One of the major problems for farmers in general and those in African countries remains, with some consistency, the negative effects of climate change (Karimi et al., 2018). Togolese farmers are not spared. However, better adaptation to climate change relies largely on the capacity of farmers. The ability of farmers to adapt effectively and efficiently to climate change impacts is largely influenced by access to resources, including land and water, among others (Trinh et al., 2018). Indeed, the land is an integral component of farmers' adaptation decisions. Theoretically, land security provides an incentive for the farmer to invest more, in the medium and long term, to reap all the profits that could be derived from the good management of that plot (Deininger et al., 2003). The adoption of a better coping strategy requires secure land rights beforehand. This ultimately improves and increases agricultural productivity.
Although the role of adaptation as a practical option to reduce the negative impacts of climate change and climate variability has been highlighted in the literature (IPCC, 2014; Pilo et al., 2021)However, the likely implications of land security for climate change adaptation have received little attention. Moreover, studies on climate change and secure land use systems tend to focus on the agricultural impacts of climate change (Jawid, 2020; Wheeler & Von Braun, 2013).
Finally, the empirical evidence on the existence of a relationship between land security and agricultural coping strategies or agricultural investments remains mixed. Thus, authors such as Deininger et al, (2011); Gebremedhin & Swinton, (2003) and Lovo, (2016) have found in their studies the existence of a positive relationship between land tenure security and investment in coping strategies. However, for some previous empirical work, this theoretical relationship is questioned. This is the case of Brasselle et al (2002); Place & Hazell (1993) who have shown the existence of a non-systematic influence of land security on investment in adaptation strategies.
Despite the importance of land as a productive asset and a factor favouring the adoption of the best strategy, its fair and secure access remains a major problem for Togolese farmers. 13.92% in 2015 compared to 12.4% in 2011 hold a land title on the plots they own (QUIBB, 2015). These land titles are still largely held on ploughed land. Furthermore, 5.88% of households owning plots of the land report having managed conflicts in the management of their plots in 2014. Consequently, land tenure arrangements need to be explicitly examined to facilitate adaptation planning by producers, especially in West African countries where land is often controlled by complex tenure arrangements (Fenske, 2011).
Furthermore, increased peri-urbanization and marketization, which have led to more intense competing uses of land, reinforce the importance of formal land ownership for livelihoods (Yaro, 2010). Thus, in Togo, since 2018, efforts have been made to improve access to and security of land, including the adoption of the new land tenure code. A national climate change adaptation plan for the period 2017–2021 has also been developed. In this context, we ask ourselves whether land security affects the adoption of climate change adaptation strategies in Togo. To answer this question, the general objective of this paper is to analyze the effect of land security on the adoption of climate change adaptation strategies in Togo.
To achieve this objective, we used data from the Harmonised Survey on Household Living Conditions (EHCVM, 2018–2019) conducted by INSEED in Togo to which we applied a multinomial logit model. The results show that land tenure security has a positive and significant effect on climate change adaptation strategies in Togo. This result remains the same even if we use the Ordinary Least Squares regression on the synthetic index of adaptation strategies constructed from the principal component analysis.
The rest of the paper is organized into four sections. Section one discusses theoretical and empirical foundations. Section two presents the methodology of the study. Section three deals with and discusses the results of the econometric estimations. Policy implications followed by a conclusion will conclude our analysis.
The Literature Review
In this sub-section, the empirical basis for the link between land tenure security and the adoption of climate change adaptation strategies is presented. According to property rights theory, formal certification of farmers' land plots provides farmers with the opportunity to access a bank loan. Credit institutions consider the land title as a guarantee. The effects of land security include collateral and investment. The granting of land titles to farmers on exploited plots of land allows them to have access to a bank loan. Farmers will use the funds acquired to invest not only in the purchase of modern production equipment (long-term investments) and the purchase of variable inputs but also in the adoption of climate change adaptation strategies (the practice of irrigated agriculture, etc.). The literature linking land security and the adoption of climate change adaptation strategies is quite extensive, but we will focus on recent work in the economic literature.
