=\({\int }_{{\varphi }_{0}}^{{\varphi }_{0}+{\Delta }\varphi }{\int }_{{\theta }_{0}}^{{\theta }_{0}+{\Delta }\theta }I(\theta , \varphi )d\theta d\varphi\), (3 − 2)
where the angular region defined between (A) φ0 and φ0 + Δφ, and (B) θ0 and θ0 + Δθ are respectively (A) small zenith and (B) azimuth angles formed by the sender's COSMOCAT sensor and the receiver's COSMOCAT sensor. If Δφ << φ0 and Δθ << θ0, the cosmokey generation rate is:
R CK = ISΩ ∼ IS2D− 2, (4)
where I is the intensity of the muons arriving from the zenith angle θ0, and D is the distance between the sender's sensor and the receiver's sensor. The value of Ec in Eq. (3) depends on the thickness (d gcm− 2) of the material located above the sensors. For example, if the thickness of a concrete slab located above the sensors is 1 m, Ec will be 400 MeV, and if a steel plate with a thickness of 50 cm is added, Ec will be 1.1 GeV21. Considering the most frequent energy of the cosmic muons range from 1 to 3 GeV, the muon flux is almost the same as the open-sky flux in an underground safe underneath a regular building or a house. The integrated open-sky muon flux (Φ0) is ~ 102 m− 2s− 1, and here we define the open-sky muon rate with:
f 0 = Φ0S. (5)
The timestamps are recorded in the receiver's sensor at this rate and are eventually transferred and stored in storage also at this rate. Then, a square of the ratio:
G 1 = RCK f0 − 1, (6)
can be defined as the cosmokey matching rate between the sender and the receiver. Due to temporal jitters of the signals outputted from comparators and frequency fluctuations in clocks used in COSMOCAT, generated cosmokeys do not always match between the sender and the receiver. Therefore, the factor (rCK) coming from this effect needs to be considered, also. Consequently, the actual cosmokey matching rate is:
G 2 = rCKG1= rCKRCK f0 − 1, (7)
Due to fluctuations in time measurements, the length of each cosmokey ranges from four to six digits. TRN sequences with 15 digits to 40 digits are required in order to generate sufficiently strong encryption keys (48 bit to 128 bit). For this purpose, several cosmokeys should be combined. Therefore, the actual keys used for encrypting data would be a numerical sequence of cosmokeys: {t1, t2, ...tn}. However, the keys combined at the sender's detector and the keys combined at the storage detector generally don’t match since RCK< f0. Therefore, the storage user (sender) needs to encode the data for NTRIAL times, where NTRIAL is the number of trials required to independently generate the same encryption key between the sender and the receiver, and given by NSENDER x NRECEIVER, where:
N SENDER = NRECEIVER = nG2 − 1!/ n!(nG2 − 1-n)!, (8)
and where n is the number of combinations of the generated cosmokeys required to generate encryption keys. Here it was assumed that S is the same for the sender and the receiver. In other words, one key out of NTRIAL keys can be used as an encryption key. For example, if G2 is 0.2, and n = 3, then the sender and the receiver would respectively need to encode the data around 5x102 times so that one out of ~ 2x105 trials would match the key generated in the storage.
A more detailed procedure will be described in the following section by introducing an example case, but the basic concept of encoding, key storing, and authentication will be outlined here for the purpose of explaining the experimental results. The procedures the storage user needs to follow are:
(A) Encode the data for Ntrial times with the timestamps (Ni (t0)) generated at t = t0. The encoding rate is f0 − 1.
(B) Every time the key is used for encoding, this key is erased.
Meanwhile, in the storage facility,
(C) other timestamps are generated at a rate of f0 − 1.
The authentication procedure for the storage user is as follows:
(D) Send a set of Ntrial encoded data to the storage facility.
As can be seen in Eq. (8), if we can reduce n, we can drastically reduce Ntrial; hence the key generation rate in storage could be drastically upgraded. Since the comic muon flux cannot be changed, G2 can be increased by improving a geometrical configuration and detection efficiency of the COSMOCAT system.
