Protein degradation analysis
It has been asserted that since significant protein degradation does not occur in brain tissue until ~ 8 h post mortem, and structural proteins will not have had time to degrade, significant alterations to mechanical properties will not occur during that period1–8. To monitor protein degradation over time, pooled mouse brain slices (4 animals, approx. 4 slices of 400 µm thickness per time point) were incubated in 300 mOsm/l aCSF at 4°C for 0.5 h and 4 h, or at room temperature for 48 h. Western blots were then performed to observe changes to protein integrity at these time-points, as seen in Fig. 1.
Figure 1. Western blot of vinculin, GFAP and α-tubulin does not show substantial protein degradation after 4 h at 4°C. Acute mouse brain slices incubated at 4°C for 0.5 or 2 h do not show fragments of vinculin, GFAP or tubulin, indicating there is not substantial degradation of these proteins. Slices incubated at RT show fragmentation of tubulin, but not of vinculin or GFAP. The left panel shows a single full-length membrane probed simultaneously with Vinculin and GFAP antibodies. The right panel shows a duplicate single full-length membrane probed with a-tubulin antibody.
Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and α-tubulin were selected as they were some of the first proteins to show significant degradation in previous studies of post mortem brain9,10, and vinculin was included as another cytoskeletal protein that is abundant in brain tissue.
Consistent with previous studies, after 48 h at room temperature, two distinct fragment bands of tubulin were observed as seen in Fig. 1, and possibly minor degradation of GFAP, suggesting that degradation was occurring. All subsequent experiments were carried out over a period of 4 h, when it is reasonable to assume that protein degradation is not a significant factor in any mechanical changes observed.
AFM analysis of acute brain slice elastic modulus
Donnan swelling of brain tissue is caused by the fixed charge density of the tissue; when cells are damaged by trauma and their plasma membrane is compromised, charged molecules inside are exposed to the external environment. Since the cells can no longer maintain effective osmotic homeostasis via active pumping, water enters the tissue and causes swelling and decrease in elastic modulus. This process is not instantaneous, and can occur over a period of hours or days, depending on the degree of tissue trauma21,36. Since Donnan swelling is a progressive phenomenon that increases over time, it follows that any alteration to tissue mechanical properties would increase as a function of the degree to which swelling has occurred.
To establish whether brain tissue elastic modulus changed significantly post-slicing, AFM indentation tests were performed on acute coronal brain slices in normal (300 mOsm/l) aCSF (see a representative force-distance curve in Fig. 2). To test whether increasing aCSF osmolarity prevented changes to tissue elastic modulus, these measurements were repeated with aCSF adjusted to 400 mOsm/l. To investigate the potential effect of degrading fixed-charge density (in the form of chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans) on changes to elastic modulus post-slicing, measurements were repeated with aCSF supplemented with 0.1 U/ml chondroitinase ABC enzyme.
As seen in Fig. 3, the elastic moduli of slices decreased with time in all conditions (300 mOsm/l: 330 ± 130 Pa at 0.5 h to 122 ± 49 Pa 4 h, 400 mOsm/l: 159 ± 52 Pa at 0.5 h to 101 ± 62 Pa at 4 h, CABC: 246 ± 135 at 0.5 h to 152 ± 68 Pa at 3.5 h) and reached a plateau at ~ 2 h. However, the least variation across timepoints was seen at 400 mOsm/l. The overall reduction was modest, and it was the only condition in which elastic modulus increased above its starting value (between 2 and 3 h). At 2 h, the 400mOsm condition’s elastic modulus was significantly higher than the 300 mOsm (p = 0.03) and CABC-treated (p = 0.036) conditions, suggesting that the higher osmolarity may produce a more mechanically-stable sample across this timescale. However, the elastic modulus at 0.5 h was substantially lower than that in the 300 mOsm and CABC conditions and was approximately the same as the 300 mOsm/l condition at ≥ 2 h, suggesting that whilst this condition may equilibrate at a higher elastic modulus, the initial changes may occur more rapidly than in other conditions. A post-hoc Tukey analysis of the three treatment conditions at 0.5 h supports this, indicating that the 400 mOsm condition was significantly softer than either 300 mOsm or CABC-treated samples (p = 0.0310). The CABC treated samples showed similar values to the 300 mOsm samples until 3.5 h, when its stiffness increased.
