Although sorafenib has provided a ray of hope after years of looking for therapeutic drugs to manage HCC, the ultimate results are anything but satisfactory. Besides its adverse effects, the genetic variability of HCC confers sorafenib resistance on several patients, leading to the discovery of prognostic biomarkers for primary resistance to sorafenib. The development of acquired resistance after treatment has also piqued the interest of researchers. Several processes are implicated in this phenomenon, including interaction between the PI3K/Akt and JAK-STAT pathways, induction of hypoxia-inducible pathways, and epithelial–mesenchymal transition (7,12).
Autophagy is one of the pathways that is both activated by sorafenib and implicated in its acquired resistance (19). Autophagy suppression by pharmacological inhibitors (chloroquine, 3-MA, or bafilomycin A1) or gene silencing (Beclin1 or Atg5) improves sorafenib efficacy against HCC cells, demonstrating that autophagy induced by sorafenib plays a protective role (20,21). Also, different autophagy responses in different HCC models showed various sensitivities to sorafenib (22).
Animal models are important tools in cancer research. A variety of animal models have been established to better understand the pathophysiology of HCC and the impact of prospective therapy. Several morphological, histogenic, and biochemical aspects of human HCC are shared by chemically induced hepato-carcinogenesis in animals, which begins with an irreversible alteration of DNA structure (23). Common liver carcinogens include diethylnitrosamine (DEN), carbon tetrachloride, aflatoxin, dimethylnitrosamine, and thioacetamide (TAA). The DEN-induced HCC is the most commonly used one (24). A recent study found that autophagy, by increasing HIF-1 degradation, suppresses tumor growth and sorafenib resistance in the DEN-induced HCC mouse model (25).
Tumor cell resistance to sorafenib may also be linked to the transition from autophagic cell death to autophagy-related HCC cell survival. Furthermore, preventing autophagy induction is another method of developing sorafenib resistance. It has been shown that resistant cells had reduced levels of autophagy markers such as LC3, Atg5, Vps34, or Beclin1. For all of these reasons, restoration of autophagy might be one of the most important strategies for avoiding cellular resistance to the antineoplastic drug (26,27).
Several studies, covered in the review by Sun et al. (19), have showed a synergistic antitumor effect arising from the modulation of autophagy during sorafenib treatment, with autophagic inhibitors, such as chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine (21,28) and vorinostat (29), Akt inhibitors such as pemetrexed (30), GDC0068 (27) and arsenic trioxide (31) as well as direct autophagy inducers such as metformin (20). However, excess stimulation may result in programmed cell death rather than survival (32). When sorafenib was coupled with pemetrexed, a folate anti-metabolite that promotes autophagy, the therapy enhanced cell death in vitro while suppressing tumor development in vivo(30). Moreover, Manov et al. showed a peculiar antagonistic effect of combining sorafenib with doxorubicin which, on its own, can stimulate autophagy (33). Thus, autophagy can either facilitate cell survival or drive cell death (34), and further research is required to elucidate this.
Here, we compared the results of treating HCC using sorafenib coupled with an autophagy inducer or an autophagy inhibitor.
Oxygen deprivation is frequent in solid tumors, including HCC, and promotes VEGF synthesis and angiogenesis via HIF-1α stimulation (35). Thereby, the antiangiogenic effects of sorafenib originate from the inhibition of the HIF-1α/VEGF pathway (36). Unfortunately, there is a compelling link between acquired sorafenib resistance and the hypoxic microenvironment, since the antiangiogenic activity of long-term sorafenib treatment causes tumor starvation and subsequent intratumoral hypoxia, favoring the selection of resistant cell clones well adapted to oxygen and nutrient shortage. This scenario reduces the efficacy of sorafenib (37).
Liang et al. found that regular administration of sorafenib in HCC mice models increased HIF-1α and NF-κB transcriptional activity and protein expression. Accordingly, this might induce sorafenib resistance as a cytoprotective adaptive response. They also noted that HCC tissues from sorafenib-resistant patients exhibited higher intratumoral hypoxia and HIF-1α expression than sorafenib-sensitive or untreated HCC tissues (37). Several studies have showed a compensatory response to sorafenib treatment by an increase in HIF-1α after an initial lowering (18,25). Hypoxia in the stroma, along with oxidative stress, can activate autophagy, which serves as an escape mechanism for cancer cells throughout antiangiogenic therapy (21,30).
