Maturation of spontaneous excitatory currents of medium spiny neurons of the nucleus accumbens shell of C57BL/6J and BTBR mice.
To examine the maturation of spontaneous excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission of the NAc shell in C57BL/6J and BTBR mice, whole cell patch-clamp recordings were obtained from visually identified MSNs (Fig. 1A). In MSNs from both strains, spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic currents (sEPSCs) were observed as early as P4 and developed gradually during the first postnatal month (Fig. 1). In C57BL/6J mice, sEPSC frequency showed a significant increase at P15 and P21 with a further increase at P30 (Fig. 1B-C, one way ANOVA, F(6, 64) = 25.40 p<0.0001, Tukey’s multiple comparison tests: P4 vs P15, p=0.02; P4 vs P21, p=0.0003; P4 vs P30, p<0.0001; P6 vs P15, p=0.04; P6 vs P21, p=0.0004; P6 vs P30, p<0.0001; P8 vs P21, p=0.0017; P8 vs P30, p<0.0001; P12 vs P30, p<0.0001; P15 vs P30, p<0.0001; P21 vs P30, p<0.0001). However, in BTBR mice, a marked increase in sEPSC frequency was observed at P12, with a further increase from P21 (Fig. 1B, D, one way ANOVA, F(6, 66) = 14.86 p<0.0001, Tukey’s multiple comparison tests: P4 vs P12, p=0.007; P4 vs 21 and P30, p<0.0001; P6 vs P21, p=0.0001; P6 vs P30, p<0.0001; P8 vs P21, p=0.0007; P8 vs P30, p<0.0001; P12 vs P30, p=0.0007; P15 vs P21, p=0.004; P15 vs P30, p<0.0001). Interestingly, sEPSC amplitude displayed a distinct maturation profile. While C57BL/6J mice showed increased sEPSC amplitude between P6-P8 and P15 and P30 (Fig. 1E, one way ANOVA, F(6, 66) = 7.429 p<0.0001, Tukey’s multiple comparison tests: P6 vs P15, p=0.0004; P6 vs P30, p=0.0005; P8 vs P15, p=0.0003; P8 vs P30, p=0.0003), the amplitude of sEPSCs in MSNs from BTBR mice was decreased at P8, P12 and P21 relative to P4 (Fig. 1F, one way ANOVA, F(6, 70) = 3.480 p=0.0046, Tukey’s multiple comparison tests: P4 vs P8, p=0.002; P4 vs P12, p=0.03; P4 vs P21, p=0.01). Furthermore, sEPSC time constant displayed a marked increase during the second (P12, P15) and third (P21) postnatal weeks in C57BL/6J mice and similarly during the second (P8) and third (P21) postnatal weeks in BTBR mice (Fig. 1G, one way ANOVA, F(6, 67) = 5.602 p<0.0001, P4 vs P12, p=0.006; P4 vs P15, p=0.0006; P4 vs P21, p<0.0001; Fig. 1H, one way ANOVA, F(6, 70) = 3.121 p=0.0091; P4 vs P8, p=0.04; P4 vs P21, p=0.02). Overall, these data show that MSNs from BTBR mice display slightly earlier increases in sEPSC frequency and distinct age-dependent changes in sEPSC amplitude, but broadly equivalent timeline of maturation of sEPSC kinetics.
We then examined the maturation of inhibitory inputs onto MSNs in both strains. Spontaneous inhibitory postsynaptic current (sIPSC) frequency increased significantly during the second postnatal week for both strains and plateaued from P15 (Fig. 2A-B, C57BL/6J: one way ANOVA, F(6, 61) = 10.07 p<0.0001, Tukey’s multiple comparison tests: P4 vs P15, p<0.0001; P4 vs P21, p=<0.0001; P4 vs P30, p=0.004; P6 vs P15, p=0.0003; P6 vs P21, p=0.0003; P6 vs P30, p=0.01; P8 vs P15, p=0.0004; P8 vs P21, p=0.0005; P8 vs P30, p=0.03; Fig. 2A,C, BTBR, one way ANOVA, F(6, 61) =5.73 p<0.0001, Tukey’s multiple comparison tests: P4 vs P15, p=0.0031, P4 vs P30, p=0.0053; P6 vs P15, p=0.007; P6 vs P30, p=0.011; P12 vs P15, p=0.017, P12 vs P30, p=0.025). In contrast, while sIPSC amplitude increased significantly and plateaued from P15 in C57BL/6J mice (Fig. 2D, C57BL/6J: one way ANOVA, F(6, 61) = 7.931 p<0.0001; Tukey’s multiple comparison tests: P4 vs P15, p=0.0031; P6 vs P15, p<0.0001; P6 vs P21, p=0.0002; P8 vs P15, p=0.0009; P8 vs P21, p=0.033; P12 vs P15, p=0.041), BTBR mice only showed a slight increase at P21 (Fig. 2E, BTBR: one way ANOVA F(6, 62) = 4.04, p=0.0018; Tukey’s multiple comparison tests: P8 vs P21, p=0.023; P15 vs P21, p=0.044). Interestingly, sIPSC time constant displayed a distinct maturation profile between MSNs from C57BL/6J and BTBR mice. While in C57BL/6J mice sIPSC time constant was stable across all ages tested (Fig. 2F; one way ANOVA, F(6, 60) = 2.186 p=0.0567), sIPSC tau showed a significant increase between P4 and P30 in MSNs from BTBR mice (Fig. 2G; one way ANOVA, F(6, 65) = 3.481 p=0.0048, Tukey’s multiple comparison tests: P4 vs P30, p=0.01). Overall, these data show broadly synchronous developmental changes in sIPSC frequency between strains, with BTBR mice showing slightly delayed increases in sIPSC amplitude and distinct maturation of sIPSC decay time.
