3.1. Diameter growth
When monitoring began (at 4 years and 9 months after transplanting) the eucalyptus trees cultivated as a forest had lower DBH (21.4 cm) as compared to the others production systems (from 22.7 to 23.2 cm) (Fig. 5A and Table 2). After 22 months, this initial difference of 1.3 to 1.8 cm has increased till the end of the monitoring (at 6 years and 7 months after transplanting). At that moment, the eucalyptus in the forest presented DBH of 24.7 cm, while the others production systems resulted in DBH of 27.2 to 27.7 cm, therefore a difference of 2.5 to 3 cm.
Table 2
– Analysis of eucalyptus diameter growth (DBH; cm) cultivated in different production systems (forest and iCLF, integrated crop-livestock-forest), before the monitoring and during the monitoring period (from 4 years and 9 months after transplanting to 6 years and 7 months).
Production system | DBHini | DBHend | I DBHmp | AI DBHbmp | AI DBHmp |
Forest | 21.4 | 24.7 | 3.4 | 4.5 | 1.8 |
iCLF 12.5x12.5 | 23.1 | 27.2 | 4.1 | 4.9 | 2.1 |
iCLF 12.5x25 | 23.2 | 27.7 | 4.5 | 4.9 | 2.3 |
iCLF 25x25 | 22.7 | 27.3 | 4.6 | 4.8 | 2.4 |
DBHini = DBH at the beginning of the monitoring; DBHend = DBH at the end of the monitoring; I DBHmp = increment in DBH during the monitoring period; AI DBHbmp = annual increment in DBH before the monitoring period; AI DBHmp = annual increment in DBH during the monitoring period.
During the monitoring period, the observed increment in DBH (Fig. 5B and Table 2) was higher for the agroforestry systems (4.1 to 4.6 cm) as compared to the forest (3.4 cm). Such increment was as higher as larger the distance between the eucalyptus rows, being the values measured for the iCLF 12.5x25 and iCLF 25x25 very close to each other (4.5 and 4.6, respectively). On the other hand, the treatment iCLF 12.5x12.5 showed a lower value (4.1 cm), demonstrating a certain level of intraspecific competition, but with a growth pattern that remained higher than that observed for the forest.
The diameter growth rhythm was influenced by the time after the production systems implantation. The annual increment in DBH was equal to 4.5 cm year− 1 for the forest before the monitoring period, what represented 92 to 94% of the growth rhythm observed in the trees of the agroforestry systems (Table 2). However, as can be noted in Fig. 5B and Table 2, during the monitoring period this difference has increased, since the annual increment in DBH for the forest (1.8 cm year− 1) stayed between 75 and 86% of the observed in the agroforestry systems.
The calculated DIdaily for the eucalyptus trees showed variation during the monitoring period and an overall tendency of higher values when cultivated in the agroforestry systems as compared to the forest (Fig. 6). The mean DIdaily was 0.0048, 0.0060, 0.0065 and 0.0068 cm day− 1 for the forest, iCLF 12.5x12.5, iCLF 12.5x25 and iCLF 25x25 treatments, respectively. Therefore, as compared to the forest, the growth rhythm of the eucalyptus in iCLF 12.5x12.5 was 24.7% higher, 35% for the iCLF 12.5x25 and 40.9% for the iCLF 25x25. This finding corroborates with FARIA et al. (2015), which states that as bigger as is the distance between eucalyptus rows, higher should be their increment in diameter.
The findings presented above was confirmed in the statistical analysis presented in Table 3. Considering the significance level of 95%, the pairwise t-test, applied to evaluate the DIdaily series in Fig. 6, rejects the hypothesis that the treatments are similar. Therefore, the daily eucalyptus diameter growth among the treatments are different, being the forest lower than all other agroforestry treatment. In addition, results of the Table 3 shows that iCLF 12.5x12.5 can be considered equal to iCLF 12.5x25, but is lower when compared to iCLF 25x25. Finally, iCLF 12.5x25 and iCLF 25x25 can be considered one equal to the other.