In addition, HIF-1α is a key regulator of VEGF expression. Under hypoxic conditions, accumulating HIF-1α upregulates the production of a number of angiogenic factors, including VEGF, and stabilizes the VEGF mRNA, eventually initiating tumor angiogenesis (38). Furthermore, there is also evidence of a bi-directional relationship between HIF-1α and NF-κB, wherein NF-κB may stimulate HIF-1α and HIF-1α can control NF-κB. The occurrence of hypoxia and inflammation is a hallmark of cancer. Hypoxia increases inflammation by regulating gene expression via oxygen sensitive transcriptional regulators such as HIF-1α and NF-κB (39). The induction of NF-κB is a common characteristic of cancer cell responses to chemotherapy. Increased NF-κB activity, for example, has been linked to a poor response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy and radiation in patients with esophageal cancer (40). NF-κB may be a crucial indicator of drug resistance, since its induction by chemotherapy lowers apoptosis (41). Multiple in vitro investigations have shown that inhibiting NF-κB makes cancer cells more susceptible to chemotherapy-induced apoptosis (42,43).
Several investigations have revealed that tumor cells subjected to hypoxia express greater amounts of Gal-1 (44). Gal-1 can trigger epithelial–mesenchymal transition: a critical phase in the development of cancer in human cells, and a major pathway of sorafenib resistance (45), involving the αvβ3-integrin/FAK/PI3K/AKT signaling pathway (46). Through stimulation of the H-Ras/Raf/extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathway, disruption of Gal-1 expression is linked to chemotherapy resistance. Multiple studies have reported the involvement of Gal-1 in metastatic potential, and the impact of Gal-1 knockdown on treatment sensitivity in HCC (47,48), as well as other forms of cancer (49–51).
The results of our investigation on acquired sorafenib resistance agree with our previous work, wherein certain biomarkers, such as HIF-1α, VEGFa, NF-κB and Gal-1, were increased rather than lowered in the sorafenib monotherapy group. These biomarkers were even lower in the co-treatment groups (sorafenib with the autophagy modulators hydroxychloroquine and simvastatin), implying that modulating autophagy prevented the development of resistance.
The induction of autophagy in HCC cells manifested in the increased expression of LC3II (normalized to actin bands) and the higher LC3II/I ratio (p < 0.001) compared with the control group N. The expression of p62 increased (p < 0.0001) as a result of transcriptional activation to compensate for its depletion during the highly induced autophagy (16). This was seen in the significant increase of p62 mRNA in HCC group compared to N group (p < 0.05). Additionally, the autophagic structures were clearly visualized in the ultrathin sections from the HCC group using TEM. Previous studies have shown that the autophagic induction by sorafenib is accompanied with a significant increase in LC3II and LC3II/I ratio (p < 0.0001), and a decrease in p62 protein expression (p < 0.001) with no significant change in p62 mRNA level, when compared with the results for HCC. This confirmed that the decrease in P62 was due to autophagic degradation and not due to transcriptional changes.
The induction of autophagy by simvastatin was indicated by the high LC3II and LC3II/I band intensities in the SV and SF + SV groups when compared with the HCC group (p < 0.001) and the SF group (p < 0.001). The blocking of autophagy by hydroxychloroquine was indicated by an increase in LC3II and LC3II/I band intensities in the CQ group, but not in the SF + CQ group, when compared with the HCC group. This was a bit confusing considering that hepatic p62 proteins had already accumulated in that group compared with the HCC and SF groups. Usually, p62 accumulates due to the blockage of the last step of autophagy, inhibiting the autophagic degradation of p62.
One reasonable explanation, which is also a limitation of our study, is that the whole liver tissue was analyzed, without isolating the HCC tumor nodules. The results show the overall state in the dissected liver section, and are not limited to the tumor cells. Thus, one probability could be that the liver section used for this analysis had a larger percentage of normal cells, which were undergoing basal or minimal autophagy, and thus minimal cellular uptake of hydroxychloroquine. This possibility is supported by a non-significant difference (p = 0.47) between the SF + CQ and HCC groups in terms of relative LC3II expression levels. Also, the best hepatic indices among the study groups were that of the SF + CQ group.
One study used bafilomycin (BafA1), hydroxychloroquine and a combination of both. BafA1 increased LC3II levels more pronouncedly than hydroxychloroquine. Moreover, the treatment with both compounds increased LC3II to levels similar to those observed in cells exposed to BafA1 alone (52). This implies that the ability of hydroxychloroquine to accumulate LC3II is relatively weak, and the addition of hydroxychloroquine to a system where LC3II is supposed to accumulate excessively, does not add much value.
It is worth mentioning that hydroxychloroquine showed beneficial effects on cancer regression in clinical studies, generally, (NCT03344172, NCT00969306, NCT01006369 & NCT01273805) (53), and in HCC-treated with sorafenib, particularly (NCT03037437), either alone or in combination with other medications. Those effects may not necessarily be connected with a blockade in autophagy (54,55).
