Validating a novel measure of economic harm
Before describing the primary results, we establish grounds for accepting the validity of our key measures. Further information is provided in the Methods section and Supplementary Text. First, we create a “harm index” as the standardized individual-level mean of responses to five survey items about how respondents’ lives have been affected by the coronavirus situation. They are as follows: whether their lives have been affected, whether they lost their job or business temporarily or permanently (two distinct items), whether they worked fewer hours, or whether they received less money. Using the global sample, each item is standardized to have a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one.
In the Supplementary Text, we show that the economic harm index—and its component parts—strongly predict four measures of subjective well-being, covering 1) changes in subjective living standards, 2) current life evaluation, 3) experiences of worry, and 4) lack of money for food (wording is provided in Supplementary Table 3). Essentially, we regress these outcomes on the harm index, controlling for respondent demographics and county fixed effects and find large and significant conditional correlations, indicating that our measure of economic harm has consequences for subjective well-being and financial distress (Supplementary Fig. 1).
Next, we check the reliability and validity of World Poll data on employment losses against alternative sources. World Poll data on the job loss rate are broadly aligned with administrative data on changes in the official unemployment rate (correlation is 0.52 in 52 countries). Yet, in addition to broader coverage, the World Poll measures are superior in two respects: harmonization in measurement and a causal link with COVID-19. With rare exceptions in normal times, “unemployment” requires that adults are out of work but seeking and able to work. If that latter two conditions are unmet, the person is considered out of the labor force, but not unemployed. COVID-19, however, resulted in many people losing their job but temporarily halting efforts to find a new one—for various reasons. Statistical offices around the world took different non-harmonized approaches to classifying such persons, resulting in biased unemployment rate levels and changes. Moreover, COVID-19 was not the only causal factor affecting social and economic conditions around the world, so the World Poll data also improve conceptual validity by asking respondents to attribute their economic harm to the pandemic and allowing them to express it along several dimensions (see Supplementary Text for further discussion of these issues).
Finally, we show that our primary policy measure also meets basic validity criteria, as discussed in Hale et al (2021). Stringency is weakly and positively related to COVID death rates but more closely related to measures of social-distancing, particularly those involving declines in visits to restaurants and small businesses (Supplementary Text and Supplementary Fig. 2). We examine two additional and related outcomes. In more stringent countries, self-reported social contact (available from a non-representative alternative survey covering a smaller number of countries) tends to be lower and reported cases of seasonal flu fell further from baseline season-adjusted trends—for the subset of countries with high quality flu data. This provides further evidence that the behaviors associated with respiratory disease transmission (e.g. social-contact) fell further where disease-suppression policies were strongest, but flu case data are likely more informative than COVID-19 case count data, since flu surveillance systems were well-established before 2020, and COVID surveillance relied on novel tests that were neither available uniformly globally nor across regions within countries. Taken together, this evidence suggests a plausible link between stringency and economic outcomes.
Stringency measures and economic harm: main results
We now proceed with the main research question – whether more stringent restrictions are associated with a greater degree of economic harm. The stringency of mitigation policies is measured by the COVID-19 Government Response Tracker (Hale et al 2021). Harm is aggregated from the World Poll microdata, using sample weights to ensure representative coverage. The analysis regresses harm on stringency (see Methods).
Column (1) of Table 1 reports a bivariate correlation between policy stringency and economic harm. The estimate is equivalent to an 11-percentage point increase in the mean of the economic harm index (or 0.42 standard deviations) for every 1 standard deviation increase in the policy stringency index.
The unconditional correlation may be confounded by other factors. In particular, one can think heuristically of the degree of economic harm from restrictions to economic activity as a function of 3 main factors (i) the stringency of lockdown policies; (ii) the ability of workers to continue working remotely; and (iii) the extent of mitigation measures deployed by the government to alleviate the welfare impacts of the economic crisis. In columns (2)–(4) we control, one by one, for the variables that serve as proxies for these main transmission channels.
To capture the ability of workers to work remotely, we employ the measure of broadband connections per capita, which we predict will minimize harm from stringency by fostering remote work (Neidhofer et al., 2021; Narayan et al, 2022; World Bank, 2022). In line with our heuristic priors, we find higher levels of broadband connectivity to be strongly and negatively correlated with the degree of economic harm – a 1 standard deviation increase in broadband connections per capita is associated with an 18 percentage point decrease in the harm index. The correlation between the stringency index and economic harm become somewhat smaller once we control for broadband connectivity, falling from 11 to 8 percentage points, but it remains highly significant.
