2.1 Study area:
The study area extends for about one thousand kilometers along Egyptian Red Sea coast from north Hurghada city to south Shalateen city (Fig. 1). Location of 13 mangrove areas were identified mapped and validated form field visits.
2.2 Sampling
Thirteen sites were visited and in some sites collected more than one sample. So, the total number of samples were twenty-two (Table, 1). The samples collection was from the surface sediment for inspecting the heavy elements. All samples were taken from 0.0 to 10 cm depth using a suitable grab sampler. The collected samples were put directly in air sealed polyethylene bags and kept at 4 ℃ until analyses. Coordinates of sampling points were identified using GPS instrument. The samples were air-dried (at room temperature) and the extraneous materials were removed. Seven heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Ni, Ag, Mn, Cu and Fe) were measured (in ppm) by ICP-MS instrument.
Table (1): the name of the twenty-two, site location along the red sea coast.
Wadi EL Qulaan Delta2
K. 17 South Safaga
Wadi EL Qulaan Delta3
K. 35 North Qusier
Sharm El-Bahary
Sharm El-Qebly
Wadi EL Gemal
Wadi Lahmy1
Al Raada1
Wadi Lahmy2
Al Raada2
Wadi Lahmy3
Wadi Mastourah1
Wadi Lahmy4
Wadi Mastourah2
Marsa EL Hameera
Wadi EL Qulaan Delta1
Shalatein, Al-Somaa
2.3 Geochemical analysis for the heavy metals in the sediment
The sediment samples were desiccated in a hot air oven at 110°C for 24 h, ground in a mortar, and then passed through a 2 mm plastic sieve. Well-mixed 2 g soil samples were treated with 10 ml of freshly prepared aqua regia (HNO3 + 3HCl) on a sand bath for 2h. After the samples were completely dried, the samples were dissolved in 10 ml of 2% HNO3, filtered via Whatman filter paper No 541, and then diluted to 50 ml with milli-Q water (Chen and Ma, 2001). The acid digested sediment samples were transferred into acid-washed plastic bottles and analyzed for determining the concentration of elements (Mn, Ag, Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni, and Fe) using ICP-MS analytical instrument.
2.4 Indices of sediment contamination
Seven indices were utilized in this study to assess the contamination on the sediment.
2.4.1 Enrichment factor (EF)
Enrichment factor (EF) is used to differentiate metal origin from anthropogenic or natural sources. In the beginning, normalize the sample metal concentrations to reference elements, using iron in this study to determine whether a sediment sample is enriched with metals evaluated by the sample’s background environments. The Eq. (1) used to determine EF values, selected iron (Fe) as normalizing element according to its major sorbent phase for trace metals and a quasi-conservative tracer of the natural metal-bearing phases in fluvial and coastal sediments (Schiff and Weisberg, 1999; Turner and Millward, 2000), expressed as
EF= \(\frac{( \mathbf{C}\mathbf{x} /\mathbf{F}\mathbf{e})\mathbf{s}\mathbf{a}\mathbf{m}\mathbf{p}\mathbf{l}\mathbf{e}}{(\mathbf{C}\mathbf{x} /\mathbf{F}\mathbf{e})\mathbf{b}\mathbf{a}\mathbf{c}\mathbf{k}\mathbf{g}\mathbf{r}\mathbf{o}\mathbf{u}\mathbf{n}\mathbf{d}}\) Eq. (1)
where Cx Sample and Cx background represent the concentration of selected metals. (Cx /Fe) background is the ratio of the background values of Fe. EF value of nearly unity means the elements that are naturally derived, while EF values of several orders indicate elements of anthropogenic origin. Table (2) shows the classification of EF value according to Taylor (1964) to determine the degree of metal contamination.
Table (2): shows the classification of EF value
Very high
Extremely high
2.4.2 Contamination factor (CF)
Contamination factor (CF) to assess the status of the surface sediment according to Hakanson, (1980) based on the following equation:
CF = C metal in sediment / C metal background Eq. (2)
The CF values according to the four classes are depicted as follows:
(i) CF < 1 = low, (ii) 1 < CF < 3 = moderate, (iii)3 < CF < 6 = considerable, and (iv) CF > 6 = very high.
2.4.3 Degree of contamination (Cd)
The degree of contamination (Cd) represents the sum of all the CF values for all the sampling sites. It was previously proposed by Hakanson, (1980) as shown below:
Cd = \({\sum }_{{i}=1}^{{n}}\mathbf{C}\mathbf{F}\) Eq. (3)
The degree of contamination; (i) Cd < 6 = low, (ii) 6 < Cd < 12 = moderate, (iii) 12 < Cd < 24 = considerably high, and (iv) Cd > 24 = high.