Two-way ANOVA analysis of the elastic modulus results returned a significant (p < 0.0001) relationship of time to elastic modulus, indicating that acute mouse brain slices are not mechanically stable across this timeframe. Mouse-to-mouse variation was however high, accounting for 30.88% of the total variation.
Acute brain slice hydration increases over time
Hydration plays a significant role in the mechanical properties of tissue, with low-hydration tissue such as bone and cartilage tending to be stiffer than highly hydrated tissue such as brain37–41. Fluctuations in tissue hydration due to age or disease lead to alterations in the tissue’s mechanical behaviour, for example stiffening of muscles and tendons due to age42–44. Highly hydrated tissue also demonstrates more prominent viscous behaviour as demonstrated in creep45,46 and stress relaxation tests 42,47. If the observed changes to acute brain slice elastic modulus were due to Donnan swelling or other osmotic factors, it would be expected that tissue hydration would have an inverse relationship to elastic modulus. To investigate this, the hydration level of samples immersed in 300 mOsm/l, 400 mOsm/l, CABC-treated 300 mOsm/l (all at 4°C) and CABC-treated 300 mOsm/l (at RT) was compared over a 4 h period post-slicing (see Fig. 4). Brain tissue hydration increased over time post-slicing (300 mOsm/l: 88% ± 1.6 to 89% ± 1.4, 400 mOsm/l: 86% ±1.0 to 89% ± 0.5, CABC 4°C: 85% ±0.4 to 89% ± 0.3, CABC RT: 87% ± 1.4 to 92% ±0.8), tending to stabilise at approximately 2–2.5 h as in the elastic modulus data.
Two-way ANOVA of the hydration data showed a significant relationship of time (p < 0.0001) and treatment (p = 0.0007) to tissue hydration, with no significant mouse-to-mouse variation (p = 0.5037). Increases in tissue hydration were significantly delayed in the 400 mOsm/l aCSF and the 4°C CABC-treated samples, but reached approximately the same peak hydration at 4 h, whilst the water content of the room temperature CABC-treated samples climbed throughout, ending with higher hydration than the other two conditions.
Multiple comparisons results from the ANOVA showed that the room temperature CABC-treated tissue was significantly more hydrated than the 300 mOsm/l (p = 0.0223 at 4 h) and 400 mOsm/l (p = 0.0017 at 1.5 h and p = 0.0016 at 4 h) conditions. This more rapid and extensive hydration of the room temperature CABC-treated samples is likely to be due to the increased temperature causing more rapid consumption of oxygen and glucose as well as accelerating apoptosis, outweighing the effect of the enzyme.
In summary, increasing aCSF osmolarity had a significant delaying effect on increases to tissue hydration but did not prevent the changes from occurring. Temperature was a major factor; room temperature CABC-treated samples experienced a substantially larger increase in hydration than the other three conditions at 4°C. CABC treatment at 4°C had the largest delaying effect, but eventually reached the same hydration level as 300 mOsm/l and 400 mOsm/l aCSF conditions. This suggests that temperature and time are the two most important variables for minimising increases in brain slice hydration, followed by CABC treatment and osmolarity.
Acute brain slices swell over time
In acute brain slices, increases to hydration due to Donnan swelling and osmotic pressure will cause swelling (oedema) as a consequence. If changes to the elastic modulus of the tissue were primarily caused by osmotic swelling rather than degradation of structural proteins, it would be expected that tissue whose elastic modulus decreases over time will see a concomitant increase in volume. To investigate whether acute brain slices swell over time, 400 µm thick acute coronal brain slices were obtained from 16 mice (4 animals per condition) and incubated in 300 mOsm/l, 400 mOsm/l and CABC-treated 300 mOsm/l oxygenated aCSF at 4°C, and CABC-treated 300 mOsm/l aCSF at room temperature. The slices were photographed from a fixed camera at 0.5 h increments. The change in planar area (XY plane) was measured as XY swelling. As brain tissue swelling can be assumed to be approximately isotropic48, XY swelling data were transformed into approximate volumetric swelling values by raising to a power of 3/2.
