Supernormal Cd enrichment in the sphalerite lattice by oxidative dissolution. The Cd concentration in the Cd-rich core of sphalerite (5.20 ~ 8.67 wt.%) accompanied with greenockite inclusions is significantly higher than the Cd-poor inclusion-free mantle of sphalerite (0.48 ~ 3.00 wt.%) (Supplementary Table 1), as well as cadmiferous sphalerite from the Niujiaotang Zn-Cd deposit (0.82 ~ 2.34 wt.%)6. Such a significant change of composition in a single crystal-scale requires further discussion. The ore texture observation and EPMA analyses suggest that the Cd-rich domains in sphalerite are more porous than the Cd-poor domains (Fig. 1a-c). Such a phenomenon indicates hydrothermal dissolution took place simultaneously during or shortly after Cd-rich sphalerite crystallization. The inhomogeneous nature of fan-shaped and cloudy zonation patterns in Cd-rich sphalerite also asks for replacement origin rather than direct precipitation origin. The compositional inhomogeneity in Cd-rich sphalerite favors fluid-mineral reaction, rather than precipitation from hot solutions, because the rate of aqueous diffusion of trace elements is higher than that of the fluid-mineral reaction18.
The studied Cd-rich sphalerite host is characterized by anomalous reverse nonstoichiometry (sulfur < metal, supplementary Table 1), high density of {111} stack faults, and wurtzite-like lamellas (Fig. 2g-h). These features suggest low fugacity of sulfur during sphalerite precipitation2,19, or partial oxidation took place on existing sphalerite20. The partial oxidation model is more favored because both Cd and Zn (R = 0.69), as well as Cd and S (R = 0.88) are negatively correlated in Cd-rich sphalerite. Whereas no correlation is found in Cd-poor sphalerite and cadmiferous sphalerite in the Niujiaotang deposit, despite nonstoichiometry also occurs in these sphalerites. A plausible explanation is Cd substitution for Zn is accompanied with O substitution for S during oxidative dissolution on sphalerite, which causes relative increase of Cd concentration in sphalerite20.
Low-angle tilt boundary, a planar defect, has been recognized within the Cd-rich sphalerite host by HR-TEM observation (Fig. 2i and 2k). The TEM-EDS mapping reveals that further Cd-enrichment took place along and near the low-angle tilt boundary (Fig. 2j and 2l). The observation fills the gap of mineralogy evidence for trace element preferential incorporation into planar defects in sphalerite, which has long been proposed by Johan (1988)21. Previous study has predicted or observed crystallographic-controlled Cd incorporation preference: Along [111] or [110] growth zones22,23. However, such phenomenon was not observed in this study, suggesting that Cd incorporation in planar defects is not lattice-controlled. Thus, we tentatively propose that further supernormal Cd enrichment in the low-angle tilt boundary did not take place during sphalerite growth, rather, it happened via hydrothermal dissolution by Cd-bearing oxidative acid fluid along primarily existing structural defect since it represent a weak interface for alternation.
Cd-rich sulfide nanocrystal formation via coupled dissolution-reprecipitation reaction. Sulfide nanoparticles are generally formed via exsolution from host sulfides by posterior modification24, microbial metabolisms by sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB)25, and supersaturation nucleation during hydrothermal fluid mixing26. Recently, the hydrothermal coupled dissolution-reprecipitation reaction is considered as effective approach for nanocrystal formation27. This mechanism generally involves dissolution of an existing mineral and precipitation of a new phase composed of nanoparticles at the dissolving mineral-fluid interfaces28.
For the first time, non-crystalline Cd-rich sulfide aggregates was discovered in a dissolution pore of Cd-rich sphalerite host (Fig. 1f). The transition relationship between porous sphalerite-like aggregate and defect-rich crystalline sphalerite indicates pre-existence of a bulk sphalerite crystal that partially dissolved to form nanocrystals and dissolution pores (Fig. 3a). The TEM-EDS mapping further confirm the accumulation of amorphous Cd-Ag-S and Pb-S NPs at the wall of, and as fillings in nanoscale dissolution pores, respectively (Fig. 3a). Such a phenomenon indicates that dissolution of the sphalerite host is in accompany with simultaneous formation of the sphalerite NPs, and latter precipitation of Pb-S and Cd-Ag-S NPs. It is further confirmed by the appearance of nanoscale vein of galena NPs crosscutting the sphalerite NPs (Fig. 1f and 2e), and amorphous Cd-Ag-S NPs penetrating galena and sphalerite NPs (Fig. 3b, EDS mappings).
