3.1 Elecctrochemical deposition behavior of Te and GaTe
Figure 2a shows the cyclic voltammograms (CVs) of the ITO substrate in the solutions without and with Ga3+. The scanning direction of the CVs is instructed by the arrows. The simultaneously recorded transmission spectra are shown in Fig. 2b. HTeO2+ formed by dissolution of TeO2 in acidic solution is the electroactive species for deposition of Te and GaTe [18]. In the solution of 0.1 M H2SO4 + 0.001 M TeO2, a cathodic peak at -0.36 V is observed, which is attributed to the reduction of HTeO2+ to Te [19, 25], as described by Eq. (1):
$$\text{HTe}{\text{O}}_{2}^{+}+\text{3}{\text{H}}^{+}+\text{4}{\text{e}}^{-}\to \text{Te}+{\text{H}}_{2}\text{O }{ E}^{0}\text{=0.551 }{V}_{NHE} \left(1\right)$$
Upon the deposition of Te, the normalized transmittance decreases with the negatively scanning potential until the potential reaches − 0.71 V. There is another cathodic peak at around − 0.77 V observed, which is corresponding to the reduction of Te to H2Te [19, 26], as described by Eq. (2):
$$\text{Te}+\text{2}{\text{H}}^{+}+\text{2}{\text{e}}^{-}\to {\text{H}}_{2}\text{Te }{ E}^{0}\text{=-0.47 }{V}_{NHE} \text{ }\left(2\right)$$
Consumption of the pre-deposited Te for producing gaseous H2Te is proven by the slightly increased transmittance at around − 0.77 V. Dennison et. al. illustrated that the generated H2Te would further react with HTeO2+ to form a fine, densely packed Te film, as described by Eq. (3) [18]
$$\text{2}{\text{H}}_{2}\text{Te}+\text{HTe}{\text{O}}_{2}^{+}\to \text{3Te}+\text{2}{\text{H}}_{2}\text{O}+{\text{H}}^{+}\text{ }\left(3\right)$$
The Gibbs energy of reaction (3) is -500 kJ mol− 1, pointing to a strong driving force for the spontaneous formation of the densely packed film [18], which is also indicated by the decreased transmittance. Hydrogen evolution occurred when the potential was more negative than − 0.8 V which is corresponding to the rapidly increase photocurrent.
At the reverse scan, the transmittance slightly increased at the potential range from − 0.7 V to -0.36 V, indicating the reduction of Te to H2Te. At the potential range from − 0.36 V to -0.1 V, the transmittance decreased but without current detected, which probably could be attributed to decomposition of H2Te to Te [26], following the Eq. (4):
$${\text{H}}_{2}\text{Te}\to \text{Te}+{\text{H}}_{2}\text{ }\text{ }\left(4\right)$$
One anodic peak at 0.45 V can be seen, which is due to the re-oxidation of Te to HTeO2+ [18] and resulted in the rapidly increase transmittance.
As shown by the CV curve (in red) in Fig. 2a, the present of Ga3+ resulted in slightly positive shift of the first cathodic peak and higher cathodic current. Coexistence of Ga and Te of the film deposited at -0.35 V is evidenced by the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic analysis (Fig. 4), indicating the co-deposition of Ga and Te. Similar behavior of deposition of CdTe over a wide potential range has also been observed by Dennison et. al [20]. In the range from − 0.8 V to -0.9 V, cathodic current significantly increases in the present of Ga3+ but the transmittance of the film just slightly decreases, indicating that the high cathodic current is corresponding to hydrogen evolution catalyzed by GaTe. At the reverse scan, the transmittance keeps increasing until the potential reached 0.35 V, demonstrating that the deposited Te would react with Ga3+ to form GaTe rather than reduced to H2Te. The existence of the anodic peak at 0.45 V demonstrates that the deposited Te cannot be completely converted to GaTe even though the concentration of Ga3+ is excess. The coexistence of GaTe and Te does not affect the stability of the Te, as indicated by the unchanged position of the anodic peak.
As revealed by Fig. 2c, as the cathodic potential extends to -1.1 V, the transmittance rapidly decreases upon the formation of a thick Te film. The anodic peak at -0.36 V can be attributed to the oxidation of H2Te to Te. This reaction makes the Te film become thicker rapidly, crack and peeling off finally. Differently, as indicated by the transmittance curve (in red), formation of GaTe upon the present of Ga3+, can efficiently suppress the formation of H2Te even when the potential is extended to -1.1 V. The much higher cathodic current corresponding to hydrogen evolution also demonstrates the better catalytic performance of the GaTe than Te.
Chronoamperometry was conducted for deposition of thin films at different potentials. Figure 3a shows the j-t curves at different potentials and Fig. 3b shows the corresponding transmittance spectra. The corresponding top-view SEM images of the thin films are shown in Fig. 3c-Fig. 3i. Deposition currents at -0.35 V, -0.5 V, -0.6 V and − 0.7 V are comparable. However, the morphology of the thin films is very different. At -0.35V, granule morphology with many small nanoparticles is obtained (Fig. 3c). The granule morphology changes to feather-like structures at potential of -0.5 V (Fig. 3d) The thin films deposited at -0.6 V and − 0.7 V, there are many congregated flocs on the top. The thin films deposited at -0.9 V (Fig. 3h) exhibits a striped surface. The striped surface grows more homogeneously as the deposited potential increases negatively to -1.0 V (Fig. 2i). It is worth to notice that there is no change of the morphology for the sample after photoelectrochemical measurements (Fig. 2j).