To better understand strain differences in NAc shell MSN spontaneous excitatory and inhibitory transmission in early life, we directly compared MSNs sEPSC and sIPSC parameters between C57BL/6J and BTBR mice across ages (Fig. 3). We found that BTBR mice exhibited reduced sEPSC frequency at P30 (Fig. 3A; two way ANOVA, significant effects of age F(6, 130) = 39.16, p<0.0001, strain F(1, 130)=5.65, p=0.02, and age x strain interaction F(6, 130)=4.9, p=0.0002; Sidak’s multiple comparisons P30, p<0.0001) but increased sEPSC amplitude at P4 and P6 relative to C57BL/6J mice (Fig. 3B; two way ANOVA, significant effects of age F(1, 136)=6.27, p<0.0001, and age x strain interaction F(6, 136)=4.36, p=0.0005; Sidak’s multiple comparisons P4, p=0.01; P6, p=0.04). Comparison of spontaneous inhibitory synaptic transmission revealed that BTBR mice showed higher sIPSC frequency at P8 and sIPSCs amplitude at P6, P12 and P30 compared to C57BL/6J mice (Fig. 3C-D; sIPSC frequency: two way ANOVA, significant effects of age F(6,122)=12.90, p<0.0001, and strain F(6, 122)=14.2, p=0.0003; Sidak’s multiple comparisons P8, p=0.02; sIPSC amplitude: two way ANOVA, significant effects of age F(6, 123)=7.08, p<0.0001, strain F(6, 123)=4.55, p<0.0001, and age x strain interaction F(6, 123)=4.55, p=0.0003; Sidak’s multiple comparisons P6, p=0.004, P12, p=0.01, P30, p=0.009). Consistent with this, comparison of within-cell differences between the frequency of spontaneous excitation and inhibition showed a shift toward synaptic inhibition at P30 in BTBR mice relative to age-matched C57BL/6J mice (Fig. 3E; two way ANOVA, significant effects of age F(6, 120)=5.51, p<0.0001, strain F(6, 120)=23.47, p<0.0001, and age x strain interaction F(6, 120)=3.74, p=0.0019; Sidak’s multiple comparisons P30, p<0.0001). In conclusion, these data show that MSNs from BTBR mice display higher excitatory inputs during the first postnatal week, which is reduced by P30. Inhibitory synaptic inputs onto MSNs from BTBR mice were stronger during the first, second and fourth postnatal weeks than onto MSNs from C57BL/6J mice, suggesting differences in the maturation of excitatory and inhibitory transmission in MSNs of BTBR mice. At P30, C57BL/6J and BTBR mice show opposite profiles of excitation-inhibition balance, with predominant excitation over inhibition for C57BL/6J and inhibition over excitation for BTBR mice. The temporal profile of changes in NAc synaptic transmission in BTBR mice coincides with the onset of social deficits in this strain80, suggesting these electrophysiological differences might contribute to the early changes in behavior.
Evidence suggests specialization in the contribution of NAc input and output connections to social processing20,91–93, with optogenetic manipulation of medial prefrontal cortex (PFC)-NAc projections in particular modulating different aspects of social behavior23,27,30,94. To test whether PFC-NAc transmission might be altered in BTBR mice, we injected AAV-ChR2 virus into the infralimbic cortex (IL) subdivision of the PFC of C57BL/6J and BTBR mice one week prior to conducting patch clamp recordings from NAc shell MSNs at P15 and P30 (Fig. 4A). IL-expressing ChR2 terminals onto MSNs were stimulated using a brief light-pulse (5ms) through the objective, and glutamate release probability at IL-NAc synapses was examined by measuring paired-pulse ratios (PPR). Light-evoked EPSCs from MSNs of BTBR mice showed higher PPR at both P15 and P30 compared to C57BL/6J mice, indicating reduced presynaptic glutamate release probability at IL-NAc synapses (Fig. 4B-C; unpaired t tests, P15: t=2.13, p=0.04; P30: t=5.91, p<0.0001).
