The development of viral vaccine production consists of the optimization of three integrated stages; upstream processing, which is the selection of appropriate producer cell culture, defining optimal growth conditions, and downstream processing; isolation and purification [21]. The first step is considerate as the most critical step in this field, because it defines the highest number of produced viral particles. Primary cells were first used in this area and were most commonly applicable for LSDV vaccine production, however they present many limitations such as low number of passages, their preparation is a heavy process and their storage in liquid nitrogen is not possible. Many of the cells used today have been developed in 1960 and 1970. Established animal cells, such as Vero, Madin Darby canine kidney (MDCK) or chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEFs) are still the main cell lines used for viral vaccine production [22]. Although LSDV vaccine produced on Vero cells has no immunological effect on animals [23]. However, vaccines against Camelpox virus that were produced on Vero cells are potent, safe, and have the potential in controlling the disease, despite the obtained titer is only 105,5 log10TCID50/ml [24]. On another hand, these cells were exploited for Ecthyma virus adaptation in cell culture [25]. In addition, Chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEFs) were applied for the preparation of an experimental vaccine against contagious Ecthyma, but the virus titer was very low (104.2 log10TCID50/ml) [26].
Our works focuses on the development of diploid cells from the heart of sheep fetus that have the advantages of cell lines such as important cell passage, storage in liquid nitrogen, and repeatable batches and the advantages of primary cells such as producing a high number of viral particles for all types of poxviruses. In recent years, FBS production methods have come under scrutiny because of animal welfare concerns. FBS is harvested from bovine fetuses taken from pregnant cows during slaughter [27]. The common method of harvesting the fetus is by cardiac puncture without any anesthesia. This practice of harvesting FBS is inhumane as it exposes the fetus to pain and/or discomfort [28]. Efforts are now being made to reduce the use of FBS and replace it with synthetic alternatives [29]. Embryonic heart cells of sheep can be grown using only 5 % of FBSlike cell lines, which was not possible for primary cells.
These isolated cells were tested for viability after storage in liquid nitrogen, the number of viable cells in the culture provides an accurate indication of the health of the cell culture. It has been proven that they remain viable (80%) two years after conservation, which means one cell preparation can be enough for more than one year of virus production. Other cellular conditions were studied; cells were demonstrated to have a cell doubling time of 24h and the monolayer became confluent only after 72h cells could be manipulated two times by week, which is benefic in the point of view of time production. Generation of a growth curve can be useful to evaluate the growth characteristics of a cells; Lag phase, which is the initial growth phase of the subculture and re-seeding during which the cell population takes time to recover is about 0h-24h. The cell number remains relatively constant prior to rapid growth. During this phase, the cell replaces elements of the glycocalyx lost during trypsinization, attaches to the substrate, and spreads out. During the spreading process, the cytoskeleton reappears; its reappearance is probably an integral part of the process [30]. Log phase is comprised between 24h and 72h, that is, a period of exponential increase in cell number and growth of the cell population due to continuous division. The length of the log phase depends on the initial seeding density, the growth rate of the cells, and the density at which cell proliferation is inhibited by density. This phase represents the most reproducible form of the culture as the growth fraction viability is high, and the population is at its most uniform [31]. Stationary phase comprise between 72h and 96 h, the culture becomes confluent at the end of the log phase, as growth rates during this phase are reduced, and cell proliferation can cease in some cases due to exhaustion. The cells are in contact with surrounding cells, and the growth surface is occupied. At this stage, the culture enters the stationary phase and the growth fraction falls to between 0% and 10% [32]. Same result was obtained by Guangxiang Wang et al; they found that bovine Sertoli cells grow to a confluent monolayer in 72,16 h in passage 3 among 20 passages [33]. In our study, 45 passages were tested for cellular yields in order to define the optimal passage achieved by the stored cells with a coefficient R2 with very strong positive correlation (> 0, 9). Results confirmed that cells at passage 38, 39, and 40 cell division begin to decrease by reaching the Hayflick limit. This is backed by Hayflick that concluded that a cell could complete mitosis or cellular duplication and division only forty to sixty times before undergoing apoptosis and subsequent death [34]. The conclusion held for many cell types, whether they were adult cells or fetal cells. Here appears to be a correlation between the maximum number of passages and aging. This phenomenon is related to telomere length. Repeated mitosis leads to shortening of the telomeres on the DNA of the cell [35]. Rubin et al in 1990 suggested that cellular damage could result from the cells being in an environment that differed from their original environment in the body, or when researchers subjected the cells to laboratory practices [36][37].
