Ever since its introduction in 1995 by (Hendtlass, 2005), PSO has emerged as one of the most popular optimization algorithms. From (Poli et al., 2007) PSO was influenced by Heppner Grenander’s work (Heppner et al., 1990) and involved analogues of bird flocks searching for corn and these soon developed into a pioneering optimization method, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). The proposed algorithm can be considered a variant of PSO, adding up to the design implementation of PSO. The real world human society presents numerous problems and challenges on the day to day application of science and technology. Modeling these problems as functional optimization problems is a great way of solving them at a much lower cost economically and computationally. Convectional optimizers are generally incapable of attaining highly accurate results under less iteration. The proposed optimization technique presents a more elegant approach in finding optimal solutions with an upgrade and redesign in some aspects of the canonical PSO algorithm. PSO is designed such that the subspaces within which each particle operates are of the same size and has a cardinality of that of a real number, the elegance in the design of the proposed algorithm is that it enables the swarm particles to work in a more synergic and harmonious way such that the subspaces for each of the particles span over a discrete set of integers and that the overall result of the solution is composed of each and every particle position in respective subspaces.
This section presents some available variants on PSO and outlines their key features and differences from the proposed algorithm, the section records available literature from the time of its creation, of PSO and variant, to date.
The first introduction of the Particle Swarm Algorithm came from Kennedy and Eberhart (1995), in that paper, it outlined the relationships between particle swarm optimization, artificial life and genetic algorithms. The algorithm was inspired by natural swarm behaviors such as those exhibited by bird flocks. Another variant of the algorithm also came from Kennedy and Eberhart (1997). which was in the form of Binary Particle Swarm, as the earliest of its kind, the algorithm operates on binary string velocity and position instead of real numbers. In this PSO variant, the velocity is utilized as a probability threshold to determine whether a given number in the binary string of the current position should be toggled to a zero or a one, if the sigmoid of the given number is greater than or less than a random number respectively.
Agrafiotis and Cedeño (2002) proposed a roulette wheel base probabilistic mapping approach for normalizing particle location per its floating-point value. It is a feature selection algorithm for correlating topological activity and property based on the particle swarm property.
Wei et al., (2002) successfully embedded velocity information in an evolutionary algorithm. This was done by replacing a version of PSO velocity in a fast evolutionary programming (FEP) algorithm with Cauchy mutation to give the population direction. Their published results indicate that the approach is very successful on a range of functions; the new algorithm found global optima in tens of iterations, compared to thousands for the FEP versions tested.
Shi et al. (2011) introduced Cellular Particle Swarm Optimization. In this work, a mechanism of cellular automata is applied to the velocity update of Particle Swarm Optimization to avoid the position vector from being trapped in a local optimum.
Zhang et al. (2018) proposed a novel bio-inspired prey-predator PSO variant, there is prey catching, escaping and breeding where particles with less fitness can be removed from swarm or replaced. It introduces proportional-integral controllers to ensure population diversity.
Zhou et al. (2021) proposed pioneering work based on the diversity evaluation on particle swarms. It was illustrated that fewer particles ensure quick attainability to optimal solution whilst more of the particles improve exploration capacity. The diversity is attained by hash table technique and novel encoding of subspaces of search space.
Zhu et al. (2022) proposed a dynamic multi-swarm PSO variant which is composed of particles divided into sub-swarms with a center-learning update strategy. The center-learning strategy is such that all the other particles will learn from the optimal particle in their swarm; an alternative learning factor is given to determine the particle learning strategy. In this research it can be deduced that there is a high certainty in obtaining the optimal solution.
Liu et al. (2021) introduce an acceleration update strategy which utilizes sigmoid-function based weighting rules. The algorithm combines both the global best position and the personal best position to decide on how to update the weights. It outperforms the PSO variants in its study and has an enhanced convergence rate than the PSO algorithm.
The proposed PSO variant provides a pioneering way to estimate the optimal solution such that the value for the optimal solution is the combination of the individual location of each particle from the swarm.
The contributions of the proposed paper are as follows;
1. To present an optimization algorithm which performs functional optimization under less iteration, a much smaller particle population and results in a better optimal solution compared to other benchmark functions presented in Section 3.2.
2. To present a PSO based technique whereby there is a more harmonious and a synergic relationship between particle operations.
The paper is organized as follows; Section 2 gives the review of the preliminary concepts, section 3 contains the related works, the proposed algorithm is presented in Section 4, numerical experiment is performed in Section 5 and conclusions in Section 6.