Table 3
– Results of the pairwise t-test applied to the data series of daily increment in diameter (DIdaily) of the eucalyptus trees grown in different production systems (forest and iCLF, integrated crop-livestock-forest).
| Forest | iCLF 12.5x12.5 | iCLF 12.5x25 |
iCLF 12.5x12.5 | 0.0193 | - | - |
iCLF 12.5x25 | 0.0012 | 0.1042 | - |
iCLF 25x25 | 0.0003 | 0.0314 | 0.4946 |
Note: p value ≤ 0.05 means different and > 0.05 means equal. |
In the forest, because it is a dense population, the intraspecific competition is higher if compared to the iCLF systems studied here, since in the later each eucalyptus rows has larger distances one from each other. This fact justifies the lower values of DBH in the forest system, as well as the lower diameter growth rhythm of the trees in it. As stated by GILAD (2008), the intraspecific competition is a type of competition between individuals of a same species, competing for resources like water, space, light, nutrients, etc., imputing a restricted offer to each individual, what may result in effects like the reduction of its growth, as observed in the present study.
Similar behavior was observed by OLIVEIRA at al. (2009) in a study conducted at Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The authors evaluated the effect of different planting design over the DBH of an E. camaldulensis and E. urophylla hybrid, finding that, even for younger trees (18 to 27 months old), the DBH was as lower as the shorter was the spacing between trees at the planted forest. In OLIVEIRA et al. (2015), authors found higher diameter growth and height of a clone of E. grandis in an iCLF system as compared to the planted forest, what corroborated the findings of the present study.
Given that the diameter growth of eucalyptus trees proved to be higher in agroforestry systems, like iCLF, this puts theses production systems as possible alternatives when the farmer intends to harvest timber with a desired diameter in a smaller time interval (precocity) or when the intention is to harvest timber with bigger diameters, to be used in nobler applications. Independent of the wish, the whole field in iCLF still able to be used for other economic activities, such as agriculture or livestock, being the challenge of the farmer or the technicians to equalize the benefits or the loss of having less or more trees in the field.
3.2. Relation between diameter growth and climate variables
When compared the monthly measured precipitation and the normal values (as presented in Fig. 1), stay clear that the experimental period was of above-normal precipitation, since in 12 of 22 months the precipitation was at least 20% above normal, in six months they stayed normal (between 20% above or under normal) and only in four months the precipitation occurred at least 20% under normal (Table 4).
Table 4
– Monthly precipitation during the experimental period and verification of their adherence to the normality. There was assumed as normality limits, 20% above or under the normal value.
Month | Observed (mm) | Normal* (mm) | % difference | Situation |
Nov-2014 | 233 | 189.6 | 22.9 | ↑ Above |
Dec-2014 | 136.4 | 185.2 | -26.3 | ↓ Under |
Jan-2015 | 264.4 | 178.3 | 48.3 | ↑ Above |
Feb-2015 | 183.4 | 173.1 | 6.0 | ≈ Normal |
Mar-2015 | 177.4 | 165.8 | 7.0 | ≈ Normal |
Apr-2015 | 141 | 132.6 | 6.3 | ≈ Normal |
May-2015 | 262.4 | 132.2 | 98.5 | ↑ Above |
Jun-2015 | 88.8 | 96.1 | -7.6 | ≈ Normal |
Jul-2015 | 233.8 | 55.8 | 319.0 | ↑ Above |
Aug-2015 | 17.6 | 52.8 | -66.7 | ↓ Under |
Sep-2015 | 246.6 | 111.9 | 120.4 | ↑ Above |
Oct-2015 | 175 | 193.7 | -9.7 | ≈ Normal |
Nov-2015 | 302.8 | 189.6 | 59.7 | ↑ Above |
Dec-2015 | 379.8 | 185.2 | 105.1 | ↑ Above |
Jan-2016 | 217.6 | 178.3 | 22.0 | ↑ Above |
Feb-2016 | 356.2 | 173.1 | 105.8 | ↑ Above |
Mar-2016 | 148.6 | 165.8 | -10.4 | ≈ Normal |
Apr-2016 | 163.2 | 132.6 | 23.1 | ↑ Above |
May-2016 | 296 | 132.2 | 123.9 | ↑ Above |
Jun-2016 | 37 | 96.1 | -61.5 | ↓ Under |
Jul-2016 | 23 | 55.8 | -58.8 | ↓ Under |
Aug-2016 | 149 | 52.8 | 182.2 | ↑ Above |
* Normal values obtained from SOUZA (2018), as can be seen in Fig. 1.
