3.1 Microstructure characterization of the Ti-35Ni alloy
Figure 2(a) shows the SEM images of the Ti-35Ni alloy, in which the microstructure of the alloy consisted of grey phase A and dark grey phase B. The EDS results (Table 1) show that the atomic ratio of Ti and Ni in grey phase A was close to 1:1. It can be supposed that the grey phase was the TiNi compound as results of the Ti-Ni binary phase diagram[23]. In the dark grey phase B, by contrast, had a high elemental Ti content and an atomic ratio of nearly 2:1 between Ti and Ni, which was presumed to be the Ti2Ni compound. The XRD analysis was used to further determine the phase compositions of the filler alloy, as shown in Fig. 2(b). The Ti-35Ni alloy consisting of the grey TiNi phase and the dark grey Ti2Ni phase was determined. Figure 2(d) shows the DSC curve of the Ti-35Ni alloy, which presented that the melting temperature of the alloy was 988°C.
Table 1
Element compositions and possible phases of the regions marked in Fig. 2(a) (at. %).
Possible phases
3.2 Microstructure characterization of the brazed joints
Figure 3 shows the cross-sectional SEM image and elemental mappings of the TZM/graphite brazed joint acquired at 1200°C for 10 min using Ti-35Ni alloy. A homogeneous brazed joint with defect-free was observed where the joint contained three distinct regions based on the morphology shown in Fig. 3(a), marked by region I (reaction layer nearby TZM alloy), region II (brazing seam) and region III (reaction layer adjacent to graphite), respectively. The width of the brazing seam was approximately 75 µm, which was much smaller than the thickness of the original filler alloy foil (200 µm). According to the elemental distribution in Fig. 3, it is indicated that region I was mainly composed of elements Ti and Mo. Region II was the Ti-Ni reaction layer based on Fig. 2. Moreover, region III was primarily composed of elements Ti and C. In addition, a large amount of element Ti was attached around the surface of graphite.
To chacracterize the interfacial products of the brazed joints, the microstructure of three zones was magnified and shown in Fig. 4, and the EDS analysis results were listed in Table 2. It could be found that the brazing seam mainly contained four different phases, which were represented by A, B, C, and D. Phase A contains mainly 53.92% Ti and 38.98% Mo, which could be presumed to be a solid solution Ti(s,s) [18]. Based on the elemental ratios and the microstructural characterization of the filler alloy, it could be inferred that phases B and C were the Ti2Ni phase and TiNi phase respectively. The grey-black phase D in region III contained mainly 65.51% Ti and 27.69% C, which indicated that phase D was the TiC phase. Similarly, the reaction products within the graphite (marked E and F) were deduced to be TiC and TiNi phases.
Table 2
EDS results of each points tagged in Fig. 4(b)-(e) (at. %).
Possible phase
Therefore, according to the above analyses, it was concluded that the typical interfacial microstructure of TZM/graphite joint brazed at 1200°C for 10 min was TZM/Ti(s,s)/TiNi + Ti2Ni/TiC/graphite.
3.3 Microstructure of the TZM/graphite joints with various brazing temperature
Figure 5 shows the interfacial microstructure evolution at different brazing temperatures. All the joints were free of obvious metallurgical defects. It was found that as the brazing temperature raised, the width of the brazing seam showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing. In addition, above 1200°C, there was a greater reduction in the width of the brazing seam. The reason was that the lower temperature (1100°C) led to a poorer flow of the filler alloy and a weaker reaction with the substrate on both sides. Besides, the elevated temperature led to an increase in the degree of reaction between the liquid alloy and the substrate, a thickening of the reaction layer, and an increase in the width of the brazing seam. The temperature upgrade led to a further addition in the fluidity of the liquid alloy and an increase in the existence time of the liquid alloy during the brazing process. This indicated that the liquid alloy spills out in response to the applied load and that the degree of penetration of the liquid alloy into the porous graphite interior rose. The combined effect of these two factors resulted in a significant reduction in the width of the brazing seam.
The further comparison revealed that the interfacial microstructure of the joints remained TZM/Ti(s,s)/TiNi + Ti2Ni/TiC/graphite at temperatures below 1200°C. In addition, an excessively thick layer of TiNi + Ti2Ni compound was present in all the brazed joints, which was not conducive to the relief of residual stresses during the cooling of the joints and weakened the joint strength [14, 24]. Above 1200°C, the thickness of region II showed a large degree of reduction. At 1220°C, the Ti2Ni phase disappeared and the interfacial microstructure of the joint changed to TZM/Ti(s,s)/TiNi/TiC/graphite.
