Our meta-analysis provides an overview of the dynamics and stoichiometry of litter decomposition under drivers of global change such us temperature, changes in water availability, and nutrient enrichment and limitation. The results differed from our initial expectations but portrait an important guide of the C:N:P stoichiometry under the fate of global change.
Effect of warming.
Our results showed, as expected, that C:N decreased only in experiments on continental climates (non water limited environments), the decreasing effect of C:N ratios were only observed in grass species. According to Köppen-Geiger classification, continental climates are characterized by cold temperatures and precipitations exceeding evaporation (Peel et al. 2007). The effect on C:P ratios, which had a general decrease, were also driven by experiments on continental climates, experiments from grass or conifer tree species and by experiments on grassland and forests. Moreover, C content, which generally decreased on early stages of decomposition, showed the effect on continental climates, grass species and grassland environments. Meanwhile, P contents did not show a general effect, but increased in continental climates and decreased in polar ones. Grasslands and forest of conifer trees dominate this environment and this may explain the similar results, as studies in continental climates are likely to be from grassland or conifer forest. The absence of water limitation in continental climates may enhance the effect of warming over litter decomposition (Petraglia et al., 2019). Warming under this conditions may be decreasing the C content in litter by stimulating the decomposing activity and enhancing the release of C, but there were not apparent general or specific effects of warming over decomposition. On the other hand, we saw an increasing decomposition rate when looking on the grass species, which was also expected from other studies (Song et al., 2014). While C contents decrease in those experiments, P is increasing, explaining the decreasing C:P and C:N effect (no effects were found for N contents). Warming in continental climates, dominated by grasslands and conifer forest, is then releasing C and immobilizing P in litter. C may be released to the soil but also to the atmosphere as a product of respiration, and hence contribute to the greenhouse effects and consequently to more global warming. P-limitation problem is induced by the P immobilization in litter being not available as a resource for plants. Finally, the C:N and C:P ratios were consequently reduced in these scenarios, with potential impacts on soil trophic webs.
Effect of water availability
We did not find much general effects for changes in the water availability. As expected, irrigation treatment reduced the N:P ratio of litter which may be caused by the distinct solubility of P (Manzoni et al., 2010).This effect is only present in early stages of decomposition, which supports our explanation as later stages of decomposition had enough time to compensate the differences in nutrient solubility. Also, the effect is only significant in broadleaved trees and forest ecosystems. Although the composition of the senescenced leaves of grasslands may have lower N concentrations than broadleaved forest, the P concentration tends to be higher (Yuan and Chen 2009; Vallicrosa et al. 2022). Forests of broadleaved species, with litters with higher N: P ratios, may thus be more sensible to changes in water availability than grasslands. Irrigation also increased the litter decomposition rates of late stages. Although we did not find general effects in irrigation treatments for N and P contents, we identified a P immobilization effect in temperate climates, and N release in experiments in continental climates. We expect that the hydrolysation of litter compounds such as cellulose, lignin, macroproteins, and DNA would be accelerated under greater availability of water. Unlike DNA, which is a P-rich compound, cellulose, lignin, and macroproteins are rich in C and N, and we would then expect a higher mineralisation rate for C and N than P. Drought immobilised N and P in litter only in experiments in arid climates. This biological immobilization of N and P could be related to an increase in nutrient use efficiency under water-limiting conditions (Sardans et al., 2012a). The effects of shrub species reducing the C content, but increasing C:N ratios in shrub and shrublands (without effects on the N content) seem contradictory, but this effect is driven by only one experiment. Similar contradictory results appear as C:N ratios were reduced in grass species and grasslands under drought, but also grass species showed N release effect while no effect for C contents. Again, the number of experiments was just one.
Effect of nutrient enrichment
We did not found any effect for litter decomposition under N enrichment, general or depending on the ecosystem, as expected by previous meta-analysis (Su et al., 2022). Nevertheless, we were focusing on studies with two or more elements sampled at the same time, and the number of observations for individual nutrient trends is thus lower than in those meta-analysis. We did find effects for increasing decomposition rates or litter mass remaining in N+P enrichment treatments for early and late stages of decomposition. While there was not general effect for litter decomposition rates at early stages (it was significant for litter mass remaining, and that is why is appears as an effect in Figure 6), we found that the decomposition rate increased in experiments using litter from conifer trees. A meta-analysis of nutrient enrichment in stream habitats (Ferreira et al., 2015) also reported that the litter decomposition rate increased only when both N and P were applied, suggesting a co-limitation of these elements to drive faster litter decomposition. High concentrations of N hamper the degradation of lignin and thus the rate of litter decomposition (Berg and McClaugherty, 2008), explaining the lack of general effect of N enrichment over decomposition. Thus, litter decomposition may be limited by P at high N:P ratios, driven by the enrichment of N alone and not combined with P (Güsewell and Gessner, 2009). Fast-growing decomposers, which generally dominate the decomposition of nutrient-rich organic matter (Fontaine et al., 2003), have high demands for P due to the high rates of cell division that entail the production of P-rich RNA (Elser et al., 2007, 2003). This would explain why the increasing decomposition rate in the early stages was only found in conifer litter, as conifer forests are less P-limited than broadleaved forest (Vallicrosa et al. 2022). In early stages of decomposition under N+P enrichment, P was immobilised in temperate broadleaved forest while released in arid grasslands. Temperate broadleaved forest have already high decomposition rates, an increase in nutrient supply would accelerate it more, maximizing the differences in mineralisation of C,N, and P. On arid grasslands under nutrient enrichment, which generally are lacking from nutrients, decomposers may be focusing on water use strategies that consume P, explaining the P release from litter. In late stages of decomposition under N+P enrichment, the increase in the decomposing activity was also reflected in the increasing release of C. N content, in the other hand, increased its immobilization in litter. The experiments of Güsewell (2019) found that N-limited decomposers in mesocosmic experiments immobilised N better than P-limited decomposers, but in contrast, N- and P-limited decomposers immobilised P with similar efficiencies. N+P-enriched experiments may not be N-limited, but they are more N-limited than N-enriched plots and this may explain the presented results.
