To investigate the genetic basis of the formation of tooth and periodontal tissues in medaka, we examined the expression of several scpp genes encoded in the medaka genome. The present study is the first to describe the expression patterns of scpp genes during pharyngeal teeth formation and replacement in medaka.
The role of scpp genes in dentin formation
The expression levels of scpp1 and scpp5 in medaka were higher in pharyngeal tissues (Fig. 2a). Expression of scpp1 was detected only in odontoblasts in tooth germ, and scpp5 was expressed in both ide and odontoblasts in tooth germ (Fig. 4a, d). These tooth germ expression patterns are similar to those of fugu, zebrafish, and cichlids [7, 8, 15]. Interestingly, expression of scpp5 was detected only in odontoblasts of functional teeth, and no other scpp gene was expressed in these cells (Fig. 5d). In addition, seahorses and pipefish (family Syngnathidae) are toothless, a phenomenon known as edentulism, and in seahorses, scpp5 is a pseudogene [18]. Furthermore, the pharyngeal teeth in scpp5-deficient zebrafish exhibit a distinct phenotype characterized by fewer functional teeth [19]. In addition, the expression patterns of scpp1 and scpp5 were similar to those of dentin sialo phosphoprotein (Dspp) genes in rats and mice [16, 17]. Although the genomic position of scpp1 in zebrafish is similar to that of Dspp and dentin matrix protein 1 (Dmp1), the amino acid sequence of scpp1 differs from that of Dspp and Dmp1 [8]. Furthermore, no Dspp or Dmp1 orthologues have been found in fish [8]. These results suggest that both scpp1 and scpp5 in medaka play a critical role in dentin formation.
The role of scpp genes in enameloid formation
Among the scpp genes of medaka, the expression of scpp2, -4, -5, -7, -9, enam, and sparc was detected in the ide (Fig. 4b, c, d, e, f, and Fig. 7). These expression patterns were consistent with those in fugu and zebrafish [7, 8]. Kawasaki et al. reported that scpp2, -4, -5, and − 9 play important roles during enameloid formation in fish [7, 8, 20]. The genes scpp4, -5, -7, and − 9 are fish specific. The scpp2 gene encodes ODAM and is an orthologue of a gene found in mice. In mice, ODAM is expressed in the inner enamel epithelium and junctional epithelium [21, 22] and modulates the mineralization of enamel via the regulation of matrix metalloproteinase–20 in cooperation with Runx2 [23]. The above results suggest that the expression of scpp genes is also involved in the formation of highly mineralized tissues such as cap enameloid (acrodin).
In fish, enameloid is usually found at the tooth cap, and it is called cap enameloid (acrodin) [24]. Moreover, in Polypterus senegalus, collar enamel forms at the surface of the tooth shaft [24], while only cap enameloid (acrodin) is observed in medaka. Kawasaki et al. reported that scpp2 and scpp9 are involved in the hyper-mineralization of collar enameloid in addition to cap enameloid (acrodin) [8]. A recent study reported that scpp5, ameloblastin, and enam are expressed in the ide cells adjacent to the surface of the tooth shaft in gar and zebrafish [20]. Interestingly, in the present study of medaka, no expression of scpp5, scpp9, or enam was detected in the cells adjacent to the surface of the tooth shaft, whereas scpp2 was only detected in those cells (Figs. 4b and 7). Thus, the expression of scpp2 in medaka appears to be related to another role for ODAM in mediating active adhesion mechanisms at the junctional epithelium [25]. These data suggest that expression of scpp2 adjacent to the surface of the tooth shaft in medaka contributes to active adhesion to the epithelial tissue adjacent to the tooth shaft rather than playing a role in hyper-mineralization.
Other scpp genes
In channel catfish, scpp7 is highly expressed in the skin [26]. In the present study, total RNA was extracted from fin ray bone without peeling the epithelium, and analyses revealed that scpp7 was strongly expressed in fin ray bone (Fig. 2a). In ISH, transcripts for scpp7 were detected in the epithelial cells adjacent to the fin ray bone (Additional file 1). In addition, scpp5, scpp7, spp1, and sparc are expressed over time during scale regeneration in zebrafish [27]. These results suggest that scpp7 expression during skin and scale formation and regeneration might be critical.
