COVID-19 created significant disruption to healthcare worldwide, with unavoidable, unpredictable and intermittent delays. The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in significant international disruption in the treatment of nAMD and reports of real-world delay occurred in up to 50% of planned injections [26–28]. New Zealand enjoyed a relatively low burden of disease from the pandemic; however, this came at the expense of restrictive lockdown policy. The Royal New Zealand and Australian College of Ophthalmologists released updated branch triage guidelines to prioritise nAMD treatment [29]. This situation provided an opportunity to study the impact of treatment delay in nAMD using real-world data, focusing on non-adherence outcomes. Non-adherence is influenced by multiple factors including healthcare access, disease impact, treatment side effects, patient-related factors and socioeconomic factors [30].
Our retrospective review of Northland DHB injection delay for patients with AMD showed a median delay of 2 days from the requested date with a delay > 1 week occurring in 31.8% of injections. This delay was shorter than other international audits of injection delay practices during this time [31, 32]. Delay to injection did not correlate well with lockdown periods, possibly due to the success of prioritization guidelines.
Our data shows a time-dependent increase in central macular thickness occurs in active disease that is not treated within a week of requested date when following a T&E protocol. Delay to initial injection from the time of diagnosis is correlated with reduced visual recovery at 6 months [33]. Teo et al. showed that delayed retreatment of active disease resulted in poorer visual outcomes, whereas timely treatment was associated with better 12-month vision and reduced CST [34]. This has been proposed to be due to the accumulation of irreversible structural changes in the macula, leading to an inability to recover functional vision with treatment.
The data suggest that the accumulation of these changes is progressive and associated with time spent with active CNV without sufficient anti-VEGF cover. Structural changes in active disease occur over days, resulting in significant differences between timely and delayed injection outcomes. Our data suggest deterioration in visual acuity after a week’s delay; however, the difference between groups was statistically insignificant. The disparity between functional and anatomical outcomes may have been due to short measurement intervals failing to detect the impact of macular thickness changes and photoreceptor loss.
The mean LogMAR change was equivalent to more than a letter of acuity loss when injections were delayed further than one week from requested interval, however the difference between groups was not statistically significant. Further analysis with a larger sample population may help further elucidate the functional impacts of delay. Secondly, assessment of the true impact of the COVID-19 lockdown period on delay times was challenging due to the fluctuant nature of the restrictions. Lastly, the only biomarker commonly used in T&E assessments that was examined in our study was OCT CST. There is conflicting evidence as to whether foveal thickness at baseline is a predictor for functional improvement although is a commonly used marker for treatment decision change [35].
In conclusion, our data provides insight into a ‘safe window’ of injection of ±7 days from the requested injection date, that may allow health providers to optimize on-time treatment. Further research into the functional and anatomical consequences of intravitreal injection delay is required to help guide the evolution of nAMD treatment regimens as we continue to rely on current anti-VEGF agents.