Next, we control for the degree of government’s economic support, as measured by the Oxford economic support index. The index captures the record of government providing direct cash payments to people who lose their jobs or cannot work, including payments to firms that are linked to payroll/salaries, as well as the record of the government freezing financial obligations for households (e.g. stopping loan repayments, preventing services like water from stopping or banning evictions). The estimates suggest that the degree of economic support is not correlated with the extent of economic harm, which is related to the fact that we are conditioning on broadband connectivity, and both the extent of mitigation measures and broadband connectivity are strongly correlated with GDP per capita. The bivariate correlation between harm and economic support is negative, as we would expect, at -0.31.
In column (4), we further condition on the measure of COVID-19 deaths per 100k population to check whether the degree of economic harm is a function of the health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. We find that conditional on the policy stringency index, the death toll of the COVID-19 pandemic is not correlated with our measure of economic harm. We return to this point in the robustness analysis.
Finally, we consider that large pre-pandemic social-economic status gaps (measured by income inequality) may have affected both the policies and the outcomes. Therefore, we control, in column (5), for the pre-pandemic level of inequality as measured by the Gini index. Doing so, reduces the coefficient on stringency very modestly (from 0.08 to 0.07). The model shows that higher levels of pre-pandemic inequality are associated with greater economic harm – a 1 standard deviation increase in the Gini index is associated with an 8-percentage point increase in economic harm (0.28 standard deviations). Even with this included in the mode, a one-standard deviation increase in stringency predicts a 0.27 standard deviation increase in harm. This is our preferred estimate of the relationship between stringency and harm.
Table 1
Restrictions on economic activity and the harm index: cross-country evidence
Standardized Stringency index
Broadband connections per capita
Economic support index
Log of COVID deaths per 100k
Income inequality (Gini index)
Adjusted R-squared
Notes: Dependent variable – harm index. Standard errors in parentheses. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.1
Sensitivity analysis of main results
To test the robustness of our primary findings, we conduct four types of robustness checks, each of which is described in greater detail in the Supplementary Materials: 1) we decompose the harm index into its components and otherwise replicate the main analysis; 2) we vary the measurement of key constructs and the underlying theoretical heuristic; 3) we run a modified analysis using a panel of countries and country-fixed effects; 4) we replicate the analysis using out-of-sample data and external sources within the United States, taking advantage of detailed state-level data; additionally, we use pre-COVID U.S. political-party strength at the state level to identify exogenous variation in state-level COVID stringency.
In the first check, we re-run model 5 from Table 1 (our preferred specification) but change the outcome from the harm index to one of the five underlying constructs (i.e. lost work hours, temporarily laid off, lost income, affected a lot by COVID, or lost job/business). Stringency is positively and significantly related to each outcome at 95% confidence intervals (Supplementary Table 4). In standard deviation terms, the smallest effect of stringency is on lost income (0.18 st. dev.) and the largest is affected a lot (0.35 st. dev.). The harm index effect falls in between at 0.28.
Next, we explore other threats to validity by varying the sample and measurement. We run ten alternative models, using our preferred specification as the baseline. Results are available in Supplementary Table 5. Model 1 includes six binary variables for U.N. regions, under the assumption that disease may spread more readily within regions than across them. Model 2 uses more refined sub-regional effects (14 units). Model 3 replaces the official death count with a model-based estimate from (IHME 2021). The fourth uses seroprevalence estimates of infection rates instead of deaths per capita (which should be more accurate than case-count infection rates, given uneven testing access and motivation). The fifth replaces the economic support index with GDP per capital (PPP-adjusted). The sixth, includes controls for population density and median age, since the former predicts true infection-risk, all else equal, and the latter predicts actual health-risk. The seventh adds age, density, and controls for compliance with social-distancing (using Google Mobility visits to restaurants and similar places); the eight replaces the Google mobility measure with self-reported social distancing from a Facebook-based survey (Fan et al 2020); the ninth restricts the sample to low-income and lower middle-income countries (41 countries), and the tenth restricts to high and upper-middle-income countries (65 countries). Stringency remains significant at 95% confidence levels in each model and the coefficient is largely consistent.
Third, we use an out-of-sample replication of our model within the United States, taking advantage of state-level variation in policy stringency (also from Hale et al) and a U.S. Census Bureau data collection effort that asked adult respondents if anyone in their household had experienced a loss of work-related income in the last 4 weeks. Without using World Poll data, we are able to measure the same constructs used in Table 1 and conduct the analysis across 50 states and the District of Columbia, which has its own quasi-state level control over public health policy. Similar to our preferred model, we include controls for the teleworking rate, median household income, deaths per capita, and household income inequality (Gini coefficient).
