All participants were recruited in a collegiate women lacrosse squad from July 2019 to November 2019. Self-report regarding history of injury was collected from 56 players in the squad by a physical therapist who has a 17-year experience in the field of musculoskeletal and sports physical therapy. MTSS history is defined by the following criteria: 1) players experienced an atraumatic occurrence of pain and tenderness in the distal two-thirds of the medial tibia, which lasted at least 1 week; 2) pain was aggravated by running; and 3) training was limited by pain.[10] No history of lower limb injuries was defined as absence of any pain or trauma in the lower limbs, which may disturb lacrosse training. If players had ongoing symptoms, which met the criteria during research period, these players were excluded. Nine players had an MTSS history. Among them, three players had an MTSS history in both legs. In those cases, the two legs were separately counted as independent leg. Also, twelve players who had no history of lower limb injuries were recruited. Thus, data from 12 legs with MTSS history (MTSS history group) and 12 legs without any history of injuries (no history group) were collected in this study (Table 1). All the participants provided written informed consent prior to participating.
Three Dimensional Assessment
Three dimensional assessments were performed at the University’s laboratory. Twelve and four reflective markers were attached to the anatomical landmarks of the foot and shank, respectively, according to the Rizzoli Foot Model (RFM) [11]. Eight infrared cameras (Oqus; QUALIYSIS, Göteborg, Sweden) were set to collect marker trajectories on the foot and shank. Double-leg standing posture for 5 s was recorded to normalize the angles during the drop jump. Then, the players were instructed to perform a single-leg drop jump from a 30-cm box. Sufficient practice was allowed for the players to be familiar with the task before the measurement. Verbal instruction was provided to the players that they drop off the box and leap up vertically as high as possible immediately after landing. All the participants showed forefoot contact during drop jump. A force plate (Kistler, Winterthur, Switzerland) was set in front of the box to decide the landing and take-off timings. Three successful drop jumps were recorded at a sampling rate of 200 Hz.
Data Processing
The segment angle data from landing to leaping, which were decided based on the ground reaction force data measured by the force plate, were selected and analyzed. The ground reaction force data were filtered with a low-pass filter at 12 Hz. A vertical component of the ground reaction force >10 N was defined as the point of landing on the force plate [12]. The point at which the force became <10 N after the landing was defined as the point of leaping. The segment angle data were analyzed using the Visual 3D software (C-motion Inc., Maryland, USA). Three-dimensional (3D) marker trajectories were filtered using a fourth-order Butterworth low-pass filter with a 6-Hz cut-off frequency [13]. The shank, rearfoot, midfoot, and forefoot segments were created according to the RFM [11]. Orientations of X-axis pointing forward, Y-axis pointing upward, and Z-axis pointing to the right according to a standardization proposal [14] (Fig. 1). A Cardan sequence (Z-X-Y, representing dorsi-plantar flexion, eversion-inversion, and abduction-adduction) was used to calculate relative angles between segments. A positive value represents dorsiflexion, eversion, and abduction and a negative value means plantar flexion, inversion, and adduction. Three-dimensional rearfoot segment rotation relative to the shank was defined as rearfoot motion. Three-dimensional midfoot segment rotation relative to the rearfoot was defined as midfoot motion. Moreover, three-dimensional forefoot segment rotation relative to the midfoot was defined as forefoot motion. The segment angles of the rearfoot, midfoot, and forefoot were calculated. Since the segment motion in the transverse plane was relatively small, only the sagittal and coronal plane motions were calculated. The segment angles were normalized to the static double-leg standing posture. The segment angles at landing and peak angles from landing to leaping were calculated. Segment excursion was measured as the difference between the angle at the landing and peak angle in the sagittal and coronal planes. Also, the segment angle data from landing to leaping in each trial were time-scaled to 100% for intersegmental coordination analysis.
Repeatability Assessment
Four players (one in the MTSS history group and three in the no history group) participated in the assessment for measurement repeatability. Repeated measurement was conducted more than a month after the first measurement. In order to assess the similarity of averaged kinematic waveforms of the foot segments acquired by two measurements, the coefficient of multiple correlation (CMC) was employed [15, 16]. The kinematic data from 5 feet from 4 participants were employed for repeatability analysis. The CMC value of 1 means perfect match and undefined value indicates dissimilar waveforms [16].
Intersegmental Coordination Analysis
To calculate intersegmental coordination, the modified vector coding technique was utilized [8, 9]. A coupling angle (Yi) for each instant (i) during the normalized drop jump task was calculated by this technique to quantify intersegmental coordination according to Equations (1) and (2) [13].
Coupling angle (Yi) was calculated to show a value of 0–360° according to Equation (3).
The mean coupling angle (Yi) of three trials was calculated using circular statistics of Equations (4) and (5).
The following conditions (6) were applied to calculate the mean coupling angle (Yi) of 0–360°.
Instant intersegmental coordination patterns were categorized into one of four patterns according to mean coupling angle (): (1) in-phase (22.5 ≦< 67.5, 202.5 ≦< 247.5): the proximal and distal segments rotate in the same direction with similar amplitudes; (2) anti-phase (112.5 ≦< 157.5, 292.5 ≦< 337.5), the proximal and distal segments rotate in opposite directions; (3) proximal phase (0 ≦< 22.5, 157.5 ≦< 202.5, 337.5 ≦≦ 360), the proximal segment dominantly rotates compared with the distal segment in the same direction; and (4) distal phase (67.5 ≦< 122.5, 247.5 ≦< 292.5), the distal segment dominantly rotates compared with the proximal segment in the same direction [9]. The percentage of each pattern was calculated for each foot.
Sample size calculation
Statistical power analysis was conducted with the G*power version 3.1 (Heinrich-Heine Universität, Germany). Because there was no previous data which compared intersegmental coordination pattern difference between athletes with and without MTSS history, results from this study were used for a priori power analysis. Minimum sample size was calculated with obtained effect size of 1.3, which was the minimum value among intersegmental coordination pattern comparison with significant difference, significance level of 0.05 and power level of 0.8. If sufficient number of participants was not achieved with the measured intersegmental coordination pattern data, further participant recruitment and measurements were planned.
Statistical Analysis
The SPSS Statistics version 25.0 (IBM, USA) was used for statistical comparison between groups. The Shapiro-Wilk and Levene tests were used to confirm the normal and equal data distributions, respectively. For group comparison in demographic data, angles at landing, peak angles, excursion, and percentage of each intersegmental pattern between the rearfoot and midfoot and the midfoot and forefoot in the sagittal and coronal planes, the Student’s t-test, Welch’s t-test, or Mann-Whitney U test were employed depending on the normal and equal distributions. The Cohen’s d was employed to calculate the effect size for group comparison (effect size: small, 0.2– 0.5; medium, 0.5–0.8; larger, more than 0.8) [17]. The α level was set at 0.05.