Following pulpotomy, teeth are more susceptible to fracture (compared to healthy pulp). The reason for this is the presence of extended caries and the removal of extensive tooth structure during pulpotomy cavity preparation [15]. This increases cusp deflection and the risk of cusp fracture during chewing function [16]. Therefore, it is essential to use restorative materials that support the remaining tooth structure after the pulpotomy procedure.
Reviewing the pediatric dentistry literature, it is clear there are few studies evaluating the fracture resistance of pulpotomy teeth [13, 17, 18]. Moreover, there is no study evaluating the effect of base (intraorifice barrier) materials on the fracture resistance of pulpotomized teeth. Roghanizad and Jones [19] introduced the concept of an intracoronal barrier to prevent coronal leakage in endodontically treated teeth. Nagas et al. [20], also stated that intraorifice barriers can be used under final restorations to provide resistance against forces that cause vertical fractures in teeth. An intraorifice barrier material such as MTA or Biodentine is also used in pulpotomized teeth. Placement of the intraorifice barrier material is important in terms of protecting the health of the pulp tissue in the root, preventing microleakage, and supporting the teeth against fracture.
Removal of the roof of the pulp chamber during pulpotomy procedure considerably reduces the support for these teeth against chewing forces. Therefore, it is important that the materials to be placed both in the pulp chamber (as intraorifice material) and in the crown cavity are of a type that will protect the teeth against fracture [21–23]. In the present study, we evaluated the effect on the fracture resistance of primary teeth of two different tricalcium silicate materials used an intraorifice barrier material during pulpotomy.
For the present study, Class II MOD cavities were used to simulate the clinical situation during pulpotomy treatment. Lower primary molars were selected. Two types of materials (including MTA and Biodentine) were used for the pulpotomy treatment. In addition, an experimental group containing zinc oxide eugenol, another frequently preferred clinical material, was included in the study.
In studies investigating the effect of dental materials on the fracture resistance of teeth, the occlusal loading method during the test is important as it may affect the results. In many studies testing the fracture resistance of teeth, fracture resistance was tested by applying a vertical force to the center of the occlusal surface [24, 25]. In the present study, the fracture test was likewise performed by applying a vertical force. Nonetheless, because teeth will also be exposed to horizontal forces in the oral environment [22], this should be considered as a limitation of studies testing fracture resistance. In the present study, the effect of temperature changes and continuous chewing in the mouth was also simulated by exposing the teeth to the chewing simulator and thermo-cycler device.
The results of this study showed that the fracture resistance of the pulpotomized teeth was lower than that of the intact teeth. This may be associated with loss of tooth structure in pulpotomized teeth. This result is in line with previous studies which demonstrated that the fracture resistance of the teeth decreased after cavity preparation [15, 26]. Moreover, according to the results of the present study, the type of material used as intracoronal barrier material during pulpotomy procedure affected the fracture resistance of the teeth. In the present study, the increased force required to fracture teeth in Biodentine group relative to the other experimental groups could be explained by the smaller particle size and uniform components of Biodentine, which affects the adhesion of material into dentinal tubules [27]. Another possibility for this result may be that the compressive strength of Biodentine is higher than MTA and ZOE [28, 29]. It has been stated that compressive strength is an indicator of strength of the material [30]. Furthermore, compressive strength of the material is important when used in clinical situations, such as vital pulp therapy and coronal barriers [31].
Clinically, stainless steel crown, amalgam, and resin composite materials are frequently used as final restorative materials following pulpotomy treatment. In an in vitro study, it has been reported that amalgam restorations do not support or strengthen dental tissue in pulpotomized primary molars [18]. It has also been reported that in stainless steel crowns (another treatment option), plaque accumulation, formation of gingival problems, and changes in sulcus measurements may be encountered. Among the factors at the source of these problems are incorrect placement or excessive contouring of the stainless steel crowns [32]. As a result of these, it has been stated that oral hygiene may be difficult to provide, and plaque accumulation and disease in the gingival tissue may ocur [33]. In addition, the fact that neither amalgam nor stainless steel crowns are aesthetic materials increases the questionability of their use [34]. In the current study, composite resin restorative material was used in all experimental groups as the final restoration material in pulpotomized teeth. Considering the recent developments in the physical and chemical properties of composite materials, the use of composite resin as a restorative material in teeth undergoing pulpotomy has come to the fore. Resin composites can protect tooth structure and increase tooth strength against fracture [35]. It also has benefits such as maintaining the normal contact area between the teeth, avoiding trauma to the gingiva during the placement of a crown, and having an aesthetically pleasing appearance. El-Kalla and Garcia-Godoy [18] showed that the use of composite resin as final restorative material after pulpotomy increased the fracture resistance of teeth.