Despite its status as a Wildlife Management Area and general resilience of the Fraser River tidal marsh ecosystem we found substantive changes in species composition over a 40-year time-frame, potentially indicating broader-scale processes affected by regional pressures. The three species most significantly characterizing the three plant assemblages, Sedge, Fescue and Bogbean, have remained the same over the past 40 years, supporting our expectation that these characteristic species should not change in the absence of significant disturbance. We observed a decline of native species richness accompanied by an increased richness and abundance of non-native species, including invasive non-native species. Of greater concern is our observation of the homogenization of cover abundance within assemblages, and overall loss of indicator species for the Sedge and Fescue assemblages. Increasing abundance of non-native species within each assemblage is likely driving the greater similarity within assemblages (homogenization) and greater dissimilarity between assemblages, as shown by cluster analysis (Fig. 3). While addition of non-native species can contribute to greater biodiversity (Sagoff, 2005), the homogenization of plant communities (especially by dominance of non-native invasive species) leads to lower diversity overall (Houlahan & Findlay, 2004), which in turn may lead to lower functional redundancy and potential for reduced ecosystem stability (de Bello et al., 2021).
The changing identity of species or functional traits in an assemblage may offer clues to shifting abiotic conditions within or between assemblages (Waller et al., 2020). One functional group to note were the woody species, as their traits convey different structural habitat qualities than herbaceous species. Willow (Salix lucida Muhl.) was most prevalent in the Fescue assemblage in 1979, but was most abundant in the Sedge assemblage in 2019. This could suggest long-term shifts in edaphic factors and/or the competitive encroachment of non-native invasive reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea), making the Fescue assemblage less hospitable to willow recruitment. Alternatively, this could indicate that environmental conditions are becoming more similar between the two assemblages, as evidenced by the clustering of the Fescue and Sedge groups on the same branch in the 2019 dendrogram (Fig. 3). The indicator species analysis for the Sedge assemblage in 1979 included plants tolerant of highly saturated soils (Sagittaria latifolia, Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani), but in 1999 the assemblage indicators included species less tolerant of aquatic or constantly saturated soils (Impatiens capensis) (Table 2).
In contrast, the turnover of indicator species may simply represent variation in species compositional abundance in each sampling year, despite being a perennial-dominated community. For example, the Bogbean assemblage, was indicated largely by unique forbs in 1979 and 2019, and an even mix of unique forbs and graminoids in 1999 (Table 2). It is harder to attribute replacement of forb indicator species to potential woody riparian succession in the Bogbean assemblage as in the Sedge and Fescue assemblages. The indicator graminoid species found only in 1999 in the Bogbean assemblage (excluding an unknown grass identified only to family) are all native wetland species commonly found in brackish estuarine marshes in the Pacific Northwest of North America. Rather than indicating altered abiotic conditions, their inclusion as indicator species may represent population dynamics of short-lived perennials such as dispersal and recruitment. Thus, we propose two potential alternative explanations for the observed changes in floristic composition observed in the different assemblages: greater compositional abundance of woody species or species tolerant of drier conditions could be indicative of channel morphology processes limiting bank topography suitable for aquatic emergent plants, or sedimentation feedback processes increasing elevation of the marsh platform relative to tidal inundation. Alternatively, population dynamics may be operating independently of abiotic conditions, or have different outcomes depending on edaphic conditions in each assemblage. Testing how life histories (e.g., species longevity) offer competitive advantage in the context of changing abiotic conditions would be a valuable long-term addition to general interactions of competition and edaphic factors. These interactions would present a valuable experimental test of competitive advantage or how edaphic conditions drive the dominance of native vs. non-native species in tidal wetlands.
Greater homogeneity of cover abundance within assemblages, and greater distinction in compositional abundance between assemblages, may result from overall loss of native floristic richness. Across all assemblages in Ladner Marsh 1979–2019, we found one to two fewer native species, while β-diversity increased. This would indicate that rare (infrequently found) species are becoming more locally rare, which contributes to the loss of heterogeneous cover abundance and increased β-diversity observed at the plot scale. More concerning is the net loss of five perennial graminoid and forb species over the study period (Table S6), as this potentially represents a loss of functional redundancy. This species loss from the observed datasets may not represent species loss from the entire Ladner Marsh Wildlife Management Area, however the net species loss from the dataset, along with the addition of three non-native species to the datasets, poses concern for potential of species loss from the habitat over time.