Spp1 encodes osteopontin, a sialic acid–rich, phosphorylated, integrin-binding extracellular matrix glycoprotein that enhances osteoclast activity [28, 29]. The inhibitory effect of osteopontin on calcification depends on the degree of phosphorylation of serine [28]. In medaka, pharyngeal teeth replacement is accompanied by the remodeling of pedicles, which occurs under the first functional teeth [5]. Such dynamic tooth replacement is associated with the dynamic resorption of pedicles by the large population of TRAP-positive osteoclasts [6]. Bone matrix–resorbing osteoclasts are anchored by osteopontin bound both to the mineral of the bone matrix and to a vitronectin receptor on the osteoclast plasma membrane [30]. In addition, osteopontin is involved in cell attachment during cementogenesis in mice [10]. In the present study, strong spp1 expression was detected in mesenchymal cells on the anterior side of pedicles (Fig. 5i). TRAP-positive cells were also observed in the anterior side of the first pedicles (Fig. 2h). In contrast, spp1 expression was detected in mesenchymal cells on the posterior side of pedicles (Fig. 5i). These results suggest that the expression pattern of spp1 reflects the process of tooth replacement.
Sparc, also known as osteonectin or basement membrane protein 40, is one of the most abundant collagenous proteins in bone [31]. Sparc is expressed in both mineralized and non-mineralized tissues [31]. Osteonectin-null mice exhibit decreased bone remodeling with a negative balance, which causes profound osteopenia [32]. In the present study, the expression pattern of sparc in the tooth germ was similar to that in fugu, zebrafish, and cichlids [7, 8, 33]. In catsharks, sparc is expressed in odontoblasts, and in thornback rays, it is weakly expressed in the mesenchyme cells of tooth buds [34]. These results suggest that homologous gene expression occurs during tooth development in teleosts and chondrichthyans. In the functional teeth of medaka, sparc was continuously expressed in the mesenchymal cells during formation of the pharyngeal teeth and pedicles (Fig. 4h). The expression pattern of sparc during pharyngeal teeth formation in this study was consistent with that in mice, suggesting that sparc has a similar function in teleosts and mammals.
The expression patterns of mineralized tissue-related genes change during the tooth replacement process
Our previous study indicated that individual functional teeth and their successional teeth are organized into families [4]. The pharyngeal teeth of medaka are replaced with the next group of teeth within 4 weeks [4]. Tooth replacement in medaka involves pedicle remodeling by osteoblasts and osteoclasts [5]. In the present study, sparc and col1a1, which are osteoblast markers, were expressed in the posterior side of the first pedicles but not in the anterior side (Fig. 6h, j), and sp7 expression was observed in the posterior side of the second pedicles (Fig. 6l). In addition, enam was expressed in the second pedicle during the process of bone formation, but no enam expression was observed in the already-formed first pedicles (Figs. 5g, 6g). These expression patterns suggest that ameloblastin and enam indirectly regulate osteoclasts in a negative manner [35]. In contrast, numerous TRAP-positive cells and spp1 expression were detected in the anterior side of the first pedicles (Fig. 3h). Considered collectively, these expression patterns are consistent with the cell dynamics of pedicle remodeling during tooth replacement.
Is the pedicle a bone-like tissue or a tooth-like tissue?
Two major points must be considered to answer this question. One is that scpp genes are specifically expressed in the cells that form dentin and pedicles. In this study, the expression of only scpp1 and scpp5 was detected in odontoblasts. Scpp5 transcripts were expressed in odontoblasts during the stages from tooth germ formation to the formation of functional teeth. Previous studies have shown that scpp5 exhibits a similar expression pattern in fugu, zebrafish, and gar [7, 8, 20]. A recent study reported that the pharyngeal teeth in scpp5-deficient zebrafish exhibit a distinct phenotype, particularly a decreased number of functional teeth [19]. Thus, scpp5 plays a role in dentin formation in fish. In the present study, scpp1 and scpp5 were not expressed in the pedicles, whereas spp1, enam, runx2, and sp7 were expressed in the pedicles. Interestingly, many of these factors cause morphological abnormalities in the tooth roots of mammals. For example, in mice, Spp1 is expressed strongly by osteoblasts in alveolar bone but rarely expressed in odontoblasts [36]. In enam-deficient mice, excessive absorption of dentin and cementum of the tooth root was observed [37]. In runx2-overexpressing mice, the tooth roots form osteodentin-like structures [38]. In addition, the jaw teeth of sp7-mutant medaka and zebrafish fail to form pedicles [39, 40]. A micro-computed tomography analysis revealed that Osterix conditional knock-out mice have short roots and a thin dentin matrix [41]. These expression patterns parallel those of medaka (Figs. 5, 6, and 7).
The other major point that must be considered is that the epithelial elongation of the enameloid organs terminates at a certain level during tooth formation in fish such as medaka. Tooth development is controlled by interactions between the epithelium and mesenchyme. In tooth development in mammals, the cervical loop grows after the crown formation stage, becoming Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath. However, the extent to which Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath descends toward the root apex varies in different species [42]. The teeth of medaka are also formed by interactions between the epithelium and mesenchyme. However, no epithelial tissue adjacent to the pedicle is observed during pedicle formation. These characteristics of scpp expression and epithelial elongation suggest that the pedicle is a bone-like tissue rather than a tooth-like tissue.