3.2 Surface composition of the thin films
The surface compositions of the thin films deposited with different potentials were studied with XPS. The first column in Fig. 4 shows the high resolution XPS spectra of the Ga 3d of the as-prepared thin films deposited at -0.35 V, -0.9 V and − 1.0 V. According to Bondino, binding energy (BE) of Ga 3d of the defect-free GaTe is around 19 eV, but the BE peak would shift to lower energy for the Ga-rich GaTe1 − x [27]. Therefore, the BE peak at 18.3 eV in Fig. 4a of the film deposited at -0.35 V is assigned to the Ga-rich GaTe. The growth GaTe is further demonstrated by the high resolution XPS spectra of Te 3d in Fig. 4d, where the BE peaks at 527.8 eV and 583.2 eV can be assigned to 3d5/2 and 3d3/2 of the Te2−, respectively [13]. In Fig. 4a, the BE peak at 17.7 eV is contributed by Ga0 [28], indicating the existence of metallic Ga and demonstrating the underpotential deposition of Ga at -0.35 V. Existence of Ga2Te3 phase is evidenced by the BE peak at 20.1 eV [4, 29]. In Fig. 4d, The BE peaks at 576.1 eV and 586.5 eV are corresponding to the 3d5/2 and 3d3/2 of Te4+, indicating the present of TeO2 [13]. The existence of Te0 is evidenced by the BE peaks at round 574.0 eV and 584.3 eV [13]. The BE peaks at 576.5 eV and 586.8 eV can be assigned to TeO3 [27]. Figure 4 (b) and (e) show the XPS of Ga 3d and Te 3d of the thin film deposited at -0.9 V. Similarly, GaTe, Ga, Ga2Te3, Ga2O3, Te, TeO2 are found. In comparison with that deposited at -0.35 V, the relative intensity of Te2− significantly increases, indicating the higher content of GaTe. Figure 4c shows the XPS of Ga 3d of the film deposited at -1.0 V, where the signal of Ga0 is highest. It is revealed that a certain amount of metallic Ga has been deposited at this potential.
The third and fourth column in Fig. 4 show the XPS spectra of the films after conducting PEC measurements. The chemical composition and phase have not strongly changed after PEC measurements, however, the content changed. Obviously, as shown by Fig. 4j, the signals of Te2− strongly increases after PEC measurement, which reveals the content of GaTe increases. In contrast, as shown by Fig. 4h and Fig. 4k, after PEC measurements, the content of GaTe of the film deposited at -0.9 V slightly decreases, and the content of Ga increases.
3.3 Optical properties of the thin films
Figure 5. (a) shows the UV–vis-NIR diffuse absorption spectra for the thin films deposited with different potentials. Absorbance starts to decrease dramatically at around 700 nm. According to the Kubelka-Munk function:
$$(\alpha h\upsilon {)}^{n}\propto (hv-{E}_{g})$$
where α is absorption efficiency, hν is energy of the incident light, Eg is the band gap of the semiconductor, n is 0.5 for indirect semiconductors and is 2 for direct semiconductors, the band gap of the thin films can be deduced. Figure 5b shows the Tauc plots of the thin films derived from the diffuse reflectance UV-vis-NIR spectra via the Kubelka-Munk function. The Eg of the thin films is obtained to be 1.8 eV by the intercept the linear portion of the Tauc plots with the hv-axis.
3.4 Photoelectrochemical properties of the GaTe films
Figure 6a shows the open circuit potential (OCP) of the thin films responded to periodic illumination of white light. Firstly, under dark the OCP shifts negatively as the deposition potential changed from − 0.35 V to -1.0 V, which is helpful for increasing the energy of photo-generated electrons for photoelectrochemical (PEC) hydrogen evolution by moving the Fermi level negatively. On the other hand, OCP transient of the thin films is also strongly affected by the deposition potential. OCP of the thin films deposited with − 0.35 V and − 0.5 V did not respond to illumination at all. This indicates that the thin films deposited at these potentials have metal-like behavior initially. The OCP transient becomes obvious for the thin films deposited at -0.8 V, -0.9 V and − 1.0 V. The positive shift of the OCP demonstrates the thin films are p-type semiconductors. Figure 6b shows the linear sweep voltammograms (LSV) of the thin films. It is consistent with the OCP results that there is not photocurrent produced by the thin films deposited at -0.35 V and − 0.5 V. The thin films deposited at -1.0 V produced the highest photocurrent. Figure 6c shows the transient photocurrent of the thin films measured at -0.36 VRHE. At the first 200 s after switching on illumination, the behavior of photocurrent with deposition potential is consequent with the OCP and LSV results. After that, it is interesting to observed that activation occurred and the photocurrent of all the thin film is rapidly increased. For example, photocurrent of the thin film deposited at -0.35 V is rapidly increased to -0.05 mA cm− 2. By comparing the XPS results of the thin film before and after PEC measurements, it can be found out that the content of GaTe increased after PEC measurements. Thus, the activation process can be contributed to the increased content of GaTe at -0.36 VRHE. The highest photocurrent of -0.06 mA cm− 2 is achieved by the GaTe thin films deposited at -1.0 V, which has good photo-stability.