Climate response to orbital and greenhouse gas forcings
MIS5e and MIS5d correspond approximately to the minimum and maximum phase of the precession index (Fig. 1A) during the past 130 kyrs. Atmospheric CO2 concentrations of ~ 275 ppm in both periods as well as the corresponding global mean tropical temperatures were similar to pre-industrial levels (Table 1, Fig. 1C), as shown by a reconstruction of tropical SST 21 and a transient climate model simulation 22 conducted with a lower-resolution model version of CESM1.2.2 (Fig. 1C). Therefore, the comparison between the corresponding CESM1.2.2 paleo time slice simulations reveal mostly the impact of precessional variability and the associated effect of seasonal and hemispheric insolation asymmetry on the climate system.
Analyses of averaged tropical climate variables relevant for TC dynamics over the oceans in these simulations reveal the following: atmospheric responses to incoming solar radiation in the orbital forcing simulations during the boreal summer and austral summer are out of phase (Fig. 2). Due to the meridionally asymmetric solar insolation, there is an increased solar radiation in the NH summer (July to September) and decreased radiation in the SH summer (January to March) during MIS5e compared to MIS5d. This anomalous distribution of solar insolation generates a warmer NH summer and autumn (as in the CO2 forcing simulation at 200 hPa) and a colder austral summer and autumn (Fig. 2B). We observe increased temperatures with a lag of a few months both at lower levels and with a greater magnitude in the upper levels (Fig. 2B). The forced specific humidity variations are proportional to the temperature changes with higher values during the NH summer and lower values during the SH summer months in the MIS5e in comparison with MIS5d (Fig. 2C). As warm air can hold more moisture, the region with increased temperatures should correspond to reduced RH. Interestingly, the diagnosed changes in relative humidity (RH) do not show a decrease during the NH summer but indicate increases during the SH summer in the MIS5e than the MIS5d (Fig. 2D). There is no apparent trend in decreasing RH with an increase in temperatures in the NH summer due to regional variations in the moisture content associated with the regional-scale phenomenon (Fig S1).
In contrast to the orbital forcing simulations which have clear seasonal (i.e., hemispheric) differences in the temperature and moisture responses, the 2×CO2 forcing simulation exhibits annual and hemispherically symmetric positive temperature anomalies relative to the PD climate conditions. The increased CO2 concentration in the atmosphere increases tropospheric temperatures with significantly higher values in the upper levels compared to the lower levels, due to the moist adiabat response (red and blue dashed lines in Fig. 2B) 12,23−25. The increased global air temperatures lead to year-round increased values of specific humidity and reduced RH in the lower troposphere across the tropical ocean basins. Although there are variations in each month, it is interesting to observe that the NH summer climatic response to orbital forcing (MIS5e - MIS5d) is qualitatively similar to that of the NH summer greenhouse warming response with higher temperatures. On the other hand, the SH summer orbital response is opposite to that of the CO2 doubling forcing (Fig. 2B).
These differences in temperatures and moisture content of the atmosphere lead to changes in the stability and the moist-entropy deficit parameters (Fig. S2). It has previously been demonstrated that large-scale increases in atmospheric stability led to a reduction in TC frequency 26–28. In addition, increased values of the moist-entropy deficit provide unfavorable conditions for TC formation which reduces the extent of the sustained atmospheric convection during the genesis stage of a storm 29,30. The positive stability and moist entropy deficit anomalies are most pronounced for the 2×CO2 simulation and they affect both hemispheres in their respective summer season. In contrast, in the MIS5e simulation, we observe higher stability and moist energy deficit during the NH summer as compared to the MIS5d simulation (Fig. S2A, C); but weaker values during the SH summer (Fig. S2B, D). Therefore, the environmental response to greenhouse gas forcing allows us to simply expect reduced TC frequencies in both hemispheres and reduced TC frequency in the NH summer and enhanced TC frequency in SH summer in response to orbital forcing (MIS5e). We will further test these hypotheses using the GPI analysis compared with two TC tracking schemes analysis and explore whether the MIS5e NH summer can be regarded qualitatively as an analogue situation to the greenhouse warming case.