As expected, N enrichment alone managed to generally reduce the C:N ratios in both early and late stages of decomposition, but any effect was found for the N:P ratios. The decreasing effect of the C:N ratios was driven by experiments on forest or in tropical and continental climates. When the enrichment was from N+P, there was also a general decreasing effect of C:N ratios, but it was driven by experiments in forest of conifer trees and in polar or temperate climates. N enrichment also decreased the C:P ratios of experiments in continental climates. The N+P enrichment treatments generally reduced C: P ratios in late stages of decomposition, in early stages, although a general effect was not found, we identified that there was a decreasing effect in experiments in tropical and continental climates, and in forest ecosystems. However, we identified that there was a decreasing effect in experiments in tropical and continental climates, and in forest ecosystems, were N, and mainly P are commonly limiting. In these cases, soil N and P enrichment could alleviate the need to mineralise nutrients from litter. The enrichment of P alone, which is a very uncommon scenario, it did not reduce the C:N and C:P ratios as we expected. Instead, it generally decreased the C:N ratio in early and late stages of decomposition. The stimulation on fast decomposers (highly dependent on P levels), may be behind this effects. But it does not explain the absence of effect on C:P ratios
K concentrations
This study has mostly focused on C:N:P stoichiometry due to the few experiments that provided data for K contents. The changes in the concentrations are not as good indicators of release/mineralization as contents, but may provide hints of the K decomposition dynamics. As an example, in the late stages of decomposition under warming K concentrations decreased as a general effect. K leaches faster than other elements such as N or P (Sardans and Peñuelas 2015) and thus is in not rare that its concentration decreased. But in early stages, there was not a general effect: we found that the concentrations increased in temperate climates and shrublands; and decreased in continental climates and forest. This increasing effect was only found in one experiment (Saura-Mas et al. 2012) which was carried out in a temperate shrubland while the other were carried out in continental climates (and less water limited than in that case), but portraits an interesting reflexion. K is an important element that improves water (Xu et al. 2021). In environments like the temperate shrubland, where drought stress is apparent, K concentrations increases in litter during warming experiments. Also in temperate climates under irrigation treatments K concentrations decreased, indicating that water availability plays an important role in the decomposition of K from the litter.
Limitations and implications of the study
Our initial question was about how drivers of global change interacted with the nutrient stoichiometry in leaf litter, so we only selected articles that sampled at least two nutrients simultaneously in litter samples for control and treated plots. The number of studies/experiments to test our hypothesis was thus reduced. We therefore used data from experiments of decomposition in litterbags but also from litter sampling without decomposition experiments, from which we could only extract data for the differences in nutrient concentrations or ratios between control and treated plots but not for the rates of mineralisation or decomposition. Caution is needed when interpreting these results, because elements such as K in treatments, similar to the decrease or increase in water availability, are sustained in fewer experiments. Furthermore, even though we screened studies from around the globe, the distribution of the sampling sites (Figure 1) was a clear example of the geographic bias frequently found in meta-analyses, where most of the field studies are within the latitudinal ranges of China, Europe, and North America. Another issue to consider is that the processes of decomposition vary across ecosystems, the chemical composition of litter, and stages of decomposition. Even though we compared experiments with similar durations (early or late stage of decomposition), the experiments in each study began in different seasons, which difficult the appropriate comparison of experiments. Our results can thus serve as general information for determining how nutrient dynamics may behave under our current scenario of global change and may differ across ecosystems and decomposing time. For further information about specific ecosystem dynamics, we detail the characteristics of each study used in Table S1. The use of k (rate of nutrient release and rate of change of nutrient ratios) was useful for identifying effects that were not apparent when focusing only on the nutrient contents in the litter. Finally, we focused on experiments and observations of one driving factor, but all drivers of global change interact in nature, so multifactorial experiments and observations are strongly recommended.