The second step of cell characterization is viral testing; the cell substrate should be designed to detect a spectrum of viruses. Appropriate screening tests should be carried out based on the cultivation history of cell lines. The development of a characteristic cytopathogenic effect (CPE) provides an early indication of viral propagation, which is confirmed by our results; three types of poxviruses were replicated on these cells with a specific CPE for each virus. Generally, poxviruses have a double-stranded DNA genome because it encodes its own machinery for genome replication; therefore, its replication occurs in the cytoplasm. Briefly, Ecthyma virus and LSDV produce intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies and a loss of continuity of the cell monolayer, as for Camelpox virus its produce multinucleated syncytia and detachment of multinucleate cells. After finding that these cells are permissive for poxvirus infection, we tested every cell passage (passage 4) for viral sensitivity. Moreover, the findings concerning maximal passage are not enough without viral testing; knowing the maximum cell passage for viral infection is important for the feasibility in industrial scale. Our results showed that no significant difference in viral replication among different passages was found from passage 5 to the 15th passage for Echtyma virus (7,4 log10TCID50/ml). In addition, from passage 5 to the 20th for LSDV (6, 8 log10TCID50/ml), as for Camelpox virus, the titers were stable from cell passages 1 to 15 (7,6 log10TCID50/ml). We can conclude that the passages from 1 to 20 passages could be used for vaccine production, however the passages from 20 to 45 could be employed for laboratory use. Nevertheless, all virus titers obtained on passage 35 were higher than the titers obtained on Vero cells. As for primary lamb testis, the titers were significantly important but always lower than the titers obtained on embryonic primary heat cells of sheep. Ecthyma (6,2 log10 TCID50/ml vs 7,4 log10 TCID50/ml), LSDV (6,8log10 TCID50/ml vs 7,0 log10 TCID50/ml), and CPV (6,0 log10 TCID50/ml vs 7,6 log10 TCID50/ml), beside the virus titer, primary lamb testis cells were recommended to be used until the fifth passage, which is an inconvenient for viral production. In 2021, a study was carried out on the production of lumpy skin disease virus in a novel bioreactor CelCradle™ -500A using LT cells; the system brings many production advantages, but the titers were only comparable with the conventional system that is why an optimization of the process is necessary. Based on our preliminary results, an assay should be done on the replacement of cell substrate with embryonic heart cells of sheep [38] .
ESH-L cells is another cell line that was validated for Capripoxviruses propagation and diagnosis, but Rhazi et al in 2021 confirmed that they give the same titer for LSDV but lower titers for SPPV and GTPV in comparison with heart cells [16]. Another paper was published by the same group later in 2022 proved that ESH-L can be used for the development of an immunoenzymatic quantitative method for sheeppox virus antibody detection, which opens a door for the exploitation of embryonic heart cells for diagnosis of poxviruses [39]. In this study, the EH cells were compared with the other two cell references for poxviruses detection and replication; Vero cells and OA3.Ts, we found out that EH cells are more sensitive to virus infection with a lower time of CPE occurrence and 80%. Which can be a benefit for the virus production process.
Virus life cycle is divided into adsorption, penetration, uncoating, viral genome replication, maturation, and release. To understand the high permissivity of embryonic heart cells, we studied the first step by immunostaining the cells before and after virus adsorption, and we used LT infected cells as a positive control and noninfected embryonic heart cells as a negative control. Figures demonstrate that the infected embryonic heart cells showed more specific staining than infected LT cells. In closing, embryonic heart cells have more specific type-1 membrane glycoprotein receptors for pox viruses is a hypothesis that should be confirmed with specific markings. Furthermore, other studies should be carried out on other steps of viral multiplication.