Large-scale TC Genesis Environments
To understand the impact of orbital forcing and greenhouse gas forcing on TC genesis environments, we calculated the GPI (see Fig. S3 and Methods) for different climate conditions from paleoclimate to future climate15,30−35. We also evaluated the relative importance of the GPI components in relation to the corresponding change in the large-scale environment for TCs genesis (i.e., GPI component analysis). As each basin has different seasons for TC activity, we calculated GPI changes in the peak TC seasons for the respective basins (JAS in the NH Pacific and Atlantic, OND in the North Indian (NI) Ocean, JFM in the SH basins) and combined them in one map (Fig. 3). In response to orbital forcing, the total GPI is reduced in key regions of TC genesis such as the Western North Pacific (WNP), the northwestern North Atlantic (NA), and equatorial side of the Eastern North Pacific (ENP), while is enhanced in the North and South Indian Ocean, subtropical ENP, Caribbean Sea, and some areas in the South Pacific (Fig. 3A). In the greenhouse gas forcing experiments, the total GPI is reduced over almost all the key TC genesis regions (Fig. 3F). In the paleoclimate simulations, the thermodynamical conditions (i.e., moist-entropy deficit and maximum potential intensity) can explain most of the TC frequency changes except for the Caribbean Sea where the vertical wind shear largely contributes to the changes in TC frequency. In future climate simulations, the moist-entropy deficit explains most of the changes in TC frequency. Therefore, both for the orbital and 2xCO2 simulations, the diagnosed changes in GPI are to first order consistent with the changes in the moist entropy deficit (Fig. 3D and 3I). Other GPI factors play only a secondary role in explaining the large-scale shifts in GPI. In contrast, a recent paleo-study focusing on the Paleocene–Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) epoch (characterized by increased CO2 conditions and land-sea distribution) found that changes in vertical wind shear can explain the changes in the TC genesis under increased greenhouse gas conditions 12. To further test the robustness of our results, we also calculated the conventional GPI Eq. (36; Methods) which differs from the Korty 14 approach in two terms: (1) RH at 700 hPa instead of moist entropy deficit and (2) vertical velocity at 500 hPa. The conventional GPI component analysis also shows that moisture-related variables, i.e., 700 hPa RH, can capture most of the changes in the GPI (Fig. S4), thereby supporting our results from the other GPI component analysis.
Reduced values of RH and increased stability of the atmosphere due to increased upper-level temperatures act as unfavorable conditions for TC formation. The RH is an indicator for water vapor given the maximum amount of water the air can hold at a temperature. Therefore, it is proportional to water vapor in the atmosphere and approximately inversely proportional to atmospheric temperature. In paleoclimate simulations, we observe a decrease in RH during the NH warm season and increases during its cold season indicating that temperature plays a larger role in determining the sign of RH (Fig. S5A-C). Similarly, in greenhouse warming experiments the sign of the monthly mean RH varies linearly with temperature. However, in contrast to the greenhouse warming effect (not shown), RH in the orbital forcing simulations shows regional differences (Fig. S1). The changes in the temperature and moisture across the NA, WNP, and all the SH ocean basins agree with the global changes, but the ENP and NI basins have higher RH during the NH summer, irrespective of the higher air temperatures. We notice stronger low-level monsoon westerlies in the MIS5e simulation (Fig. S6D) which can be partly related to the enhanced land-sea thermal contrast37. This circulation is associated with increased moisture transport into the Arabian sea region as compared to the Bay of Bengal region (Fig. S6B). In addition, across the ENP and NI basins, we observe a northward shift of the ITCZ position in the MIS5e simulation leading to favorable conditions for TC formation (Fig. S7B & E).
Changes In Detected TC Genesis
The aforementioned changes in the large-scale conditions of different model simulations (i.e., orbital and CO2 forcing) can lead to changes in explicitly detected TCs as the storm tracking schemes use thresholds dependent on background large-scale environmental conditions. One of the advantages of high-resolution fully coupled simulations presented here is that they explicitly resolve the structure of TCs and relevant air-sea interactions 6. As illustrated here for a category-4 storm (Saffir-Simpson) during the MIS5e simulation (Fig. S8), TCs have a pronounced eye in the center and an SST cold wake effect oftentimes larger than 3℃. It is also noted that the current version of the CESM under PD conditions can capture the observed TC genesis climatology with certain regional variations while underestimating TCs in the NA and WNP basins (Fig. S9 and S10). To study the effect of paleoclimate and future forcings on TC tracks, we detected TCs using the last 60 years of each simulation (Methods).