Under HAADF-STEM observation, abundant nanometric protrusions and etch pits appear around a dissolution pore, simultaneously with reprecipitation of galena and sphalerite NPs in the center of the dissolution pore (Fig. 3c, EDS mappings). These textures are indicators for hydrothermal oxidative dissolution of ZnS that mediated by H+ in the presence of other metal species29,30. Generally, such process results in the release of Zn2+ and oversaturation of reduced sulfur species at the surface of porous ZnS31,32. We speculate further reaction between redundant sulfur and Cd2+ and Pb2+ in aqueous phase at fluid-mineral interface may result in PbS and CdS oversaturation, causing their nucleation in the dissolution pores of the sphalerite-like aggregate. This process is also confirmed by metal deficiency relative to sulfur in greenockite inclusions, which is in contrast with their sulfur deficient sphalerite host. The Cd source for formation of greenockite may be dual-sourced. Both redistribution of Cd formerly contained within dissolved Cd-rich sphalerite, and addition of Cd together with Cu, Ag, and Pb during greenockite NPs formation may occurred9,30. Apart from Cd enrichment, only traces of Ag (100 ~ 920 ppm) and Pb (< detection limit) incorporate into the Cd-rich sphalerite (Supplementary Table 1). Thus, it is of necessity for metal supply by hydrothermal fluids that rich in Cd, Ag, and Pb.
As discussed above, a Cd-, Ag-, and Pb-bearing metalliferous, oxidative and acid fluid is required for coupled dissolution-reprecipitation models for Cd-rich sulfide NPs’ nucleation. In the Jinding deposit, previous study has confirmed that from stage 1 disseminated galena (109 ~ 432 ppm Cd, 56 ~ 66 Zn/Cd), stage 2 vein-type pyrite (23 ~ 1659 ppm Cd, 30 ~ 175 Zn/Cd), to stage 3 coarse grained galena (1983 ppm, 20 Zn/Cd), the Cd concentrations and Cd/Zn ratios in fluid inclusions increase significantly33. The increase of Cd/Zn ratios may be attributed to temperature decrease from early to late stage, and/or H2S-dominated hydrothermal nature of fluids in early stage during massive precipitation of pyrite and marcasite (Spplementary Fig. 1b-c), which forbids Cd corporation into sphalerite of stage 1 and stage 2, and relative condensation in stage 37. Notably, the massive precipitation of pyrite and marcasite can also produce superfluous H+ that needed for acid leaching of sphalerite34. Form early to last stage, the hydrothermal fluid gradually becomes oxidative, as confirmed by barite-only veins that crosscut Cd-rich sphalerite domains (Fig. 1a). Thus, a late-stage, highly evolved hydrothermal fluid can serve as candidate, as proposed by Tarkian and Breskovska (1989)35, for Cd supernormal enrichment via hydrothermal coupled dissolution-reprecipitation reaction.
The mechanism is also thermodynamically favored. It is found that sphalerite with moderately high Zn/Cd ratios (> 20, Cd content < 8 wt.%) are relatively stable, and dissolved at much slower rates than sulfides with low Zn/Cd ratios under acid and oxidative conditions36. The Cd-rich nanoparticles appear exclusively within the Cd-rich sphalerite domains, which is more likely to be dissolved by oxidative acid hydrothermal fluids to provide metals and open space for nanoparticle nucleation. Previous studies also support the relative solubilities of sulfide follow the trend of ZnS > PbS ≥ CdS under acid and oxidized aqueous conditions37, which is in agreement with the formation trend of ZnS→PbS→Cd-Ag-S NPs. Besides, The Cd- and Pb-dopped sphalerite exposed to oxygen and acid can form a series of sulfide voltaic cells including ZnS-PbS and ZnS-CdS pairs. The ZnS with a lower electrochemical potential act as anodes and are prone to oxidative dissolution, whereas the CdS and PbS act as cathodes with higher electrochemical potentials and are protected from oxidation, and can remain in sphalerite and/or oversaturate to form sulfide NPs38.