A continuous and dense reaction layer in the joint was a prerequisite for excellent mechanical properties, while an excessively thick or thin compound layer was detrimental to the mechanical properties of the joint. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the morphology and thickness of region III (TiC layer). A local magnification of the TiC reaction layer at different brazing temperatures (1100°C to 1400°C) was shown in Fig. 6. In all joints, the TiC layer was continuous but of uneven thickness.
In addition, the thickness of TiC layer was closely linked to the shear strength of brazed joint. The formation of TiC layer on the graphite side was conducive to improving the shear strength of the joint, when the thickness of TiC layer was not too thick nor too thin. In Fig. 7(a), the thickness of the TiC layer was gradually increasing as the temperature rose. Below 1200°C, the TiC layer thickness was less than 3 µm, increasing to 1300°C, the thickness reached 6.04 µm. Further to 1350°C, reaching 10.10 µm, at which point the excessive TiC layer thickness would also weaken the mechanical properties of the joint. Therefore, in order to obtain a high-strength joint, it was necessary to investigate the relationship between the thickness of TiC layer and brazing temperature. It is generally believed that the thickness of the reaction layer conforms to the empirical equation [25]:
Where X (m) is the thickness of reaction layer, K (m2/s) is the reaction rate constant, t (s) is the holding time, K0 (m2/s) is the pre-exponential factor, Q (kJ/mol) is the activation energy and R is the gas constant which equals 8.314 J/(K·mol). Figure 7(b) shows the linear fitting results of TiC layer thickess at various temperatures, it is calculated that the value of Q and K0 are about 121.23 kJ/mol and 2.95×10− 2 m2/s, respectively. Thus, the relationship between X, T and t can be concluded as:
where T (K) is the brazing temperature. According to Eq. (3), the relationship between brazing temperature and the thickness of TiC layer is drawn, as shown in Fig. 7(c). It is found that these two results are close, which validating the correctness of Eq. (3). Therefore, the thickness of TiC layer can be controlled by adjusting the brazing temperature, then improving the mechanical properties of the brazed joint.
3.4 Mechanical properties and fracture characterization of the brazed joints
To evaluate the mechanical property of the TZM/graphite brazed joints, the shear strength was measured as shown in Fig. 8. The strength curve shows that the shear strength of the joint increased and then decreased as the temperature raised. Below 1200°C, the shear strength was low, less than 10 MPa. Up to 1300°C, the shear strength reached a maximum of 14.5 MPa. Further increasing the temperature to 1400°C resulted in a decrease in shear strength to 10.7 MPa.
To establish an intrinsic link between the interfacial microstructure and the mechanical properties, the fracture paths of the joints at different temperatures were analyzed, as shown in Fig. 9. Obviously, temperature variations had a large degree of influence on the fracture path of the joint. In conjunction with the fracture morphology and compositional analysis in Fig. 10 and Table 3, it was found that at lower temperatures (1100°C), the fracture location was mainly in the TiC layer and the fracture was relatively straight. Raised to 1300°C, the fracture path changed to one that started in the TiC layer and then extended to the interior of the graphite substrate. Further increasing the temperature to 1400°C, the fracture path did not change significantly and was similar to that at 1300°C.
The changes that occurred in the fracture path of the joint at different temperatures corresponded to the changes in the shear strength in Fig. 9. At lower temperatures, the reaction between the liquid alloy and the substrate on both sides was not sufficient, leading to a thin thickness of the reaction layer formed (2.12 µm). As a result, the bond between the TiC layer and the graphite base was weak and became the weak link in the joint, thus the fracture location was mainly in the TiC layer. The thickness of the TiC layer increased as the temperature rose, strengthening the bond with the graphite substrate and increasing the strength of the joint, thus resulting in a change in the fracture path. However, excessively high brazing temperatures could intensify the degree of reaction between the liquid alloy and the substrate, leading to the formation of an excessively thick reaction layer. In addition, excessive temperature variation in the brazing process could generate large amounts of brazing residual stresses. In the combined action of these two factors, the shear strength of the joint decreased.
Table 3
EDS chemical compositions and possible phases of each spot in Fig. 10 (at.%).
