Contrary to our hypothesis, we could not detect any acute airway neutrophilia following exposure to wood smoke. In contrast, there were signs of cytotoxicity in BAL fluid, in terms of increased LDH levels, decreased cellular viability and reduced bacterial phagocytic capacity ex vivo. Furthermore, in vitro cell studies with wood smoke particles collected from the exposure chamber, showed decreased metabolic activity, increased DNA damage and cell cycle disturbances. We did not detect any signs of neutrophilic airway inflammation after wood smoke exposure, neither at 6 hours nor at 24 hours, which differs to findings from a series of controlled diesel exhaust and ozone studies (17, 18, 28).
A previous wood smoke exposure study in humans has reported an increase in the percentage of neutrophils in BAL and in blood 20 h after exposure to smouldering hardwood (26), but it is not clear whether the total number of neutrophils was increased. Rather than strong pro-inflammatory airway effects, data from previous wood smoke exposure studies in humans (22, 27) indicate possible cytotoxic effects and impairment of the immune defence. However, to be able to reject the hypothesis that wood smoke induces airway inflammation, responses in the airway epithelium and submucosa also need to be explored.
In BAL, a small, but significant increase in LDH was seen, indicative of cytotoxicity, as LDH is considered a marker for cell or tissue damage. LDH is an intracellular protein that is released upon damage of the cell membrane, which can be due to apoptosis, necrosis or other forms of cellular injury (29). The source could be both cell populations present in the airway lumen, available by the lavage procedures, and the bronchoalveolar epithelial surfaces and submucosa. BAL cells did show an impaired phagocytic capacity of bacteria ex vivo and also a reduced viability, reflected by flow cytometry techniques. The fact that the BAL alveolar macrophage cell numbers were not reduced, despite significantly impaired viability, could have been due to an influx of macrophages, in demand for increased clearance of combustion particles (30). Such an event could have balanced a parallel loss of macrophages, as a result of impaired cell membrane integrity, as reflected by the increased LDH levels.
The tendency of a decrease in macrophages in BW is suggestive of an early sign of cytotoxicity at the 6-hour time point in the proximal airways. This could have developed to a more established state of cytotoxicity at 24 hours, as was present and demonstrated in terms of significantly reduced BW macrophages at the later time point in our preceding study (27).
Alveolar macrophages have a crucial role in the innate immune response. Macrophages are present in the respiratory lining fluid and serve as first line defence, as they phagocytose and kill airway pathogens intracellularly. One of their functions is also to recruit inflammatory cells to the lung and an impaired macrophage response can therefore affect the pulmonary inflammatory cascade negatively (14). Here, we report decreased phagocytic capacity after wood smoke exposure. To our knowledge, this is the first report of decreased phagocytosing capacity by alveolar macrophages from human subjects already 6 hours after exposure to wood smoke. The phagocytosis analysis utilised in this manuscript uses macrophages from the bronchoalveolar compartment obtained through BAL, which were exposed in a realistic scenario with high internal validity. Our finding here with decreased phagocytic function may provide a possible explanation to the increased incidence of respiratory infections associated with wood smoke exposure (10, 31). There has been reports of affected phagocytosis among BAL cells in response to other air pollutants, such as diesel exhaust (30). Decreased phagocytic function has also been shown in macrophages obtained through BAL from humans chronically exposed to household air pollution (32), and decreased ability to restrict growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis has been reported in monocyte-derived macrophages exposed in vitro to PAHs derived from wood smoke, despite a dose-dependent increase of pro-inflammatory activation markers among the macrophages (33). Decreased phagocytic activity and higher bacterial load have also been reported in COPD patients chronically exposed to biomass smoke compared to tobacco smoke-associated COPD (34). That study used monocyte-derived macrophages extracted from peripheral blood and assessed phagocytic function comparing the different COPD groups with normal subjects, which suggests that biomass smoke may affect monocyte and macrophage phagocytosis more than tobacco smoke.
A small, but statistically significant, increase in lavage eosinophils was found after wood smoke exposure. Eosinophils are known to have a key role in asthma and higher levels predict worsening of the disease. In the present study, none of the participants were allergic or had asthma but nevertheless responded with an increase in airway eosinophils. Air pollution has been considered to contribute to the development and worsening of asthma due to oxidative responses and immune dysregulation (35, 36). Interestingly, the present findings are in accordance with our previous observations of increased eosinophils in BAL in healthy non-allergic, non-atopic participants at 6 hours after exposure to diesel exposure (20). Further research investigating bronchial mucosal biopsies may help to improve the understanding of the interaction between air pollution from combustion from biomass and engine exhaust on eosinophilic airway inflammation and airway disease.
In the present study, the mean PM1 concentration in the chamber was 409 µg/m3. Thus, the particle concentration in the chamber was high, but still reflects real-life exposure scenarios with indoor biomass burning (37, 38). The wood smoke contribution to PM levels in Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand has been shown to typically correspond to season-based averages 10–30 µg/m3, with outdoor peak concentrations of 100 µg/m3 or more (2). Earlier controlled human exposure studies to wood smoke have been performed with PM concentrations ranging from 180 to 1,115 µg/m3, but since exposure time has varied (1–4 hrs), the comparable exposure doses (time x concentration) fall between 380-1,115 µg (21). Since we aimed at comparing the results of the present study with earlier findings (27), an exposure dose close to our previous and most recent study was chosen. The exposure time was shortened from 3 to 2 hours and the concentration increased correspondingly, in order to perform exposure and bronchoscopy on the same day, at a six-hour interval.