Changes in TC genesis density during MIS5e show an increased density in the SH summer across southwestern SI and SP ocean basins compared to the MIS5d (Fig. 4A) mostly due to favorable TC forming conditions. Although not represented by the GPI, the tropical eastern Indian Ocean near the Sumatra Island has a lower genesis density (Fig. 4A). In addition, during the MIS5e period, the genesis density and track density differences (Fig. 4A, C) show a reduced number of detections in NA and WNP regions whereas the NI (Arabian Sea) and ENP basins show higher frequencies. The simulated changes in global and hemisphere mean TC frequency (Fig. S9) agree with other orbital simulations conducted with coarser-resolution model simulations that employ GPIs to study the variations of TC formations during the mid-Holocene period 14,15. However, these studies did not identify the inter-basin differences in genesis frequency and track density. Although there is a regional discrepancy between TC density and GPI in the SH summer during the MIS5e, it appears that the changes in TC genesis density during the NH summer are consistent with the changes in the GPI.
The future climate (i.e., greenhouse gas forcing) simulation shows reduced global annual TC genesis frequencies in both hemispheres compared to the PD (Fig. 4B, Fig. S9). The track densities indicate decreased densities in the tropics with a slightly increased track density in higher latitudes of the NH basins and in some locations of the South Pacific basin (Fig. 4D). In contrast to the MIS5e climate that exhibits a clear hemispheric asymmetry in the genesis frequency, the future climate simulation shows an overall decrease in the mean annual TC frequency across all the ocean basins in both hemispheres. Previous climate studies demonstrated that changes in the Hadley circulation (i.e., weakening of rising branches of Hadley cells in both the hemispheres) along with unfavorable environmental conditions can suppress TC formation in both hemispheres in response to CO2 forcing 4,6,11,38. In addition, the changes in TC genesis locations and tracks are insensitive to the use of traditional and phenomenon-based tracking schemes both in the paleoclimate and future climate thereby increasing the confidence of the simulated TC response (Fig. S11 and Methods).
It is interesting to note that the changes in GPI are qualitatively similar to the detected changes in TC genesis that are explicitly simulated by the model using different tracking schemes in most of the ocean basins. Previous studies on the GPI analysis showed that there is some disagreement between the model-simulated TCs and GPI-estimated TC genesis frequency in future warmer climates 39. However, in the current study, the considerable agreement of these GPI results in most of the ocean basins using two GPI indices including the paleoclimate, present, and future climates with the explicitly simulated TCs by the high-resolution model is encouraging. Additionally, unlike the response to a future warmer climate, the TC genesis density is not clearly reduced in the NH summer during the paleo-warmer period (MIS5e). Furthermore, we compare the locations of TC genesis detected using TC tracking schemes to seasonal changes in the thermodynamical and dynamical conditions that favor TC formation.
The seasonal variations in the 700 hPa RH closely align with the TC genesis frequency changes in most of the ocean basins showing that moisture may be a key controlling factor for the orbitally induced changes between MIS5e and MIS5d (Fig. S6B). Similarly, another thermodynamical variable, maximum potential intensity (MPI), can capture the detected TC genesis frequency in most of the basins except ENP (Fig. S6E). Moving on to changes in the dynamical variables, the development of the localized cyclonic vortex depends on large-scale absolute vorticity in the lower atmosphere. The seasonal fluctuations in the vorticity between the MIS5e and MIS5d are consistent with variations in the TC frequency, especially in SH basins. On the other hand, some regions of the NH basins including the ENP, and NA basins show little linkage with simulated lower TC frequencies and higher low-level vorticity values (Fig. S6C). The mid-level vertical velocity (Fig. S6F) varies seasonally and correlates with changes in relative humidity; the sustained convection that results from the greater mid-level moisture increases the mid-level upward motion. The lower values of the vertical wind shear between the 850 and 200 hPa are important for the storms to maintain their strength, favoring the development of initial vortices to develop into storms and TCs. We further find that SH summer has higher shear in the MIS5e compared to the MIS5d in most of the ocean basins which would oppose the simulated higher TC activities there (Fig.S6G). Over the paleoclimate simulations, the mismatch in the anomaly patterns of shear and TC frequency in some NH basins suggests that vertical shear plays only a minor role in describing global ocean changes in TC frequency. This indicates that the variations in the thermodynamical variables such as RH are mainly responsible for the associated changes in TC formation across most of the global ocean basins in the paleoclimates, thereby outweighing the effects of other dynamical variables.
