3.1. Preparation and UV-visible spectroscopic analysis
In the present study, the first objective was to use the aqueous extract of teff flour to prepare the TSNPs. The UV-visible spectra supported the successful green-route mediated generation of the silver nanoparticles. The optical properties of nanoparticles are sensitive to size, shape, concentration, agglomeration state, and refractive index near the nanoparticle surface, therefore, UV-visible/IR spectroscopy serve as tools of immense pertinence in identifying and characterizing these materials. No absorption peak was observed in UV-visible spectrum of Ag+ solution before reduction (Fig. 1). This is attributed to Ag+ ions’ d10 configuration (Konwarh et al., 2011).
In our pursuit to go green, we had resorted to the use of sunlight as catalyst for the generation of the nanoparticles. Initially, we had tried to reduce the silver salt under a) dark condition and b) ambient light condition of the laboratory at room temperature. Although, there was visible colour change (colourless to yellow, indicative of the reduction of the silver salt), it took considerably a long time (more than an hour) in both the cases. For the photo-assisted preparation, the gradual generation of silver nanoparticles, using 2: 1 ratio of the reducing agent and silver nitrate solution, was indicated by the progressive increase (till 22 min) in the absorbance intensity at around 420– 430 nm in the UV-visible spectra. This is attributable to silver’s surface plasmon resonance (SPR) (Fig. 1). The optical absorption of metal nanoparticles has been described traditionally and classically by Mie theory (Mie, 1908) as the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR). The optical absorption of metal nanoparticles can be described quantum mechanically due to intra- band excitations of conduction electrons by photon, mimicking the interactions of light on metal surface via the photoelectric absorption and Compton scattering. It is to be noted that the plasmonic coupling of metal nanoparticles with light augment a number of useful optical phenomena that finds application in ultra-sensitive biomolecular detection and lab-on-a-chip sensors. Furthermore, we had also assessed the prospects of preparing nanoparticles using solutions of varied ratios of the reducing agent and the silver salt. However, the preparation using 1:1 and 1:2 ratios led to considerably long time and appearance of a broad SPR peak, at around 450 nm, indicating considerably large particle size and polydisperse nanoparticles. Thus, we had resorted to proceed with the nanoparticles, prepared using 2:1 reducing agent to silver salt solution.
The rapid generation of the silver nanoparticles under the influence of sunlight (photo- induced bioreduction) could possibly be due to photo-induced homolytic cleavage of the O-H bond of the various bioreductants (example, amino acids) to form hydrogen radical that eventually transfers its electron to silver ion (Ag+)-generating silver nanoparticle. The oxygen radical part attains stabilization in the solution through extended conjugation. On the other hand, the compositional abundance of the biopolymers like starch in the teff extract is expected to confer steric stabilization to the nanoparticles (Fig. 2).
Based on the UV-visible spectral analysis, we then proceeded with the calculation of the band gap in the prepared TSNPs. Nanoparticles are larger than individual atoms and molecules but are smaller than bulk solid. They obey neither absolute quantum chemistry nor laws of classical physics and have properties that differ markedly from those expected. The effect of size quantization particularly in metals and semiconductors is profound. The size of a nanoparticle is comparable to the de Broglie wavelength of its charge carriers (i.e., electrons and holes). Due to the spatial confinement of the charge carriers, the edge of the valence and conduction bands split into discrete, quantized, electronic levels (Fig. 3). These electronic levels are similar to those in atoms and molecules. The spacing of the electronic levels and the bandgap increases with decreasing particle size. This is because the electron hole pairs are now much closer together and the Coulombic interaction between them can no longer be neglected giving an overall higher kinetic energy. This increase in bandgap can be observed experimentally by the blue-shift in the absorption spectrum or sometimes even visually by the colour of the samples. A larger bandgap means that more energy is required to excite an electron from the valance band to the conduction band and hence light of a higher frequency and lower wavelength would be absorbed.
The maximum absorbance wavelength is associated with the conduction band energy according to quantum theory of metal nanoparticles (Gharibshahi et al., 2017). The conduction band energy of Ag nanoparticles can be calculated indirectly from the absorption spectra by the following Tauc’s equation:
(αhν)2 = B(hν − Ecb) [3]
where α is the absorption coefficient, hv is the photon energy, Ecb is the conduction band energy, and B is a constant. According to this equation, by plotting the (αhν)2 versus energy and extrapolation of the linear part of the curve to the energy axis, the conduction band energy of Ag nanoparticles can be obtained as shown in Fig. 4. The Tauc plot shows that the band gap for the TSNPs was 2.26 eV. This is quite high compared to bulk silver (0 eV) and in lines with previously reported values for nanoparticles (Banerjee et al., 2008; Yukna, 2007; Yang et al., 1995; Gharibshahi et al., 2017).