Plant biodiversity loss may reduce the dense root networks to trap sediment in the marsh platform and seasonal pollinator value of forbs, although these contributions by the species lost in Ladner Marsh have not been quantified. Regardless of whether the loss is due to turnover or shifting abiotic conditions, trends of lost native plant species richness may indicate greater susceptibility to invasion (Kuiters, et al., 2009), and thus a loss of resistance to non-native species encroachment over time. This can be evidenced by the decreasing ratio of native to non-native cover across Ladner Marsh 1979–2019 (Fig. S2), although few species (native or non-native) represent the majority of cover within the assemblage (Table S5). Non-native species of significant management concern (e.g., P. arundinacea, I. pseudacorus)) were ≤ 25% mean plot cover in 2019, however these species are notorious for spreading to the point of near-exclusion of other species (especially natives) (Apfelbaum & Sams, 1987; Sinks et al., 2021).
Mechanisms, Synthesis & Recommendations
Non-native species invasion and native species loss may lead to instability in native populations through fragmented or lost propagule dispersal networks, potentially leading to ecosystem instability through altered trophic cascades, especially when top-down trophic interactions are also lost from the ecosystem (Duffy, 2003). Disentangling explicit effects of abiotic processes of sedimentation, propagule dispersal, or propagule recruitment from other biotic interactions would be no easy task in a tidal ecosystem; however, experimentally testing optimal recruitment niches of species-specific propagules (e.g., Lane, 2022) could prove valuable for understanding best practices to maintain at-risk populations or test community function.
Optimal abiotic conditions for the recruitment and spatial occupancy of native or non-native species may largely be driven by soil characteristics and related sedimentation processes. Sedimentary changes such as sediment starvation or subsidence would result in more saturated areas, which would likely drive the increased prevalence of saturated conditions favored by the Bogbean assemblage (Mendelssohn & Kuhn, 2003). Alternatively, positive feedbacks between vegetation and sedimentation could support areas of marsh accretion (Nyman et al., 2006), which may also be more likely to receive non-native propagules within the distributed sediment. While Ladner Marsh has largely escaped direct natural (e.g., scouring tidal surge) and anthropogenic disturbance (e.g., industrial development), it is subject to continuous pressures resulting from modifications throughout the Fraser River Estuary. Cumulative effects of altered water, sediment, and nutrient regimes impacting the lower reaches of the Fraser River can alter competitive dynamics of plant communities (Dethier & Hacker, 2005; Flores-Moreno et al., 2016), and promote the dominance of invasive species (Green & Galatowitsch, 2002; Woo & Zedler, 2002; Zedler & Kercher, 2004). In turn, this may facilitate dispersal and recruitment of non-native species and potentially limit the dispersal and recruitment of native species because propagule pools are dependent on local and regional proximity. If similar habitats within tidal estuarine ecosystems are lost to the point where distance between patches exceeds propagule dispersal distance (Shi, et al., 2020), then species colonization within the ecosystem is rare or lost (but see Stewart et al., 2022). Alternatively, if non-native species are more prevalent throughout the regional dispersal network, then there is a greater chance of non-native species introduction within a local marsh community (Briski et al., 2012). Thus, abiotic shifts may be altering the seed recruitment niches which may restrict recruitment of native species diversity, while dispersal networks may be delivering disproportionately more seed of non-native, invasive species.
A common (mis)assumption is that “undisturbed” protected areas such as Ladner Marsh represent ecologically appropriate reference states (e.g., Stoddard, et al., 2006, and citations therein). Our findings illustrate how, in a heavily impacted region (Finn et al., 2021), compositional states have likely shifted from recent (< 100 years) historical references, yet may still contribute value as an example of potential ecological benchmarks for restoration success (Shackelford, et al., 2021). However, the designation of Ladner Marsh as a Wildlife Management Area is likely insufficient to protect the habitat from large-scale environmental stressors in the Fraser River Estuary, such as nutrient enrichment. We suggest that the plant community changes described here should alert land managers not only to what species diversity might be targeted in conservation practice, but also to how reference sites may have changed with respect to non-native, invasive encroachment during the span of 20–40 years. We strongly advocate for the development of long-term vegetation monitoring to inform non-native invasive species management occurring in this and similar WMAs (see also Stewart, Hood, and Martin, 2023).
If we are to prioritize conservation of functional coastal wetlands that include a significant representation of native species, we must seek new ways to manage habitats such as the Ladner Marsh. Active management may be required to maintain ecologically-desired species composition in the wake of environmental change, and should be informed by ongoing experimentation into the role of hydrogeomorphologic drivers, dispersal networks, recruitment strategies, disturbance, and invasive species management to achieve this goal. In so doing, practitioners may enhance ecosystem processes within remnant coastal wetland habitats. This active management process also presents a timely and necessary opportunity in the Pacific Northwest of North America to engage with First Nations to revive traditional management practices in tidal wetlands, such as select mechanical disturbance (Turner, 2014): working with traditional knowledge holders in these ecosystems may yield deeper understanding of plant community function and habitat stability, which would enhance ecosystem resilience and potentially lead to positive effects on regionally important salmonid and shorebird populations while contributing to reconciliation between Indigenous and colonial cultures.