In this study wood smoke from incomplete combustion conditions was used, resulting in PAH and soot rich PM, compared to more efficient biomass burning applications. The physicochemical properties of the particles are crucial for their toxicological properties and associated health effects (8). WSP tend to be more heterogenous than for example diesel exhaust particles, as combustion conditions might vary considerably and affect the physicochemical properties. Compared to our preceding study (27), the exposure characteristics was relatively similar except for the PAH-PM associated levels, which were notably elevated. PAHs are formed during incomplete combustion of biomass, as a product of thermal conversion of primary and secondary pyrolysis products, at high temperatures without access of oxygen (39). The formation and degradation (oxidation) are heavily sensitive to specific combustion conditions, where short events can contribute to very high emission levels. In this work, we have no clear explanation for the higher PAH level compared to the previous study, since all other available data indicate that the combustion conditions in the stove and exposure conditions in the chamber were very similar. Still, PAH analysis results may differ from different exposure occasions and, since different analysis methods for determining the PAHs were employed for the two studies, this can be part of the explanation for divergent PAH data.
In vitro exposure to WSP at concentrations above 75 µg/mL resulted in a concentration-dependent increase in DNA damage compared to air exposed control cells, but no increase in DNA damage was seen in BW and BAL after wood smoke exposure. DNA damage was expected, due to the high levels of PAH during the exposures, as many PAH compounds cause oxidative DNA damage and are well-known carcinogens (40, 41). Lack of DNA damage in short-term exposure scenarios in humans has previously been reported in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) (25, 42). However, an increase in DNA-repairing gene expression in PBMC after wood smoke exposure suggests that DNA repair function may be enhanced in response to short-term wood smoke (42). In chronic exposure scenarios DNA damage has been reported, indicating that the DNA repairing mechanisms may not be able to manage with the repeated insults (43, 44).
Human lung epithelial cell lines were exposed to WSP collected from the human chamber exposures. The cell lines utilised were chosen to investigate how airway epithelial cells may be affected, as well as to investigate toxicological mechanisms. Overall, the BEAS-2B cells showed a higher sensitivity to WSP than A549 cells, with extensive cell death at concentrations of 150 and 300 µg/mL. This may be due to the different origins of the cell lines, with A549 originating from a pulmonary adenocarcinoma and therefore may be more resistant to the effects of WSP, whereas the BEAS-B2 cells are from an immortalized cell line derived from a normal bronchial epithelium. (45, 46). This difference may also be reflected in the higher apoptosis rate among the BEAS-2B cell line compared with A549.
The standard exposure procedure in air pollution experiments in vitro has been to resuspend PM in liquid growth media. This may alter the particle composition, since adding e.g. nano particles directly in culture medium increases the possibility of particle agglomeration, which can affect the particle toxicity (47). In vivo cells are protected via the respiratory tract lining fluid and immune cells present within the airway epithelium, a scenario that is difficult to mimic in an in vitro setup. The method still remains valuable when elucidating the cellular mechanisms behind cell toxicity, while recognizing that complementary techniques including primary cells, 3D cultures and air liquid interphase have potential for enhanced precision, in complementary studies (48).
We also found an unexpected reduction in cellular ROS activity in BEAS-2B cells, since WSP have previously been reported to cause an increase in intracellular ROS activity (49). ROS activity was measured through fluorescence using the DCF assay, and the decreased fluorescence is expected to be related to the increased cell death and, consequently, reduced production of ROS.
With this study we can provide detailed data on the local airway response following a short-term exposure to a soot and PAH-rich wood smoke. The exposure set-up and combustion situation are well validated and controlled by combustion aerosol scientists, also responsible for the physiochemical characterisation of the wood smoke. We used bronchoscopy to perform local sampling from the proximal and distal airways, being the main target organ for inhaled air pollution, to highlight the responses in different regions of the lungs. The blinded randomised cross-over design provides high internal validity. Collected wood smoke particles from the experiments were further investigated in an in vitro system to address issues, which were more difficult to determine in the human samples.
Controlled exposure studies are usually limited to a single exposure and give information of a certain exposure level and time point, contrary to animal and cell experiments, which allows for larger numbers of scenarios to be investigated. In this study we failed to reach sex balance. Although both male and female subjects were included in the study, we were unable to perform any gender analysis in response to wood smoke, due to the low number of included female subjects. Further studies are warranted to assess if there are gender differences in response to wood smoke, especially when women are predominantly exposed in low- and middle-income countries. An earlier time point for bronchoscopy was chosen in the present study to investigate early airway responses to wood smoke. While aiming for a similar exposure dose (time x exposure concentration) as in the previous study at 24 hours post exposure, a shorter exposure time and hence a higher concentration was required to manage logistics for the research subjects, medical staff and laboratory labour.