For centuries, agroforestry systems were an important part of European agriculture and an integral part of the landscape. These systems have gradually declined with the intensification of agriculture practices: trees and hedges gradually lost their place in agricultural models (Bazin and Schmutz 1994; Barr and Gillespie 2000; Pointereau 2002; Pointereau and Coulon 2006), in order to increase the areas of agricultural plots and to facilitate the mechanization. But since the 1970s, the new intensive agricultural models have shown economic, environmental, and social weaknesses (Nair 1993), leading scientists to define and implement alternative agricultural patterns that reintegrated environmental and social issues into economic development (Millenium Ecosystem Assessment. 2005).
New agricultural models have been developed in opposition to the intensive models. This is the case of agroecology, which integrates ecological issues and the preservation of natural resources into production systems (Stassart et al. 2012; Guillou et al. 2013; Schaller 2013). As a result, policies and strategies have been put in place to replant trees and hedges into the fields and to resurrect the interest of agroforestry systems in order to address environmental issues in the heart of agricultural production. Now, agroforestry systems are also becoming more and more numerous thanks to the evolution of agriculture towards practices combining both agroecology and increased area-based biomass production. In Europe, agroforestry areas, including silvopasture, silvoarable and homegarden practices, are now estimated to occupy 19.77 Mha (Mosquera-Losada et al. 2018). These areas are gradually increasing and Zomer et al. estimated a 1.6% surface increase between 2000 and 2010 (Zomer et al. 2014; FAO 2019). It is hence essential to consider trees as a production output in their own right (complementary to annual agricultural production) and no longer as simple crop auxiliaries. In this context, a better understanding of their growth and development dynamics is essential in order to predict wood quality and to optimize both the valorization and transformation of agroforestry timbers.
However, while tropical agroforestry systems have been widely studied to date, this is not the case for agroforestry systems in temperate regions, either in Europe or in North America. Usually, studies in these systems focus more on the impact of the trees on the crops and there is very little information on the impact of the crops on the trees (e.g. Cutter and Garrett 1993) and on the growth dynamics of the trees.
The growing conditions of agroforestry trees are very different from those in conventional trees plantations. In temperate agroforestry systems, planting densities are much lower than those in forests are. In France, agroforestry plantation densities are usually between 30 and 200 trees/ha according to the associated production and the strategy of the farm (Liagre et al. 2012), whereas those forest densities usually range from 1000 to 1500 trees/ha (IGN 2017). At the individual level, these differences lead to modification of many parameters of the tree-growing environment, such as higher exposures to wind and light, while the competitiveness between trees is mainly replaced by trees/crops interactions. Some of these interactions have some positive effects; eg facilitation or complementarity between species for the resources. For example, competition for water availability leads to the formation of more developed and deeper tree roots (Mulia and Dupraz 2006), which improves the trees' resistance to drought (Dupraz and Liagre 2008; Dupraz et al. 2012). In addition to their interactions with annual crops, numerous human operations on their branches (pruning) may affect the development of agroforestry trees and therefore the formation of wood, both quantitatively and qualitatively (Plomion et al. 2001; Shanavas and Kumar 2007; Taghiyari and Efhamisisi 2012).
In order to anticipate the best use of wood in the agroforestry systems, it is necessary to study both trees’s productivity, through the quantity of wood they produce, and their quality as a material, the valuation that yields the most added value.
There are many definitions of wood quality and its meaning often differs, whether from the point of view of foresters, manufacturers or customers (Zhang 2003). It can be define as the suitability of wood for a particular end-use (Jozsa and Middleton 1994) and could be the result of physical and chemical characteristics of a tree, or a part of a tree, that enable it to meet the property requirements for different end products (Mitchell 1961). These characteristics, such as wood density, fiber length, proportion of sapwood and heartwood, proportion of clear wood, presence of reaction wood, or the amount of extractives, can be directly related to the species, but are also determined by the growing conditions of the environment. This implies a management of forest and agroforestry plots adapted to each site, whether in terms of species selection, planting density, fertilization, pruning, etc. (Jozsa and Middleton 1994).
The low planting densities of agroforestry systems are one of the major elements that may modulate tree growth and wood formation by inducing greater exposure to wind and reducing competition for light (Benomar et al. 2013). During their development, trees are regularly subjected to mechanical stimuli such as those induced by wind. In response to these mechanical disturbances, trees modulate their growing development by changing the distribution of their biomass (Niez et al. 2018). This acclimation phenomenon, called thigmomorphogenesis (Jaffe 1973), generally results in a decrease in aerial and reproductive growth in favor of root growth. In terms of aerial growth, there is generally a significant reduction in primary growth and an increase in secondary growth of their trunk (Niez et al. 2018). These changes are also coupled with a modification of the anatomy of their wood, then called flexure wood, and of its mechanical properties (Telewski 1989, 1995, 2006; Niklas 1996, 1998; Meng et al. 2006b, a; Coutand 2010; Bonnesoeur et al. 2016; Niez et al. 2018; Roignant et al. 2018). These responses to mechanical disturbances are still poorly understood, but they could strengthen the tree against the wind by improving its anchorage in the ground, reducing its drag and increasing the strength of its trunk (Gardiner et al. 2000; Nicoll et al. 2008; Niez et al. 2018).
In forest stands, it has been shown that a decrease in plantation density, is generally correlated with an increase in diameter growth (Bonnesoeur et al. 2016) and a decrease in the height growth of their trunk. As agroforestry trees are more exposed to wind due to lower planting densities than in forest, it can be assumed that they could be smaller and wider than those growing in forest plantations could.
Thanks to their late budburst (Dufour et al. 2013), which delays competition for light with neighboring arable crops, their heliophilicity and their fairly narrow crown, walnut trees are well suited for use in temperate agroforestry models with the production of high quality timber as one of the economic objectives. They are economically interesting because of their fruits and their valuable timber (Reisner et al. 2007; Mohni et al. 2009) and thus allow diversification of products and income within the agroforestry plots. Two main species of walnut trees are cultivated: the common walnut (Juglans regia) native to Central Asia and the black walnut (Juglans nigra) native to North America. For many decades, hybrids of these two species (Juglans x Regia x Nigra) have been created in order to improve the behavior of trees with a better disease resistance, a lower sensitivity to phototropism and finally better resistances to drought and spring frost. They are also more vigorous and have good crown dominance (Beritognolo 2001). The hybrid walnut species prefer well-watered climate, without drought, and a well-drained soil (Coello et al. 2008).
The objective of the present study is to compare the growth dynamics of agroforestry hybrid walnut trees (Juglans regia × nigra cv. NG23) with walnut trees grown in more conventional plantation density. We hypothesized that due to the lower planting density in the agroforestry plot, the agroforestry walnut trees could have a lower height growth but a higher width growth than their forest controls.