Apoptosis is strongly linked with cell cycle progress. This relationship plays an important function in neoplasia. Furthermore, cell cycle regulation is linked to cell death and plays a significant role in cell turnover and carcinogenesis (56). Extrinsic and intrinsic pathways are frequently involved in cellular apoptosis. The extrinsic route is regulated by death receptors in the cell membrane, which then activates a downstream cascade of caspases. The intrinsic route, on the other hand, is strongly linked to the Bcl-2 family of proteins, all of which govern apoptosis by modulating the permeability of the mitochondrial outer membrane (57,58), where the Bcl-2 protein is usually found to be overexpressed in the majority of cancers (59).
For more than three decades, the establishment of medicines and regimens supporting the efficient eradication of cancer cells by apoptosis has been a mainstay and aim of clinical oncology. On the level of apoptosis, HCC cells showed apoptotic signs in terms of caspase-3 immunostaining and its apoptotic index, as well as the presence of higher fraction of cells in the subG1 phase, where apoptotic and necrotic cells are found in cell cycle analysis. However, these findings in the HCC group were statistically insignifcant when compared with the N group. Interestingly, when we compared HCC to N on the transcriptional level, we found elevated levels of hepatic Bcl-2 mRNA (p < 0.001) and lowered levels of caspase-8 (p < 0.01), while hepatic caspase-3 mRNA showed a non-significant difference. Thus, we deduced that the late apoptotic signs seen in the HCC group were because of cells that had successfully executed programmed cell death in response to DNA misfolding due to DEN-induced tumorigenesis and prolonged treatment by TAA. Whereas the gene expression results were the tumor genetic modification to downregulate the apoptotic pathway both intrinsically and extrinsically in the early pathway stages (the gene transcription level) to affect the downstream proteins subsequently.
When compared to untreated HCC group, all the treatment groups showed a significant increase in all of the apoptotic signs, early and late in the pathway, these results are in agreement with the numerous studies which indicate that sorafenib (5,60–62), simvastatin (63–65) and hydroxychloroquine (66–68) induce apoptosis in cancer cells. Reasonably, the combination therapies showed a marked much higher elevation than that achieved by sorafenib alone (p < 0.0001) indicating increased cytotoxicity, and hence its efficacy as an anticancer drug. We did not have a significant variation between the two sorafenib combinations in resistance biomarkers quantified (HIF-1α, VEGFa, NF-κB and Gal-1), nor in apoptosis biomarkers, except for caspase-3 mRNA which showed significant increase in the favor of SF + SV group.
Our study demonstrated that autophagy modulators inhibited the sorafenib-resistant HCC cell proliferation and mitosis by inducing G2/M cell cycle arrest, leading to programmed cell death. All individual treatments increased accumulation of cells in G0/G1, which means more cells achieved a resting state (quiescence). Also, the combination therapies caused the cells to accumulate in S phase and they were unable to enter the mitotic stage, seen as a decrease in cell count in G2/M.
Regarding hepatic hemostasis, the histopathological score of liver sections obtained from the combination treatments of sorafenib was way more improved than that of sorafenib alone, as well as the biochemical results of liver function tests and fibrosis staining. There was a slight superiority of the hydroxychloroquine combination to the simvastatin one, and this can be explained in the light of the results obtained from the groups of monotherapy controls, where the hydroxychloroquine alone group showed better hepatoprotective signs compared to simvastatin alone group, this came in line with the studies that elucidated better liver indices in case of chloroquine treatment in TAA induced HCC rat models (69), and hydroxychloroquine in diabetic rats (70) and in liver steatosis (71). However, the improvement was not statistically significant compared to that of simvastatin combination except for alkaline phosphatase (P < 0.05).
In a nutshell, the current study showed that autophagy modulators in combination with sorafenib cause regression of chemotherapeutic resistance marked by lower HIF-1α and VEGFa on the gene transcription level, suppressed NF-κB and Gal-1 protein expression, G2/M phase arrest, programmed cell death activation, and ameliorative liver function when compared to sorafenib alone. Our findings emphasize the significance of HIF-1α, VEGFa, NF-κB and Gal-1 signaling pathways in the implementation of novel treatment techniques against drug-resistant cancers in general, and sorafenib resistance in particular. Our findings, are in line with that of other researchers (72,73) suggesting that not only autophagic inhibitors managed to show promising influence on sorafenib resistance, but also clinically safe autophagic inducers like simvastatin showed good results, indicating that both regimens are crucial candidates for clinical trials of HCC.