Given the temporal coincidence of alterations in NAc synaptic transmission and behavior in the BTBR strain, targeting intervention strategies to this window may improve treatment outcomes. Informed by our electrophysiological data showing changes in NAc spontaneous transmission as early as P4 (Figs 1-3), we decided to target a well-established rescue strategy for animal models of ASD, the mTORC1 antagonist rapamycin95, to early development, starting at P4. We first confirmed that BTBR mice displayed social interaction deficits in our lab by testing them on a three-chamber social interaction test, followed by a social memory test. We tested animals at P30, a crucial time in social development96. In the social interaction test, BTBR mice spent less time with the social target and more time in the empty compartment, compared to C57BL/6J mice (Fig. 5A-B; two-way RM ANOVA, significant effect of chamber F(1.536, 90.61)= 38.79, p<0.0001 and chamber x strain interaction F(2, 118)= 16.71, p<0.0001; Sidak’s multiple comparisons test, empty p=0.0074, middle p=0.0030, and social p=0.0006 chambers).
While BTBR social interaction deficits consistent with ours have been widely reported79,97, social memory deficits in the BTBR strain have a more conflicting literature75,98,99. We found no differences in social memory, i.e. preference for the novel, unfamiliar mouse, between C57BL/6J and BTBR mice (Fig. 5C-D; two-way RM ANOVA, significant effect of chamber F(2, 110)= 39.63, p<0.0001 and strain F(1, 55)= 10.23 p=0.0023; Sidak's multiple comparisons test showed significant differences between strains only in the middle chamber t=2.775 p=0.0268; p>0.84 for other chambers). Importantly, although our behavioral data showed no sex differences in social interaction (p>0.64) or social memory (p>0.11), replicating a widely reported absence of sex differences in social behavior in these strains79,84,85,89, we presently cannot exclude the possibility of sex differences in the underlying maturation of NAc synaptic transmission.
To test whether the increased synaptic excitation and inhibition onto MSNs from BTBR mice starting at the first postnatal week could signal the start of a sensitive period in the BTBR strain, we targeted rapamycin treatment, a drug known to rescue social deficits in other mouse models of ASD65,66, from P4 to P8, and tested animals for social preference at P30 (Fig. 6A). Rapamycin treatment led to a significant increase in time spent in the social chamber (Fig. 6B; two-way RM ANOVA, significant effect of chamber F(2, 48)= 22.42, p<0.0001, and chamber x treatment interaction F(2, 48)= 9.436, p<0.0003; Sidak's multiple comparisons test show significant differences between vehicle and rapamycin treatment in the empty p=0.0293 and social p=0.0002 chambers), indicating a rescue of social preference in BTBR mice treated with rapamycin from P4-P8. We saw no difference in distance travelled between vehicle- and rapamycin-treated groups (Fig. 6C; unpaired t test, t19=0.2272, p=0.8227), suggesting that the social interaction effects did not stem from changes in motor activity. These data indicate that early rapamycin treatment was able to rescue BTBR social deficits at adolescence. As an additional validation, we confirmed that early rapamycin treatment decreased phosphorylation of S6 ribosomal protein, a commonly used measure of mTOR pathway activity100, in P30 BTBR mice (Additional File 1, Supplementary Fig. 1A-B; unpaired t test, t6=3.2, p=0.01).
A study by Burket and colleagues had shown that a four-day rapamycin treatment starting at P28 also rescued social deficits in BTBR mice tested 1h after the last injection101. To test whether the efficacy of the rapamycin rescue was tied to its timing during early life, we injected an additional cohort of BTBR mice with the same rapamycin regimen and interval between treatment and testing, but starting at P60 (Fig. 6D). We found that rapamycin treatment starting at early adulthood did not affect the time spent in the social chamber (Fig. 6E; two-way RM ANOVA, significant effect of chamber F(2, 34)= 11.32, p=0.0002; Sidak's multiple comparisons test show no significant differences between vehicle and rapamycin treatment in any of the chambers) or distance travelled (Fig. 6F; unpaired t test, t17=0.052, p=0.9591). Overall, these data indicate that P60 rapamycin treatment did not rescue social interaction deficits in BTBR mice, suggesting that early intervention with rapamycin is necessary for improving social interaction in the BTBR strain.