense zones. M. konegii is suitable for residential areas and M. oleifera can be used as an indicator.
Since pollutants are in combination, the individual PSMs are seen to decrease or increase in relative abundance in a non-uniform and unpredictable manner in this study, as was also shown by Berini et al. (2018), in different environmental conditions (temperature, moisture, and light) in five woody species. According to Austen et al. (2019), change in net amounts of PSMs is specific to the kind of stress and in Salix, the flavonoid pathway is suppressed while the shikimate pathway is promoted, during stress. Nevertheless, elevation in PSM levels for free radical scavenging is inevitable in various stresses, even if short-lived (see review by Isah, 2019). It, therefore, appears that the influence of stress and defense responses associated with PSM production is multifaceted and it is worthwhile to identify species-specific and pollutant-specific markers. PSM pathways and their regulation are highly susceptible to environmental variation because the expression of genes involved in PSM synthesis is altered by stresses (Li et al., 2020). PSMs can, therefore, be sensitive and accurate markers. In the present study, one or more PSMs have shown marked changes in their quantities in four tree species in response to air pollution. They can be used as biochemical markers to quickly asses the pollution type and load and to employ possible mitigation strategies. Mukherjee et al. (2019) have recommended phenols, among others, as markers for pollution tolerance in Mangifera. The strategy can be extended to other vegetation of Delhi to keep track of and control changing composition of the atmosphere.
An interesting outcome of detecting enhanced levels of PSMs in the trees used for this study is based on their economic value. Plants are living chemical factories for the biosynthesis of a large variety of PSMs (Li et al., 2020). They are important in a variety of industries like food, pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and cosmetics. 25% of drugs used in the world are plant-based (Isah, 2019). Understandably attempts to increase their contents to add nutraceutical quality to plants are being done by techniques ranging from agricultural practices (Luciano et al., 2017) to the analysis of gene expression (Sharma, 2018).
Khare et al. (2020), have summarized the information on the enhanced levels of active compounds in medicinal plants under various abiotic and biotic stresses. In the context of the present study, Negi (2018), has reported a significant increase in the medicinal compounds in Portulaca plants in response to pollutants from traffic. All four tree species used in this study have proven medicinal value, along with the food (P. guajava) and culinary (M. konegii and M. oleifera) uses. While P. guajava and A. scholaris are recommended primarily with the aim of planting in green belts for mitigating pollution, PSMs in larger amounts can be profitably extracted from them and also from the other two species to an extent.
In fact, the possibility of deliberate application of drought stress during the cultivation of spice and medicinal plants to enhance the content of secondary metabolites by carefully balancing the pros and cons with appropriate agricultural practices and the use of phytohormones to overcome the severe repercussions of stress on plant metabolism was suggested by Al-Gabbiesh et al. (2015). But here is a serious concern that even though PSMs increase in amount on gram/unit biomass basis under various stresses, there is a decline in total biomass as primary metabolism is adversely affected (Selmar and Kleinwachter, 2013), thereby offsetting the increase in PSMs. Very few studies have quantified the loss of biomass and the concomitant increase in PSMs on a whole-plant basis. But due to stress-induced over-reduction, highly reduced compounds (PSMs) are formed in the plant which might lead to a net increase in their quantity. In any case, since the species used in the present study are trees, the accompanying loss of biomass, if any, due to the enhanced levels of PSMs may not be a serious concern. On the other hand, higher concentrations of PSMs per unit weight of leaves may actually make the extraction process economical.
We think that trees with tolerance to pollution and possessing high quantities of PSMs can be planted by determining the target pollutant and target species using the elevated one or more PSMs as biomarkers to utilize the existing pollution to an advantage. Though selection of trees should be guarded by target pollution types (Chen et al, 2017), much more research is necessary as several factors influence a stress, making it a complex phenomenon requiring comprehensive elucidation
There is also the problem of accumulation of heavy metals from polluted air in economically important plants and the resultant harm to the health of humans who consume them (Radwan et al., 2018). The use of NEEs (non-essential elements) to increase Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) and elicitors, leading to increased PSM levels has been tried in agriculture by Luciano et al. (2017), who recommended that the elements should not be in high concentrations and should not go to the edible parts in order to prevent damage to human health. By keeping the PM in Delhi’s air in limit and sequestering the heavy metals away from the leaves of the trees, it may be possible to take advantage of the increase in the levels of PSMs in the species used in this study.
Since natural products and medicinal plants are bound by legislation and societal regulations, wild plants and those with increased concentrations of PSMs (due to stress) can be used for drug discovery and the production of new compounds using tissue culture under a conditioned environment (Yeshi et al., 2022). Studies on the physiological and metabolic status of plants under stress also provide the rationale for application in metabolic engineering in the production of high-value and novel PSMs using sequencing techniques and other molecular approaches (Isah, 2019).
While it is clear that selecting trees using various parameters for greening urban spaces to combat anthropogenic sources of pollution has gained great importance in recent years, it is also necessary to select trees not only for traffic-dense, highly polluted areas but also for various other regions of metros, to have a discernible impact. In fact, many factors other than tree species selection should also be considered, viz. street design, wind velocity and direction, buildings, traffic movement (one-way or two-way), and spacing between trees, in conjunction with economic, social, and political policies strongly linked to nature (Chaudhuri and Kumar, 2022). Since most initiatives on amelioration of urban pollution have failed to deliver the desired outcomes so far, the pollution-related increased production of valuable PSMs may prove to be a temporary succor. In fact, plants that are being adversely affected by climate change may even be a rich source of discovery of novel drugs and bioactive compounds (Yeshi et al., 2022).