Possible phase
3.5 Formation mechanism of brazed joints
From the previous results, it could be deduced that the formation of the TiC reaction layer induced the formation of an intimate joint between the filler alloy and the graphite. Therefore, an in-depth analysis of the thermodynamic principles of TiC reaction layer formation is necessary in order to investigate the formation mechanism of the joint. The Gibbs free energy of the reaction was calculated with the simplified approximate Eq. (4):
$$\text{∆}{\text{G}}_{\text{T}}^{\text{Θ}}\text{=∆}{\text{H}}_{\text{298}}^{\text{Θ}}\text{-T∆}{\text{Φ}}_{\text{T}}^{{\prime }}$$
The interfacial reaction layer in brazed joints was formed mainly by the reaction of the active element Ti with the substrate. The standard Gibbs free energy for each reaction formula was as follows:
$$\text{∆G=-186.606+0.01322T }\left(\text{kJ/mol}\right)$$
$$\text{∆G=-55.585+0.015962T }\left(\text{kJ/mol}\right)$$
$$\text{∆G=-49.120+0.017208T }\left(\text{k}\text{J}\text{/mol}\right)$$
A plot of the Gibbs free energy versus temperature for reaction equations (5)-(7) was shown in Fig. 11. It was clear that the Gibbs free energy for all three reaction equations was negative in the temperature interval (1100°C to 1400°C). This indicated that all three reaction equations were likely to proceed spontaneously during the brazing process, which was confirmed by the interfacial microstructure of the joints in the previous section. Furthermore, a comparison of the Gibbs free energy values showed that the Gibbs free energy of the TiC phase was much smaller than that of the TiNi and Ti2Ni phases in the temperature range 1100°C to 1400°C. This indicated that the active element Ti in the liquid alloy reacted more readily with the graphite substrate during the brazing process. This was confirmed by the fact that the element Ti was enriched on the graphite side in Fig. 3. In addition, the Gibbs free energy of TiNi was lower than that of Ti2Ni, indicating that the residual liquid phase preferentially formed the TiNi phase rather than the Ti2Ni phase during cooling. This was the main reason why the Ti2Ni phase did not form in the joint at temperatures above 1220°C.
Based on the above results and discussion, a schematic diagram of the formation process of the TZM/Ti-35Ni/graphite brazed joint was drawn, as shown in Fig. 12. The formation process of the joint could be divided into five stages as follows:
- Initial stage: as shown in Fig. 12(a), the filler alloy was not melted and there was only a relatively weak solid phase diffusion between the filler alloy and the substrate.
- Melting of filler alloy: when the temperature exceeded the melting point of the filler alloy, the filler alloy melted to form a liquid phase. Compared to the element Ni, the element Ti had a stronger affinity to the elements Mo and C. Therefore, the Ti atoms in the filler alloy were gradually enriched towards the base on both sides. Due to the higher affinity between element Ti and C than element Mo, Ti atoms tended to diffuse more towards the graphite substrate. At the same time, the Mo atoms in the TZM alloy would gradually dissolve into the liquid alloy and enrich on one side of the TZM alloy, as shown in Fig. 12(b).
- Formation of reaction layers: the Ti atoms enriched on the TZM alloy side reacted with the Mo atoms to form a Ti-Mo solid solution, as shown in Fig. 12(c). Since the melting point of this solid solution was much higher than the brazing temperature, the Ti-Mo solid solution precipitated directly from the liquid phase to the solid phase. Additionally, the Ti atoms enriched on the graphite side reacted with the graphite substrate to form a TiC reaction layer.
- Liquid phase homogenization: as shown in Fig. 12(d), the temperature continued to rise and then held, at which point the brazing seam was still dominated by the liquid alloy. Along with the continuous reaction between the Ti atoms in the liquid alloy and the substrate, the amount of Ti-Mo solid solutions gradually increased and joined together to form a Ti(s,s) layer, the thickness of which was also gradually increasing. At the same time, the thickness of the TiC reaction layer also increased with the continuous reaction.
- Residual liquid phase precipitation: during subsequent cooling, the residual liquid phase in the brazing seam gradually solidified and precipitated to form the Ti2Ni and TiNi phases, as shown in Fig. 12(e). In particular, with the preferential formation of the TiNi phase, only the TiNi phase was formed in region II when the residual liquid phase in the brazing seam was not sufficient to form the Ti2Ni phase.