As seen in Fig. 5, brain tissue volume increased over time post-slicing (volume swelling factor at 4 h of 300 mOsm/l: 1.3 ± 0.1, 400 mOsm/l: 1.3 ± 0.1, CABC 4°C: 1.0 ± 0.2, CABC RT: 1.4 ± 0.2 respectively). Swelling was lower for the 400 mOsm/l condition than the 300 mOsm/l condition until 4 h, where the two conditions converge. Room-temperature CABC-treated tissue swelled rapidly and more extensively than in other conditions, stabilising at approximately 2 h, whereas chilled CABC-treated samples showed similar swelling rates to the 300- and 400 mOsm/l conditions but stabilised quickly and recovered to approximately their original size by 4 h. Two-way ANOVA analysis of the data shows that tissue volume is significantly associated with time (p < 0.0001) and treatment (p < 0.0001). Although there was mouse-to-mouse variation, this did not reach a high level of significance (p = 0.139).
A one-way ANOVA indicates that there is significant influence from the different conditions on area-under-curve (AUC), where a higher AUC represents greater swelling across the course of the experiment (p = 0.001). Multiple comparison tests suggest that the chilled CABC condition had a significantly lower AUC than the 300 mOsm/l samples (p = 0.0224) and that the room-temperature CABC-treated samples had significantly higher AUC than the 400 mOsm/l and chilled CABC samples (p = 0.0256 and p = 0.0006, respectively).
In summary, increasing aCSF osmolarity delayed — but did not prevent — brain slice swelling. Room-temperature CABC-treated brain slices swelled substantially more than other conditions, and 4°C CABC-treated slices both experienced delayed and reduced swelling than the other three conditions. This suggests that — as with slice hydration — temperature and time are the most important factors for brain slice swelling, followed by CABC treatment and osmolarity.
Acute brain slices soften, swell and become more hydrated over time.
Swelling of sliced brain tissue has been described previously in studies of brain oedema21, however the effect of this on elastic modulus has not been widely considered in the brain mechanics literature. Here we show that considerable changes in the mechanical properties of mouse brain slices occur within time frames during which such properties are typically assumed to be stable.
Since brain slice oedema has been largely attributed to the Donnan effect21 (where a compromised cell containing fixed negative charge is flooded with water when it can no longer actively maintain osmotic homeostasis), it might be assumed that brain slices sufficiently provided with oxygen and glucose will not swell or soften over time. However, damage caused by slicing — and resultant Donnan swelling — is likely to occur at depths beyond that reached by an atomic force microscope. Indeed, we demonstrate progressive changes in the swelling, hydration, and elastic modulus of brain tissue — even when provided with oxygen and glucose — immediately after slicing, progressing rapidly within the first few hours.
The swelling data implicate CSPGs as contributors to fixed charge density in Donnan swelling of acute brain slices, since digesting them enzymatically has a limited but significant mitigating effect – predominantly in the first hour after slicing. However, it is questionable whether this method would be usefully applicable to experimental study of brain tissue mechanics since the enzyme alters extracellular matrix and intracellular architecture, complicating the interpretation of data from CABC-treated samples. CABC activity increases at higher temperatures. However, since temperature also appears to be a major factor in brain slice swelling, any benefit from temperature increase on CABC activity would need to exceed the resultant increase in swelling rate due to this temperature increase.
Adjusting aCSF osmolarity to 400 mOsm/l did not prevent changes to hydration or swelling but did serve to delay these changes. It would be expected from these results that there would be a similar delay in reductions of tissue elastic modulus. However, the fact that the elastic modulus of the 400 mOsm/l-treated tissue was already lower at the first measured time point (0.5 h) than in other conditions suggests that an additional unknown mechanism rapidly alters the mechanical properties of the slices in these conditions.
Aside from treatment with CABC, the factors that most greatly affected tissue hydration, swelling and elastic modulus were time and temperature. Slices swelled, softened and became more hydrated rapidly from the moment of slicing, and slices incubated at room temperature showed substantially more rapid changes. There appears to be some correlation between elastic modulus, hydration and volume in 300 mOsm, 400 mOsm and CABC, as shown in Fig.S1 in supporting information.
These results suggest that when carrying out indentation analysis of acute brain slices, measurements must be carried out as rapidly as possible, at a consistent time, and in chilled conditions. Alternatively, measurements can be made when ongoing changes in tissue properties are less pronounced (e.g. 2 to 4 h post slicing), with the understanding that these measurements will be less reflective of those found in the intact tissue. The common assumption that elastic modulus is stable for up to 8 h post-slicing is inaccurate. To fully eliminate osmotic swelling and other ex vivo changes from an experiment, measurements must be carried out in vivo using non-invasive methods such as magnetic resonance elastography.