The U.S. analysis is remarkably consistent with our global analysis. Regressing income loss rates on stringency, the coefficient on stringency is the same for both the U.S. sample and the global sample (0.03, see Supplementary Table 6), though the variance is much smaller within the United States. In our global sample, a one-standard deviation in stringency predicts 0.18 standard deviation increase in the percent of workers reporting income-loss. In the U.S. sample, a one-standard deviation increase in stringency predicts a 0.49 standard deviation increase in income loss.
The U.S. analysis allows one other advantage in causal identification. As has been widely noted (see Canes-Wrone, Rothwell, and Makridis 2022 for one example), partisan political power is highly correlated with COVID-19 related policies and voter preferences, even conditional on the measured disease burden—which is unrelated to stringency practices or preferences. Thus, state partisanship provides an exogenous source of variation in policy that is independent of the disease burden. We construct an instrumental variable for partisan power that is increasing in Republican Party influence over state institutions. This variable predicts much lower stringency. Our two-stage least squares estimator for the effect of stringency on income loss is highly significant (p < .01), with a coefficient of 0.06. This estimate can be interpreted as a causal effect in so far as factors affecting state-level economic performance during the pandemic did not vary by party control of the state, except in how they restricted social and economic activity (Supplementary Table 6).
Fourth, we run models that allow stringency and harm to vary within countries so we can control for country-factors that do not vary over the pandemic. This is possible because the World Poll used multiple waves of data collection. An important difference in this analysis is that we use the current unemployment rate and current deaths per capita instead of our cumulative harm and disease burden measures. We do this because cumulative measures include lagged country-level effects; thus, their inclusion would reintroduce the bias we are aiming to mitigate. The analysis finds that workers were more likely to be unemployed during the periods in which their country adopted tighter restrictions. A one standard deviation increase in the stringency index predicts a 0.9 percentage point increase in the unemployment rate, which has a standard deviation of 5 percentage points (Supplementary Table 7). Using this same set-up, we show that stringency also reduced visits to restaurants and reduced flu-transmission relative to historic expectations. This is consistent with stringent policies affecting actual behavior (e.g. social contact) relevant to the economy. Details and limitations of this analysis are discussed in the Supplementary Text.
Alternative policy responses and economic harm
We consider that restricting social and economic activity was not the only tool available to public health officials. Widespread testing, meticulous contact tracing, social-distancing focused on the elderly, travel restrictions, and use of facial coverings outside of one’s home are alternatives to universal social-distancing and some do not necessarily limit economic behavior. The Oxford database tracks these and several other policies, and we tested these in our preferred model that controls for COVID-19 deaths, broadband access, government capacity, and household income inequality (column 5 of Table 1). We also run a parsimonious model with only GDP per capita and broadband access.
In predicting the harm index, we find that some, but not all policy measures are positively associated with economic harm and many have no significant relationship. Using our preferred specification, the six measures for which we find positive and significant correlations with economic harm are the stringency index, stay-at-home orders, internal travel restrictions, the closure of public transportation, school closures, and the cancelation of public events. At the same time, protection of the elderly, vaccination policy, contract tracing, public information campaigns, and mask orders are not associated with greater economic harm (Fig. 1, left bottom panel). These results are largely consistent with a parsimonious model, except testing policies and workplace closings become significant and positively associated with harm.
We run the same analysis for the job loss rate (Fig. 1, right panels). In addition to the stringency index, school closures, the closing of public transportation, restrictions on gatherings, and stay-at-home orders are significantly associated with a higher job loss rate. On the other hand, we do not find a statistically significant positive correlation between job losses and measures such as testing policy, contact tracing, and masks orders or protecting the elderly. Workplace closings are significantly associated with harm in the parsimonious model, but in the preferred model, the effect becomes insignificant.
Taken together, these findings suggest that disease mitigation effort does not necessarily predict economic harm; while no policy significantly predicts less harm, those that predict greater harm all directly restrict economic and social activity. Policies targeting health-interventions rather than economic activities, on the other hand, seem relatively harmless to the macroeconomy. These include contract tracing, testing, and mask orders.
Socio-economic Status And Heterogenous Effects Of Stringency: Individual-level Analysis
The previous discussion considered the average country-level effects of policy stringency on economic harm. Here, we consider that public health policies, even when they are implemented uniformly at the national level, may not affect all households and individuals the same way. To do so, we return to the full individual-level microdata from the World Poll and examine whether national restrictions played out differently across population groups.
