Threshold growth in the LI-RADS is controversial in the diagnostic performance of HCC. In this study, there was no statistically significant difference in the frequency of threshold growth between HCCs and non-HCC malignancies, and certain benign lesions may also show threshold growth. The diagnostic performance of HCC was not affected either by removing threshold growth or by replacing threshold growth with a highly frequent AF.
Among the MFs, APHE and “washout” showed high sensitivity for progressed HCC as the arterial blood supply increased and the portal supply decreased in HCC [9, 10]. In addition, although the sensitivity of enhancing “capsule” was lower than that of APHE and “washout” reported in previous literature, the specificity was higher because it reflects the pseudocapsule composed of compressed fibrous tissue and dilated sinusoids around the HCC [11, 12]. The above three MFs have a definite pathological basis and are recognized by many HCC diagnosis and treatment guidelines [13, 14]. In our study, compared with non-HCC malignancies or benign lesions, HCCs showed significant differences in the APHE, “washout” and enhancing “capsule”, which is consistent with previous literature reports. However, there is no strong pathological support for threshold growth of HCC. In a previous multivariable analysis of CT/MRI LI-RADS, all MFs, except threshold growth, were associated with HCC (OR, 1.6; 95% CI: 0.7, 3.6; P = 0.07) [15]. In our study, there was no significant difference in threshold growth between HCCs and non-HCC malignancies. In general, malignant tumours tend to grow faster and more easily show threshold growth, which means that threshold growth can reflect the degree of the malignancy of lesions but cannot define the pathological types of lesions. Additionally, it is not a specific feature of HCC and appears in lesions from other malignancies. It has been reported that the tumour doubling times of HCC and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) overlap [16, 17]. In some benign lesions, such as abscesses, threshold growth in LI-RADS can also occur. In our study, there were 2 abscesses with threshold growth. Because the vasculature of some high-grade DNs is similar to that of early HCC, their features tend to be very similar [18], threshold growth also sometimes occurs in DNs. In this study, there were 7 DNs with threshold growth. Overall, these observations indicate that threshold growth has limited value in differentiating HCC from non-HCC malignancies and certain benign lesions.
According to the definition of threshold growth (size increase of a mass by ≥ 50% in ≤ 6 months), when the lesion is small, it is easier to achieve threshold growth. In other words, the initial tumour size can affect the likelihood of threshold growth. In our study, whether the lesion was HCC, non-HCC malignancy, or benign, those with threshold growth were smaller than those without threshold growth (all p < 0.05). It has been previously reported that smaller HCCs increase in size faster than larger HCCs [16, 19]; that is, small HCCs demonstrate shorter doubling times [20] and are more likely to have threshold growth. Our conclusions are consistent with this.
Among the AFs, some specific AFs show good performance in the diagnosis of HCC [21, 22].The nodule-in-nodule feature is a typical manifestation of tumour heterogeneity, and it is a variant of the “mosaic” architecture of HCC [23]. The development of most HCCs in patients with cirrhosis occur via a multistep process of carcinogenesis, from a regenerative nodule (RN) to a DN and finally to HCC [24]. The components of different stages are prone to coexisting in one nodule. Therefore, in LI-RADS v2018, the nodule-in-nodule feature is an AF favouring HCC in particular. Compared with studies from other groups, the nodule-in-nodule feature was more common in HCCs in our study (all p < 0.05). Therefore, it was selected as a highly frequent AF to replace threshold growth as a new MF of HCC.
When the categories were assigned using all MFs except threshold growth and when threshold growth was treated as an AF favouring malignancy, the sensitivity was slightly but non-significantly lower than that of LI-RADS v2018 (74.0% vs. 74.4%), while the specificity remained unchanged. That is, when the threshold growth was removed from the MFs, the diagnostic performance for HCC did not change. When the categories were assigned using all MFs except threshold growth and the nodule-in-nodule characteristic was considered a new MF, the sensitivity and accuracy for HCC were slightly but non-significantly higher than those of LI-RADS v2018 (all p > 0.05), and the specificity remained unchanged. That is, regardless of whether the threshold growth was removed from among the MFs or replaced by other highly frequent AFs, the final diagnostic performance of HCC remained unaffected.
Chernyak et al. [5] reported that when threshold growth is removed, 9% of LR-5 observations will be downgraded to LR-4, which will affect the management of fast-growing LR-5 lesions and cause unnecessary biopsy. However, the aforementioned study was based on LR-RADS v2014, and the concept of threshold growth at that time also included two other items, namely, new observations that are ≥ 10 mm at two years and show a ≥ 100% diameter increase at > 6 months. Therefore, the proportion of lesions with threshold growth was as high as 66.4% in that report. Obviously, this data cannot represent the actual situation after the simplified threshold growth definition of the LI-RADS v2018, and the relatively large number of patients with prior exams may have inflated the importance of threshold growth. In contrast, according to the definition of threshold growth in LI-RADS v2018, only 28.4% of patients that had prior exams and measurements of threshold growth in our study. In addition, the article emphasizes only that removing threshold growth will reduce the number of LR-5 classifications but does not verify the diagnostic performance and cannot explain whether there are other non-HCC lesions misclassified as LR-5 due to the threshold growth.
Another study reported that threshold growth was not a significant diagnostic indicator of HCC and was more common in non-HCC malignancies [6]. The conclusion of this paper was similar to that of our study. Therefore, this calls into question whether threshold growth should be regarded as an HCC-specific MF to guide the assignment of the category of observations, and this remains an unaddressed gap in knowledge. In addition, unlike other MFs, the measurement of threshold growth cannot be done for all observations; specifically, the number of observations for which threshold growth can be measured should be far lower than the total number of observations. In our study, the percentage of lesions that had prior exams and measurements of threshold growth was only 28.4% (121/426); this percentage is lower than the 43.2% reported by Park et al. [6]. It is also worth noting that threshold growth cannot be judged because many of the patients with lesions in our institution were actively treated when the lesions were first discovered and therefore did not meet the criterion for no treatment between the two examinations.
This study has several limitations: 1) There may have been selection bias due to the retrospective study design, the inclusion of hepatic observations confirmed by histopathology and exclusion of HCC confirmed by typical imaging findings. 2) Fewer LR-1 and LR-2 nodules were included in this study due to the lack of pathological diagnosis. 3) The sample size of patients with observations with threshold growth was small because there were few patiens that meet the conditions of no treatment between the two examinations.
In conclusion, threshold growth can occur in both HCC, non-HCC malignancies and certain benign lesions. The sizes of lesions with threshold growth are smaller than those without threshold growth. The diagnostic performance of LR-5 for HCC was not affected after removing the threshold growth or replacing threshold growth with the nodule-in-nodule architecture as the MF. In summary, LI-RADS cannot be used as the single solo diagnostic approach. The purpose of the ACR’s development of this algorithm is to convey confidence in the diagnosis of lesions in patients with a high risk of HCC [25]. Our research suggests that the algorithm can be further improved and made more accurate if it uses all kinds of features.