Improvements in cosmokey generation. During the current timing measurements, naturally occurring cosmic-ray muon events are detected with 2 vertically aligned detectors. In order to confirm the performance of the key generation with CFD, the muon's time of flight (TOF) was measured for two different distances: D = 120 cm and D = 240 cm. Since muons arrive only from the upper hemisphere, with this detector configuration, the muons always pass through the top detector first and the bottom detector second. For the purpose of demonstrating key distribution to an underground safe, a lead plate with a thickness of 3 cm was inserted between the sender's and the receiver's detector. In order to separate the problem associated with the frequency fluctuations of the local clock from the problem involving temporal jitters of the signals outputted from comparators, COSMOCAT sensors were wired with RG50 co-axial cables to guarantee the time synchronization between sensors. Scintillation photons are generated in the plastic scintillator (ELJEN 200) and then travel through an acrylic light guide to be processed by the photomultiplier tube (PMT). The signal pulses outputted from the photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) (Hamamatsu R7724) were discriminated by CFDs (KAIZU KN381) in order to reduce the temporal jitter with this process. Also, while 1m x 1m scintillators were used in the prior work, much smaller (W x W = 20 cm x 20 cm) scintillators with a thickness of 2 cm were used for the current testing to improve the timing accuracy. Therefore, Ω in Eq. (4) were respectively 28 msr and 7 msr for D = 120 cm and D = 240 cm. Travel distances of the photons in the scintillator (λi) tend to vary as a function of time since the distance between the PMT and the muon's hitting point within the scintillator varies for each event. Therefore, the maximum time and the minimum time between the moment when the scintillation photons arrive at the sender's photocathode and the moment when the scintillation photons arrive at the receiver's photocathode are respectively:
[Dc− 1 + λcν − 1]MAX=(D2 + 2xW2)1/2c−1+1.4Wcν − 1 (8 − 1)
[Dc− 1 + λcν − 1]MIN= Dc− 1 (8 − 2)
where cν is the speed of light in material with a refractive index of ν ( cν = c /1.49 for a plastic scintillator). If we employ the parameters used for the prior work (W = 1 m and D = 70 cm), the values for [D(τ)c− 1 + λ(τ)cν − 1]MAX and [D(τ)c− 1 + λ(τ)cν − 1]MIN are respectively ~ 12.2 ns and ~ 2.3 ns; hence, in the previous geometrical configuration, there was an uncertainty of timing of ~ 10 ns at the most. On the contrary, the setup employed in the current work (W = 20 cm and D = 120 cm, 180 cm and 240 cm) reduces this uncertainty to, at most, a value of ~ 1 ns. The time resolution of the time to digital converter (TDC) used for the current experiment (ScioSence TDC-GPX) was 27 ps. The block diagram designed for the current experiment is shown in Fig. 1.
Figure 2 compares the TOF distribution obtained in the prior work with the TOF distribution obtained in the current work. The distance between these COSMOCAT sensors are changed (120 cm and 240 cm) in order to confirm the time resolution of the current system. In this figure, the distribution of the time displacements between the event occurrence recorded by the sender's COSMOCAT sensor and the event occurrence recorded by the receiver's COSMOCAT sensor (associated with the storage) |ΔtRECEIVER- ΔtSENDER| are shown. The timing accuracy was ~ 1ns (S.D.). Since the distances between the sender's COSMOCAT sensor and the receiver's COSMOCAT sensor were 120 cm and 240 cm, the muon's TOF were respectively expected to be 4 ns and 8 ns; the measurement results are in agreement with these expectations. In the prior work, not only was the TOF spectrum much broader than the current work, but also there was a large discrepancy between the expected peak location and the measured peak location. As shown in Fig. 2, although the TOF value of 2 ns was expected for D = 70 cm, the peak of the TOF spectrum was located at ~ 20 ns. As a matter of fact, in the previous work, there were three peaks at ~ 2 ns, ~ 20 ns, and ~ 45 ns where the 20-ns peak was largest, and the other two peaks are difficult to see in the current presentation (for more detail, see Fig. 5B of Tanaka (2023)7). This was due to the systematic fluctuations in the GPS-DO's frequency. The wide range of the TOF spectrum came from (A) temporal jitters of the comparator output signals and (B) frequency fluctuations of the GPS-disciplined oscillators (GPS-DO). A large discrepancy between the expected peak location and the measured peak location came from the time offset between GPS-DOs.
In the prior work, as a consequence of discrepancies in TOF, the time series of N3 ≤ i≤6 (4 digits) were used as cosmokeys. In contrast, Fig. 2 indicates that there is a potential that the time series of N3 ≤ i≤8 (6 digits) can be used as cosmic keys. In order to generate encryption keys with 20 digits and 24 digits, Ntrial would be respectively 53,130 and 4,845 for a given G = 0.2 with the prior and current COSMOCAT system. With the upgraded COSMOCAT, Ntrial would be reduced by an order of magnitude, and the key would be 10,000 times stronger. fµ observed for these distances (120 cm, and 240 cm) were respectively ~ 0.1 Hz and ~ 0.02 Hz. Since the value G2 depends on the broadness of the TOF spectrum, Ntrial can be further improved and will be discussed in the following paragraph.
R CK can be derived by integrating the time spectrum (blue filled circles) shown in Fig. 2 over the time range between 0 and the given time window (TW) such that:
$${R}_{\text{C}\text{K}}={\int }_{0}^{{T}_{\text{W}} \text{n}\text{s}}f\left(t{\prime }\right)dt{\prime } \left(9\right)$$
where f(t') is the event frequency at t'. The value of Eq. (9) for TW=100 ns was 20 m− 2 sr− 1s− 1 in the prior work. Figure 3A shows rCKRCK as a function of TW (120 cm and 180 cm) measured in the current work. There was no large distant-dependent difference in rCKRCK. For TW =1 ns, rCK =0.58 for 120 cm and rCK =0.49 for 240 cm; for TW =3 ns, rCK =0.87 for 120 cm and rCK=0.77 for 240 cm. Figure 3B shows G2 as a function of Ω for different TW. Consequently, Ntrial could be drastically reduced. For example, if we compare Ntrial for the same geometrical configuration with the prior work (Ω ~ 1sr), the Ntrial values required for the sender to share encryption keys in the storage with digits of 20 digits in the prior work and 24 digits in the current work are respectively 53,130 and 70.