This outlined the approaches and methods for completing the project. This chapter was also intended to describe a suitable strategy for reaching the project's objectives. This chapter describe method for experimental setup of flat plate collector (FPC) in investigating the influence of heat absorber colour, material, and glazing on the collector efficiency of thermosiphon effect on Solar Water Heater. Moreover, this studies also evaluate the outlet temperature value with its optimum time using MATLAB software. This experiment uses Solar Energy Trainer which may indeed easily move to a location with direct thesis sunlight.
2.1 Experimental Setup
Experimental will be conduct in three terms of thermosiphon effect on solar water heater using different collector plates, which are colour absorption capacity level (black collector versus white collector), material absorption capacity level (cooper collector versus polypropylene collector), glazing effect on heat absorption (single glazing cover collector versus double glazing cover collector). It is importance to understand the working principle of thermosiphon system.
The colour absorption capacity level experiment is to understand the colour effect on absorption capacity level. This experiment study if the temperature differential between the black and white collectors are substantial. Next, material absorption capacity level experiment was conducted to better understand the heat absorption effect in various materials and to determine whether there is a significant temperature difference between copper and polypropylene collectors. Next, it is important to understand how heat is transferred by thermal conduction. The influence of glazing cover on heat absorption experiment was to see if there were any significant temperature variations between the collector panels. The data will be collected on five distinct days for each collector, with the average values being used in the analysis except when using MATLAB. The entire field experiment will start at 9:00 a.m. and end at 4:00 p.m. During the experiment, the Solar Energy Trainer will automatically tabulate the water temperature at feeder tank (T1), water temperature at inlet (T2), and water temperature at output (T3) every 15 minutes onto the computer. The data for ambient temperature (T) will be taken manually every hour using a 4 in 1 meter. After all the data has been collected, the efficiency of FPC will be calculated and the data temperature of each day for collectors with highest efficiency will be use in MATLAB.
The current study examines the performance of a flat plate solar collector in response to a variety of features as well as energy efficiency reported by (Verma, Tiwari and Chauhan, 2017). The energy that calculates percentage of the incoming radiation delivered as usable energy to the working fluids can be used to measure the flat plate collector's efficiency (Sup, 2010). The incident solar energy is transformed to heat and transported to a medium like water in the flat plate collector (Dagdougui et al., 2011). Besides, (Gunjo, Mahanta and Robi, 2017) stated that on the top surface of the solar collector, a continuous heat flux (solar irradiance) is supplied. In this experiment, the solar radiation intensity, I = 722 W/m2 was compared to a study by (Nurhanis, 2019). This is due to the fact that (Nurhanis, 2019) used the same methods as this experiment to be conducted in Malaysia. The thermosyphonic mass flow rate is quite difficult to quantify using conventional equipment. The current work proposes a new approach for measuring mass flow rate based on collector intake and outlet temperatures, water dynamic viscosity, and riser diameter. Aside monitoring the temperature of the collector's input and output, the equation may then be used to estimate the thermosyphonic mass flow rate. The suggested equation looks like this:
$$ṁ=189.498 * D * \mu *{\left(\frac{{T}_{out}}{{T}_{in}}\right)}^{1.19}$$
ṁ = mass flow rate, kg/s
D = riser diameter, m
µ = dynamic viscosity, Pa.s
Tout = Outlet water temperature, °C
Tin = Inlet water temperature, °C
The instantaneous solar collector's efficiency (Gunjo, Mahanta and Robi, 2017) in terms of inlet and outlet water temperature is calculated by the expression:
\(ƞ\) = \(\frac{ṁ{C}_{p} ({T}_{o} -{T}_{i})}{I{A}_{c}}\) (2)
ƞ = Thermal efficiency
ṁ = mass flow rate, kg/s
Cp = Specific heat of water, kJ/kg.°C
To = Outlet water temperature, °C
Ti = Inlet water temperature, °C
I = Solar insolation, W.m-2
Ac = Effective collector area, m2
Then, in the evaluation part using MATLAB, the software was used to identify the highest value of temperature in a day for 7 hours. This was done by plotting the day and time of experiment with the outlet temperature itself. Begin with saving sample data in Excel first by select all data, copy, and paste it in MATLAB folder. Different folder for different types of flat plate collector were save in MATLAB. Then, with the use of MATLAB importing involved data from Excel. The setting or output format in the MATLAB was changed as preferred to perform the continuous data in figures later. Function of MATLAB such as ‘script’ and ‘command window’ were used. Write and edit the coding in the script section before running the data. Once done, the result will appear on command window and workspace. MATLAB read one or more script files, each containing commands that finish with a newline. Once all the data prepared, the ‘plot’ function was used to produce the graphs.