Sleeping sickness so called Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT) is a parasitic vector-borne diseases caused by the genus Trypanosoma (T.) and species brucei [1]. The disease is transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected both female and male tsetse fly (Glossina species) [2], hematophagous and, capable of transmitting infection [3]. T. b. rhodesiense is one of the HAT subspecies found in eastern and southern Africa, causes an acute and rapidly progressive disease [4]. Rhodesiense is another subspecies of HAT that has epidemic potential in humans, as it has been responsible for large outbreaks in the past decade [5]. The Trypanosoma genus are also pathogenic to animals (both in wild and domestic) and cause animal African trypanosomiasis (AAT), called Nagana [6]. The spread out of parasites from wildlife to domestic livestock and humans, and from domestic animal species to wildlife, compromises health [7]. Most trypanosome infections in wildlife do not cause apparent harm to their hosts, but some wildlife species are extremely at risk to trypanosome infections [8]. T. b. rhodsiense, can be found in both domestic and wild animals, contract T. b. gambiense and most likely serve as reservoirs [9]. However, it is still unclear how exactly the animal reservoir contributes to the epidemiology of the disease of the gambiense type. T. brucei. T. congolense, T. simiae, and T. uniforme are transmitted within the tsetse belts of Africa. Within and outside tsetse fly-infested zones, T. vivax and T. evansi can be transmitted mechanically[10]. Sleeping sickness threatens millions of people in 36 sub-Saharan Africa living in remote rural areas with limited access to adequate health services [11]. This complicates the surveillance and, therefore, the diagnosis and treatment of cases is neglected. Additionally, factors like populations displacement, war, and poverty are facilitating the transmission. HAT, without distinction between T. b. gambiense and T. b. rhodesiense, was considered in the first Global Burden of Disease assessments and estimated to result in 1.78 million DALYs lost across Africa and the good reason for numerous of the parameters pertaining to HAT and used in the global assessments (e.g., disability weighting, and estimates of incidence) is not transparent and is a major problem. [12].
Currently, in Africa, animal Trypanosoma species such as T. congolense (found in tsetse-infested areas), T. viva x (found in both tsetse-infested and tsetse-free areas except in the highlands > 2500 m above sea level), and T. burcei are commonly known. T. evansi (surra) and T. equiperdum can occur in tsetse-free areas [13]. The transmission of Trypanosoma vivax is cyclical (transmitted by the tsetse fly) and mechanical (by tabanidae and stomoxys). T. evansi in camels and T. equiperdum in horses are transmitted by the tsetse fly, Stomoxys and Tabanus, but mechanical transmission to domestic animals [14].
Cattle movement is a threat for the disease transmission, spread, and occurrences of outbreaks [14]. Wildlife hosts: bushbucks (Tragelaphusscriptus), impalas (Aepycerosmelampus), lions (Pantheraleo), zebras (Equus quagga boehma), warthogs (Phacocoerusafricanus), and duikers (Sylvicapragrimmia) carry the human-infective zoonotic trypanosome strain T. b. rhodesiense [13]. People can be bitten by an infective tsetse fly while farming, fishing, hunting, collecting water or wood, or engaging in any other activity. More focus is needed on Tsetse fly or vector control (bush clearing, game animal elimination, and ground and aerial spray) [3]. Insecticide Treated Cattle (1% Deltamethrin pour on Animal), deltamethrin 1% pour-on on domestic animals to prevent the animals from insect bites and to act like mobile targets [15]. Blue -Black-Blue target impregnated with insecticides and deployed in tsetse-infested areas by using deltamethrin 20% impregnated targets and ground spray have been used [16]. A ground spray in areas where targets are difficult to deploy [17] and SIT is a very specific method to the target species, non-pollutant, more effective, and has no adverse effect on other living organisms [18]. Barrier Establishment avoid the dangers of re-invasion, effort should be made to close the possible reinvasion site with artificial barriers (using traps and stationary targets) [19].
AAT is also a major constraint to the development of the livestock sector, induces a decrease of livestock productivity. Tsetse flies are the main vectors of both HAT and AAT, major factor in trypanosomiasis epidemiology by their central role in transmission of trypanosome to vertebrate hosts [20]. In Ethiopia, animal trypanosomiasis is a significant obstruction to livestock and farm production [21] with approximately 75% of the area favorable for the proliferation of tsetse flies in the southern nation's nationalities and people's regional states (SNNPR). And also Trypanosomiasis is prevalent in two main regions of Ethiopia: the northwest and the southwest [8]. Most of the areas in Gamo and Gofa zones in the region are suitable (with their savannah-covered national parks, river basins, ambient temperature, and bushy land nature) for tsetse multiplication [22]. In 1967, confirmed HAT case was reported for the first in Ethiopia. The distribution of endemic human trypanosomiasis and its tsetse vectors appears to be limited to southern and southwestern Ethiopia (Oromia Region (Illuababora and Wollega), Gambella, and SNNPR). No major outbreak of the disease was recorded until the 1969–1970 epidemics and then after, only sporadic cases have been reported [23].
Currently, in August 2022, the SNNP Regional Health Bureau has reported 5 cases of HAT from Kucha Alpha woreda, Gamo zone, to the ministry of health Ethiopia. Dried blood spot samples were collected and transported to the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium, through DHL and confirmed to be T. b. rhodesiense. HAT reoccurrence is linked to absence of surveillance system, the presence of favorable ecology for vector distribution and disease transmission, the presence of agricultural activities in proximity to vector habitat and the presence of reservoir wild animals in proximity with the human residence, the absence of road accessibility for controlling activities and lack of collaboration (one health). The epidemiology of HAT in Ethiopia remains unclear and will be essential to clarify in order to develop more effective and accessible diagnostic, treatment and control programs. Analyzing HAT data by place of infection on a longitudinal basis would provide valuable data on local risk and transmission characteristics and indicate whether control programs were effective. Without an accurate picture of the true epidemiology of HAT in Ethiopia, associations with environmental, vector, animal, and human factors cannot be analyzed and used to inform policy [24].
Identification of trypanosomes in tsetse flies and reservoir hosts could be a good indicator for HAT and AAT within an area [25]. Detection of pathogenic trypanosomes in animal and identification of tsetse flies and their distribution status within different environmental variables will highlight the areas at risk [20, 26]. Such type of information will help in the use of adapted control methods in this increasingly anthropised habitat within vector human activity overlap. Thus, the current investigation was initiated to identify the root cause of HAT reemergence in Ethiopia after 55 years.