Theoretically, minerals pass through a transitory nanocrystal stage during formation39. However, this stage tends to be transitory and metastable, and rarely be preserved in geological settings40. In this study, naturally formed sphalerite, galena, and greenockite nanocrystals, as well as their crystalline counterparts was identified in Cd-rich sphalerite from a MVT Zn-Pb deposit, asking for further interpretation. One possible mechanism is proposed for preservation of Cd-rich sulfide nanoparticles: Appearance of natural organic matters (NOMs), especially carboxylic acids (C6H5O73−) in hydrothermal fluids, as passivators against nanoparticle recrystallization41–43. Notably, hydrocarbon-bearing aqueous inclusions as well as solid bitumen are ubiquitously distributed in sphalerite-rich ores of the Jinding deposit44. Besides, extremely Cd-isotope fraction in sphalerite in the Jinding deposit has been attributed to the presence of bacterial metabolic Zn-carboxylate in hydrothermal fluids45. The NPs observed are hosted in dissolution pores. As sphalerite forms from hydrothermal solutions that rich in organic matters, organic molecules in relics of those solutions can be capsulated in dissolution pores, coating the NPs’ surface, and inhibiting the aggregation of these NPs46. However, if organic molecules are absent and Cd is sufficient at sub-micron hydrothermal environments, greenockite and/or galena NPs will soon grow and coarsen to form bulk minerals.
A comprehensive model for supernormal enrichment of Cd in sphalerite. We establish a coupled dissolution-reprecipitation reaction model of supernormal enrichment of Cd in sphalerite both as solid solutions and as nanocrystalline to bulk greenockite inclusions (Fig. 4). A preexisting sphalerite is required that is precipitated at a relatively high-temperature, reduced hydrothermal environment. Near neutral condition is supposed for carbonate buffering effect. Cd2+ incorporation into sphalerite as solid solutions in moderate concentration (~ 2 wt.%). Primary defect, such as low-angle tilt boundary, is formed during sphalerite growth (Fig. 4a). Since hydrothermal activity in most of MVT deposit is multi-pulsed, a highly evolved low-temperature, SO42--dominated, and acidic hydrothermal fluid, where iron sulfide has been massively removed, and Cd, Pb and Ag has been further concentrated, injects into the space where sphalerite is precipitating. Acid leaching as well as oxidative dissolution take place at fluid-mineral interface (Fig. 4b). Subsequent reprecipitation of Cd-rich nanoparticles and bulk sulfide inclusions, as well as formation of porous domain of sphalerite is triggered by mixing of metals and reduced sulfur species as a result of oxidative dissolution. Further enrichment of Cd also happens in the sphalerite lattice as well as structural defects (Fig. 4c). As soon as fluid supply is cut off, normal precipitation of Cd-poor sphalerite take place. Cd concentration in newly formed sphalerite decreased because of excessive removal of the metal at the early stage (Fig. 4d).
Our investigation suggests hydrothermal process, such as coupled dissolution-reprecipitation reaction, can directly attribute to supernormal Cd enrichment, which provides new insights for critical-element mineralization. Such model may also be applicable to Ge redistribution during weathering of sphalerite in some non-sulfide Pb-Zn deposits47, since chemical weathering by supergene fluids takes place primarily by dissolution-reprecipitation processes48,49. The dissolution-reprecipitation reaction model for sulfide nanocrystal formation may also shed light on effective synthesis approach for II-VI semiconductor materials, such as ZnS, PbS, CdS nanomaterials. Actually, the complex sulfide, such as (Ni,Fe)3S4, has already been successfully prepared via a coupled dissolution-reprecipitation pathway by using a hydrothermal flow-through cell50, which suggest its broad application prospect.