In response to rising CO2 levels, the reduced RH values (Fig. S12B) cause a decrease in TC frequency throughout the global ocean basins. We similarly observe reduced mid-level vertical velocity and large-scale vorticity in the SH summer in the 2xCO2 experiment compared to the PD case (Fig. S12C, F). The fluctuations of these conditions, however, exhibit basin asymmetry in the NH basins. Therefore, the low-level vorticity/mid-level vertical velocity variables cannot explain the TC formation differences in both hemispheres. In the 2xCO2 experiments, the vertical wind shear variations exhibit larger values in SH summer and asymmetric values in the NH ocean basins (Fig. S12G). Hence, the underlying environmental conditions for a future warmer climate also suggest that moisture (thermodynamical variable) is a key factor influencing changes in the projected TC frequencies. In the next section, we investigate the response of TC intensity across various simulations conducted under paleoclimate, current, and future climatic conditions.
Changes In TC Intensity
The diagnosed changes in the environmental conditions might have an impact on the TC intensity as well. Here we have further examined the changes in the lifetime maximum 10 m wind speeds and the mean-sea level pressure of the storms in different past, present, and future climate simulations (Fig. S13). Although the model generally underestimates TC intensity, the model can capture the TC wind-pressure relationship in all the simulations and up to category 4 storms (Saffir-Simpson’s scale) of the present climate and category 5 storms of future climate (Fig. 5, Fig. S13). From the MIS5d TC wind-pressure relationship, we can observe an increased frequency of intense storms compared to the MIS5e simulation. There is a clear intensification of storms across the globe in 2×CO2 as compared to the PD climate.
The frequency of storms stratified by intensity category shows that there are less intense storms in the NH during the MIS5e, whereas more intense storms in the SH compared to the MIS5d. (Fig. 5). In contrast to the orbital forcing simulation which has hemispheric asymmetry in the frequency of the intense TCs, the greenhouse gas simulation shows a higher number of intense storms in both hemispheres. Furthermore, there is a reduced frequency (-20 to -470% across the category) of NH intense TC categories (Saffir-Simpson’s Category-2 to Category-4 storms) during the MIS5e and an increased frequency (+ 18 to + 90%) in the SH during the MIS5e (Category-1 to Category-4 storms) compared to the MIS5d. In the 2×CO2 simulation, we observe a reduction in the weaker category storms (i.e., Tropical storms (TS) to Category-2 storms) and an increase in the frequency of the stronger storms (Category-3 to Category-5) in both the hemispheres as compared to PD condition. As there is an overall reduction in the global TC frequency for future warmer climate conditions compared to the past warmer climates (Fig. S10), we observe a more pronounced reduction in the weaker storms in future climates as compared to the paleoclimate time slices. Therefore, in addition to the changes in the TC frequency, we also observe a hemispherically asymmetric response of TC intensities in the paleoclimate and a symmetric response in a future warmer climate.
To further understand the TC intensity (maximum of 10m wind speeds), we examined one thermodynamical variable, the maximum potential intensity (MPI) which measures the convective instability of the atmosphere and gives the measure of maximum potential wind speeds a storm can attain under the background condition of the atmospheric temperature and moisture 1. The seasonal differences in the MPI in general agree well with TC intensity change (Fig. S6E, Fig. S12E). In paleoclimate simulations, the seasonally varying radiation influences both atmospheric temperature and SSTs. The atmospheric temperatures respond faster than the underlying SSTs (Fig.S14) to the increases in radiation leading to reduced MPI (Fig. S15) in the NH summer of MIS5e as the upper atmosphere is warmer while the surface layer is still not that heated yet. The NH autumn (October and November), by which time surface waters have several months to adjust, develops a warmer surface layer than the atmosphere above with small differences leading to an increase in the MPI (Fig. S14 & Fig. S15). Therefore, MPI values in the NH summer are greater in the MIS5d simulation than those in the MIS5e simulation, whereas MPI in the SH summer is higher in the MIS5e simulation than the MIS5d. These variations in the MPI agree with earlier studies on paleoclimate that showed changes in TC intensity during Holocene or Mid-Holocene periods 14,15. In contrast, the magnitude of changes in MPI for future climate simulation (2×CO2) are generally small but are follows the sign of SSTs throughout the year (Fig. S14 & S15). Given these changes in the MPI caused by orbital and CO2 forcings, the NH summer in MIS5e cannot serve as an analogue to the 2xCO2 simulation because the environmental response at lower and upper levels varies significantly to different forcings.