The analysis of the determinants of smallholder farmers' adaptation strategies to the effects of climate change in Northern Uganda was the subject of the study by (Atube et al., 2021). The authors identified the three most common adaptation strategies in northern Uganda as planting different crop varieties, planting drought-resistant varieties and following. The authors used a database collected from 395 randomly selected smallholder households in two districts, using a semi-structured questionnaire. Results from binary logit regression model estimations revealed that the marital status of the household head, access to credit, access to extension services and farm income influenced farmers' adoption of planting drought-resistant varieties as a coping strategy, while access to credit, annual farm income and time to market influenced the adoption of planting improved seeds. Socio-demographic characteristics such as gender of household head and farm income positively influenced farmers' adoption of fertilizer and pesticide use. Farming experience, farm income, access to extension services and credit influenced farmers' adoption of tree planting. Household size, farming experience and time to market positively influenced the use of fallow, while cropland size significantly influenced farmers' planting of different crop varieties as a coping strategy.
Phiri et al (2020) focused on the effect of land security on the adoption of change adaptation strategies in Malawi. The ultimate objective of this study was to highlight evidence of the importance of land tenure considerations in the design, development and implementation of climate change programmes. It did this by analyzing how land tenure affects the use of adaptation strategies in Malawi. Using secondary data from the Integrated Household Survey (IHS4), a multinomial logit model was fitted to analyze the determinants of the adoption of climate change adaptation strategies. It was shown that land tenure significantly affects the adoption of the technologies in question. Uncertain arrangements such as borrowing and leasing of land tend to discourage adoption. The proliferation of borrowed or leased land in Malawi's agricultural sector requires intervention to encourage adaptation on these farms to avoid land degradation.
Lovo, (2016) in Malawi, analyses the relationship between land tenure insecurity and investment in soil conservation. The author argues that land tenure insecurity can have important consequences for the conservation of natural resources such as soils and forests. This paper focuses exclusively on two main sources of land tenure insecurity, informal short-term tenancy agreements and customary gender-based inheritance practices. Using a large plot-level dataset in Malawi, the analysis uses a linear probability model with household fixed effects and finds that both sources of insecurity have a negative effect on land conservation investments. These results suggest that future land reforms should address the informality of the land rental market and bridge the gap between land users and owners created by existing customary practices.
The research work of Gbetibouo et al, (2010) examines the climate adaptation strategies of farmers in the Limpopo Basin of South Africa. Survey results show that while many farmers have noticed long-term changes in temperature and rainfall, most have not been able to take corrective action. Lack of access to credit and water were cited as the main factors inhibiting adaptation. The most common adaptation measures were crop diversification, changing varieties and planting dates, using irrigation and providing supplementary feed for livestock. Multinomial logit analysis of climate adaptation responses suggests that access to water, credit, extension services, off-farm income and employment opportunities, tenure security, farmer assets and farming experience are critical to improving farmers' adaptive capacity. This implies that appropriate government interventions to improve farmers' access to these factors are needed to reduce farmers' vulnerability to climate adversities in these dry lands.
The analysis of the relationship between land tenure security and investment incentives in the sector was the subject of the study by Brasselle et al, (2002). For these authors, the common sense logic associating greater land tenure security and better investment incentives has recently been questioned in the case of agriculture in developing countries in general and African countries in particular. To be meaningful, empirical tests must be carefully designed to take into account the possible endogeneity of the land rights variable. The results of the econometric estimations cast doubt on the existence of a systematic influence of land tenure security on investment either in the purchase of modern production equipment, or in the purchase of variable inputs (improved seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, Plant protection products), or in the adoption of other climate change adaptation strategies (the practice of irrigated agriculture, the practice of drought-resistant crops, etc.).
The previous section has given us an idea of the work already done on the subject and the different analysis models. The following section will develop our research methodology.