We had also resorted to the UV-visible spectroscopic studies to understand the storage stability of the nanoparticles under room temperature (~ 23–26 OC). In our case, post storage of the TSNPs for a month, a slight shift of SPR peak (from 426 nm to 430 nm) was observed, however, the peak width remained the same (Fig. 5). The biomolecules present in the teff flour extract were envisaged to act both as the reducing and stabilizing agent, thereby preventing excess aggregation of the nanoparticles. It is pertinent to note that scattering from a sample is typically highly sensitive to the aggregation state of the sample, with scattering contribution augmenting with the increase in the aggregation of the particles.
The optical attributes of nanoparticles may be altered when particles aggregate and the conduction electrons (as in silver nanoparticles) near each particle surface become delocalized and are shared amidst the neighbouring particles. Occurrence of such events, leads to shifting of the SPR to lower energies, causing the absorption and scattering peaks to red-shift to longer wavelengths.
(Due to inaccessibility of other characterization tools (DLS, zeta potential, HRTEM etc.) during the execution of this B.Sc. project work in Ethiopia, we could not present a complete landscape of the physicochemical characterization of the nanoparticles. Nevertheless, the UV-visible spectroscopic analysis attested or at least indicated the successful preparation of the TSNPs. Thus, we proceeded with our investigation into their prospective applications and preliminary delving of their action at the bio-interface.)
3.2. Prospective Applications and nanobiointerfacial interactions
3.2.1. Dye decolourization (application as catalyst)
Use of various dyes in paper, plastic, leather, food, cosmetic and textile industries have led to multiple issues including skin irritation, liver, kidney damage as well as the widespread application could prove detrimental to the central nervous system and even result in mutation and cancer (Latha et al., 2019). The need of the hour is to economically and safely mitigate the various synthetic dyes in the environment. Amongst others, techniques such as carbon sorption, redox treatment, phyco-remediation, UV-light mediated degradation etc. have been explored (Latha et al., 2019). Use of nanoparticles for dye-abatement (Fairuzi et al., 2018) has been proposed as a rapid, low-cost methodology (without the formation of polycyclic products and oxidation of pollutants). In this regard, we had resorted to test the efficacy of the TSNPs for decolorization of methylene blue (MB), a common cationic dye. We found that the TSNPs functioned as an efficient catalyst (Fig. 6 [A]) in decolourizing aqueous MB in presence of NaBH4. The decrease of absorbance at λmax (664 nm) of MB with time was followed spectrophotometrically. The bar diagram depicts the percentage of MB degradation with exposure time (Fig. 6 [B]). The degradation-percentage (%) of the dye was calculated by using the formula:
Dye degradation (%) = (A0 - A/A0) x 100 [4]
where, A0 is the initial concentration of MB solution and A is the concentration after t minutes of reaction.
In the absence of the nanocatalyst, the dye-decolourization was found to the negligible. Addition of the nanoparticles resulted in more than 50% decolourization in less than 20 min. The kinetic data were fitted to first order rate equations value (Fig. 6 [C]). The nanoparticles are envisaged to act as electron relay and initiate shifting of electron from BH4− ion (donor B2H4/BH4−) to acceptor (acceptor LMB/MB), leading to reduction of the dye. Concomitant adsorption of the BH4− ion on the surface of the nanoparticles is followed by electron transfer from the BH4− ion into the dye via the the nanoparticles (Kumari et al., 2015).
3.2.2. DPPH scavenging (application as anti-oxidant)
The free radical scavenging of the TSNPs was evaluated in the present study. The percent scavenging of DPPH increased almost linearly with the increase in the concentration of the nanoparticles in the test samples. From the above plot, 50% DPPH scavenging was calculated for 243.42 µL of the TSNPs. Previously, we had reported DPPH based antioxidant activity of Colocasia esculenta based silver nanoparticles (Baruah et al., 2013). Similarly, we had also reported free radical scavenging using orange peel-based silver nanoparticles (Konwarh et al., 2011). Numerous anti-oxidants of the orange peel (pooled into the system during preparation and consequently surface-adsorbed) were proposed to act synergistically in that system. Furthermore, with a high surface area to volume ratio and an ambient electrostatic field with anti-oxidant bio-moieties on the surface, these silver nanoparticles were envisaged to develop a high tendency to interact with and reduce DPPH like species. In this work, although, a higher volume was required for our sample (in comparison to as reported by Konwarh et al. (2011), possibly due to lesser abundance of polyphenolic compounds in teff compared to orange peel) to display 50% scavenging, nevertheless, it raises the prospects of incorporating the prepared nanoparticles for developing of nanocomposite packaging materials with the facet of free radical scavenging. The nano-chemistry involved in this free radical scavenging attribute of the nanoparticles needs further investigation. However, this attribute of the TSNPs could have profound impact in the domain of nanomedicine as well.