2.4.4 Modified contamination degree (mCd)
is the sum of all contamination factors for the element samples to the number of elements analyzed. This measure was proposed by Abrahim, (2008) to investigate an unlimited number of heavy metals and is represented as:
mCd = \({\sum }_{\mathbf{i}=1}^{\mathbf{n}}\mathbf{C}\mathbf{F}\) /n Eq. (4)
where n is the number of analyzed elements and i is the element (or pollutant) examined and contamination factor (CF).
2.4.5 Geo-accumulation index (Igeo)
is used to analyze the level of pollution of trace elements and the contamination degree in marine sediments. It was initially described by Muller, (1969) as Eq. (5):
Igeo = log2 ( \(\frac{\text{C}\text{n}}{ (1.5 \times (10\left) \text{B}\text{n}\right)}\)) Eq. (5)
Where; Cn = the trace metals calculated (measured concentrations of the sediment samples, respectively) and Bn = background value (average value of crustal abundance) of a particular element.
Where; to decrease the possibility of variation in the background values for a specific trace element in the environment and minor anthropogenic influences, the concentration of each geochemical background value is multiplied by the factor of 1.5 Muller, (1979). The sediment classification is based on the Igeo value as follows:
- Igeo > 5 = extreme contamination,
- 4–5 = strong to extreme contamination,
- 3–4 = strong contamination,
- 2–3 = moderate to strong contamination,
- 1–2 = moderate contamination,
- 0–1 = uncontaminated to moderate contamination,
- < 0 = uncontaminated.
2.4.6 Pollution load index (PLI)
is a parameter to evaluate metal pollution in marine environment, and it can be calculated from the following equation given by Tomlinson, et al., (1980).
PLI for a station = \(\sqrt[n]{\text{C}\text{F}1 \times \text{C}\text{F}2 \times \text{C}\text{F}3 . . . . . . . . . .\text{C}\text{F}\text{n}}\) Eq. (6)
where CF is contamination factor and n is the number of metals investigated.
A PLI value above one (> 1) indicates that an area is polluted, whereas values < 1 indicates no pollution or only background levels of pollutants are present (Chakravarty and Patgiri, 2009; Mashiatullah, et al., 2013). While an estimation of PLI can be used to identify whether a site is collectively polluted or non-polluted by Metals.
2.3.7 Potential ecological risk factor (E r) and risk index (RI)
Potential ecological risk factor is a method used to explore levels of contamination caused by metals and the risk for the aquatic environment. It was first introduced by Hakanson, (1980). The formula is as follow:
Er = Ti × Cf Eq. (7)
Where, Ti = toxic response factor and CF = contamination factor
Potential ecological risk index evaluates the environmental behavior and characteristics of heavy metal contaminants in the sediments. This method was previously proposed by Hakanson, (1980) and its primary objective is to specify the agents that cause contamination. The RI is the summation of all risk factors for the detection of heavy metal contaminants in the sediment. The RI is calculated based on the following equation:
RI =\({\sum }_{i=1}^{n}\text{E}\text{r}\)
Hakanson, (1980) proposed a standardized toxic response factor of 1, 5, 5, 5, and 30 for Mn, Ni, Cu, Pb and Cd.
2.5 Multivariate Statistical analysis
Descriptive statistics, correlations and principal component analysis (PCA) are the most common multivariate statistical methods used in environmental studies (Ganugapenta et al., 2018; Islam et al., 2018; Saher and Siddiqui, 2019). These methods were applied to verify significant relationships among the heavy metal’s sediments, and to identify contamination sources (natural and/or anthropogenic). Principal component analysis has been applied on the data set of 22 sediment samples and seven variables (Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni, Ag, pb and Fe). R-mode factor analysis with VARIMAX rotation with the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) test with a > 0.5 KMO (0.5) (Hutcheson and Sofroniou, 1999), as well as the Eigen values > 1 was applied to the measure’s metals in the sediment samples.
2.6 Remote sensing and GIS analysis:
2.6.1 Wadi basins Extracting: The drainage system influencing the 13 mangrove sites were extracted using digital image processing of ASTER satellite data with spatial resolution of 30m utilizing the ArcGIS software environment by the “hydrology spatial analyst tool”; to extract basins in the study area. The Wadi’s have been selected according to every mangrove site, where there is sites that receiving the flooding from more than one wadi. In addition to seawater current that transfer the drains load from north or south wadi to the mangrove site.
2.The ancillary data of mineralization sites were obtained from the “Metallic and non-Metallic deposits” maps with scale of 1:1000000 that was issued by the Scientific research academy in 1998.