As disposed in Fig. 6 on an almost monthly scale, Fig. 7 refers to an analysis of almost bimonthly data (± 61 days) regarding the DIdaily and climate variables, i.e. air temperature and precipitation. Such scale adjustment was made in order to smooth the data, since for forest species, including eucalyptus, there is a tendency of the growth to be a response of stimuli occurred a long time ago, not necessarily occurred in the same month, for example.
Regarding the climate variables, precipitation presented much more variation if compared to the air temperature (Fig. 7), with the rainiest two months occurring in the summer of 2015/2016 (643.6 mm), while the driest two months occurred during the winter of 2015 (165.8 mm). The graphics in Fig. 7 suggests a connection between DIdaily series of all treatments and precipitation, but not with temperature.
The strength of these connections was evaluated by means of the Pearson correlation coefficient (Fig. 8), which revealed little or no influence of air temperature over eucalyptus trees diameter growth, both for the forest and agroforestry systems (r values close to 0). This was possibly a consequence of eucalyptus environmental adaptation to the studied region, since there, mean monthly air temperature stays normally between 17.9 and 25 ºC, as disposed in Fig. 1. This range is largely considered favorable to eucalyptus growth, as sustained by QUEIROZ et al. (2020), who considers temperatures form 6 to 31 ºC as an adequate range, with optimum values between 18 to 22 ºC. Similar results were found by RYAN et al. (2020), who evaluated eight commercial forestry plantations in different production poles in Brazil. They concluded that air temperature have no influence over eucalyptus growth in situations where water is not considered a limiting factor. The authors suggests that air temperature might be of some influence only in situations where there is significant water restriction.
Unlike air temperature, precipitation proved to be of great influence over eucalyptus diameter growth, favoring it. This was evidenced by means of the Pearson correlation coefficients that varied from 0.42 to 0.63, with higher values being observed for the agroforestry systems. It demonstrates a major influence of the precipitation over the trees diameter growth when eucalyptus is cultivated in such integrated production systems.
Even that eucalyptus is a perennial species with deep root system, precipitation is a crucial factor that strongly drives eucalyptus diameter growth, since it dictates the soil water balance and, consequently, the level in which the eucalyptus water requirement is satisfied. In this regard, although CHRISTINA et al. (2017) emphasizes the role of deep roots to the eucalyptus survival during dry periods, there are the top soil layered roots the responsible for providing dynamism to the water use and, consequently, to the diameter growth, diminishing it during periods of water restriction and increasing when water is available.
Previous studies in eucalyptus forests demonstrated that the growth parameters are increased by the effect of irrigation. STAPE et al. (2004) found that the level of water supply was an important factor that limited trees growth. They also found that, when eucalyptus was irrigated, the wood productivity was increased by 52%, while the water use has increased only 15%. Similar results were found by REIS et al. (2006), showing that irrigation has resulted in trees with increased DBH and wood volume, although trees height were not influenced. Finally, RYAN et al. (2020), after evaluating eight commercial forestry plantations in different production poles in Brazil, were conclusive when stating that the water supply is the key resource determining levels of plantation productivity in Brazil. They endorsed the idea that irrigation can aid the eucalyptus to reach its full productivity potential.
Therefore, considering the potential benefits of the irrigation practice to the eucalyptus and taking into account the greater responsiveness of the iCLF to the water availability as compared to a planted forest (previously demonstrated in the present study), these suggests that there is potential for using irrigation in iCLF production systems. This probably should be done using localized irrigation methods, applying water close to the trees rows, instead of spraying it over the whole area, unless there is a wish to also supply water to the inter-row crops. Although the economic feasibility should be considered, the irrigation adoption may perhaps be positive for the eucalyptus growth and precocity in iCLF, what deserves more research because they are scarce.