3.2.3. Anticoagulant activity
Assessment of hemocompatibility of silver nanoparticles has been a prime focus in the domain of nanotoxicity. Amongst others, Krajewski et al. (2013) pointed out that silver nanoparticles, on contact with blood could modulate the coagulation cascade (the sequence of various biochemical events involved in coagulation) or the inflammatory response. Shrivastava et al. (2009) had proved the potential of antiplatelet and antithrombic effect of silver nanoparticles and concluded that the silver nanoparticles have innate antiplatelet property which prevents integrin-mediated platelet responses. Kim et al. (2013) demonstrated that the anticoagulant property of heparin was enhanced by the addition of earthworm extract mediated gold nanoparticles. In our study, the anticoagulant property of TSNPs was examined by the addition of TSNPs to freshly collected blood (Fig. 8). Blood clot was observed in the tube without any anti-coagulant. Blood collected in the EDTA-tube served as the control. On the other hand, no clot with prolonged stability was observed for the blood collected in vials, supplemented with the TSNPs. This confirmed that the TSNPs could serve as blood anticoagulant. This is in accordance with the results obtained by Jeyaraj et al., (2013) and Raja et al., (2015). However, the effect of the nanoparticles on the morphology, population and functionality of the other blood cells must be studied in details.
3.2.4. Effect on seed germination (Phytocompatibility assessment)
Exotics like nanoparticles can penetrate via the cell wall, primarily composed of polymeric carbohydrates, prior to membrane invagination in plant cells (Konwarh et al., 2011) and can lead to alteration in various physiological activities of the plants. In this backdrop, investigation of the modulation of the phyto-physiology, assessed in terms of seed germination due to the plausible penetration of the TSNPs was one of the propositions in this work (Fig. 9). Plant seeds showing emergence of radicle or cotyledon coming out of the seed coat were recorded as being germinated in the present experiment.
In our experiment, it was observed that the average germination rate remained unchanged for the treated seeds with respect to the control. However, significant difference was noted for the average radicle length post four days of incubation (Table 1).
Table 1
Phytotoxicity assessment of the TSNPs - on germination and radicle length of Cicer arientinum
Sample | Average germination rate (%) of the seeds | Average radicle length (cm) post four days of incubation |
Control (Sample code: C) | 98% | 2.1 ± 0.3 |
TSNPs (25 µL in 50 mL distilled water, resulting in final concentration of 0.84 µg/mL TSNPs) (Sample code: 1) | 100% | 2.3 ± 0.2 |
TSNPs (100 µL in 50 mL distilled water, resulting in final concentration of 3.36 µg/mL TSNPs) (Sample code: 2) | 100% | 3.6 ± 0.3 |
TSNPs (200 µL in 50 mL distilled water, resulting in final concentration of 6.72 µg/mL TSNPs) (Sample code: 3) | 98% | 4 ± 0.2 |
TSNPs (300 µL in 50 mL distilled water, resulting in final concentration of 10.08 µg/mL TSNPs) (Sample code: 4) | 99% | 4.4 ± 0.2 |
TSNPs (400 µL in 50 mL distilled water, resulting in final concentration of 13.44 µg/mL TSNPs) (Sample code: 5) | 100% | 4.6 ± 0.2 |
TSNPs (500 µL in 50 mL distilled water, resulting in final concentration of 16.8 µg/mL TSNPs) (Sample code: 6) | 99% | 4.4 ± 0.1 |
There exist contrasting reports on the phytomodulatory effects of different nanoparticles. Shi et al., 2019 had reported the germination-inhibitory effect of gold nanoparticles on mung-bean (Phaseolus radiates). With increasing concentration of gold nanoparticles, chlorophyll and nitrogen contents in leaves decreased, superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT) activities in both shoot and root increased first and then decreased, while the malondialdehyde (MDA) contents increased. On the other hand, at the end of 60 days of cultivation, Timoteo et al., 2019 documented that the in vitro germination of Physalis peruviana L. is not affected by the presence of AgNPs and that at low concentrations (0.385 mg L − 1) it can promote an increase in seedlings biomass. However, higher concentration (15.4 mg L− 1) was found to reduce the seedling size and root system, but no changes were observed in the seedlings’ antioxidant metabolism and anatomy. On similar veins, various tested concentrations of AgNPs (10, 20, 40 ppm) were found to promote both the shoot and root growth which was evident from the increased length and biomass of rice seedlings (Gupta et al., 2018). Exposure to AgNPs was also found to significantly increase the chlorophyll a and carotenoid contents. The molecular basis of these observation needs further investigation. Our preliminary investigation has shown that TSNPs do have a phytophysiology modulatory effect, as reflected in the differential radicle length. It is to be noted that the aqueous teff extract did not influence the seed-germination negatively and the results were in lines parallel to that of the control. Besides delving into the effect on the shoot length and survival percentage of the seedlings post transplantation, a number of questions have to addressed in future studies: Will the effect of the prepared samples and the consequences of the internalization and bio-distribution be same for both dicot and monocot plants? Does the penetration of Ag NPs into the root cells help the plants to ward off soil pathogens or lead to the loss of beneficial microflora peripheral to the roots? Furthermore, investigation is needed to clarify the contribution of dissolution to the toxicity of these metal-based nanoparticles.