This analysis aims to extend this literature on the distributional impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in several important ways. First, it offers the most comprehensive global coverage, representing nearly three-quarters of the global population (5.7 billion adults) in a large randomly-selected, representative sample. Second, we are able to capture distributional impacts using more holistic measures of economic harm, whereas most of the earlier studies, especially in developing countries, focused primarily on job losses. Third, we are able to estimate heterogeneous impacts across income quantiles within countries, whereas most of the earlier studies in developing country contexts had to rely on proxies such as the education level of respondents or their place of residence to make inference on the socio-economic gradient in the COVID-19 impacts.
In order to examine the socio-economic gradient associated with the policy stringency measures, we start by examining how the degree of economic harm varies across different population groups. We estimate multivariate regression with several alternative dependent variables, including (i) whether the household has been affected a lot by COVID-19; (ii) whether one experienced job loss on account of COVID-19 (temporarily or permanently), and (iii) our combined harm index. Our model regresses harm on the demographic indicators listed in Fig. 2, while additionally controlling for religious preference, country-effects, and year-month effects.
The results reveal considerable heterogeneity in the impact of economic restrictions on job losses and welfare within countries, with the most striking result being the higher economic harm among those at the bottom of the within-country income distribution. The degree of economic harm is highest in the bottom income quintile, monotonically decreasing for higher income levels.
These differences are large and economically significant. For instance, the probability of reporting a lost job due to COVID-19 is 17 percentage points higher in the bottom quintile than in the top quintile, on average. In similar vein, those with secondary education were 5 percentage points more likely to lose their jobs compared to those with tertiary education, and those with primary education were 9 percentage points more likely to lose jobs than those with secondary education. The degree of economic harm is higher for those with lower levels of education. These results are consistent with the findings of several earlier studies that similarly find greater job losses among the more vulnerable population groups (Bundervoet et al., 2021; Kugler et al., 2021; Narayan et al., 2022; World Bank, 2022).
When we aggregate the various dimensions of the welfare impacts of COVID-19 into our harm index, the estimates reveal that the impact of stringency measures on economic harm is 20 percentage points higher in the bottom income quintile compared to the top income quintile (0.27 standard deviations). Likewise, for those with only primary education the predicted value of the economic harm index is 9 percentage points higher relative to those with tertiary education (0.12 standard deviations).
Women were more likely than men to report being “affected a lot” by COVID-19, but no more likely to score higher on the harm index, nor to lose their job permanently, and slightly less likely to experience a temporary layoff. Middle-aged adults and residents of cities were more likely than adults aged 60–64 (the reference group) and young adults to experience harm. Likewise, urban dwellers were more likely to experience harm than those in rural areas. To summarize these results, the pandemic has resulted in disproportionate harm to households with lower socio-economic status, especially if middle-aged and living in cities.
Given the link between harm and stringency established above, we would also like to test whether the socio-economic status relationship with harm widens or narrows as country utilize more stringent COVID restrictions. To investigate this question, we construct quartiles of the Oxford policy stringency index, based on the overall distribution of the index in our sample, and re-estimate our models separately for each quartile of the policy stringency index distribution. For illustrative purposes, Fig. 3 compares the estimates across the 1st and 4th quartiles of the stringency index, with the first quartile corresponding to the lowest levels of stringency and the 4th quartile to the highest levels of stringency.
The estimates suggest that socio-economic status gaps become even larger as the degree of policy stringency becomes higher. For instance, households in the bottom income quintile are 13 percentage points more likely to lose a job relative to households in the top income quintile when the levels of economic stringency measures are relatively low (1st quartile), but as restrictions to economic activity become severe (4th quartile), job loss becomes 24 percentage points more likely in the bottom income quintile compared to the top quintile. The relative risk of job loss for those with a primary education compared to those with a tertiary education is roughly 5.2 percentage points higher in countries with severe restrictions compared to those with more relaxed restrictions (13.7 vs 8.5). We find similar results for the harm index and whether the respondent was affected a lot.
The heterogeneity in the degree of economic harm across different age groups also becomes more pronounced as stringency increases, though the error margins overlap. Overall, those in the middle of the age distribution report higher rates of harm.
Analytically, this approach is equivalent to regressing harm on an interaction term that multiples an indicator of country-level stringency with every demographic measure and observing large effects between stringency and low-income status. An alternative approach would be to interact the stringency index with only household income (as measured in within-country quintiles), omitting other controls that may be correlated with socio-economic status (see Supplementary Text and Supplementary Fig. 3). That analysis confirms that the socio-economic status gap widens as stringency increases, and in some cases, the results suggest that there is no socio-economic status gap for the subset of countries with very low stringency scores (like Sweden). Moreover, higher stringency does not predict higher levels of harm for households near the top of the income distribution, only those in the middle and lower rungs, which may shed light on the political demand for restrictions.